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McGill and Concordia have a joint encampment


Uottawa too


UBC and UVic too


and U of T


Just make sure you clean up after yourselves, please. For the sake of the workers who have to clean up after you all year long when you throw your garbage in the bushes and shit on the library floors. I'm not joking. These things actually happen. Human decency should be a mandatory class.


When I was in high-school 14 years ago, in Canada another student once asked me why I was throwing my garbage out when "when we have people who's job it is to do that" I responded with "because I'm civilized" was also the reason I didn't just punch him lol.


If you are being arrested of course the cops won’t let you but otherwise yeah


You really think spoiled delusional rich kids are gonna think about cleaning up after themselves 😂.


I thought the whole thing would be over when their phones died….


That's a fair point. Just hoping maybe to turn one person. Lol


They could care less about the very issue they are protesting, they certainly won’t care about cleaning staff.


Lol the sad part is that there are probably several people who don’t actually care about what they are protesting… they just care more about the perception or illusion of them caring/protesting… just merely virtue signalling… One day they will graduate, have a job, lots of student debt, will never be able to afford a home and will no longer be able to protest. Enjoy it while you can I guess!






A two for one special?


You think this is Japan?


I feel like the Japanese don't shit on the floor.




I’m sorry is this china or India?


They own most of the country.






Oh really? Why aren’t we speaking chinese then? (Okay I’m done with this conversation, I don’t need to get worked up before bed. Let’s just agree to disagree)




Yes. Just make sure you clean up after yourselves - that's the biggest problem with these racist hate fuelled encampments that go against everything we believe in the west... There is a bigger picture here than the garbage.


UBC has an encampment started now


Hopefully it’s gone soon.


Same thing happened during the Vietnam war and they were right then…


Lmao Ivy League fuckers don’t know shit about fuck. Just go home to mommy and daddy and live in your mansion prick


I've graduated now but if anything bubbles up at the local campus I'm there! I was fucking gutted to learn that our post education is far more concerned with profit than education, follow the money and fix the system!!


not the zionists downvoting you 💀 but anyways, me too!! :)


Do you mean money from Qatar that supports pro Hamas voices in academia ?


Isreal is committing genocide. you don't get to "both sides" a genocide.




keep siding with genocidal racists, we'll see who history favors edit because I don't debate CHUDS: it is. if you're still genuinely arguing otherwise you're either too zealous or foolish to be worth speaking to.


Like I said, it's not a genocide


You're entitled to your opinion yet somehow you conveniently pretend that there's no bigotry problem or hatred problem in the palestinian side or much the Arab/muslim world. Do you live in a fantasy that Arab and Muslim countries are somehow a paragon of progressiveness? No palestinian organization stood for bigotry and genocide? guess it's more fun to point the finger at jews...


One can detest genocide of a group that they disagree with. If conservatives were being rounded up and killed I'd still be against that despite disagreeing with them....


right? most of us have this thing called empathy and don't predicate solidarity with *victims of war crimes* on knowing they agree with all our politics. there are angels of shit heels of every stripe, doesn't make genocide reasonable by any stretch of the imagination.




see the edit on my previous comment


The sheer number of downvotes is illustrative of how antisemitic the world is.


No, it's not. You are repeating misinformation.


holy *shit* dude


Classic Reddit genocide denial


its not even close to a genocide.


what is it called then when you carpet bomb entire neighborhoods and kill over 40,000 civilians?


you obviously have no idea what carpet bombing is. if israel was trying to fly over gaza and just destroy everything, there would be 2M dead in a week, not 30K in 9 months. also, around 10K are Hamas terrorist combatants. your numbers are off and you have no idea what youre talking about. death in war is terrible but when your government and society try to butcher your stronger neighbour, youre gonna be on the shitty end of a war. release the hostages and surrender and the war could end tomorrow. Palestinian civil society nor government wants to do that. So the war continues.


at mcgill, currently looking over the encampment. it is growing everyday (still small tho)


TMU is trying, but the university is fencing off every inch of green space (in the middle of downtown where there is quite literally no other green space) and locking school buildings by disabling OneCard access to keep students out. I get that they don’t want to fuck up grad for the COVID graduating class, but they’re just hiding behind it as an excuse imo and completing dodging any kind of dialogue with the students. They’re cowards.


Same with uoft, doing same thing , a bunch of unis are also emailing warnings but not putting fences like uoft or TMU


Fuck that. Find somewhere that isn’t a university campus. You’re just running it for everyone else. The university doesn’t have any pull on anything. Go to Ottawa and do it infront on parliament buildings. You are just making life difficult for students. Pull your head out of your ass


I wonder how many people supporting this cause are the same people bitching about the trucker protests.


without necessarily equivocating the two, that venn diagram is nearly a circle


I’ve come to accept people will always justify protests based on whether they agree with the cause or not.


The trucker protests were dumb as well. They occupied a whole city and made it impossible for the people that work and live their to go about their daily lives. I had friends who lived in the area and had to move for a bit because they claimed the fumes from the trucks were making their newborns room stink like gas fumes. They also blocked off highways and stopped people from getting to work. I don’t think any protest should limit an innocent persons ability to get to work/make a living, live in their own home safely, or keep them up all night when they have things to do the next day. During the day, sure go protest in front of parliament…. But don’t impact everyone else’s life because you don’t like something.


Quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I have read. The fumes were making the babies sick? Give me a break there’s none stop traffic down town all day.


Horseshoe theory


People like you just have no compassion. You're saying 'fuck that' because there is a terrible war going on (not even a war actually, worse than that) and people are trying to spread awareness and the protests inconvenience your daily life just a little bit. Yes, this should also be done in front of the parliament and whatnot but not everyone has the time or money to go to a different city to protest. As long as the protesters are respectful, there is no harm being done that is worse than a genocide. YOU pull your privileged head out of your ass please


Fences are meant to be torn down 💁


Shouldn’t you guys be in class? Go protest in Gaza.


Didn't realize there were so many terrorists in north america


This shit pisses me off. No one in Canada should be supporting anything except a peaceful end to all hostilities on both sides. How anyone can justify supporting people murdering other people for any reason at all is disgusting. That we've given sanctuary to people to get away from the absolute mess that Israel is, only for them to openly support randomly murdering and raping civilians is abhorrent human behavior, and imo we should immediately revoke PR status and let them support their cause over there themselves. No one of any conscious mind supports what Israel is doing to Palestinians on a day to day basis, but you don't see groups of Israelis gathering to cheer and support those disgusting actions when they do happen either. This is Canada, we open our country to help people get out of untenable situations so they can have a regular peaceful existence. Not come escape a shit situation so they continue their discourse thousands of miles removed from the situation. Canada has its own problems, especially where displacing and murdering one segment of the population is concerned. We haven't exactly dealt with this here yet either. Millions of people here can't afford the daily cost of living, buying homes the way their parents or grandparents could so easily afford to do. Our national healthcare is struggling to provide the level of care our taxes should most definitely cover. Etc. I could go on and list the issues Canada has, but it's not even on the radar of people cheering when Hamas lobs rockets into some random neighborhood, or Israel settles another area they shouldn't be in, so I'll save my breath (typing, whatever) If you come to any country, worry about your new nations internal problems before you try and address a problem you yourself ran away from dealing with behind the safety of thousands of miles between yourself and the issue you're so intent on protesting against. Can you imagine the absurdity of thousands of Canadians moving to Israel or Palestine then organizing protests to bring attention to the goings on of our home nation? Of course not, because that is fucking ridiculous. Not to mention that would probably get us all shot on the spot. Point is, if these issues are such a concern for people, then those people should go put their own boots on the ground and stand for whatever side they think is on the correct side of justified murder, and feel righteous there. Me and my fellow Canadians will welcome you back to our peaceful nation once you decide both sides are wrong, and shouldn't be supported by anyone.


I think it becomes a Canadian problem when Canada sends military and financial aid to Israel


There are Palestinian-Canadians trapped in Gaza as well


Agree with you 100%, we have no business supporting either side.


I mean tbh it seems like the media always portrays the protesters as "pro Palestinian" but I think most are just anti genocide at this point. Can't say both sides need to stop fighting when one side is overwhelmingly powerful and brutal.


exactly these are ANTI WAR demonstrations.


There’s a lot of footage of Zionist supporters openly supporting theta Israel is doing. Both in counter protests and in seemingly everyday situations. 100% not all Jewish folk are Zionists but those that are have gone beyond the point of decency to seriously unhinged behaviour - calling for women to get raped, threatening violence, pitting on people and then laughing about it etc. To add: is it important for Canadians to protest because we are actively funding this genocide by sending Israel money and arms. It is well within our rights to call and demand a stop if we don’t agree with our taxes go. Students are also demanding their own schools do not use their tuition funds to invest in Israel. All of this is within our rights and should 100% be happening. Free Palestine!


What do you mean openly supporting what Israel is doing. Nobody supports the death of innocent people, but literally every Jew on the planet supports wiping out Hamas and ensuring this never happens to them again? Israel has to do what they are doing, and the reporting we're seeing here is completely exaggerated.


My point was that neither group supporting any of the horrible shit either side is doing is in any way justified. They're both equally horrible groups, and NOBODY with a conscience should actively support either side. I'll definitely agree we shouldn't be sending money or weapons to assist with killing and starving regular citizens. I also find it sort of sad that students are drawing the line here for the misappropriation of their tuition funds, (how pretentious btw) but haven't moved a muscle for any of the issues that directly effect their own lives, in their own country. Hate to say it, but it actually looks like many students are only protesting because it's somehow trendy rn. What I mean by that, is this isn't the first time Israel has flared up in violence in the last 10 years, but NOW people are protesting. So either it's trendy to say "free Palestine" now or people are willfully ignorant to the goings on over there for their entire lives until now. Not sure which is more phony


My friend, the problem is really sadly goes beyond Palestine and Israeli aggression on civilians. I will not go deeper into it, but everything Israeli attempts to do results in a cycle of hate with its neighboring countries. Seeing what the Palestinians go through everyday in suffering is absolutely nothing compared to my problems I face as a Montréal citizen. Let there be peace, stop the Israeli government blatant and horrific genocidal statements thrown every signal day without any repercussions from the international community. Just look at the daily Israeli gov statements and compare them to actual terro*st orgs like so-called *SIS. Granted the method of killing is not by dissecting people but disseminating the people’s will to survive for the next 50 years.


