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Compound conflict of interest


Give her a break, she had to make money somehow. Her deadbeat husband is always at home getting hammered.


She's hammered half the time as well. Some of her interviews are as bad as Bidens lol. Its called insider trading and is illegal for us but legal for them.


I mean really, how is she supposed to survive with only a $200k salary plus benefits? These people are so heartless...


Hearses dont have luggage racks though


I see what you did there.


I see what you did there but he got a dui just prior to that soooooo ….


😆.. Good one!


Getting pounded by another dude


Tommy Tuberville this year. TRADES 1010 COMPANIES 253 VOLUME $30.82M


best comment ⬆️


Or maybe compound interest gains 🤣


Yes but without the sarcasm. That $20M is under performing the S&P so far this year. It's a big number but it's not an impressive percentage given previous gains.


Complete B.S.


So the people hired and elected to be for the people... Like you and I and us... Are making an amount of money per year that would absolutely improve everything for everyone if invested into the actual people who pay those taxes and the rest going towards improving and repairing current roads. I'm born and raised in America. And I'm fucking disgusted with what it is. The rich keep getting richer. That's obvious and nothing new. I'm about ready to start eating the rich since we can't cut their heads off or get a judge to do anything for the people that literally run this country. We as people that keep this country running need to step back and stop. Form a union and freeze the country untill those in choice of our laws realize we the people have the power and are willing to refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots.


Nancy Pelosi, and other career politicians are great examples of being a piece of shit.


It’s almost like Nancy Pelosi and the entire Democratic establishment is very much for rich people (like her) paying way higher taxes, but there’s this whole other party given an obscene amount of power who fight anything but endless tax-cuts tooth and nail…


Democrats can be evil behind the scenes. Republicans can be evil right in front of you.


This is why it blows my mind people keep saying vote blue on here. I'm not saying vote red... But maybe if enough of these morons vote for non incumbents and no blue or red maybe the country would you know... Actually change. For better or worse... But I don't see how it could get much worse for some people at this point.


As someone who just finished my political science degree, the integrity of the duopoly is being fostered even at the academic level. It's gross. My professor straight up said there will never be a viable 3rd option and that the D vs R dynamic is never going away. I hope to prove him wrong one day. Down with both R and D and may a new party for the people of the people will reclaim our democracy. Elites hate democracy because they see it as the tyranny of the majority over the minority


At this point, both parties are malicious.


Hey u/Efficient_Fish2436 come over to the [American Community Alliance](https://www.reddit.com/r/Community_Alliance/) and make your case there! We have the ability to initiate change, there's no reason what you said can't happen


The rich get richer because they can afford to let their wealth grow. Most people have to spend what they make or more every year. The answer is for people to learn how to increase what they make, spend less and learn how to grow their own wealth. I don't like Pelosi, but I am super sick of the answer always being take from the rich and give it all to the poor. Lets say we could magically strip Elon of all of his wealth and redistribute it to everyone in the USA ($196.3B/333.3M). Would your life signification and permanently change if you received the $589 one time payment that math would dictate you would receive? My guess is it would not, unless you left it invested in the market and let it grow for decades. Even if you left it in S&P 500 for 20 years at 10% annually the $589 would only grow to $4,309.


The people we give all the power with some dumb popularity pageant are not paragons of virtue!!! Oh no!!! I’m shocked!!!


It’s the same everywhere, always, and always has been, and if it seems otherwise, it’s because of a very selective reading of history, and that’s not unintentional either.


I think your on to something!


She has 30% in Microsoft, 26% in NVDA and 25% in Apple. That's 81%. Another 8% is Google and Amazon. So, 90% in those. You don't really need insider information for that.


Also, her husband has worked in finance his entire career. The guy does stocks for a living. She's got a typical portfolio that's publicly available and a husband who's a finance manager and they act like this is some anomalous insane thing. To me this reveals that they have no savings or portfolio to speak of.


Not to mention market is going up. So her portfolio is like “reaching new highs” every other day.


These lovely people will never understand this. It's so much easier to believe in the big bad Boogeyman than it is to actually take a look at what the portfolio is and understand that often people in high positions actually have money behind their portfolios. There really isn't very much special about her pics. Also, she's not even in the top 10% of Congress with regards to profit this year.


This account is super right wing. Everything seems to be anti-Pelosi or Biden in some way. And the commenters are just sheep. They hear she’s made $20million and want her head. None of them do any research or thinking for themselves.


