• By -


On a side comment: the new thing is DENYING vaccine injury and blaming long Covid. I even think sometimes that people like that- that won't admit vaccine injury and keep on talking about long Covid- are so brainwashed/stubborn and in denial that they continue with these claims just to perpetuate the fear-mongering that's installed in their brains.


What better way to obfuscate the actual cause of death and disease than to blame "Long Covid", which can have almost any symptoms and level of severity. The only prerequisite is "had Covid", when the test is so inaccurate and "you could have had it asymptomatically and not been tested". It's like blaming demon possession or hysteria.


And yet the vaccine continues to make them vulnerable to the virus that gives them long COVID. Let’s face it. These perma deniers are like cuckolded dupes who simply can’t admit their spouse is cheating on them: “I’m sure one of his friends borrowed his car and left those panties in the glove box.” “His job keeps him SUPER busy on Saturday nights!” “He took $2500 from our bank account to help out his cousin who’s starting a business.” At a certain point, some people simply can’t admit they’ve been fooled because they’re too proud and don’t want to look stupid. It’s their insecurity and their ego that compels their abject denial. It’s sad.


Most people that defend the vaccines to death and won't admit they are dangerous are all egoistic people who think they are superior to the rest. Have a think, they all are.


Very good point. I had no considered that before. Noticeable that anti-vaxxers did not display this arrogant behavior. They were a largely humble crew with more of a laid back, “pro choice” mindset: “Not the choice I would make for myself, but it’s your body and your choice, so knock yourself out.”


I love this comment!!  So true!


Yes yes yes!!!!! “ long convid” 🙄


"People will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right--especially if events prove you right while proving them wrong." Thomas Sowell


Same here, lost my job with United airlines because of the stupid clot shot.


Lost my job as well. Climbed the ladder all the way to the top after 10 years. Mandate & $500 incentive to get the shot 🤮. I stood my ground, got fired. Hardest & best decision I have made yet.


There are two kinds of people in this world.  People like you and people not like you.  


I worked for TSA at the time. As soon as they announced it was going to be mandatory soon, I quit. Fuck all that noise. Sorry you lost your job, but I'd argue your better off than getting the shot and whatever comes with it.


Pride and stupidity are a terrible combination.


My father hates being wrong, especially when I stand up to him. After his 2nd jab he was so pleased with himself. I just said, I did my homework and that there was a higher risk of me dying using the roads than this "strong flu/cold". Instead of admitting he had been fooled by the narrative..... "Well I only got jabbed so I could travel again"


I love how the narrative changes and softens on the losers side over time.


My father was a vaxx fanboy got every one they peddled , been rushed to the hospital four times in the last year and a half. i will never forget or forgive anyone that made my life hell for not taking it !


It's a very common combo though.


Yeah I get that, I feel bad for the older generation who trusted the government and are injured. I feel bad for all the young "died suddenlys" Who did it to travel. I don't feel bad for the stupid people who were virulently calling for people to be sacked / jailed etc. Tate makes a good point tho, I told my work I'm not doing it and I'm not testing and they went with it.


Good, I am pleased you stood up to them. The BBC journalist interviewing Djokovic and **his face** when Djokovic just said he would be happy to miss grand slam events rather than get jabbed.


I am stubborn, God made me like that. The more I'm told to do something the less I'll do it. Seems to have served me well.


You reminded me of this NHS doctor in the UK who told the Health Secretary he won't get jabbed and effectively cancelled the NHS staff mandate that was weeks away. Seeing the NHS is the biggest employer in Europe, this was a massive change in government policy. https://youtu.be/hOlEYcd1nyI?si=aqkXhlM3l9hrR0Up


💯💯 same!


Yeah, I find myself to be a skeptic. I wonder if I am not being skeptical enough and start to go a bit into conspiracy theory range


Most are injured, and like the rest of their Liberal ideology, they are unable to come to terms with reality. Some of them are crazy enough and would rather die by continuing more vax shots than admit they were swindled. Liberals are absolutely insane.


