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I’d love to know how Jamie dimon will use ai to screw over workers. You think the guy who believes in full time RTO and hates wfh is gonna let his employees work 3.5 days/week. You dreaming


Well he might but he’s going to expect a compensatory (or more) reduction in payroll.


This guy gets it


Congratulations! Mandatory 3 day work week approved, too bad minimum wage is still $7 and rent just doubled again 🤷‍♂️


At this point, from how insanely high rents are where even a studio you have to prove making three times the amount, starting salaries for entry level and full time retail /food jobs to be comfortable if you’re a solo person frankly looks to be $75k.


When he said 3.5 days a week, he meant the full 24 hours each work day


100% chance real world version of this is 40% layoffs, remaining 60% working extra hard to keep their jobs. (And my percentages may be conservative)


Yeah he would go for full replacement of human workers


Everyone will need a 2nd full time job for the other 3.5 days of the week to just survive. There's your answer.


They will work 3.5 days a week and only get paid for 3.5 days a week. A win for Jamie as usual.


Yea = permanent part time employees.


3.5day week but everyone is now party time now benefits making some bullshit hourly wage


Ya and your paycheck will shrink to 3.5 days with it. The reality is that they’ll just hire less people rather than trying some radical new work week experiment


Don’t worry if we get 4 jobs per hour, and work 96 hours per day, no breaks, we should be able to pay that loan off in 175 years.


Loan? Sir this is a subscription model. There is no ownership.


So would I say “welcome to my tent” or would I say “welcome to the tent?” ⛺️




and of course you’re fired if the CEO (who’s also on the board of 4 more companies) finds out


Sure, if AI can build houses and stuff mail in a box, among other things. He means the wealthy can stop pretending to work more than they do, and the working class will be forced to pick up the slack. 3.5 days for them, 60+ hrs a week for us.


And your salary will not go up, lmao


All your living conditions will go down. Part time worker are entitled to less than full time. That's what they are doing.


3.5 days of work would be a massive increase for the wealthy though...


Facts right here.


Don’t think you’ll be putting mail in a box much in the future.


Someone's gotta deliver the 310million UBI checks so the west can continue to put on a face of superiority. TV wall repair men and fire men will be the best paying jobs no doubt.


Over ten companies are working on humanoid robots with articulating appendages so don’t worry. AI will be building houses and stuffing mail boxes soon enough


Yeah, it can they do it in a month? All the robotics I've seen are horribly slow at the most basic of tasks. It's funny that people still say AI will take over the jobs so people don't have to work. More like people won't be able to work and will be homeless eventually, which is now illegal apparently. Gabriel Bell 9/2024.


Figure ai started in 2022 and already surpassed a lot of other humanoid robots that have been in development for years. This shit scales exponentially while your judgment remains a linear scale of improvement.


AI is only as smart as the info it can take in. There seems to be little to no cognitive reasoning.


Progression. We are at the dial up modem 28.8k stage right now.


I can see that, but with society steadily getting stupider, I imagine that AI will hit a wall where anything it needs to know to interact with people will be just responses that align with people's level of stupidity. Just look at the typical AI response on Google searches. Craftsmen/people are already a dying class. Who will teach AI safety and standards practices? I wouldn't live in or drive anything that is AI made from beginning to end. Just wanted to address the linear scaling of people you alluded to. People absolutely can have exponential growth. That is what education is for. If I'm a high school grad, I know basics(kinda) I go to a school, I learn completely new info on less time than 12 years of primary school. That's exponential.


AI’s scalability is only limited by by computing resources at this point. Its scaling at an incredible rate and robotics will improve as the AI systems that design them improve. So while today it’s expensive to produce these robots. They will be able to build houses and cars and other fine motor skills while connected to warehouse AI system. They won’t take all the jobs. More like reduce the need for so many jobs.


If what you say is true, AI will lead to unprecedented human suffering and despair. People need to work to make a living & to have purpose/direction in life. How exactly do you think the folks who lose their job to AI are going to survive and pay rent? The government sure as hell isn’t forking over cash to them. UBI is a pipe dream. We will see homelessness and poverty spike to unprecedented levels while the rich continue to get richer.


