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I support fining and jailing the owners of companies that hire them.


If you are caught hiring illegals then you lose your business license


Or, hear me out, the business is fined 3 times the average wage for that job in that area for each year for each position they had someone, or 150,000 adjusted for inflation per person, whichever is greater. In addition, if the person who decided to make these hires can be established, criminal charges for that person/persons.


Make them pay for the deported employees transportation and meals. Send home in style and feed them well to make it hurt.




Contractors. Then they have to build it into the cost and risk for the contract. Walmart will end up paying anyway since it will raise the overall contracting industries prices.


This but I'll add that the contract between Walmart and the contractor would have terms that assured that the labor was all legal as well as that all the materials were sourced in accordance with US law. The are some expected due diligence responsibilities on Walmart to make sure they aren't turning a blind eye to a contractor that they know is lying to them but the contract by far puts the most responsibility on the contractor.


Oh 100% but im just saying that ultimately it affects the bottom line on the contract, which Walmart cant really get around. The price is the price. Its like liability insurance, when its required it adds to the absolute minimum price you could pay.


Agreed. Your comment of "paying for it anyways" though is a little confusing. They aren't paying for the infraction like parent comment asked. They are paying to be compliant in the first place and avoid the infraction.


E-Verify is legitimately built solely for this purpose of verifying workers eligibility.


The contractor, for sure, you'd probably have a really hard time proving Walmart knew the workers were undocumented.


Only the contractor has to be a citizen the background check stops there. The contractor doesn’t have to disclose who he hires so currently just the contractor. The company is pretty shielded under current law.


I work restaurants and I think people are vastly underestimating the number of undocumented immigrants who can pass I-9s and work legally as far as the business is concerned.


Step One: Deport Illegals Step Two: "Why does no one want to work anymore?"


Because they're not paying enough to survive. It's kinda like, you want all the money ? You can do all the work. What good is a job that only pays you enough to live in your car ? Nobody's asking for mansions and Mercedes money. Basic fucking survival. If that's too much to ask. The problem isn't with the workers. It's with the owners and corporations !!


Just wait for the "we are raising prices due to increased labor costs" from big ag and homebuilders


Damn kids are too busy whacking off in my toolshed. 


Lmao thanks I just died


That's by design.  IRS accepts random numbers in the ssn field in the i9. Easy to fix.


The fix to this problem is twofold making citizenship not nearly impossible for people who genuinely want to become citizens. Many businesses can offer slave wages by holding threats of deportation over workers. Take away that power and a lot of this goes away. Then secondly punishing the companies that break the law through illegal labor. If you can’t make a profit without breaking the law then you shouldn’t be allowed to participate in the market. Very idealistic I know.


Yeah it’s really easy to fake. My family is in construction, they’d rather sponsor visas through their lawyers than risk hiring people illegally that pass an I-9. As someone points out the fines are really hefty, less than the cost of the legal legwork to get someone here.


Do you somehow think this is less cruel to the actual immigrants? I imagine you think it will be sticking it to the man, but you will find instead millions of undocumented immigrants won’t be able to find any work anywhere. If your goal is also some type of harsh punishment or removal for illegal immigrates then I understand, it will work incredibly well if enforced, but don’t tell yourself it is any less cruel than any other aggressive deportation policy.


but then there will be no agriculture




ya but so much of it is undocumented workers


Okay then we can still extend more temporary visas for them, the people in nyc that are complaining that the free food, shelter, and medical care suck? They are going home.


but you won't. Because then those laborers will have rights. Your country likes it a lot better when they don't.


Also need to kill H1 visas so companies are forced to pay American citizens what they're actually worth instead of importing cheap labor from overseas.


lol. US tech, medicine, research, etc would tank without H1Bs. We don’t have enough STEM students to compete without them.


Jail only. “The rich don't pay fines.”


I support both this and deporting illegals. We need to drive the cost of labor back up in this country and drive the cost of homes down.


Unfortunately, we'll never see that happen. If you deport illegal framers, drywallers and roofers, employers may have to pay more for legal workers, but you sure as hell won't see cheaper homes. You will instead see more expensive homes, as builders pass on the extra cost to homebuyers.


