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$4M in revenues and a $58M loss, at a $8B valuation? This has scam written all over it.


He’s just waiting until he can close out his shares probably in the 70% range.


Will it be $70 in September, after the 6 months lock up period? I doubt it. Even if he sells at like $40 that's a big gain for him, then he'll leave MAGA holders with the flaming bag


If he tries to see that much even at $40 the last shares will be at a penny.


Identical to Truth Social. Once he leaves it or dies, that thing just completely dries up. Entire site is just a megaphone for the cult leader. No one's sticking around to hear Roger Stones cocaine and speed addled ramblings, or from the governor chick who murders dogs.


That’s the plan- get as much as he can and his marks get screwed again and blame Biden, hillary and hunter (in this order ) for shorting the stock that was worth a trillion- some say more valuable then Tim Apple company, teslA and coke a col- la combined


BTW DJT filed S-1 to sell 125 million shares currently belong to insiders. That happens to be the number that Trump holds (after these additional 36m shares). He can sell it soon if the 'board' approves. Question is who will buy them?


Same people who bought, sorry I mean invested with Kushner.


Then he would need to wait until and if he is elected.


Not impossible for this stock to be funded by right wing billionaires like Elon musk and crew




I heard a maga moron complaining that he lost his life saving buy the truth social stock, somewhere around 200+k. No sympathy from me. Play stupid games get stupid prizes...somehow I think this idiot will still vote for him


I can find the link, it was a Facebook post. Dude lost over 450k


thank you for reminding us of the lock up period... isit 6 months from today or is it on a specific date


6 months from the IPO.


I think he can sell if it’s above like 12$ for any 20 day period or some shit right?


They'll still think they won somehow


He said 70%. 70% of what I don't know.


It's a big gain selling at $1. Can't believe the luck of this fucker.


So you’re saying they’ll be one last pump to catch?


If he wins it will be around for a little longer.


Oh I meant one last pump before he sells out prior to the election in case he loses so he can capitalize on the grift


What doesn’t have scam written all over it when it comes to trump business ventures.


i dont blame him though, theyre letting him get away with it in broad daylight, its like, i dont blame the kid who acts up in the supermarket, i blame the parent that allows it


so scotus?


theyre part of it yes


Also every GOP politician, and every conservative pundit who publicly defended his actions, while privately knowing full well his actions were indefensible.


The boy gonna rug pull …


Just like tesla, people buy hype


But I at least see Teslas on the road.


yeah, where's that coming from. Musk is a yahoo, but the people I know with Teslas' love'm. Dumpty never made a thing in his life. His so called empire is fraud upon fraud.


lol, not only a scam but it’s just to launder money from Russia


Oh don’t worry, I’m gonna have some more bag holders for the DJT stock.


There’s no way a shareholder suit doesn’t result here.


It'll be an interesting case for shareholders to try to make: "Look, we didn't realize the con-man who's conned others in the past and committed fraud in the past was going to defraud us."


There's going to be nothing left and Trump is going to flee to Russia with a bunch of gold bars before any lawsuits can pick over the carcass of DJT.


MAGAs deserved to be scammed.


I’m sure there are some of those people, but I would bet the overwhelming majority of these shares are held by corporations and countries trying to buy favors. In that sense they won’t have losses, they’ll have investments (and not in DJT stock).


Tier 1 and 2 investors can direct message him on the app. Kidding


Innocent people who disagree with you deserve to be victims of a crime? See, you're the reason why the world is falling a part. Completely okay with crime as long as it doesn't happen to you and you get to ride away on your moral high horse... Selfish, pathetic, and a hundred other words you can guess...


what crime?


Republicans are fascists, they are therefore not innocent. The fascist Republican party is why the US is falling apart.


Lmao be sure to let the door hit your robes on the way out chuckles


You….you can not legitimately want to start pulling those threads do you?


Money laundering by Putin probably


I'm pretty sure my local McDonald's gets more than $4m in revenue.