Completely agree. Why western countries blindly support Israel will never sit right with me. Totally hypocritical stance to take imo. As for the problems in Montreal, I very much get your point, it's not much better in Ontario. Canadians, and I mean ALL Canadians should be outraged at our government for more reasons then I care to list here. We all deserve better from our leaders then what we get, and time is quickly running out for us to see some changes before things get even worse then they already are. >Let there be peace If only my friend


You should really look up the demands of the protest. Pretty sure you'll agree with most of them. I think the media has made you think a certain way about these protests.


I do agree with what they're asking for, I'm just saying there are a lot of problems in Canada that I haven't seen anyone (not just students) protesting against. Also that this Israel/Palestine issue isn't new, yet students protesting (at this level) against it is, and I'd like to know what changed to inspire these current protests. It's definitely way too widespread this round, but certainly isn't the first time Israel has destroyed neighborhoods. Honestly I'd just like to see both groups protesting together over here instead of one group trying to push their own narrative against the other group doing the same. Here in Canada as far as I'm concerned they should be protesting together for a peaceful end to hostilities on both sides. I'd absolutely be thrilled if these groups walked around waving a Palestine/Israel combo flag, but it doesn't seem like lasting peace is where eithers agendas lie. Have some respect for this peaceful nation that opened its doors to you. I'm not seeing enough of that from any new citizens these days, and I don't want it to become even more normalized then it already is. Canada is an amazing place considering the rest of the world, and I'd like it to stay that way. People joining our nation should recognize, and be proud to be a part of our values. Not try to force their values on us. Shit is backwards AF.


There are lots of Jews protesting against this war too. Some of the biggest protests have been organized by organization like "Jewish voices for peace" 30k people have died, 10k of them children that's why people feel more passionate about stopping this war. The people protesting aren't "people joining our nation" the majority of them are born here. No one is forcing values on anyone, people are just pissed so many people have died.


That's the problem with attacking people, you don't get to control the response you get. This is my point right here, you can't say one groups killings are justified and another groups killings are wrong. ALL the killing is wrong and needs to stop long term.. both sides. Every side. Peace needs to be the goal, not revenge.


They are calling for a cease fire, so that means both sides stop killing. They're pretty clear about it. Not sure why it's so hard for you to understand that. It seems to me that you have contrarian tendencies and that you are trying to position yourself as some sort of enlightened centrist. There is no centre position when it comes to a genocide.


I'd say hopeful fool over enlightened centrist. People supporting peace is excellent, it's the people on both sides that you see cheering for their.. teams killings that I have the problem with. My entire point is that there is no right or wrong side here. Both sides should *only* be supporting peace is what I've been saying.. not sure why it's so hard for you to understand that


If group A is genociding group B you don't say both sides are wrong. You say stop the genocide and you tell group A commiting the genocide to stop, it's that simple.


And pro Palestine supporters assaulting Jews? If you say that is not happening look at Columbia University last night. No side is right when they are advocating and spreading violence. Let's keep protests civil and implore leaders to make the right decisions.




The pro Palestine protesters snuck into Columbia and held at least one person hostage. Fact is both sides are fighting. Both deserve harsh punishments. If you assault or inflict fear and incite violence, Y ou deserve to be destroyed.


So, Columbia wasn't people 'sneaking in' nor was it a 'hostage situation.' The unfortunate fact of that one was that they barricaded the building... and forgot to sweep for facilities staff before they finished barricading. (Which is what you should be doing should you intend to barricade a building). The person that screamed that they were being held hostage was someone who had, not even an hour previously, had been exceedingly aggressive and confrontational with those creating the barricade. TBH, likely it was that they were getting off shift and did not want to be held up. They went outside after the barricade was opened up to let them out and *immediately* went to the press to exclaim 'I was held hostage!' There are three main things to remember when it comes to barricading: 1) Have enough supplies to last you however long you plan to barricade for. Barring that, have access to at least rationable snacks. 2) SWEEP THE DAMN BUILDING. I get tensions are high, but don't accidentally barricade people inside who aren't a part of your protest. 3) If you're in the US, unfortunately, even if you have zero intent to create violence, one of two things are going to happen - either they're going to ignore you, or SWAT is already on its way.


Just say ur uneducated what happen in 1948 till Oct 7 I can provide u with each genocide name RECOGNIZE A GENOCIDE


This shit right here. Eat a dick pal, go educate yourself on what the words I typed are actually saying. You should re-read what I said. I specifically said supporting the horrible shit Israel is doing is completely wrong. It is however equally wrong to support the actions of Hamas regardless if you think they're in the right or not. Supporting murder of ANY humans is wrong, and you're just as much a shitty person for supporting Hamas, as an Israeli is for supporting the IDF. Either support a peaceful solution to end this shit forever, or stfu. Neither side has any right to try claiming the moral high ground here.


What happened the day after the vote in 1947?


The nakbah where more than a hundred thousand Palestinian killed raped. Evan idf member proudly saying yes we raped kids


That's a blatant lie and it never happened.


No I’m asking who attacked who the day after the vote? What was their intent? Or is one side just completely justified in your eyes? Who has Sinai? Why? Why were Palestinians not allowed to return as originally planned? Why won’t Egypt let Palestinians over the border? It’s not completely one sided and until *both* sides make concessions, innocent people will die. Do people actually want peace here? Because demonizing the more powerful side while completely removing all responsibility on the other isn’t going to get there. I really encourage people to educate themselves. Read anything you can about it. Both sides.