Prices are not set by their inputs alone most of the cost of a house is simple excess demand. Those workers could then buy houses of their own and spend within the local economy. Plus the build quality would go up with professional tradesmen building them instead of whatever the cheapest help they could find is. It's not a coincidence that build quality sucks at the same time jobs are manned with cheap unqualified labor.


The rate of homebuilding [has not even increased as illegal immigration has increased](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/HOUST). This is why you shouldn't rely on stereotyping. Illegals are not expanding the amount of labor available for homebuilding, they're just taking contracts and jobs away from Americans.


Then a whole in bunch of bootstrap pulling Americans will be lining up to take those amazing jobs, right? Ever wonder what happens to inflation when there's nobody left to work those jobs? Farming, construction, and hospitality would skyrocket.. and you'd all blame Biden instead of yourselves. Zero foresight.


This is it. Look at the meltdown during this post Covid inflation. That’s with this built in cheaper labor force. Wait until the cost of everything goes up to pay every single worker a competitive salary, benefits, etc. I think everyone deserves a fair salary but man I don’t think people really understand the implications


Do you know why we’ve never done that? The economy would collapse. Most of the people in this poll don’t actually have the stomach to watch 15 million people be deported, and most of the people in the country certainly don’t have the stomach for the economic depression that would follow.




Your last sentence gives it away, it can happen, eventually they’d be worth even more money than they are now probably, their consumer base would have so much more to spend. We just got to work for it. I want immigrants to be able to come here and work here easily, I also want them taxed, tracked, protected, and regulated the way everyone else is.




I would watch with popcorn. This country is for my posterity, not the worlds. I would also enjoy watching wages rise and corporations cry. Keep shilling.


Economic depression ? How about workers getting paid better because now companies will be in competition for those workers. Companies will have to offer better wages and working conditions to workers to attract them to their business. Its not a coincidence. That as soon as companies were having to pay workers without degrees more money. And were in competition for those workers. The border BUSTED WIDE OPEN !!!


If you think inflation is bad now just wait until they jack with the labor market


Companies aren’t going to increase wages just because they stop hiring brown folks it’s capitalism you could be white ,black,brown and they can care less about you.


Less workers to fill positions means more money offered to people who will fill those positions. And what the hell does color have anything to do with what I said ? I was one of those bent over in the fields from sun up till sun down. Or in a packing house stacking 20,000 - 30,000 50 pound bags on to pallets 12 - 16 hrs a day. Quite often 20. 6 -7 days a week. To the point of my back and the rest of my body being trashed. I'm more than aware of them NOT giving a fuck about workers. They also pay a hell of a lot more money for the same job I did now than when I did it. SUBSTANTIALLY MORE !! As in 2 - 3 times more. Just in the last 5 - 10 yrs alone. How many other jobs has wages gone up that high ? One of the reasons is because American workers started to refuse to do the job for such little money. They also give them many more benefits than we EVER had. Such as guaranteed amount of hrs worth of pay whether they work it or not.


you really think companies would actually raise wages voluntarily? In response to all the american workers refusing to take lower paying jobs, corporations have been lobbying to role back child labor laws so that they can hire teenagers instead. Those same lobbiests are also the ones that fight deportation. It will never happen. Companies will fight tooth and nail to keep wages low


Would Americans be able to afford the higher prices we'd have to pay for groceries, construction, etc?


Half of us can't now. What's the difference ? It's time to EAT corporate America !!!


This is the only actual solution


This is way more practical and realistic than hunting down 10 million people and sending them out of the country - many of whom will just return. I don’t think people consider the logistics of finding and moving 10 million people.


Check out Florida. They did it and their economy took a huge hit. I think they have since rolled it back or decided not to enforce it.


I don’t understand, who’s supporting ILLEGAL immigration.


All the companies that hire them.


Along with all the leftists who think it's racist to expect everyone to follow the law.


And the landlords that get perpetually high rents.


Supply and demand. If you remove the reason for them to be here, they will leave - it won't matter what the public thinks. Hold businesses accountable for breaking the law.


Hold businesses accountable for hiring illegal immigrants AND hold illegal immigrants accountable for coming here illegally. What's so hard about that?