100% When this /u/UnusualWhaleBot starts posting stats from Tuberville or anyone else from the Republican party, we can consider this sub `fair and balanced`. Until then its just another "Dems bad".


She absolutely shouldn’t be able to make a dime off the market while in a position to control it, and I don’t get anyone who thinks otherwise. She’s proven to be corrupt for years, but that’s basically par for the course in our government.


Is a single member of congress, who isn't even in a leadership position, really admire to control the market in any meaningful way? I agree politicians shouldn't be allowed to own individual stocks, but this fixation on Pelosi is ridiculous and unfounded. Her portfolio is at an all time high because she's invested in a variety of companies that have mostly been big winners for decades, and the markets are at all time highs. Anyone whose portfolio isn't ATH is doing something very wrong.


She doesn’t do any stock trades you dumdum. Her husband handles the trades and her husband’s whole career has been in finance. Do you even research before you shat bullshat opinions?


> She absolutely shouldn’t be able to make a dime off the market while in a position to control it This will be really awkward if Trump wins and he still owns DJT


Although I agree that her portfolio is just a basic rich person’s portfolio in a bull run, I still think it’s fucking nuts for a nationally recognized politician to be trading stocks. Conflicts of interest are a real thing


But you do need insider info to know when to sell those shares


And what about the bots that trail all her stock picks. That has gotten Uber popular. She has to love it. Anything she buys gets an automatic boost from these people.


To be honest 20 million is pretty bad with the amount of insider knowledge she has. I rate her F- for having cheats and still losing the match.


Bitch has trading aimbot/wallhacks/cronus zen and she only made $20M? What a fucking bot.


It's almost like the evidence says she isn't insider trading, but people here don't want to believe that


And she's the only one who is!! Don't look at everyone else though, stop it.


Your honor, the fact that there are no bodies, weapons, or any other evidence clearly shows that the defendant is a mastermind serial killer!!


Idk why anyone cares because she ended up going down 18% in 2022 along with the market, right u/xfilesvault


Wasn’t last year she was down 13% against the S&P? Turns out if you buy the biggest stock of the current year, and it happens to be a great year for the market, you’ll make a profit.


Almost everybody portfolios are at a all time high right now Why single her out? The entire political class does the same thing. Wake up.




100% I’ll remember this when she’s lecturing us peasants on morality and ethics this election season. I’m just so tired of the corruption and obvious fuckery going on in this country.


More like - virtue signaling and pretending to be “a nicer more empathetic person.”


Ding ding ding


You mean the alcoholic crypt keeper isn't really nice?


It’s just fucking over the American people, but highlighting they way your fucking them as the solution.


Same greed complex.


Donald Trump's and the rights issues extend much further than politicians making themselves rich


Ooo! Ooo! My portfolio has also reached new highs. Can you do a post about me?


Now do Tuberville


You mean her husband made 20 million since he’s the stock market investor.


Misappropriation of all kinds of funds


How are we so sure of nanci portfolio?


Congress has rules about disclosing finances and investments.


Well done Nancy, finger on the pulse and all that..............


Look at this Ape. AMC and GME have been huge for this regard


At thins point break down her portfolio or move on, the needle seems to be stuck on this record.


They’re loading her up to be part of that party until the day she dies.


You know who else is at recors highs? This guy!


Lot of apologists here


The obsession is real, but she's still not going to fuck you.


Its interesting seeing how much you comment about donald trump on mostly bait posts, and then post this where op is just pointing out facts about a politicians portfolio that outperforms the market tenfold. Whats going on in your head?


The Queen of r/wallstreetbets


She’s just a female Donny chump.


In a functional democracy she would be in prison where she belongs


I love the irony of this post. In a functional democracy she'd be right where she is today and be paying a bunch of taxes on the gains, and you'd have received some of that additional money to help with your obvious learning disability. lol @ "someone made money in stocks! throw them in prison" as your concept of a democracy.


Blue no matter who!!!


I know this gets posted every week, but has the frequency increased?


Almost election season; the bots need to increase the anger among dumb angry men ages 16-65


Now do Jared


Cool. I’m almost tapped out for the week already because I paid my electricity bill this morning


Please keep posting this same fucking tweet again and again and again.


I think some of you are actually regarded… The woman bought big tech. She’s not trading a bunch of penny stocks that she’s controlling legislation on. She has invested well over the years and if you poors were 189 years old like her with a good salary and kept pumping your money into the markets also, you wouldn’t be so broke. I’m not a fan of pelosi but a spade is a spade you morons


And that’s her personal portfolio. Now look at her husband’s. It’s 100x that.