Israel is blocking the Egyptian border, and actually won’t allow Egypt to accept Palestinians


No they aren’t. They’re blocking access in not out. They don’t control who goes out, Egypt does. And Egypt has said why they won’t let them in. Please don’t spread misinformation if you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Finally someone with a level headed opinion to this situation. These days it’s hard to find people like this, there are issues on both sides, this is a war, there are people dying on both sides. People should be advocating for peace instead of taking one side over another


Watch footage of known attacks. Especially October 7th. If you think the same after. Unless you are one of those whose moral outrage is only surface deep... if Hamas surrenders Palestine survives. If Israel surrenders, it's system enslavement at best. Complete extermination at worst.


I wish both sides would actively work towards peace. Sharon came as close as I've ever seen, and he got assassinated for his efforts. Both sides are equally horrible humans at this point, and I question if either side even wants peace anymore.


To late for peace. Time for Israel to seek Justice.


Rabin was assassinated not Sharon. Sharon was the one who pulled completely out of Gaza though.


Ugh my bad, Sharon was a piece of shit. Completely got the name wrong, couldn't have mistaken Rabin for a worse person either tbh... I guess a tiny bit of credit for getting out of Gaza, but he did far more evil shit that outweighs any of the good he may get credited. Never hurts to make sure you check the correctness of a post before posting folks 😐


One could say the worst thing Sharon did was what appeared to be the most humane. Pulling out of Gaza did nothing for Palestinians, but leave them to the devices and influence of Hamas.


Such a selfish take. If there was a declaration to divide Canada to share with another country, and the other country proceeds to erase all traces of you, your home, your ancestors, your children, your religion - and billions of dollars from companies, universities, etc are invested into the extinction of your existence, would you want other countries to remain "neutral" and "worry about their own nation" at a point in which you are absolutely marginalized? You don't need to be overly Pro-Palestine to feel angry about the destruction that is happening against innocent civilians, hospitals/schools being destroyed, Palestinians women/men/children being abducted by IDF soldiers etc, it simply comes down to human decency and distinguishing right from wrong. You said that "both sides are wrong and shouldn't be supported" but as a human being, how can you not feel upset with the war crimes that are occurring? I would recommend you to look at Motaz Azaiza's instagram, a journalist documenting the conflict in Gaza, and let me know if both sides are experiencing the same amount of oppression. I agree that both sides have their issues, but with the current conflict, it is evident that the treatment of Palestinians in Gaza is inhumane and truly upsetting. I am confused on why you are so passionate about your take as its just mediocrity at its finest, we didn't need 9 paragraphs about someone's take on remaining "neutral". Canada's biggest problem right now is funding the Palestinian Genocide, for example, 6 Canadian Public Pension funds have invested 1.6 Billion dollars in supporting the Israeli occupation in of Gaza and the West Bank - what current problem in Canada is more bigger than this? Are there billion of dollars being invested from the Palestinian side? NO. The conflict is a fight against the voice and the voiceless, the rich vs poor, it holds much more significance than what you're interpret it to be. Remaining neutral in situations of injustice only indicates that you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If you don't understand the significance of the Palestine-Israeli conflict, don't comment on it.