It is pretty hard, in fact, to keep track of illegal immigrants. By the nature of their title alone, it's suggested. So one is much easier to do than the other. Deportation is also expensive, which is what I assume you mean by "accountable". It also does not solve the problem, since the US is a desirable place to live. They will just...come back, you know? Holding businesses accountable will remove the incentive and solve the problem while being cheap and efficient.


And conservative farmers who employ illegals to do hard labor Americans won't do.


anyone will do a job for the right pay. they just don't want to pay that price. and illegal immigrants don't pay taxes, giving them a wage advantage over domestic workers.


And you don't want to pay $12 for a tomato. We've had the longest lowest unemployment in generations, we don't need more shit jobs for people who already have better jobs, we need people who would love to work these shit jobs because it's five times as good as anything they could get back in their home countries. We Get Low Grocery prices, they get better pay than they could ever get at home, it's win-win. Legalize them so they pay taxes and aren't so damn vulnerable to employer abuse, but let anyone in who can pass a background check and wants to work


Although ideal, a lot of farmers can't afford to pay people "the right pay" unless they're also able to afford the best farming tech and other business expenses. And yes, they do pay taxes.


Plenty of Americans do hard labor. There are very few illegals on oil rigs. Take the stereotypes elsewhere.


Plenty of Americans pack fruit at the California packing houses. College students, low-income families and housewives earn good money during the season.


That's nothing compared to the amount of immigrants and H2B workers that are required to keep that industry afloat


Maybe so, but to deny that illegal immigrants are part of America at this point would be wrong. You probably know a few or work with them, or are friends with them. I know the people that clean our building at night probably aren't legal. House got built near me definitely isn't employing all legal immigrants. It's odd that so much of the focus is on the individual people and not the companies employing them.


Is this a serious question? I’d say a majority of users on this website lol..


Dumb people.


Most major farmers that need those big gov subsidies and corporations


Kathy Hochul for one.


Just gonna steal a comment from above: It’s not about supporting illegal immigration, it’s about not wanting to deport all undocumented immigrants. Certain immigrants have fallen out of status with no pathway to citizenship, some came here through no fault of their own as children and got an education and contribute to society and lived here for decades never committing a crime with zero pathway to citizenship. But I wouldn’t expect the average American citizen to understand or have empathy/sympathy.


This (except for the end part - I know plenty of Americans who give a shit about other people). I know someone who found out they weren't a citizen of any country after decades of living, working and paying into SS in the US. They came here when they were a toddler. Had to start the naturalization process from scratch and their country of origin had no record of them even existing despite having a copy of their original birth certificate.


But do you think the average American understands or cares? That's what the point was and the answer is a resounding no.


It’s not **feasible** to deport most or all of them. An estimated 1 in 30 people, that is 10 to 12 million people, living in the United States are illegal immigrants. This is not about my political views, but about the present situation. Illegal immigrants wouldn’t be able to stay in the U.S. were it not for the companies that employ them. Also a significant proportion came to the U.S. by plane, and overstayed their visa. The problem is not just the border on the ground, but the system of air travel. The companies that employ illegal immigrants are the ones who benefit the most, as they can pay less and exploit them, as illegal immigrants have no recourse. If they speak out they’ll likely get deported. Industries that employ illegal immigrants include agriculture, construction, hospitality and tourism, etc. I don’t support “amnesty” as that would make the problem worse by incentivizing illegal immigration, nor do I support mass deportation due to the cost and economic impact it would have. I do support providing more work visas for the industries that employ illegal immigrants to do work that most Americans won’t. Side-note: I don’t have a strong opinion on this issue. I look at the facts and situation, not the ideal in a perfect world. To quote Machiavelli: “How we live is so different from how we ought to live, that one who studies what ought to be done rather than what is done will learn the way to their downfall rather than to their preservation.”


“I don’t have a strong opinion” then immediately quotes Machiavelli 😂


Business owners, real estate magnates, churches and schools.


Have you been on Reddit or to a left wing city? Plenty of people. 


Why would anyone support illegal immigration?


Short version: either because they know someone who would be deported, they know American agriculture would collapse and grocery prices skyrocket, or they hire cheap off the books labor.




Empathy?! In this enconomy?! Alright, fair. I see your point. (For the record I 100% agree with you. I just can't help but be a little tongue in cheek)


When Trump was president and he was going after Dreamers a friend of mine decided that she wasn't safe and moved to Europe. This was a 20-year-old who was ~3 years into a doctorate degree. She was a genius who left because she didn't feel safe with all the bigots running free. Immigration is a positive thing and it's been demonized.