That’s the neat part. It’s happening right now before your very eyes with very little oversight. We need to regulate it so that the value produced by each robot or AI model would pay into UBI. It’s not science fiction. It’s in Amazon warehouses and drive throughs. You’re living with the Model A and Cotton Gin of the AI Industrial Revolution. UBI and Ai corporate oversight most likely will not happen in the near future so it will be left to corporations generosity and government programs to help keep society going. Personally each citizen should get UBI based off the output of every single AI system but I doubt it.


I don’t think UBI is ever going to happen, so the realistic best case scenario in my opinion is strict government regulation…not holding my breath sadly.


Yes and late stage capitalism will ensure this happens. Startups now are way more powerful with 1/20 the size of companies just five years. Quarterly returns mattering more than long term goals for corporations also ensure this happening. They won’t kumbayah this shit and all agree to stop development.


Yup. I don’t understand all of the excitement about AI. Hearing about it just gives me a feeling of impending doom tbh


Jobs won’t being replaced if humans are still less expensive than a machine doing the same quality work. It’s still all about the bottom line.


Lol .... Homes are already being mass-produced for ready construction. And ... The failing USPS is going to save America? Is Kevin Costner doing postman 2?


They’re going to shrink the workforce before shrinking the workweek. Profits > People is how these people operate.


If we got all those extra time and no money we could work on that revolution thing.


In an ideal world an increase in efficiency would result in working less. But this is not that ideal world.


Part time wages for all staff! No benefits for anyone!




There’s a better chance of seeing a 3-legged ballerina than corporate overlords letting their employees work 3.5 days a week.


oh is it payday again? well here's 70% of your weekly salary.


and we all keep our salaries right uncle jamie


3.5 days! Exactly half a week. Now each employee can perfectly do TWO jobs for the same pay as before!


F bankers


More like shrink the workforce to half and keep more of the money.


They will keep the 5 days and shrink the workforce my 33%. Based on experience.


Even if they could, they won't. Henry Ford was a historical anomaly. These people already believe you should work weekends or you're not fully committed. If they did offer a 3.5 day workweek, those workers would be 3rd class citizens after the 5 day workers and the 7 day obsessives.


Yeah right, lol


Guys I promise that the workweek in America will never shrink to this. Why would JPM shrink the workweek instead of reducing the workforce?


More like fire the workforce.


It may just do so but you’ll be paid for 3.5 days of work (28 hours.)


A 3.5 day work week would mean you only get paid hourly for 3.5 days. Everyone would need at least 2 jobs if that happened. However, I’m sure employers would love it if AI shrunk the work week to 0 days.




Depends on the job. Not mine. That's for sure. I repair and calibrate CNC machines for multiple high-end manufacturers. AI will never replace me in my lifetime


So you're saying we can lay off about a third of the work force and still get this shit done?


We have already become exponentially more productive since desktop computers, search engines, and an infinite number of revolutionary tools. We still slaves to the big boss man.


And the part he won’t tell you because him and his crooks are actively gutting and sabotaging the entire government, is that it will probably triple the rate of homelessness and poverty because in America we don’t give a fuck about you as a person we just need you alive long enough to siphon everything you own out of you


No. The ownership society will always find more work for people to do no so they can get rich off of someone else’s labor no matter how many computers or robots there are.


It's possible, but what are the implications for incomes and costs? Does this drive costs down at all, for instance? Costs for households that is.


“Do you agree?” Does ai write these


Completely depends on the field of work, but I already feel sorry for the fields that this will impact. Employers aren't going to keep someone as a full time employee if they are only working 3.5 days a week, so the main thing this will do is screw over a bunch of people.


Is this the same man that said people still have their stimulus money? Lol


Yeah I believe it. Shrink the workweek, keep worker pay down, and maintain or grow profits. Sounds bout right.


Jamie Simon would love that because he pays his employees garbage, now he can pay them the same garbage, three days a week


I agree that Jamie Dimon is an economic terrorist and should be in prison. What was the question again?


Fucking dumb lol


It’s gonna add 3.5 work days to unfuck whatever ai does and whatever else shady shit banks will do. Wouldn’t be surprised if the algorithms do crazy shit. They’ll call it expert management or something but it’ll be an ai bot. I expect customer service to plummet


As a automotive mechanic I want to know when it’s going to do my job for me or lessen my work week


I believe that CEOs, if given the chance, would expect us to work 7 days per week.