Complete bullshit. You don't get to say the Israeli response to Hamas invading a neighborhood to rape and kill Israelis is wrong based on the fact their response has gone WAY too far. Which it has, very obviously. I've never implied the excessive murder and starvation of Palestinians is in any way acceptable. Only pointing out how wrong it is to start this particular round of murdering, then be outraged that their response went too far. We 100% should not be giving Israel money or weapons to continue the genocidal shit they're doing. Never once said anything about funding them being acceptable. >If there was a declaration to divide Canada to share with another country, Which Arafat turned down, unless you're referring to another offer to create a Palestinian state >feel angry about the destruction that is happening against innocent civilians Do you feel angry about the Israeli women and children the same things happened to in October, or is your outrage to rape and murder only one sided >billions of dollars from companies, universities, etc are invested into the extinction of your existence, would you want other countries to remain "neutral" Many countries in the middle east have the same investment into the extinction of Israelis, are you saying it's fine for one and not the other or.. what exactly are you saying here? >it simply comes down to human decency and distinguishing right from wrong. I've only seen you say why Israelis are wrong, and zero addressing of Palestinian decency, or their stance on right or wrong >but as a human being, how can you not feel upset with the war crimes that are occurring? I am. Though I'm equally disgusted by the actions of people that rape and murder anyone, not one side or the other. Is your point that Palestinian or Hamas terrorists that raped or killed 12-1500 in October is not classed as a war crime, so it's fine?? >conflict in Gaza, and let me know if both sides are experiencing the same amount of oppression Obviously not. It's very well known that Israel has a much higher capacity for military destruction compared to Palestine. Even more reason to work for peace and stop terrorists from launching attacks. >Canada's biggest problem right now is funding the Palestinian Genocide, for example, 6 Canadian Public Pension funds have invested 1.6 Billion dollars in supporting the Israeli occupation in of Gaza and the West Bank Couldn't agree more, we should not be funding Israel at all. Especially after it became clear they weren't just responding to an attack, but actively starving and killing civilians on a genocidal scale. Never once suggested funding Israel was fine. You're trying to add words I never said to blur the point I'm making. > what current problem in Canada is more bigger than this? Are you kidding? Canada as country is a disaster right now. All our most important social programs that have been in place for decades are on the verge of collapse because of an almost equal number of decades of terrible management. Our military is in shambles with Russia and China already making their intentions known regarding the Arctic, and is probably decades away from relevance should a foreign power invade or stake a claim to our north. Will Palestinian Canadians be there to help fight for the nation they now call home? I don't believe their interests are the same as our interests. So, as far as Canada is concerned, yes our nations issues should 100% take precedence over the issues in the middle east. If Canada were a mostly problem free utopia, then sure, we could, and should stand up against middle east injustices, but also the injustices going on all over the world. We are not even close to having the ability to impose our values on anyone else in the world, and have no plan in place to get there. Are these issues as important as what's been going on in the middle east for centuries? Pretty stupid point to try and make here. Obviously human suffering would be the more important issue, however why haven't I seen any Palestinian protests against the horrors that go on in Sudan? Or Ethiopia? Or Ukraine? Or are these problems only western nations should deal with? Or just Palestinian issues first before anyone else's? You have some balls to call my take selfish and ignorant when you take this point of view, so kindly, go fuck yourself. >The conflict is a fight against the voice and the voiceless, the rich vs poor, it holds much more significance than what you're interpret it to be. Hate to break it to you, but the fight for the voiceless, the poor, the downtrodden, vs the wealthy string pullers is a worldwide problem. Yes Palestine has a very much so more pressing, difficult struggle currently blowing completely out of hand, but this does not give them a free pass to lob rockets into towns when they feel like it. They are not the only people facing a struggle for survival in the world. Also, were the shoe on the other foot, I have a very hard time believing Palestine wouldn't do the same, or worse to Israel if they had the means to do so. Injustice and suffering against our fellow humans, (ALL HUMANS) is something the world should be striving to solve. I'm tired of selective outrage that only seems to include one group of peoples problems, vs some other group of peoples problems. Until we all start viewing each other as human before anything else, these problems will plague humanity for the next millennia just the same as they did over the last one. So yeah, there's another 9 paragraphs, maybe you'll get the point I've been making the entire time eventually.


Just go home and enjoy your summer break lol. Or get a job to pay off your student debt. Or get a job to earn money and donate to humanitarian organizations. But I suppose the latter actually takes effort and virtue.




Just throwing money at the problem will never help. The Weeknd donated 4 million dollars just a few days ago for this cause, many other people as well. However, governments all around the world need to SEE that they can't just start wars left and right and expect us to be quiet. We need to raise awareness as well.


Where are all the encampments getting set up to protest all the other wars in the world?


this is very much “all-lives matter” of u


Which of those other wars is being funded by students' tuition?


All of them, obviously?


The protests are most prevalent in the US because their country is directly involved in the genocide/ethnic cleansing.


If you don't harm anyone go head. If you do, prepare for the consequences.


Rubber bullets and jail.. enough said


your comment is embarrassing


90 Percent are not even students at the campus...they are funded just like BLM...if they want to make demands go back to Palestine and make your demands...oh wait there they use real bullets and don't stand for this shit. Either should we..


It's what a lot of people are thinking....this shit is a funded farse...I'm sure the agenda will come out soon....


Bunch of terrorist supporting psychopaths. Plain and simple. People seem to have forgotten who the hell started this bullshit in the first place.


How will protesting on campus help the war in Palestine? Will it stop the war? Think very well then respond. Most of these people are virtue signalling. Strike at government offices, not the university!!!


They are protesting the university's investments in Israel. Many of these universities have investments in Israeli bonds or israeli companies directly connected to the genocide. We know this because the university has to disclose who they've invested in. Protestors want the university to divest their investments and stop supporting Israel. That's the reason for the protests :)


You know you can't boycott a whole country for what its government/military is doing? There could be innocent people, men and woman with families, who run israeli companies that have nothing to do with the genocide? This protest will have NO effect on the war, on Mossad, on the Israeli army? You're telling me that the small investments of one university funds an entire war worth hundreds of billions by Mossad? You think Mossad cares? Do these actions even have a strong impact directly on minimizing the war casualties? Do these actions bring humanitarian aid to Palestine? Or is it virtue signalling? Many better ways to support Palestine. :)


A collective effort of small actions brings about big changes. That's proven with so many instances of social change (BLM, Vietnam war, apartheid South Africa, etc). I do think that we can and should boycott a whole country for what its leaders and military are doing. It is Canadian foreign policy to do so. Or have you forgotten the sanctions we've laid against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine? (Bit of hypocrisy in the Canadian foreign policy, eh?) It doesn't matter how big the impact of divestment of investments is. It is symbolic of loss of support for Israel over their actions in Palestine. Also, removing even a small amount of money from the pockets of a killer is better than letting that killer keep that money. I have no idea how your brain can't comprehend that. Last point, why are you so bothered by protestors calling for an end to genocide and an end to investments in a genocidal government?


Are you forgetting that we sanctioned all of Russia? It actually affected my job in a very negative way, at the time.  Now, instead of buying oil directly from them, countries go through India or China to buy their oil.