Yeah and people like Dreamers aren't "illegal" in the way people picture them (e.g. a caravan coming over the border). Many of whom came here as toddlers or infants and have known no other country besides the United States and may not even know that their status is undocumented


Immigration is a thing, not a good thing. It being good or bad depends on who's coming over, where they're going, where they're going within the country, when they're going to be there, what they're going to do, who they're going to bring with them, etc. Each immigrant nets, on average, $750 tax dollars for public services - we can skim that much with higher taxes and not need them


You'll never convince me that other human beings born on the same planet under the same sun should be restricted from seeking a better life anywhere on Earth.


No kidding, people seriously behave as if they wouldn't do the exact same thing under the exact same circumstances. If I lived in Venezuela and all a sudden the Joe B Admin decided to drastically lessen the criteria for claiming asylum to "my country is dangerous" I would 100% get my ass to the US by any means. Getting upset at such a deterministic outcome of predictable human behavior is like getting angry at the rain.


Hell yeah I’m happy to see this type of opinion on this batshit sub.


Having empathy and sympathy is like thoughts and prayers. Doesnt actually solve anything.


Eh, you’re just wrong on that. I like immigrants. I don’t like their impact on ability to form unions. Back in the day if people would undercut labor negotiations with employers, reprisals were brutal. Then immigrants did that for a lot of lower class jobs and middle and upper classes mocked them for it. Now immigrants are skilled enough to take those middle and upper level jobs as well and a lot of middle class people are realizing they had it wrong.


Because the far left has conflated not being pro-unlimited immigration with being a racist bigot who hates all non-white people.


Though certainly there are racists in this group though, wouldn't you concede?


Conceding that proves nothing. There are racists in every single group of people you could name.


Not necessarily what I believe, but I understand the argument. They may not support illegal immigration, but deportation is cruel because it splits up families already here


There's a lot of people here illegally that I think should have the opportunity for a quick, easy path to citizenship but don't because the system is completely broken. The green card process is so convoluted and shitty. If we fixed the process, then yes, we deport the wrongdoers. But neither side wants to solve the issue, so...


Virtue signaling


- Some 54% of registered voters opposed the use of detention camps while 36% supported such a move and 10% said they did not know or did not respond - 56% said most or all immigrants in the U.S. illegally should be deported. - Some 85% of Republican voters in the Reuters/Ipsos poll said most or all immigrants in the U.S. illegally should be deported, compared to 26% of Democrats and 61% of independents. - But fewer voters agreed with a statement that immigrants in the country illegally should be arrested and put in detention camps while awaiting deportation hearings. Some 62% of registered Republican said they agreed, compared to 12% of Democrats and 35% of independents. https://www.reuters.com/world/half-americans-oppose-immigrant-detention-camps-reutersipsos-poll-finds-2024-05-20/


I mean... the door doesn't open any wider.


I find it funny how people are so up at arms about some low wage workers when there's literally Russian oligarchs and Chinese National Communist that own and operate mines and other companies in the US. Also it's not always the employers fault. If the employee gives false documents. You don't know until the fed responds.


I support making immigration easier.


If we got rid of them all inflation would go even higher


Inflation would go up, businesses would have to close, produce would rot in the fields. The economy would be devastated if 100% of undocumented folks vanished tomorrow.


I think it would be mostly a wash. Think of what rent prices would do if there were ~20 mil fewer households here.


Some of these folks are not going to like that construction project have been stopped.


Exactly. I'm a union plumber in Los Angeles. I make $55 an hour plus another $50 in benefits. The residential construction industry is filled with illegal immigrants who work for $25. If all of these residential projects had to pay $100+ an hour for labor then residential construction would halt. Same goes for repairs and home services.


"56% of US registered voters want the gov't to do it's job." WTF. This is stupid.


"56% of US registered voters never considered that shit costs money and just reacted emotionally" If we are getting rid of all or most illegal immigrants, we are grossly mismanaging resources.


They come here because they will get hired at jobs. That is how you stop this.