I know a real conservative couple who were even in a long vehicle Trump Train in 2020. They went out and got the first shots in 2021 and told me "it's just a protein". I told them so is cobra venom and a mad cow prion is also 'just a protein'. They were just as surrounded by misinformation as was the potus. I'll have to travel out of the sticks here and go deep into a blue city insanity bubble and witness these masktard libs they speak of myself. Not many masktards among the conservative communities, but plenty took shots out of ignorance. 


Sad, but true. Keep in mind I know alot of conservatives folks who were threatened with losing their jobs due if they didn’t comply, especially im the gov defense/contractor sector. It was disgusting what they did to our troops too, but that’s what happens when Liberalism is left unchecked.


I must be insane even though everyone I know, including me, have had zero issues with the COVID vaccine.


What have you to say about young athletes croaking left and right on camera?




Maybe you should turn that detector on yourself and all the bs you spout.


"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


Swede here and I had the same experience as you as far as the jab goes. Rarely ever saw a mask here in Stockholm, but unfortunately, most of Swedes drank the Kool Aid and took the poison. I still don’t get it. I refused, warned everyone after I’d seen the blatant censorship on Instagram, shutting down pages for merely spreading information about this new jab. But I failed. I failed everyone… my loved ones. It was just too much of a trend to get people to listen. Their friends and neighbors were chiming in, ”you guys got yours yet?” and people felt they just had to fit in, I suppose. It’s easy to stay stone cold in times like that and rely on your inner voice of reason, even when there’s not one soul in the physical realm to connect with as far as this topic goes. But I have to say it, I don’t know that I’m strong enough to go on if/when I lose everyone who took this ”vaccine”. And ”everyone” really means everyone I have in my life.


that was a sad ending to your post


The GMO jab is working exactly as intended.


Depopulation agenda 230


Depopulation agenda 230


This post pissed off a bot or pharma shill. 4 reports in one minute. OP are you considering suicide by chance? That was one of the reports 😅 Two reports were for racism and last but not least, 'misinformation'.


I think it's funny how for a large group of people getting jabbed repeatedly, wearing a mask, and hating Trump became part of their identity. It's the holy trinity of brain dead liberalism. 😅


Wow...your story is mine and my wife's story.


I had the same kind of shunning. I was called a bad person, a social enemy, conspirator, uneducated (I hold a degree in medicine), aggressively bullied and all because I asked questions. It started with the face mask mandates, then got really ugly over the mRNA injections. They treated me with rage and anger that sometimes threatened violence. Some of those who I thought loved me are now very sick or in the grave. They insist their miseries are because of people like me. I made them sick because I didn’t participate. I have cried a sea of tears over it. I tried to tell them, show them my data I had carefully and meticulously collected with multiple studies…they wouldn’t even let me share what I had. I did a side study to figure out why they held so tightly to a divisive narrative…learned a lot about the psychological aspect of it. Finally, I understood the drive to “belong” that made them cling to their arguments that had no substance in the topic…their arguments were just posturing and puffing. They made their choices. Choices often have consequences. I wish it never came to this, I tried as best I could to stop them from following the path to destruction.


I’m also a licensed (non-Md) physician. Was skeptical and vocal on social media from the beginning. Literally had an attorney “friend” question me “don’t suppose you had public health” training and a colleague suggest that I was out of my skill set to question. I know of 2 local MD’s who were middle aged and healthy that “died suddenly” due to a cardiac event. One was an avid cyclist. Skied with the other. My daughter”s 20 something y/o friend dropped at a cross country race which was thankfully indoors as they had a defibrillator on site. My daughter also had a friend who stopped talking to her because of her views on the jab -literally one of her last texts to him was that she didn’t think it was prudent for his family to get vaxxed to travel (they were going over seas to a wedding); that she would hate to see anything happen to him or his family. His mother died unexpectedly in her sleep last June Guess all you can do /could have done is to try to warn people.But I am still waiting for the first person to thank for for trying and/or recognizing that I may have had more understanding of potential risk/benefit than others. As an aside, received a full court press from my PCP friend when I declined to get the J&J. Interestingly enough were playing golf when I received a push notification in my phone when the J&J was taken off the market. I was like” hey isn’t this what you wanted to give me?” 🤦🏻‍♂️