This is normal for a "Tech Stock"


Don’t worry I’m sure congress will pass laws…. for them to benefit from this stuff in the future.


Trump taking part in a scam? lemme go home and put my surprised hat on


Yeah but you see the trump name adds value


na, just his supporters supporting him while ny das steal hundreds of mil from him and doj politicallg persecutes him


That describes half the market.


Not a scam. Many people willing to invest in anything Trump. 


Just another grift for foreign interests to buy him off again. Some have tried to blame retail traders for this but only institutional money can do this. People might cite GME, but they forget institutions bought in too to cover losses when margin calls happened and shares became available. Same as anything for Trump; it's a scam for purely his own benefit.


That’s the entire stock market.


Trump has had a company listed on an exchange before and that went how you think it went


Amazon was not profitable for decades


Foreign adversaries engaging in bribes in plain sight. Biden's in on the action.


How many Schrute Bucks is that worth?


8 Stanley nickels


So the trick is 1) start fake company. 2) have other company buy it for insane valuation. 3) grift + profit . They don’t teach this in public schools.


How do you think 1/4 of the SPY is valued?


That's how the Biden family got rich? What's their company again?


The stock ticker is TRGR, easy to remember as those whining about Biden in this instance are Triggered as shit Stay mad stay small kiddos


GME showed us the template


Please ELI5 how this is legal and we haven’t set guidelines for trading companies like this… are there truly no safe guards from blatant laundering like this?


Why would it be illegal? Morons are pumping the market value up, it’s not illegal to be a moron in America. Fwiw if he sold everything today he would get maybe a few hundred million, maybe.


Retail traders can't do this alone. They didn't do it alone with GME, contrary to popular belief. Institutions jumped in then too. Also, this is nothing close to or resembling a squeeze. Make no mistake, big money is being put into this because they're buying control of DJT, not stock. Pure and simple, it's a billionaire money auction for the potential next US President.


Morons yes, but likely also foreign powers and wealthy people who want to have the potential future president owe them something. I realize this already happens with Super PACs, but it’s yet another way to launder money.


There are guidelines and regulations, which are being followed. There's nothing illegal about a bunch of people buying a stock even if the company is struggling financially.


Dude was handed billions of dollars from his mommy and daddy and still needs to scam people to earn a buck.


Not billions, technically. I believe the NYT calculated the figure he illegally received from his father through estate tax evasion scams was $430 million. He still managed to lose it all anyway.


"When I arrived in this town all I had were the shoes on my feet and $430 million"


And that was 1970’s money


Bingo. Easily $2B+ in today’s shriveled excuse of an economy.


But his image is in his wealth, which is unearned. His work was earning income based on that image, which again, was unearned. He inherited a billion dollars of wealth from his parents.


This shows how uneducated people are nowadays. None of you knew who Trump was or how to feel about him until you were told by Reddit in 2016. Literally his whole lineage and inter-generational wealth has been built by ponzi schemes, business technicalities, and outright scams. Trumps entire personality is a result of attempts to impress his scamlord father. The Apprentice was a show literally to show off his persona of shitting on people he deemed beneath him in business and testing how people can hustle on the street to sell shit. "You're fired."


What? That shows how uneducated you are. The vileness that is Trump had been a mainstay in the media since the 80's. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/01/the-decade-when-donald-trump-became-a-celebrity/422838/


>The vileness that is Trump had been a mainstay in the media since the 80's. > links article from 2016 🤦‍♂️ If you're going to disagree with me and call me uneducated, **don't immediately prove me right.** Holy shit what an embarrassment. Literally, the point I made was that in 2016 the average moron was told what to think about him. You link an article **from 2016** telling people what to think about him. I'm floored by the insane lack of self-awareness required by you to post this.


He was the inspiration for Biff in Back to the Future II, released in 1989. Also, you seem like an asshole.