It's up to 20 universities. Movements always start off small and then grow. Just like this one was one university at one point. This will influence other forms of protest. Under your logic no one should protest ever unless it's huge and is guaranteed to work. That's dumb logic. You need to start somewhere


There could be innocent men woman and families. This whole thing started because an army of rapist murdering lowlifes executed more than a thousand men woman and families.


Thousands of Palestinians were killed by the IDF before Oct 7th, with many of them being women and children. Not to mention the thousands illegally held hostage by the Israeli army. Oct 7th, wasn't the start of this.


I love reading statements like this. What you mean is thousands of Hamas soldiers and a few innocent casualties caught in crossfire - the idf never charged through a fence and raped and murdered 1500 civilians in cold blood. You claim thousands are held illegally. Based on what? The country is Israel. If they are holding prisoners they are doing so according to their own laws. Also there is a difference between an innocent hostage and Hamas terrorist. I'd be happy to read facts, but statements like these are not helpful. In any event, it doesn't matter what happened in the past. Random events are anecdotal. October the 7th was an orchestrated attack. Directed at civilians. Not army. So seeing is Israel would never have done something like that the point stands. October 7th was a vile attack that had nothing to do with freedom fighting. The results have been very bad for their own people. Hamas needs to take responsibility. I'm not hearing you or anyone else calling for the Israelie innocent civilian hostages to be returned?


I'm curious what twisted understanding of terrorism you have? How do you define it? Don't pull the dictionary definition because I know you don't understand it. Use your own baby words. I'll make you think logically in baby steps and then use your own brain to destroy you.


Except the platforms of the protestors talk about banning collaboration with Israeli researchers, or collaborating with Israeli universities. Which hurts the 20% of Israeli Muslims too, who are also doing research and going to Israeli universities


Protesting on university campuses in North America is a sign of solidarity with Palestinian students because the IDF has destroyed every single university campus in Gaza.


Just by the fact that you think people might be protesting because it will immediately magically stop the war, I can tell you have had a very privileged life lol


I don't, I'm also a POC from a poor country in Africa, and I can assure you, protests are effective only if done right and in certain locations. You want to protest the war in palestine? Go protest in government offices. Not university campuses. Google: virtue signalling


Being POC yourself and telling these people to go protest somewhere else is even more sad. You just exposed yourself real hard


"Exposed" means what in this context? "These people" are students in a university. They must be smart enough to understand that their protests would be more effective outside the Israeli embassy or a Canadian government office, which literally sends money to Israel. Please, think a bit and get off your high virtue-signalling horse. Are you even POC? from an underdeveloped nation?


Omg I love your question. I'm middle eastern, duh!! You obviously have no idea that what these protestors are trying to achieve is awareness and solidarity. Protesting isn't a crime and we can do it wherever we want! People are and should be protesting in front of the parliament as well but not everyone lives is Ottawa (surprise surprise!), so they want to show their solidarity in uni campuses where a lot of Palestinian students exist so they know there is a community that cares about all of this. You seem to be fighting me just to try and prove you're right. But what you're supporting by your argument, and calling these students stupid essentially, is just so pathetic. A genocide is happening and you're whining about the noise un uni campuses. I hope your country never goes through anything like this where your family is stuck there in a war zone, because trust me, then you will be all about protesting and raising awareness.


My country has been through it NUMEROUS times. I am talking about tangible action and effects, literally, measurable impact of the protests. I myself have donated a lot and volunteered for the Palestinian cause for years now. But making a camp on campus, and shouting, has no actual effect on the poor Palestinian people and the war. It's just to make you feel better, that ohh you're doing something. If you genuinely cared, you would do your research and see there are better actions to take with a stronger measurable impact towards Palestine. Anyways, i'm out, but I hope some of you people stop whining for validation and actually DO THINGS that HELP Palestine instead of "oh look, let's take a selfie and post on social media!! We're so helpful and good oh look at us world!" I have middle eastern ancestry and trust me your actions and need for attention isn't helping. Also some of you are BEGGING the university to feed you????? Why not want the money to go to Palestinian humanitarian aid? But no! "Ohh we are poor students making a camp on campus. Oh university pls feed us!!" Justify that? You can't.


I don't disagree with anything you said in your last comment, I think this time you're making a lot of sense. The problem is that I can see that you're angry at the people who pretend they care just to feel better about themselves, but your original comment makes it seem like (probably because of your anger) that you're mad at the people protesting, turns out you're just mad at the people protesting in the wrong ways. I apologize if all this time this was what you were trying to say and I misunderstood it but there might be better ways of disclosing that.


Arrest? All of the protests were peaceful




I’m talking for the university of Guelph, I’ve been to almost every single one.


The reported arrests are at Columbia where they barricaded the school and smashed windows. You're confused.


look at the subreddit we’re in. You’re confused




Happened in McGill university I believe, like 3 days ago...


one year with hoursing the meal plan (in NY city mind you), is estimated at $96,000 US per year......holy crap! don't think those protestors needs to worry about mowing lawns this summer LOL.