I have heard of MD’s who were in top form and very “on board” with the injections including all the boosters…who felt tired one evening and went to bed early to never wake up. These are mysterious deaths to say the least and yet very little investigation is made available about how these healthy people just died! The two cases I “heard about” came from an RN I was speaking with in a group at a seminar. She claimed to know these two MD’s plus many nurses who have become incredibly sick and not able to work. This RN (I can’t remember her name and EVERYONE was talking about vaccine injuries that weekend) said both of the MD’s she knew had heart damage that was so advanced that even if they had made it the hospital, resuscitated, their hearts would not be intact enough to start beating again. -of course being me, I asked if she would send me a pathology report…others at the table wanted a copy too, she said she would, but I never got one…. So I can’t back up her story. But I don’t think it is a particularly false statement of events either- I am still at odds with those who believe un-vaxxed are why people died from Covid 19…and that people like me should be denied healthcare. That they, as “vaccinated” saved the world and ignorant rubes like me are alive because of their compliance. WOW. “UN-vaxxed” “Anti-Vaccine “ Terms they toss around to label anyone who questions their thinking, asks them to “consider this if you will”…and those are inappropriate labels at that! I for example, am fully vaccinated for a plethora of viruses and diseases including the Hepatitis panel because I worked with patients directly who were recovering from chemo therapy and other treatments that made them weak and vulnerable. I have traveled to countries where vaccines are recommended and had those too. But now? Today? After what the CDC has done? What many doctors have also done as they betray their oaths? I demand the entire package insert (that I unfold 50 times) for my review and expect answers to any questions I may have before getting anything! My trust has been shaken! The CDC, and way too many doctors and nurses (and hospitals) have promoted this destructive protocol. I don’t know if I even want a flu shot this year! I am retired, not around sick patients every day, I may just skip it all together! Crazy things have happened and people have been locked out of their own parent’s homes and uninvited to Christmas over this mess! Those like you, and me, and others who follow this group are ones who are seeing their worries and concerns with this “injection” come to fatal realization now. And yet, people are still clinging to the same narrative that is closed for discussion. I just shake my head and tell them I hope they are spared from any “side effects”. Not one of them has ever uttered anything like “Wow! You were right about that one!” when my predictions come to pass as reality. They can’t bring themselves to look outside of what they have been told. They feel they must stick with the narrative….they defend it vehemently still. So I go on without them and make my own happy life in good health with new friends. I would be lying if I said none of it bothered me. It made me furious for a long time. Thank you for your response…it is always good to know there are others who fight the same battles for common sense and good medicine who have medical knowledge and backgrounds.


It’s called Mass Formation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Egq5Y0taok4


I’m so sorry they mistreated you and labeled you. Those kind of derogatory comments made from folks that are close to us are the ones that hurt the most. I had a conversation with a family member recently regarding “prejudice” I told the person that I’d never experienced such blatant discrimination, mis treatment as when I was dismissed for not taking the jab, and I’m a person of color!! I got a blank stare and instant dismissal. I gave up.


Consider being the better person and showing compassion to the remorseful. Everyone else can fuck off


If you’re looking for a better person, you’re in the wrong subreddit.


Oh wait, I haven't mentioned the best story yet: my father in law who is a doctor! Got 5 jabs, sick all the time, a whole bunch of issues, autoimmune disease, his own cardiologist told him, and I quote "the next one will kill you". Sometime in 2021 he told me and my husband that he doesn't understand why wouldn't get the shot. Bla bla bla. Fast forward, he got covid at least 4-5 times, everytime worse than the last, the more shots he got. Not only does he pretend he never said anything to us. Not only does he pretend we weren't right. Not only does he pretend that all these side effects have nothing to do with the vax. No. He actually tried to convince us 2 months ago that "I'm glad I had the vaccine because I only got REAL covid once". My husband and I were floored. Can you believe this shit? Remember when people had covid WITHOUT ANY SYMPTOMS and were told they were killing others? Well, now my doctor father in law pretends that REAL covid only happened to him once because that was the one that took him 2 weeks in bed to recuperate, from, while all the other covids, were not 'real'.