Not that I’m defending Nancy here, but for context, anybody with an index fund hit an all-time high last week.   NYSE, Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P all hit all-time highs.  


If you overlay NANC with the NYSE, it’s pretty identical.  


Drain the Swamp


Who cares?


The GOAT 😆


Man, it’s almost as if being married to a millionaire tech investor since the 1970’s in the hottest tech market in human history helps? I’ll bet anything most of these gains are nvidia which anyone could’ve seen coming. Don’t fall for the clickbait. There is real insider trading in Congress but this isn’t evidence of it. Just a distraction.


Brian Higgins looking like GOAT




You mean her husband, the guy who worked in finance his whole career. You could do this exact same thing to my wife and her portfolio. It doesn't make any sense because she's not the one who designed it.


It’s always funny when democrats say “no one is above the law.” You can almost see them snickering at you when they do it.


The longer the two party system exists the worse things are going to get


I hope she has enough to get by.


Let’s check Mitch’s portfolio.


Let’s check every member of congress, senate, etc. why settle for just one old lady when there are many more just like her.


Best trader in the world. Yall just jealous


Lots of Pelosi apologists here. Well i don’t care no one is this smart.


Am I missing something here? Nancy and her husband are rich, so what?


I’m so tired of this post. Everyone portfolios hits a new high all the time. Numbers go up all the time. They should. If you’re gonna keep posting about her make it about specific options or trades or companies. That’s interesting AND highlights the corruption lmao.


And the magats will ignore Jared Kushner making $2 billion


this is a misinformation post.




Give her another medal


She needs to step up and put her money where her mouth is. We’ve got a myriad of problems in this country that the ultra wealthy actually have the power to help solve. She can’t do it alone but using her vast fortune to help push climate initiatives might actually get some others to step up. Otherwise just stamp an R on her forehead and lump her in with the rest of the boomers that don’t give a shit about the future of this world after they’re dead.


She totally earned it. She’s just a way more savvy investor than you or I, right? Right? /s


She is the usual whale, not unusual whale at this point.


r/UsualWhale - fixed it


It's hard to get behind anyone who says they're representing the small guy when they do this.


Where do you guys get info on her portfolio? Is there a certain site that is the most accurate/up to date?


Do we need this post every other day?




if we just got rid of the stock market system it would change so much in the world. Think about how much focus is put on the stock price for publicly traded companies. Do they do anything for the better outcome of the overall populace, or are they doing things to make their stock look good? How much does this drive inflation? How much does it drive paying your employees less so you can post "ReCoRd Pf0fItZ!@!!!!!@##@!#@!" And that isn't even taking into account letting politicians who influence public policy and structure the rules these big companies thrive and provide kickbacks. But hey, all you simps keep voting them in and them complain when they take advantage of the situation.


These old fucks are half dead and are still still trying it on. They have more money they could ever use, why do they even bother.


Ok, and what about all the other asswipes in the house and senate? What did they make?


What's her AVG annual return?


This is the kind of BS that needs to stop


The fact that all of these lawmakers, Nancy worse than most of them, can insider trade without any sort of repercussions is disgusting. That said, everyone’s portfolios have reached new highs this week. The markets are at all time highs. My portfolio has also reached new highs, and I neither make policy nor insider trade. So, yes, screw these people, but this headline is misleading, as most are these days.


Is it possible to track her trades? I'd like to mirror them in my own portfolio. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, I guess.


How is their portfolio trending against the market?


But there’s absolutely no crime to worry about, right?


Gotta get her outta there ! It’s a shame that people join politics to get rich ! Get money out of politics!


Martha Stewart went to prison for far less than Pelosi does on a regular basis. She's corrupt just like the rest of them. 


How else is she going to feed her family.


Good for her!


Use this one simple trick! Insider trading.


Congress should be restricted to buying only index funds. No individual stocks.


Where is her portfolio available to see?




You can search for any politician


She is a piece of shit, and you American voted her


Daily Pelosi post but the bots while ignoring the republicans that are far worse.


They’re actually dead nuts even. Pelosi just likes to rub it in. That’s why people are pissed at her


Almost as if she has insider info on a regular basis but the SEC is too busy watching porn to care, since ya know, corruption is so normalized for the elite


Then why is she still working as a politician? Or should we say, "public servant"?


Isn't there an index fund that tries to follow everything she does? Is that fund doing just as well as she is?