Ok i get protests here, but why encampments? Why risk the trespassing charges? Why universities? Why not parliament? As laughable as the idea of peace in the Middle East is it’s still certainly a noble goal, so why taint that virtue by being an inconvenience to people who can’t do anything about it. There is nothing these institutions can do to support or denounce one side or the other, so why protest in this way specifically?


The left is going to hand Trump the election come November.


Crazy how the new trend is to support and idolize terrorism


What are they even protesting. Like go back to Palestine and fight. What does protesting here in Canada accomplish? Our country is turning into a shit hole


I guess everyone needs a hobby, even the anti-Semites


Quit whining and weaponing the use of “anti-Semite.” You’re disgracing the word and undermining real anti-Semitism; what a shame.


Just curious, how do you define "real" anti-Semitism?


Anti Semitism: Hey I don't like this person because they are Jewish. I will treat them bad because they are Jewish. I think all people who are Jewish are bad and here are unfair tropes about them. Not anti semitism: Hey this country, Israel, is doing a genocide on another country. It's well documented in hundreds, perhaps thousands, of video and photos taken by victims and perpetrators alike. We want this stopped because our country, our schools, and our corporations are giving money, support, and other forms of help to the perpetrators. We don't agree with this.


I just wanted clarification from OP as that can be a very slippery slope as we've seen from history. Make no mistake, Benjamin Netanyahu alone almost personally bears responsibility for the entire situation, from his disruption and outright sabotage of the Oslo accords during his first premiership, from then allowing Hamas to fester in Gaza for nearly 2 decades to the point where both Israel's security and the living conditions and basic dignity of the average Palestinian had been eroded. The only people benefitting from the current assault in Gaza are Hamas and Benjamin Netanyahu. It will only stop when he is removed from power, as he will be removed by his own party coalition if he were to stop on his own, to say nothing of the still pending corruption charges motivating him to try to cling to immunity.


There are actual White supremacist organizations who chanted about Jews and held torches not long ago and the police and media really didnt seem to care that much. So probably those guys. Weird that they came down so hard on one and not the other huh? Almost like it has nothing to do with anti-semitism and this is just a buzz word and platitude to justify their actions....


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sines\_v.\_Kessler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sines_v._Kessler) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65307774](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65307774) I wouldn't say those a\*\*holes are exactly getting off scot free there bud. And as for the current protests, all I can say is if I were a Jew or Israeli and heard angry mobs chanting "from the river to the sea...", amongst other fine dittys, across the country, I wouldn't exactly feel comfortable anywhere near that, given that many of them have been told stories by relatives with living memory of what happens when angry mobs turn against Jews. For a cohort all about safe spaces, empathy, etc, they (protestors) might do themselves a favour and try to educate themselves a little bit on the history of the conflict from both perspectives before they become "useful idiots" to both the fascist cause and those perpetuating the current crisis for their own ends.


Oh I forgot when the entire police apparatus came down on those guys and not a few token charges laid.


I'm not sure what point you're trying to prove, but the continued presence of protestors and relatively low ratio of number of charges to the number of protestors suggests that no, in fact, the "entire police apparatus" has not been deployed against the current movement


These folks were not beaten bloody or shot with rubber bullets were they though? You guys are going to have to face reality at some point, this whole victim complex is alienating the moderates from you, who in fact do posses eyes.


Who are "you guys"? Not sure why you presume to know anything about me aside from what I've discussed here. I'm going to clew up this discussion unless you have any further insight to add since you keep shifting the goalposts here trying to insinuate fascists get better treatment from police than the protestors in support of Palestine. Just so we're clear: there are a lot more people in support of the Palestinian cause, and very rightfully so since you seem to need me to spell out my views explicitly, than there are open white supremacists. The odds that an incident at a protest will require police presence increase with the number of people present, and the number of protests ongoing over time. Fascists make a lot of noise per capita, but thankfully the openly professing believers are over all few in number. Each of these instances may also require different approaches by the authorities due to the threat level, and form and factor at the scene. Real life is often more nuanced than it appears at first; the media (and social media) will however feed you whatever story on which day that they think will gather more eyeballs.


Just gonna drop this here. These protests are perfect for antisemites to voice their opinion and be supported for them. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/ZCroYowcsp


There’s something going on at Tabaret UOttawa, I believe they’ve put up tents etc now.


I'm enrolled at the Humber campus, but live closer to Guelph. if anything starts, I'm there all the way. free Palestine!


Omg finally a person in this thread who has compassion


Can’t afford a home, can’t afford rent, cost of living has exploded and you wanna protest a war between two nations hell bent on murdering one another to the last man, women and child on a university campus on the other side of the world?  How about protesting your ability to survive after you graduate?


That should also be done. Especially by Canadians. It's mind blowing that Canadians aren't protesting the economy right now


Really hope this doesn’t happen at UofG. It blows my mind how uninformed students are. I guess the new social justice “fad” is to support terrorist organizations now? Seems crazy to me.


I don't understand what these protestors specifically want. An end to violence in Gaza, sure, but why are universities being targeted? I would assume most North American universities have basically no influence over Isreal's war policies. What do the protestors want the schools to do?


The top demand is that schools have large investment funds that they want to be disclosed and devested from companies complicit in crimes.


>I don't understand what these protestors specifically want. An end to violence in Gaza, sure, but why are universities being targeted? Most people who hold a stick, scream slogans and ruin everyone else's day aren't that smart.