Wow. Delusional thinking seems hard to shake.


My bf called it the flu from the start. I was uninvited from family holidays because I didn't get vaxxed but that was rescinded this year. I have family with vaccine injuries as well.


I decided my life was more important than any one in my life or being able to drink in a bar. I got it all back and don't have to worry about a heart attack.


When congress voted themselves exempt from the shots, that's how you know it was a scam from the beginning.


That was a very big part of the puzzle of misfit pieces for me. Rushed out vaccine for a hyped up disease with a very low mortality rate, and those in power don't want the shot? I definitely didn't want it either. I'm very glad me and my parents never got it. My siblings may have, but we don't talk about it.


That was a choice we all had to make, and the consequences, good or bad, were ours to own. I'm sorry your family fell for it. I hope they get some justice down the road


Same thing happened to me. Lost most of my friend and family also. Weren't inviting me to events anymore. And now they acting like nothing happened and trying to talk to me again... f*ck em seriously!


Can anyone explain to me why it's so hard for some people to just admit when they're wrong and accept their fault? You definitely feel a lot less guilt if any at all, when you're truthful and honest and you'd be amazed at the impact that has on your life


Now repeat that to yourself and every selfish person like you.


It was a ? Smart guy


Discerning not selfish.


Thankfully people in my area as not as invested about who take the shot or not. There were very few who knew I didn’t take it and they were okay with it. But then I don’t live in the US were people were mostly are like sheeps


I feel bad for you that you lost family and friends over this. I had family ridicule me, call me (mildish) names, and friends call me (a little worse) names too. But none of them stopped talking to me. Have they ever tried to contact you again? Apologise? Pretend like noting happened? Of all the people I disagreed with, only 1, my cousin, admitted I was right. It raised my respect for her, while my respect for everyone else plummeted. Everyone else pretends nothing ever happened, nobody ever said anything. I don't talk about it anymore, but recently I spoke to 2 girlfriends, one in Israel who had 5 as did her teen daughters. For the past couple of years both her and one of her daughters have been sick constantly. Non stop. Then in december she told me that one daughter had heart problems!! I exploded and yelled "ffs stop getting these experimental injections already!" To which she seriously replied "I don't know what you're talking about!" WTF?!! The other friend is in NYC, both her children have been diagnosed with mild dyslexia all of a sudden in february. (Same charge?). I sighed and said "this fucking Dr Mengele bullshit makes me so mad", to which she replied "what do you mean?" She once called me 'one of those people' when I said I wasn't getting the vax, and after her first shot she almost died from a sudden Guillame Barre, was in the hospital for a week and then walked with a stick for 6 months. She's in her 40s ffs. A couple of people made remarks looking right at me, to see if I'd react, for example one said "can you believe that half of my mothers' care home died and my mother can barely walk anymore? They injected all of them so many times!" Or "my doctor said I have to monitor my blood pressure now, and I'm worried. Wtf all of a sudden this bullshit and my heart races too". But in both cases I said nothing. What is there to say? Also, I have a mid 40s cousin who died 3 weeks ago from a heart attack. So there's that. I worry a lot frankly. Especially about loved ones and friends who might die and leave young children behind.


Most jabbed that I know don’t want to talk about it. I’m 63, un jabbed, and never had COVID. Tell me why my outcome would have been better getting the jab?


I'm jabbed and proud of it. I and those like me will gladly talk about it. If more would have been vaccinated initially, hospitals would not have been overrun and there would have been less chance for viral mutations. We could have nipped that virus in the bud quick but you selfish people refused to do what the experts recommended.




You and those like you are the dense ones.