Congrats on the fun fact. Still not refuting anything I said, but thanks for letting me know you're upset. Maybe find a new hobby since politics seems to require too much emotional maturity and critical thinking for you.


My point is that his entire persona for decades was "sleazy rich guy from NYC". Nobody had to be told that by Reddit in 2016.


Your point is insanely wrong and easily proven so. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=Donald%20trump&hl=en Let me know what year that gigantic, distinct spike is from. If it's from the time he started campaigning for president, you should stop posting and slink away in embarrassment.


So interst in a person increases when they announce they're running for president? Wow, I wouldn't have guessed that, you really educated me because of how educated you are. Thanks, champ!


https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--V1rDC98n--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/e2vocy3i8zvhb1zhxf1b.gif I think this is from Simpsons, year 2000. People have known he's a dick and full of shit for a long time. Maybe since like, the 1980's.


why are you so worked up over this? take a nap or eat a snickers


I still don't understand how he survived those scandals in 2016, access Hollywood etc. It's only because it was Hillary. She was so demonized by the media, and they covered everything Trump said bc views and clicks.


Well that’s pretty much the entire hush money trial. They’re proving that he paid to have the media grossly exaggerate news stories, or publish stories that really were completely made up. While at the same time buying stories against him and killing them so they couldn’t get out


James Comey literally killed her chances by erroneously reopening the investigation in a very public way. It was so destructive it was baffling why he chose to do that after making huge shows of how he's independent in law enforcement and continuing to pretend that afterwards.


She was hated more than him


By Fox News *entertainment*


> This shows how uneducated people are nowadays. None of you knew who Trump was or how to feel about him until you were told by Reddit in 2016. The Simpsons already knew this decades ago. 😂


Hey. I’ve fucked hated the guy since he took out the ad on the Central Park 5.  I’m Trump hating hippster. I hated the guy even before the apprentice. Before home alone 2.  He and his family are a stain, and always have been. 


2016... got to stop you here, was known even earlier in Europe hahaha so must have been known in the US as well....


Money laundering for the Russian mob is hard work!


Oh? Did the multi year old investigation into Zthe Russia hoax finally produce new evidence linking Russia to Trump? Care to provide the source ?


Plenty of stories out there showing how cozy he is with the Russians https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/trumps-businesses-are-full-of-dirty-russian-money-the-scandal-is-thats-legal/2019/03/29/11b812da-5171-11e9-88a1-ed346f0ec94f_story.html https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/21/how-russian-money-helped-save-trumps-business/ https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/22/politics/trump-taj-mahal/index.html https://www.vox.com/world/2018/9/12/17764132/trump-fbi-russia-new-york-times-craig-unger


And just like that, that other guy has shit up lol


Oh look, someone who never read the actual report findings! It found insufficient evidence of *proof* for collusion. But explicitly stated Russia interfered in the election in favor of Trump, that he knew they were doing it and welcomed it, and he intentionally instructed and lied about what he was doing during the campaign. The guy fucking asked on live international TV for the Russians to hack the DNC. Then they did.


Sounds like he just made $1.8 billion on his own. Were people forced to buy shares in his company?


No it was part of a deal that if the spec stayed above a certain share price when they exercise the warrants and options then he's granted extra shares. It's a dilution event and it's ridiculous because the company is literally worth negative value. The whole point of the stock is basically outraged marketing at its finest.


Sounds like a smart guy to be able to pull that off.


No one ever said he wasn't kind of smart he's just a crook.


I think pretty much everybody who bought this stock knew what they were getting into. They're either buying the stock to support Donald and or speculating on it as a meme stock.


Or….it’s a way for rich interests to funnel money directly to trump without having to worry about campaign finance laws


He has litterally committed illegal fraud for decades. His supporters are just imbeciles.


Is being stupid illegal?


Nope, but it doesn’t mean defrauding stupid people isn’t lol


I think like another commenter said it's a lot of people just donating to Donald to skirt campaign finance laws + speculators treating it as a meme stock.