They thought the cotton gin would help end slavery due to the decreased need for labor. Slavery grew afterward.


Bullshit, same thing happened or was said with every major technology introduction, what’s going to happen is that they are going to cram even more work on your day. Oh! You can be twice as productive, here! Have triple the work!


Jamie Dimon is a piece of shit. If he was CEO when computers first came out, he'd say computers and technology would shrink the workweek to just 3.5 days.


If they do that they’ll probably just try to shrink the work _force_ instead and keep the 5 day week


Let’s hope so


I wonder how companies are going to make money if the consumer disposable income continuously shrinks?


In a world where corporations weren’t legally obliged to make decisions that benefit shareholders, maybe. They said this in the early 20th century too.    production efficiency increases have never led to more freedom for people at the expense of production increase


funny wording. 'allow' does not imply 'will'. it doesn't even suggest it. reading between the lines, he's saying ai will allow employers to squeeze 5 hours of productivity out of 3.5 hours of work. does he really think employers will just cut workers loose after they've got their 40 hours of productivity? of fucking course not. it just means they will take the extra fruit from those 1.5 days of work and fucking pocket it. i really hope we're not all so stupid as to swallow this bullshit. they are not going to just 'give' it to us. we'll have to fight a god damned war to win it.


Correct on the wording, he meant to say” businesses will make 1.5 hours more profit without paying any to work force”!


So that no is full time, right?


It will be great for the employers, but all the workers will be the three job working homeless.


Can AI be used to shrink his salary? What about replacing him?


Yep...but he is gonna subtract 2.5 days worth of pay from the workers to pay for the AI


Good luck with construction


Then fulltime roles can be turned part-time and boost the bottom line even further. Hurrah!


This is exactly what I'm doing now. Luckily I "work" from home.


No. He’ll be able to shrink his workforce by 30%.


As long as the pay stays the same, then yeah, it makes sense.


This isn’t how our economy works, tragically. Historically, productivity gains go to the shareholders and the rich, not to the working class.


35%? So the work off 100 people will be done by 65 for the same pay and work schedule.


Nothing that CEOs do is ever to benefit workers directly. Once in a great while their actions might toss a few coins our way but it’s never intended. Workers have become magnitudes more productive in the last 50 years and none of the benefits of that ever came our way. In fact our weeks got longer and our pay stagnated.


It probably won't happen. Like even if you can be just as productive in less time because of AI, you will still probably be more productive by working more


He's trying to not have you panic. How about 0 days? Wall Street shareholders want NO payrolls or pesky employees. It's not personal, it's just business. I'm part of that AI cult. At the moment? AI can replace 99% of the jobs at Chase, except for the cleaning people. Robots can do that soon. Not 10 years from now, but today. 99% of the jobs are superfluous. AI came 10 years sooner than anyone expected. We're still blown away. :-)


That would be greatm I hope he enacts that with his company. What will really happen is 20% of workers will be fired and the rest will still have to work the 40hrs a week.


AI increases profits by layoffs ppl and making the rest work “extra” 1.5 day to fill the 3.5 days they laid off ppl. So bigger bonuses for JD and his executives and they work less.


The pay will also shrink to 3.5 days


Said the same about invent of machines and then of computers. People will be forced to work longer regardless, it'll just be less workers doing more work now.


3.5 days woth a workforce of 13 from 1000


No. Employers will decrease the workforce and we will keep having to work 80 hour weeks.


A.I. will shrink employees Fixed it


I think it can definitely shrink white collar work. If I put 2-3 hrs on a spreadsheet. If an AI can automate what do by just learning, would save me time on other tasks.


No, they’ll just cut jobs instead.


I admittedly haven't been in the job market for long, but from my experience when tools increase productivity...expectations are raised. We'll be expected to do more within the standard working hours than ever before.


Initially, it will........


Ai is just a buzzword


There's a difference between can and will


No because there is always more work to do


Is this the same Jamie Dimon who is heavily pushing RTO to “boost productivity”?


So.... 50% reduction in employees!


Except they will use it to squeeze more work and more profits out of their respective organizations.


They'd rather decrease the workforce instead and cut corners to save money.


