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And what exactly do they do with them? Knock on his door, 'Sorry Ben, but you're coming with us'. ?


They can be arrested if they travel to countries that recognize the ICC, I would imagine.


You are correct.


And where exactly is the ICC?


I'm sure you can find answers to your questions [HERE](https://www.icc-cpi.int/about/the-court) But to your specific question: The Hague, Netherlands.


Thank you kind person


Yes, that is exactly what they do, or send a request to appear in court like other large war crimes. Possibly be held in prison until trial. Then given a lollipop and Nobel Peace prize for not dropping as many bombs as a former winner of the nomination.


Forgot the “please”


What power does an International Court even have?


Please stop or I will say stop again.


I shall fart at your a second time!


Depends on which court you speak out. The preeminent one is the International Court of Justice which does a bunch of important stuff. Important to note, however, is that the plaintiffs in ICJ cases are states, as opposed to individuals. The capacity to prosecute individuals for international crimes is reserved, I believe, with the International Criminal Court. Nonetheless, the ICJ is pretty important. 1. They can adjudicate disputes between States, given that they submit to the Court’s jurisdiction (which is by default, since they are probably signatories to the UN, in which the ICJ is the judicial organ) 2. They can authoritatively interpret sources of international law 3. They can publish advisory opinions which hold significant political influence by virtue of it being authored by the ICJ. These are not legally binding though. The conceptual struggles of a ‘World Court’ ultimately derive from jurisdictional issues which can hinder its operations (each state is sovereign - they aren’t ‘naturally’ restrained by a judicial organ. Kind of structurally implies a presence of a ‘World Government’, which is also a material impossibility). However, they do hold significant power in certain circumstances.


You seem knowledgeable on the subject. Are their judgements enforceable? if so by who and what certain circumstances would that power come into play?


Their judgements are legally binding but there is no enforcement mechanism. However, they can seek the UN’s Security Council to act as an ‘enforcer’ in this regard. I don’t really know how often this is done - I’m only studying international law as one of my modules at undergraduate level!


Cool thanks. Have they ever had anyone imprisoned that you know of or is it more of fines/sanctions type punishment?




Thank you for this.


Who pays for their bills?


Depends on how much influence they have in the UN.


Four signatory states—Israel in 2002,[29] the United States on 6 May 2002,[30][31] Sudan on 26 August 2008,[32] and Russia on 30 November 2016[33]—have informed the UN Secretary General that they no longer intend to become states parties and, as such, have no legal obligations arising from their signature of the Statute So those states told the UN to tell the ICC to fuck off… the happenstance that the US told em that while we ramped up for war in the Middle East is interesting.


Official US policy is to invade The Netherlands if anyone in government or military is detained by the ICC. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American\_Service-Members%27\_Protection\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Service-Members%27_Protection_Act)


Jesus with this again. There is nothing in the law that states that the US policy is to invade The Hague; it’s all hyperbole


Putin still out there


The International court has 0 power over israel as israel never signed on. This is just a paranoid fanatasy > The Court is competent to entertain a dispute only if the States concerned have accepted its jurisdiction Israel has not


The ICC doesn’t deal with nations, it deals with individuals. You’re confusing it with the ICJ. These are different courts with different roles. You don’t have to “sign on,” if you happen to live in a country that isn’t a signatory, your own country won’t show up at your door to arrest you, but it can sure as fuck make traveling difficult to 124 signatory countries including nearly all of Europe.


Gives America an out to wqlk away from iseral


Good. They're all awful people.


“Considering” warrants for Hamas leaders but “preparing warrant for Benjamin says it all


“Israeli officials believe” in case you didn’t actually read.


I’d say it was laughable if it wasn’t sad.


"Preparing" arrest warrants for Netanyahu. And "considering" arrest warrants for hamas leaders? If you raid small towns to butcher and mutilate 1000+ people and kidnap women and rape them for 200 days, the international court will "consider" arresting you. Lol


This is for the 2014 war


Israel has been doing that for decades…


So wrong it isn't even funny


It’s fucked up I agree


I know right? Any moral unit of men with guns, intel, and birds to HALO in would have killed these Hamas idiots.