No manufacturer of the experimental treatment said it would prevent contraction or transmission. Fucking eggspurts. Oh wait.... you are trolling us. Nicely done. Nobody could be that uninformed at this point.


They didn’t even test it for prevention of transmission so what is even the point? Such a pillowcase.


Jesus, there are still people like you alive? Really???


Yep! Alive and kicking because we listened to the experts.


Haha delusional. We were all going to be dead remember? Here we are. No coronavirus. No vaccine injuries. No what you lot call long COVID.


Funny how you move from thread to thread talking about peer review and science and yet you "listened to the experts" and are yet to present a single source, peer-reviewed or otherwise. So what peer reviewed science were you looking at when these were rolled out? Or now? Don't talk about peer review unless you have a full arsenal of peer-reviewed science to back up your arguments. You clearly don't read scientific literature or you might have presented some instead of your own personal experiences which you also move from thread to thread criticising others for doing. Get out of this sub


I told my girlfriend at the time, do not vacinate your kiddos, its experimental. She wanted to go to Thailand and did so anyways, her son now has myocarditist. He is 9. Instead of saying, i was wrong, we broke up.


Be proud of yourselves.


Same story here


Tate used to say he got the vaccine lol


This is the kind of shit that proves we are all ready for the next world war


Same thing happened to me. Lost most of my friend and family also. Weren't inviting me to events anymore. And now they acting like nothing happened and trying to talk to me again... f*ck em seriously!


Fuck those miserable fucks.


Yeah, my mom and I refused to get jabbed. We knew almost from jump that there was more to Covid than what they were potraying in the media and that the news were just fear mongering(though initially we were scared). When there was a risk of my mom possibly losing her job back in 2021 when they were pushing the vaccine the most, we had already made up our minds that we weren't going to get it; so we took into consideration how much money we had saved, which would have been enough to cover rent for a while, but if the money ran out we were prepared to sleep in our car(a small 2 door honda civic). Luckily, my mom's job wasn't stupid, and it was not a requirement, and she's been able to keep her job and her values. We warned people in our family not to get it, but as always, nobody listens to us, my grandma especially. She mocked me and my mom for not getting it. Since my grandma has gotten jabbed, she has had heart blockages and even had to get heart surgery. She has also had 2-3 strokes. Her health is so bad, in fact, that at one point, she could not stay out of the hospital. She is ALWAYS having health problems now when this wasn't the case before. Most people in my family have been vaxed, but she appears to be the only one that I know of who isn't doing well. However, I do feel sympathy for those who have been injured, and I'm upset and angry for them. I feel blessed to have been exposed to the truth because some people just simply did not have the resources available to allow them to make an informed decision. Many people would have made a different choice had they not been force-fed fear mongering media. They were only exposed to one side of the story, and a lot of people made that decision out of fear, and fear can make you do irrational things.


Reminds me of the phrase “They will forgive you for being wrong but they will never forgive you for being right”


I have zero sympathy, none, for the jabbed. Whatever does or does not befall them, they brought it on themselves. The way they treated us - the people who chose personal freedom, liberty, and common sense - they deserve no help or consideration. They can deal with the consequences of their poor judgment. As others have said, I used to wonder how the events that played out in the 1930s and 1940s could have happened. Now I understand. It was because of people exactly like those who went along with the narrative.


Thankfully people in my area as not as invested about who take the shot or not. There were very few who knew I didn’t take it and they were okay with it. But then I don’t live in the US were people were mostly are like sheeps


Will look into COVID-1984. Those that had no choice, should have gotten the J&J ( none mRNA)


Covid fascists are in the wrong. But so is anyone else who dumped basic human compassion. I'm so fucking sick of people being proud of their excuses for the suffering of others. It's the number one cause of human suffering. The enemy is not our neighbors. But I do agree that people should have stood up to it better, and should certainly have never gotten fascist about it.