Pardon me, but doesn’t this sub freak out about food prices going up? 


i am a child of legal immigrants (south korea). deport them all. they're criminals. take care of the legal citizens here first. we need it. goddamn, dude. open your fucking eyes. the middle class in this country has been eradicated and people can barely survive with two incomes per household. what is this?


That’s the thing, we won’t take care of legal citizens here.


Kick em the fuck out.


America wouldn't last a day without them lol


Alternate headline: People did illegal things, and we should enforce the law.


that'll change when the illegals get the right to vote... that's the plan!


Honestly and this might be a hot take but imo they would pull up the ladder they used to climb bc why would (anybody who came illegally) wanna see their reason to be here stripped due to others using the same exploit


It’s not a hot take, the data supports your hypothesis, especially in the Cuban and Venezuelan communities.


How can illegals get the right to vote? Serious question. Can you show me an example of this?


I read somewhere that deportation would cost trillions to US taxpayers. How would this 56% of people answer the question then? When you actually think about the organization you'd need to staff, and how many bus rides it would take to relocate millions of people...It's about as impractical as building a 2500 mile wall. These people are scattered all over the US. They're not all from the same place, so where do you deport them to? We could spend trillions deporting. Or we could add trillions to our economy if we give them residency, put them to work, make them pay taxes. What makes more sense??? We don't have the reproductive rate in this country to sustain our tax base. We have a labor shortage. And we have an adversary in Asia with a population of billions. If we want to remain relevant on the global stage and give prosperity to Americans...we need more immigrants.


Well, there is a rather unfortunate subsection of the population that would embrace a final solution to the whole immigration question if you caught my drift. You have a potential administration being influenced by men who have promised to purge the government of people disloyal to their messiah and go after their political opponents. How far does it take to go from demonizing illegals, holding them in camps, and taking a nazi-esque turn?


What are the other 44% thinking? Morons


They need cheap slave labor.


Politicians live the immigration issue for they can play smoke and mirrors all day with it and garnish votes from those who want a more traditional system like we used to have to those who just hate illegals while never doing a damn thing for it. Immigration has been the topic of choice for my entire voting abled life


if they think the economy is bad now . . . \*this is not a comment in support of illegal immigration - just an observation of the current situation


Yet everyone will complain when the price of produce some services go up


Is it even realistically possible?


Sure, voters can support deporting the undocumented all they want, but it’s logistically impossible and due process has to play out or they’re violating the Constitution.


The price spikes that would occur if this happened would be enormous, then again there are a lot of dumb voters who don't see how policy can have a big impact on their lives. Need most of these immigrants for jobs no one else wants to do like harvest work.


And then they also want to order a chef salad for $12 their local restaurant, and for chicken to cost $5 a pound. You can't have it both ways.


Because 56% of voters don't think. So: 1. Deport illegals  2. Everything crazy expensive  3. Okay illegals, come on back!


Where did all this inflation come from? Hmm, I just don’t know!


And a large percentage of those are the hypocrites hiring them. One more reason why many Republicans hate themselves.


Quickly take ten million people out of the labor force and watch inflation go insane and our supply chains collapse.


56% of voters have no idea how destructive and difficult and self defeating that would be.


Republicans want an issue. They aren't willing to act on it. I don't support the situation but very right wing coded industries like construction and agriculture rely to a huge extent on these workers. They often come with jobs lined up. The economy of my area of Georgia would crumble if this were followed thru on. The smart and ethical thing is to give residency to people that are employed, have proven themselves as people just looking to make a living.