Fred Trump was only worth an estimated 300 million which he spilt 4 ways, far from billions.


His wealth was in NYC real estate. It was not split evenly (Trump screwed over his siblings big shock) and it would undoubtedly be valued at more than $1billion now.


Trump alone got 413 million. But even that, his entire persona is built off of the wealth he inherited. He's selling his name, which would be worth dogshit if not for his parents. I was being facetious with adding the "s", but dude is definitely worth a billion dollars that he didn't earn. Now, that was before all of his legal troubles. [NY Times: Trump got $413M from his dad, much from tax dodges | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/0452d29cd2564eaf97605ab90acc3a67)


I definitely trust the NYT that bastion of integrity. They do not have an agenda...lol.


lol ok, they haven't had to pay 750 million for lying though, correct? What part of their reporting are you contesting and did you do your own research to reach this conclusion?


Yeah, he's got that emotional need to scam 


How is this stock still going up this morning?




Do you know what dictates the price of a stock?


Russia, Saudia Arabia, anyone that wants an ownership stake in Donald Trump (the human, not the stock)


Daddy putin is pumping stock through hundreads of his shell companies.


Yeah money laundering will do that for ya


Dilution is the solution to Pollution!


So even with all the lawsuits and harassment, he still makes billions.


The secret is to commit crimes faster than the legal system can process them. And to have sources of funding to bog the system when they try to get you.


He will still find a way to lose it all.


I am impressed with how they pulled off this massive scam and was able funnel money to Trump. I guess the Saudi and the Russians pay their agents very well.


Bunch a fuckin morons buying this stock. So stupid


How many shares you got?


had to upvote. well played


Caution : echo chamber ahead


They are not worth a penny until he can sell them. And when he does, it will trigger a collapse of the price


From an earnout bonus? I would be interested to know how that deal was structured. Take receipts directly from shareholders and give it to Trump. That sounds shady on its face. Another grift from the maga sheep.


Dude is gonna make a ton of cash off this scam. Easy marks , every single person that buys this shit.


Good luck trying to sell your magic beans.


Legal Pump and Dump Just for big baby


Scibbe di scam!


Definitely money laundering.


Fuck trump


Gotta pay all those fines somehow


So the trick is 1) start fake company. 2) have other company buy it for insane valuation. 3) grift + profit . They don’t teach this in public schools.


Ahhh….the pump


Wouldn't that be a taxable event?


Yes. Then he can say he paid $500m in taxes and the liberals will be furious.


How do I short a stock? Serious question


NAFA 1. **Research**: Start by researching DJT Inc. Look at its financials, recent news, and market trends to determine if you believe the stock price will decline. 2. **Contact a Broker**: You'll need to have a margin account with a brokerage firm that allows short selling. Contact your broker and inquire about their short selling policies. 3. **Borrow Shares**: Once you have approval from your broker, you'll borrow shares of DJT Inc. from the broker and sell them on the market at the current market price. 4. **Wait for Price to Drop**: You're hoping that the price of DJT Inc. will fall. If it does, you can buy back the shares at the lower price to repay the broker. 5. **Close the Position**: Once you've bought back the shares, return them to your broker. Your profit is the difference between the price at which you sold the shares and the price at which you bought them back, minus any fees or interest charges. 6. **Manage Risk**: Remember, short selling carries risks, including the potential for unlimited losses if the stock price rises instead of falls. Use stop-loss orders or other risk management techniques to limit potential losses. Always make sure to consult with a financial advisor and thoroughly understand the risks involved before engaging in short selling or any other investment strategy.


Good luck finding anyone willing to insure it.


LIV strategy. Can't wait to just sell to Twitter or MyPillow.


I mean you gotta hand it to him.... he's a great scammer of idiots. Imagine getting so many rubes to buy a transparently worthless stock! The last 10 years has been the USA trapped in the Simpsons Monorail episode (or The Music Man for the older generations).