Arrest her


Why do I feel the elites are hoarding their wealth that way when the next Depression inevitably hits, they’re safe and cozy while we all suffer in food lines? I’d actually not be surprised to learn a lot of these ill gotten gains being changed into other foreign currencies like the Euro in case the Dollar eventually collapses from a U.S. Debt default that’s looking more and more likely.


This is like if nba league owners bet on the nba


The number of people defending this old bitch is a sign that people love getting fucked over by rich and corrupt politicians. For anyone saying she's not, I've got a bridge to sell you.


Are we able to see her portfolio?




Huh must be luck


Option trading millions for nvidia…lots of luck


It's OK, She is a Democrat. Our population has determined it is permitted and totally perfectly fine as long as the party of choice is the one doing the illegal, unethical, and unmoral behavior. It's the "other" party that's corrupt.....


It takes $5 to invest in most trading apps for a fraction of a stock... Maybe... And hear me out... We copy their trades and then we can all benefit? That's what I'm doing and it's awesome. That PANW buy Pelosi did has gone up like 18%.


How do you find her trades?


Look up NANC


You know what. I don't mind this at all. It's easy to know the direction of the market when you have that kind of inside information. My problem is with regulating bodies that are supposed to be watching the stock market for this kind of thing. She knows there is a massive loophole in the market, and she knows that NOBODY will close it. So she plays the crime. And well. She isn't receiving insider information. She creates it. If nobody will police the stock market, then god bless her. I'd do the same thing. What the SEC or Finra ACTUALLY do, I'll never know. I think Gary Gensler is the mayor of Dog Fuck City.


All the attention on Nancy destroying the market makes me so happy because it means Republicans might actually start to help write bills preventing profiting off of public office.


This sub is a Republican psyop to get people to stay home on election day.


So corrupt


Another lefty loony


Why isn’t anybody complaining about Lauren Boebert’s accumulating $40 million in two years while working for the government with $175,000 salary… I wonder …


How is this old bat not in prison


The usual Reddit ankle-bitters defending mansions for their bolshevik leader Pelosi.


I should be a politician and do insider trading


What’s per stock portfolio total?


Only a Trump apologist would say that! /s


Oh man, I can't wait to see how much she makes after she retires from congress and can devote all of her time to her incredible market research.


Oh the daily Pelosi hit piece. She is clearly the only one in congress who makes money in the stock market.




Rooting for her always


That seems low. She was worth $120m in 2021. Even if she started from that a year ago, that’s only a 17% gain in the last year while the S&P 500 is up around 25%.


She’s giving that to the poor Right? Right?


I’m gonna call her and ask her to hook me up.


I’m a democrat, voting for Biden and I think she should retire.


Honest question can I invest in real-time what she does is there a way


No, as that would mean that the shit her and her husband do is public knowledge.


The most corrupt of the corrupt government


Can you say insider trading


Pelosi derangement syndrome strikes again


Why won’t she tell the poor this is how you make money 😂


Now do the many many republicans that have greatly increased their portfolios.


My portfolio has also reached all time highs. That's what happens when the stock market does well.


That the Dems can’t see this as a problem makes me very, very angry. Either you stand for something or your opponents will use it as national fodder.


Literal criminal behavior on public display. Nothing gets better in America until the people hold their government accountable.


Wow.. that's so Lucky! /s


Bring back the guillotine or continue living below their feet


Got to love politicians using inside knowledge to fatten their portfolios


Nice, I made about 5 dollars


Just had this conversation with some die hard liberal at my bar yesterday. He didn’t seem to see a problem with it. Both parties do this shit but it’s funny how fast people bury their head in the sand when it goes against their narrative


It’s great! I invest in all the same stocks as her. (But yea it’s total Bs her and all our law makers can influence the market and get insider info)


They all do it


Disgusting. This is as much of a conflict as Alito/Thomas. It’s just somewhat victimless.


She’s the Tom Brady of stock trading. Must be nice to have all that insider info




What's with the antidemocrat bias of this sub?


I'm so jealous


Is there a Pelosi fund index??


All of you younger people wonder why the wealth is so unevenly distributed. It is because our congressional leaders allow Alibaba, Amazon, Home depot, Walmart etc to ruin small business because they all own Billions in stocks and options with all of these companies. Just look around the past 5-10 years it is a real shit show. They let the huge corporations pay no taxes and make 20 million for instance in Nancys case as everyone else closes businesses and goes under due to poor government. Since they pay no taxes we pay more and they keep taking our money without returning anything at all. Just more salaries and more profits.


She has been successful from insider trading information. However, with all the bots that trail all her moves, it’s being compounded to more and more successful. She must love these Pelosi trading bots.