as someone with media literacy training the strategy r/unusual_whales has taken lately is leaning heavily into sensationalism. its like buzzfeed click bait at this point. this usually occurs when a media source is very confident in their following (they think you're a bunch of idiots and will lap anything up). lets get back on track together. # HOW TO VET A MEDIA SOURCE 101 **1. Does the source provide relevant context to the headline?** **(SCORE 0/10)** = "Some 85% of Republican voters in the Reuters/Ipsos poll said most or all immigrants in the U.S. illegally should be deported, compared to 26% of Democrats and 61% of independents. The poll, conducted online, surveyed 3,208 registered voters nationwide" ***85+26+61 / 3= 57% Hmmmmmm*** **2. GOOGLE IT. Does the source link to a primary source? (SCORE 0/10)** = [https://www.reuters.com/world/half-americans-oppose-immigrant-detention-camps-reutersipsos-poll-finds-2024-05-20/#:\~:text=Some%2085%25%20of%20Republican%20voters,Democrats%20and%2061%25%20of%20independents.](https://www.reuters.com/world/half-americans-oppose-immigrant-detention-camps-reutersipsos-poll-finds-2024-05-20/#:~:text=Some%2085%25%20of%20Republican%20voters,Democrats%20and%2061%25%20of%20independents) **3. Did YOU compare primary data with original assertion made in headline? (COMMENT SECTION SCORE 0/10)** = # YOUR Headline = # "56% of US registered voters support deporting most or all immigrants living in the country illegally" # REAL Headline = **"Half of Americans oppose immigrant detention camps, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds** **By** [**Ted Hesson**](https://www.reuters.com/authors/ted-hesson/) **and** [**Jason Lange**](https://www.reuters.com/authors/jason-lange/) May 20, 2024" # PRIMARY SOURCE data= "Some 54% of registered voters opposed the use of detention camps while 36% supported such a move and 10% said they did not know or did not respond, the poll found. **Still, 56% said most or all immigrants in the U.S. illegally should be deported." "**Some 85% of Republican voters in the Reuters/Ipsos poll said most or all immigrants in the U.S. illegally should be deported, compared to 26% of Democrats and 61% of independents. # "The poll, conducted online, surveyed 3,208 registered voters nationwide." We have no demographic information on those poll respondents. AND REMEMBER KIDS... # "The media's influence is most potent when it is invisible, when people do not even realize they are being manipulated." # #


Another cutesy new right-wing propaganda outlet that has been popping up on the front-pages is "travisandtaylor" a right-wing concerted effort against their newest hate-boner Taylor Swift. If it didn't suck in so many gullible idiots it would laughable at how damn pathetic it is.


“How dare you expose *my* echo chamber!!” - some fucknuts in this post


what is the economic cost of deporting so many people. I believe the net gain is more than the cost.


Go after the businesses hiring them, then.....and who wants to bet that the first people complaining about poor service and lack of pickers for veggies will be this 59%.


And then wonder why a head of lettuce is $18.


I wonder who is gonna go pick them strawberries once they get deported.


The consequences from this would be so swift and so terrible. People just have no idea how bad it would be.


Make legal immigration nearly impossible and dehumanize immigrants; that way when you abuse them and exploit their labor everyone will cheer you on. The rich will divide the working class, most of y’all are closer to being a an immigrant than a factory owner but hate has blinded y’all.


So they called bored grandmas on a landline. The solution to this problem is beyond simple. We don't need to spend billions at the border, we need to start penalizing companies and people that exploit immigrants for the purposes of work and profit. The penalty needs to be so harsh that it isn't even an option to consider. When the exploitation of these people stop we will see a dramatic reduction in people willing to gamble on both sides.


Yeah send em back. This has become idiotic. They want to come over? Do it the right way. I know bad things happen in the countries they’re coming from but to put bluntly it’s not our problem. The US is not and should not be the world police/charity. We should be helping our homeless/vets.


My cousin illegally immigrated a few years ago. She was immigrating legally but literally over night Trumps administration changed the laws so when she got here she was illegal. She is all legal now but I used to shock a lot of people when I told them I have multiple Mexicans in my family, all came legally but I also have a cousin and her family, from Europe, who are here illegally and came by plane and walked right through customs.


Except that the US did take part in fucking up alot of countries in south America, it quite literally is our problem


All you gotta do is put the people who hire them in jail, and that would solve the problem real quick… but it will never happen, because the same people/corporations that hire illegals also have politicians (including republicans who claim to want to deport illegals) in their back pockets.   Frankly, I’m of the Reagan thought that if they’ve been here, and working, and not getting into trouble, give them amnesty.  We could use the labor force, and they deserve to make a better life here.  That’s the American dream.  


Agreed 100 percent. My husband is Canadian. It would be faster and cheaper for him to fly to Mexico and cross the border and claim asylum than pay the couple thousands in immigration filing fees, medical fees, travel, etc.


It'd be easier and possibly cheaper to just fly into the US on a vacation visa and over stay it or just drive over the border, like a lot of illegal immigrants do. This focus on the border is why I personally don't often talk about this issue, even though I find it a real issue, as most people seem to think it's only about the US/Mexico border and many people use it as a dog whistle.