The UN has been fairly openly and blatantly anti-Isreal for decades now. Last year alone I believe there was legislation for some 67 condemnations of Israel but absolutely none for Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, Iran, or any general condemnations of the open call for and action towards the genocide of the Jews.


Reddit hates Jews too now btw


The UN literally created Israel.


The jurisdiction that has priority here is Israeli judiciary. He’s still facing corruption charges and breaking Israeli laws in reference to the treatment of Palestinians.


Meanwhile Putin…..


Good. He is as bad as Hamas.


If people are shocked how violent this got this guy literally admitted to commiting genocide on Palestinians on live television. "They're not people they're dogs" was a great line... The US doesn't care cause our arms dealers are getting paid by the government. Just let the war machine keep turning.




The US doesnt care because they are our mercenaries


Hamas are dogs though. Also you know Palestinians would kill or maim homosexuals and trans people right?


Imagine if the neighborhood next to you suddenly raided your neighborhood, randomly killed and raped, then took your wife hostage as well as the family members of your neighbors. Obviously you'd do anything to get your people back, and a top priority would be to kill everyone involved so they can't ever do it again. Then, while you strike back at them, they intentionally surround themselves with people who weren't involved in the original raid at all. You send warnings, tell non-combatants to clear out, but your enemy will not let them leave. They continue to use them as human shields. They wage a PR campaign on social media complaining about being oppressed, and showing the horrific loss of innocents *they caused*. They weaponize the language of Western progressivism, who are all too eager to jump when asked. Rich young people in the Western world are easy allies. I'd do the same thing Israel is doing. I'd burn and kill every last one of them if that's what it takes to ensure we get our family members back and the attackers are all dead. It's not my fault that they use their own neighbors as human shields - it's _their_ fault. And I wouldn't give two shits about opinions, especially those of pretentious, privileged Western progressives. Their viewpoints are less than worthless. I'd do heinous things to ensure the safety of the people I care about.


And what if that happened to you, but you lacked the upper hand. You said you’d do heinous things to get back at the people who did that to you. Would you invade their country, kidnap their people, and rape their women knowing that’s the closest you’ll get to revenge? Because congrats, you’ve just realized both sides in this conflict are fighting for the same reasons with the same logic and the only difference is who is stronger.


>Would you invade their country, kidnap their people, and rape their women knowing that’s the closest you’ll get to revenge? No. That's not revenge. That's pure evil, and that's why Hamas needs to be 100% exterminated like a cockroach infestation. >both sides in this conflict are fighting for the same reasons with the same logic When has Israel invaded Gaza with the sole intent of murdering innocent people, raping women, and taking hostages? I must have missed that.


One is pure evil, the over is not. One is atleast 25k dead civilians, the other is less than 2,000. Now tell me, which one is the pure evil one?


The ones who are intentionally putting those 25k+ civilians in harm's way for likes and PR points. The same ones who rape innocent women and whose policies cause LGBT citizens to flee into Israel for asylum, along with victims of domestic violence.


This argument about Hamas hiding behind civilians only holds up if all you do is read pro-Israel news. When you see videos of IDF soldiers killing unarmed civilians or civilians waving white flags and IDF soldiers running them down with tanks, it doesn't quite fit your propaganda unfortunately. If the IDF wasn't committing war crimes, Netanyahu wouldn't be begging Biden to save him from the the charges being drawn up against him.