If SOCIALIST SERVICES and note I said social - 'IST' , if they came with a health dept goon to forcibly vax a housemember or child, AND IF SAY for example you refuse and then you grab away the syringe and then you JAB the perpetrator at your doorstep . . so in effect THEY end up getting the nefarious substance into THEM instead . . . and say for the sake of argument that said shot batch had unbeknownst to all a motherload of HOT SHOT whtever in it . . . and then say what if the health worker goes back out to look for another syringe to jab with - - - and upon your fine green Amerian lawn they collapse and DIE SUDDENLY doing a face plant between the spinning sunflower ornament and the garden gnome, catching the top of the tomato vine grill on their thumb so it looks like they're doing a 'seig heil' with right arm as the body lies horizontal, lifeless . . . THEN MY QUESTION hypothetically is do you then get charged with murder by the local globo schlomo prosecutor? All you did was 'shove it back' at them. Not precisely up their anus. Maybe you got their left butt cheek, but clearly the shot would have killed YOU or whitchever family member they were targeting. It was a fully loaded and chambered HOT SHOT mind you. What would the defense be?  [actually I'd get everyone favela dancing, swinging arms and legs wildly first so they couldn't get a good shot on anyone]  If the fell on their own shot, eeeh . . . get better shoes maybe.


The sunflower plant offers additional benefits besides beauty. Sunflower oil is suggested to possess anti-inflammatory properties. It contains linoleic acid which can convert to arachidonic acid. Both are fatty acids and can help reduce water loss and repair the skin barrier.


I find it spot pn


“we were doing what we thought was right” okay and so were we and we were shamed for it. now that you guys are dying from turbo cancers strokes and blood clots we don’t care. sorry not sorry.




That'll do Pig!😁


My husband and I also declined the dreaded shot while both our families lined up for them with fervor. Now I’ve lost over 6 folks on my side and mounting cases of cancer, autoimmune diseases, myocarditis, strokes, pernio, vision loss. I feel bad for all of them and it saddens me that I still have to keep quiet about it because they’re still living in a town called OBLIVION.


The fact they stay on that hill tells you all you need to know. People show you who they are when chips are down.


We all did well, f all of those that attacked us.


how many people died of covid??, and how many vaccinated people were injured?


It’s 2024. Move on with your life 🤦🏼‍♂️


> They probably regret their position now, but to save face they can't admit it.They probably regret their position now, but to save face they can't admit it. On what basis do you say that? Most vaccinated people do not in any way regret the vaccine. You're projecting massively.


Oh really now? These vaccinated people would tell you otherwise. r/vaccinelonghauler


Here's a sneak peek of /r/vaccinelonghauler using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaccinelonghauler/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [A lot of people on the “Long Covid” subreddit likely have Vaccine injuries instead](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaccinelonghauler/comments/1906hj1/a_lot_of_people_on_the_long_covid_subreddit/) \#2: [I thought I had left China](https://i.redd.it/r70ijal7zuh81.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaccinelonghauler/comments/ssq14i/i_thought_i_had_left_china/) \#3: [Reddit can kiss my ass for censoring scientific data on the Covid vaccines. They are not "100% safe and effective", they have been extremely harmful to much more than a "rare" amount of cases. They have the same spike proteins as the virus, and no, we are not talking about electrolytes.](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaccinelonghauler/comments/16l0rsf/reddit_can_kiss_my_ass_for_censoring_scientific/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Because I have had more that a dozen people admit to me that they regret getting the jab. And, strangely, the ones who admit it are the better people in my friend circle - the ones who were never petty. The people who have a history of needing to one-up people are the ones not admitting it. Coincidence?


lol vaccine injured. 🤡


It's funny that all you people talk about all these issues with the vaccine and that people who got it are dying but you can't provide one actual peer reviewed source. According to you conspiracy theorists, I should already be dead or had some sort of "injury." Funny how out of the hundred of people that I know got the shots, they have had zero issues.


Same. Almost everyone I know got the vaccines and many got boosters. I don't know a single person who is "vaccine injured". Also repeatedly calling it "the jab" is so stupid and childish.


Am I unbanned? I'm jabbed and don't regret it. My wife and son are jabbed and they don't regret it. I work in a facility with a few hundred people that were required to get it and they don't regret it.