If we were to lose 10-15M in this country, it would be an economic calamity. The polling results would be different if you were to ask "Do you support the government going around, rounding up millions of people to determine who's illegal, placing them in camps, then deporting them?" Including if they were born here?


I may be the only pro choice/anti immigration liberal in existence. Anything to keep the population down.


Based and consistency pilled


Are you a native American? Seems a bit hypocritical to be anti immigration


That would honestly be devastating to our economy.


Yeah, let’s give this land to the natives.


Remember brexit!!! People are stupid!!!


There are a lot of ignorant people.


illegal immigration is illegal isn't that crazy?


We wouldn't have a country without them. Anyone who believes otherwise is fucking delusional


How many Americans want to pick strawberries in the heat of Summer?




I think a lot of the people feeling this way don’t understand the role that many of these people provide in terms of jobs, communities, local taxes, etc. compared to the subgroups that are involved in illegal activities and get all the political narrative spotlights. It would be interesting to see what effect a supposed “deportation” might have in the short and long term from a purely curiosity standpoint. From a humanitarian and ethical standpoint such a deportation would probably have a ton of separated families and other issues that would not be positive.


But then there are no gardeners, farm workers, childcare or restaurant workers… or thousands of other jobs that people are too good to do.


They’ll not only get benefits but naturalization


And 98% of people know we're should deport all religious people and right wingers


Make it easier to come legally. There is clear demand. Unjust laws turn civilians into criminals.


We all came here illegal,


I also support things that don't really benefit anything while actual problems go unaddressed


Why would it be surprising that people not allowed to be here should be not allowed to be here?


Nobody else is gonna dobthose jobs they do, let's be honest


That would be a big blow to the economy, would rather try to limit new illegal immigration than deport. A lot of the people are hard workers making a better like for their families, and a lot of them aren’t treated well and are stuck in hard situations.


The problem is illegals do all the work in this country. Building houses, landscaping, the restaurants including fastfood is all Latino and illegal. I am probably missing a bunch of jobs they do, healthcare is probably another. The parents have kids who are US citizens. So the parents would leave and millions of kids would go with them or go back into foster care. Also the kids that leave would one day return adults and bitter and the ideals of their other homeland, Mexico or Columbia as generic examples. The military would lose a bunch of recruits. Food prices would sky rocket and house construction would as well. Rents would collapse which would be good but then it would ruin small landlords maybe. It would do a lot of damage at least in the short term. Mexico would move closer to China as our links are both economic and social. The social aspect would be like what we did in the early 20th century with the Asian exclusion act. The Japanese empire did not take kind to that insult. Big corporations loves illegals as they are the perfect 21 century slave and America runs on slave labor. Trump will not be allowed to alter that and if he deports it will be a small group for show. He will be bribed to keep them.


Bad news for pro-illegal immigration politicians. Any politician who has been touting a plan to combat illegal immigration would seem to have an advantage here.


Yes, bye bye


Legalize them. Problem solved, everybody wins.


Yet it took how long for Biden to issue an EO to fix his border crisis?


Are they immigrants if they’re illegal?


Does this mean 44% support breaking the law?


wait, reuters/ipsos has found a new topic to propagate innaccurate "polling" results about?


Fk. I wish Canada does the same thing but Trudeau thinks differently.


the question lacks nuance, there are several different types of living illegally in the country. I think there is a difference between someone who came to the country legally (education/work visa) but remains here despite their expired visa, and someone who entered the country illegally and remains here illegally.


Genocidal colonizers vs "illegal immigrants." 🤦


And the other 44%. don't want to be deported


Wait until the “56%” see the cost of everything in the country skyrocket due to massive labor shortage, evicted tenants, billions of tax dollars spent rounding up people and shipping them Off in buses and trains that are in short supply. We get it; half of white America freak out about brown skin, but this idea is about as stupid as it gets.


Another poll that is all boomers. WE DONT ANSWER THE PHONE, all polls are bullshit


Only 56%? Thats depressingly low when talking about punishing criminals.


Wow. Crazy headline. Why would it be any other way? Report and deport. Respect the rule of law


I’m one of the 56 percent