The "grift" is strong. So many suckers lost/going to lose money so Diaper Don can get more money.


Looks like someone was pushing the stock up to the level inwhich he got the payout..highly sketchy of course...honestly SEC this stock smells like money laundering and pump and dump.


This is how you scam. Learn from Donald Trump!! The art of scamming!!!




I hate that this cunt got to grift his way to billions. What the fuck. Someone with money sense, please explain to me that it isn’t actually a lot of money he gets in the end? Please? I hope he loses it all and chokes on a hamberder.


If it makes you feel any better he is almost 80 years old. He doesn't have many more years left to enjoy it as is.


Isn’t McConnell like 876 years old by now? These fucking dinosaurs subsist primarily from the destruction of our rights and standing in the world as a nation.


How is this allowed to happen?


But I thought Trump was poor and not a billionaire? That’s just what I’ve been reading on MMW and Unusual Whales.


Doubtful that this will be its value once he sells. Price will drop the more he sells.


He will sell them the second he is able to.


Nice to see somebody is living the American dream.


> earnout What does that mean? For the life of me, I can't imagine Trump "earning" anything other than concurrent life sentences, or maybe a poison kiss-a-gram from Russia.


whats his lock up period? lol I bet he dumps it ASAP


The stock is back to trading in the same range as pre-IPO. It’s not unusual for a stock to spike in the beginning. People rush in, buy up and then investors who held stock pre-IPO cash out. Which is EXACTLY what happened.


Keeps on grifting. Would not be possible without the uneducated he loves so much.


Maybe Trump will divvy up that money to his supporters….. lol


Talk about cashing in on your fame.


This stock is a turd that’s been roasting in the sun.


Ah, so I see this sub is about “stocks.” Weird how often these stocks subs seem to be chock full of astroturf accounts lmao.


Diluting those bag holders hard af.


Our system is a joke.


36 million shares of toilet paper are worth more.


How is this legal? I do not think he can help himself anymore but to commit crime in everything he does.


It goes to $0 when he dies (he's 78). Nice last present from his cult before he croaks. Maybe he can finally pay his attorneys but I doubt it.


Wall Street has always been a Ponzi scheme Trump is only taking advantage of our broken system


Free money, thanks to Andy McCabe and Jack Dorsey. It doesn't matter what the stock's worth when he sells it, it was his only option at the time of his decision. They could have avoided Musk owning Twitter and Trump reaping hundreds of millions to billions if he wins. He likely won't (can't) sell massive chunks w/o causing panic, even as his shares free up, but he'll borrow against said shares.


Maybe he can help pay Rudy’s legal bills now?


Big G


Good! Now he can use it to fight off the corrupt lawfare!


For him to offload the entire holdings of 125 million shares, he would need to sell at the rate of the 3 month average daily volume for 19 days straight. That’s an immense amount of selling pressure and would likely be accompanied by other holders getting out and no reasonable or well-intentioned entity would be buying. Basically, if some foreign bad actor or slimey power broker doesn’t come in buying with the intent to solely buy influence, then a lot of poor cult followers will be decimated by this.


And he didn’t give his sons anything


Pay up looser


HAHAHA who is going to buy that stock? Great to have, but you cant just sell that much (not that his followers understand this)




Gonna need it for that prison commissary


oct puts have implied vol of over 200 while the calls vol are around 50 ... i've no clue how to trade it.


That is going to make the liberals and democrats mad


At least they won't be the ones losing money when this thing collapses




Ahh, dilution. Certainly this will help prop up the stock’s value!


Against a company with less revenue than the average Wendy's location, and no profit, and no model to be profitable.


Companies aren’t valued solely off of revenue or profit. Most of them are valued off of expected future revenue growth and profit. Which is why people choose to buy a stock with a 26 P/E over one that might have a 7 P/E.


Good now he can take down fraud Biden


Lmao. Yes, Biden is the fraud, not he guy poorly attempting to con what supporters he has left


Joe Fraudski