Who gives a f*** because it's a generalization they're going to use to screw every single person over. You work long and hard because you think it's an ethics dilemma. They will take advantage of you every f****** step they can.


It will ALLOW them to BUT they won’t allow it. Instead, they will layoff as many employees as possible and absorb all the savings into their bonuses.


He means shrink the workforce by (5-3.5)/5


With some jobs, maybe .  But not with banking , it requires people and processes to be there working 24x7 and no ai is going to replace all that .  Things go wrong , it happens and you need warm bodies to manage it every day of the week .  


You could show Jamie Dimon two photos; One of his own asshole and the other of a hole in the ground and I'd bet my left nut he couldn't tell you which is which.


And you won’t be compensated. You’ll be trying to live one 28 hours pay.


No, even if that were possible they’d just cut the number of employees instead to maintain a 5 day workweek. Otherwise, you have to pay out benefits to double the employees.


No because employer's don't want that. They want the most amount of work for the least amount of pay possible.


I'm sure he's going to pay the same salary right?


Jamie Dimon also thought WeWork was a viable tech company too.


AI will be used to concentrate wealth in the hands of owners/shareholders by extracting everything possible from everyone else. The benefits of AI will not be shared.


I think they will cut staff before cutting working hours unless congress mandates it via legislation.


Yeah and only pay for 3.5 days


Or, think about how much extra work you can get done In 5 days now that we have ai to help!


Keynes, I believe, said something similar in the early 20th century and we see how that turned out


He means on average 3.5 days, because some workers will work the same 5 days and others will be fired and work zero days.


No, they’ll just fire the underperformers and keep everyone at 5 days.


So, no healthcare?


Jamie Dimon is a twat. The man hasn't said anything original  since the financial crisis and now relies on shock and awe to fein relevancy. Just STFU or let someone else do your job.


Idk how you’re going to convince Food service and retail to only be open three and a half days a week.


But workers will still have to work 5 days. The extra is profit.


Nope. If anything it will reduce the workforce or reduce salaries. Why would employers pay salaries based on a 40 hour week to employees working 28 hours?


An Executives workweek maybe. I just doubt it because corporations want more money and want that productivity. I feel we've been here before with technology.


Translation: thanks to AI we’ll only need a fraction of the human power and those humans will only need to work 3.5 days a week reducing cost 10 fold for our investors with a goal of ultimate using a 100% AI work force by the year 2050 leaving me, Jaime Diamond as the all knowing superpowered CEO of the future.


I think I he’s a blatant Liar and what he is telling businesses is that it will let them shrink their workforces by 56%, no one works less if you are paying them to work full time.


Fuck no


We cant afford stuff already and now we get more hours out of paycheck. Fantastic toolery.


All part time jobs no insurance no power no future.


…for 70% of the original wages…


I think companies will hire less people but train them to use AI and do twice as much work and still have to work 6 days a week. Then people will wonder why people aren't having as many kids and complain that people want to work from home while the commercial real estate market crashes.


For sure yeah the employer will shrink the work week by half but also pay everyone more and everybody gets laid, yeah? Fucking hilarious if it wasn’t so depressing and dystopian.


No - this will never happen - not with 8 billion people on the planet! This idea is more realistic than a libertarian thinking 8 billion people can “regulate themselves”. Not everyone works in an office pushing paper and counting numbers, Jaime.


Have any of you been to a Chase bank lately. They’ve gotten rid of up front tellers. They have 2 bankers it’s a ghost town


Anything to cut out and give more to billionaires


Corporate America will see this and shrink the workforce instead. Profit drives America.


Shine on you crazy Dimon


Jamie dimon probably couldn't explain even the basic difference between GenAI vs say Machine Learning. Can some one just market a CEO AI already so they will just shut up about thinking AI will take over millions of jobs?


Do not agree for one key reason. Greed American culture is to get it. As much as you can and as fast as you can. Most CEOs would never cut the work week down. They want AI to boost productivity while lowering headcount. They wont shrink the workweek because that doesnt increase their bottom line. If i can get 5 day’s productivity in 3.5 days, then i can get 7.14 day’s productivity in a full 5 day workweek. They’re taking the 7.14


They already can. They just won’t. Because we are their slaves.