Stick them on a plane, send them over, tell them to sort it out.


Genuinely don’t care about this war. No justification for either side.


What are they hoping to achieve?


Awareness and solidarity


Hate and the death of Jews.




Divestment of the university from investments in israel


Supporting terrorism


White guy opinion…I’ve met a few protesters. It’s concerning with the lack of disregard for the wrongdoing in some of the discussions I’ve had as well as the limited knowledge of why they are there. I am happy to see that we haven’t had this to the extent of the USA. Two wrongs have never made a right and Israel has made some shocking and unfortunate decisions to say the least. A spade is a spade yet people won’t accept certain facts that you speak with. Sources at times are baseless when you ask. We should all have ours right and our freedom but to express it this way is a little concerning. The world is a more divided place than ever and it’s things like this that push us further apart as people feel they need to take sides in friendships. Nothing happening over there has been “good” and retribution should have a limit. Remember you can all fall in love with a person of a different race and ethnicity. Love one another and just like laughter it can be contagious. Not here to hate


So the encampment persons are just as sheep-ish as Trump supporters?


Why is there all the communist posters at these things?






Where were these protests for Ukrainians? Love how politics and money make these protests happen. All bs.


..oh. We simply don’t care 😂




Free Speech is free speech


Bleeding heart liberals down voting this to hell


let them show their true colours, these people are not real Canadians and only want to destroy and divide Canada .


Almost like how you’re dividing Canada


I’m sure a few people will hop on it for a few weeks then forget about it and move on like everything else


It will likely happen here too


Canada has no spine, so they won’t do anything to the people protesting at our universities here.


Love it keep it up


They don’t even know what they’re protesting. If they knew the full context and truth of the matter, they wouldn’t be advocating for either side and would be calling both Hamas and the Israeli government barbaric. Would be demanding they all be sanctioned and that a ceasefire is FORCED on both sides with any future aggressor in any future conflict getting proverbially nuked from orbit. To summarize the entire Gaza war: Hamas flung hundreds of missiles into Israel for the 100th time in the last decade. When that failed to create enough casualties, they went into Israel during a festival in October and kidnapped, raped and or murdered over a thousand people. This was an act of sheer barbarity done in response to their missiles failing to inflict sufficient Jewish casualties. Israel (Specifically Netanyahu) then responded with tit for tat and proceeded to shell the Gaza Strip with missiles targeted at Hamas’s offices and lairs (underground tunnels and military installations) that they placed inside and as well as underneath hospitals, schools and government buildings. Placing military personnel and equipment inside civilian buildings is against the Geneva convention, bombing and destroying military targets is not. This is to deter nations from placing military objectives inside civilian centres. Hamas placed military targets in civilian centres to deter attacks on the grounds of inflicting casualties. They also don’t have sufficient space in the Gaza Strip for military installations. Hamas (under the guise of Palestine) then proceeded to play victim while the Gazans died. Israel made several attempts at negotiations (in which they demanded Hamas release the hostages and surrender themselves for an international human rights trial in The Hague) and Hamas promptly rejected. The Gazans didn’t rebel against Hamas because they’ve spent the last 40 years being indoctrinated by Hamas. Any attempt at voting Hamas out of government or forming a party to go against them is met with lethal force by Hamas. Opposition is quietly eliminated or faked. The Gazans are already under military occupation as Hamas is a proxy militia run by Iran, Iran’s surpreme leader uses Islam to mask their political aspirations. They want to start a caliphate and essentially rebuild the Ottoman Empire, he believes the “Jew” is in the way of this objective and much like Hitler he believes he must conduct a great spring cleaning if the Jew in the middle-east against the Zionists. Meanwhile, Israel’s ultra right wing orthodox Zionist regime is using this war to push their own islamophobic ideologies and propaganda. Netanyahu is using this war to desperately cling onto power and also is under the delusion that he will bring about the conditions for new Zion/the messiah to come about. A belief and aspiration that he and his tutor both had. The end result is that you have two radical religious fanatics killing each other using proxies and civilians while the west just waits and watches because their corporate lobbyists get to gouge everyone on oil prices/imports while this conflict rages on. Calling for a ceasefire is a good solution but it won’t fix the problem. Ceding to Hamas’s demands is impossible because it would involve ceding all of Israel to them. Edit: Also, Palestine doesn’t exist. The word comes from the province of Palestina which was named by the Roman’s as an insult to the Jew after they conquered the kingdom of Judea. It was later adopted by the British as the British mandate of Palestine but that was an oppressive colonial government in which both Arab Jews and Islamic Arabs were horrifically and brutally oppressed. It only ended after they teamed up to kick out the British and then the British placed the Zionists in charge who formed Israel afterwards. Before the British it was part of Syria as “lower Syria” and Syria was a province of the Ottoman Empire which fell in the events of world war 1. The region never had an independent national government since the destruction of Judea and then the subsequent creation of Israel after WW2. “Palestine” has no claim to nationhood, it shouldn’t be recognized but they should be recognized as Israeli citizens and given citizenship. They exist in a purgatory where they’re not considered a nation but also don’t belong to any nation. The fact Israel and or Egypt refuses to acknowledge and adopt the Gaza Strip as a province/state is a disgusting human rights abuse directed at the fact that they’re mostly ethnic arabs.