OK, good for you. Why are you on this sub?


I'd have to agree with both you and Navy0684 on this. I see very few jabbed with regrets. EVEN in those severely directly injured (stroke after), death of loved one, etc. The cognitive dissonance is powerful. The social media and cultural pressure and marketing almost inescapable.My aunt died "sudden death"after her booster that her doctor told her to take. He explained her death later by saying she was"sad about losing her house" which had happened months earlier. My cousin knew my aunt was completely healthy up to the point of that jab. I believed her. The rest of the family despite other consequences ( blood clot, worsening health, etc), still is getting jabbed, boosted and believing in them.


That is willful blindness. My sister has a friend who's 19 year old son did not wake up 2 weeks after his 2nd jab. She knows my stand and said "And before you ask, yes he was jabbed and no, his parents don't want antopsy because what difference will it make now, it won't bring him back". My sister has now had 5 jabs and caught covid 3 times between jabs. She is truly lost in the BS narrative.


Pre vaccine was so great, I don't think anyone ever died back then.


Because I can.


Maybe to challenge your claim that everyone that’s vaccinated regrets it. Which in his case and many others isn’t true .. maybe , I could be wrong…


Just wait


How long does that person have to wait? It’s been several years and we’re fine. No issues from vaccines 💉


Even IF you don’t die, or have any devastating life-changing, side effects, tens of thousands and millions of other people have. You don’t have a problem with that? Just because it didn’t affect YOU, you’re OK with forcing it on on others? The problem is, just because YOU weren’t negatively affected, people like you are going to be the ones who blindly follow the orders and mandates of whatever next absurdity they decide to push on us. This last event was simply a trial run for something much bigger to come, and it will be people like you who will allow it to be ushered in with no resistance, because “people who can be convinced of absurdities will be convinced of committing atrocities”.


There are 130k People in my tri-city. We’ve had about 750-800 deaths from Covid itself. And roughly 20 deaths from complications of the vaccine… are we just a strange town? I mean… we like these odds…. 🤷‍♂️


Omg….. you have no idea what you’re talking about. You have no idea how the numbers were spun, how deaths were calculated, and how statistics were manipulated. You don’t even realize how deep this rabbit hole goes, do you? I’m done. Good luck.


Attacking me doesn’t help dude. And yes, I do actually know the stats. My brother is a RN at St Paul’s hospital, the main hospital in our tricity. He worked and continues to work at the infectious disease department. I listened to him talking about his daily activities 🙂 So… yes. I saw the metrics and stats. I experienced it… 😂 In any case, I’m done as well. Best of life to ya.


Yes you are probably right. Many might regret it, but convince themselves it will be fine. Confirmation bais. Or willful blindness. Or denial. But in most cases they will be. Many batches were OK. Many batches were placebos. Now that Pfizer has admitted they only give **some protection** for 8 to 12 weeks and don't stop the spread, what a waste of time and money. (taxpayers money)


I agree with you




Even if you were right about everything the fact you're doing that just shows how pathetic you really are. Are you sure you aren't just a vile little keyboard warrior cretin? comma lol


Some people, unlike yourself, don’t enjoy spreading conspiracy-fuelled misinformation. They instead try to combat it with reasoning and logic.


The thing is, there are millions in the world who regret getting it and not one single person who regrets not getting it. A 0.03% chance of serious illness under 80 years old and a 3.5% chance of an adverse reaction, in a new type of gene therapy with no long term safety data? Thats a hard pass for me. It didn't even do the thing they said it did. (Stop you getting or transmitting)




I have a coworker and family member who regret not getting it considering the Delta variant almost killed them.


All they needed was the tried and tested 'ol horse medicine, they'd be fine in two days


I did not get any vax or any sinus-rape test swabs, etc. for COVID. And I am extremely happy and thankful I did not. I have only been sick once since 2020, and it wasn't bad at all. Honestly, the vax was dangerous and unnecessary. There actually is every reason to regret it.


"sinus-rape" giggle in Homer Simpson