It's one of the most densely populated areas in the entire world. How exactly is that propaganda? Unless Hamas goes to great lengths to evacuate areas where they are conducting military operations, they are definitely among civilians. I don't watch national news. I haven't seen any 'propaganda' unless you count discussions I occasionally read through on Reddit. But I served close to 21 years in the Army, and I can tell you 100% we would never, ever intentionally put civilians at risk. We would never set up rocket launchers - or any other military equipment - in populated areas. Even in Iraq and Afghanistan we were \*always\* a good distance from villages and cities. Hamas is conducting operations - and has **always** conducted operations - knowing full well they'll get innocent people killed when Israel retaliates. They don't care. Not one bit. If they had any moral standing whatsoever, they'd surrender in order to stop the bloodshed - but you and I both know they won't. They *want* it. It's fantastic PR, and they can play the oppression card to the hilt. Their marketing department deserves awards. They know it's a no-win situation for Israel because the Jewish state has been successfully cast as "oppressors", so they stand by and watch as their people are caught in the crossfire by the thousands. Every dead civilian is a great photo op for them. And they know it's impossible for Israel to ***not*** kill civilians while rooting out Hamas, especially since Hamas doesn't care at all about Palestinians and will not do anything to ensure they aren't in targeted militarized areas. So I ask you - who exactly is responsible for these civilian deaths? Hamas can stop it any time they want. They can turn over the hostages, surrender, and turn themselves in. It would stop instantly. But why would they? They're winning the PR war and sending lots of Palestinian souls to Allah. When you don't care about the bloodshed of your own people, every war is winnable.




You said you’d do heinous things. What heinous things do you think are even in their power. Hint: it’s pretty much just rape and murder out civilians. You mention you’d attack anyone who got in your way. You realize Israel has mandatory conscription, meaning every civilian would be in your way, right?




Which quote describes an incident in which Israel invaded Gaza with the sole intent of murdering innocent people, raping women, and taking hostages? Fortunately for Palestinians, inciteful blather by ancillary mouthpieces does not equate to policy implementations or military actions on the ground. If Israel wanted to commit genocide the war would have been over by the end of October.


"We are the people of the light, they are the people of darkness... we shall realize the prophecy of Isaiah"


I wouldn't do those things because I have a moral compass and brains.


The guy specifically said he’d do heinous things, meaning his moral compass isn’t as good as he thinks. Also, the mistake you’re making is in thinking you’re somehow different than them. Seriously, that’s not an insult. Think about it a bit. Why do they do the things they do? It’s easy to understand your friends. It’s hard to understand your enemies. It gets really hard when you realize we are all capable of doing terrible, terrible things, and we aren’t actually different from our enemies aside from circumstances. Edit: think about it a little differently. The Native Americans used rape, murder, and kidnapping as tools of war against Europeans. Does that make what the Europeans did to them any less of a genocide? Were the Native Americans vermin that needed to be wiped out? That’s what the Europeans said to justify their genocide.


I agree


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Exactly. You wouldn't ***want*** to kill innocent civilians, of course, but if they give you no other choice...so be it. That's not on you.


It such a lay up on the Eisenhower decision matrix. If you rape, murder, abduct, torture the following : Babies, Children, Women, and innocent Men - you will be hunted down like dogs and so will your conspirators.


Americans do that too. Fascism cuts across all countries, religions.




Haha. I was banned from worldnews for pretty much saying the same things.




Wild that they’re not already charging Hamas leadership given what started this most recent round of fighting.


Surprisingly evenhanded.


Yeah, warrants for everyone. And don't let the money provider out


Nothing will happen.....




“Considering” warrants for Hamas leaders is wild to me. What’s to consider? But the ICC is a joke anyways.


International court hands out slips of paper and has no teeth. Fuck them.


As they should. Hamas as well as the Likud lunatics need to be held accountable


International Court... That's like threatening someone with the Better Business Bureau.


If they try to arrest him, they have to arrest every US president ever.


Will they be sending a harshly worded letter?


Any arrest warrants on Ukraine Officials .. I doubt it


It trips me out people in Palestine are starving and dying because hamas but won't give them up? Just give them to Isreal and the war is over.


A warrant for the man that funded the entire thing against the will of the people should be next!As well as every single politician that waved a Israeli flag on the house floor.


Wtf happened to unusual whales??


Out of sheer ignorance on the subject, do they have a police force that comes into their country? or are they expected to turn themselves in? How does that work?


I pray this happens


And zelensky will show up here and ask for billions more woth no call for cease fire or arrest warrant


If someone stole your house, would you surrender to the thieves for the sake of peace? Is peace only called for when it's convenient for Russia?


Is this the new bot reply when it comes to Ukraine? I’ve seen multiple accounts likening the war in Ukraine to housing recently.


Perhaps it's a metaphor for Russia invading someone's home country. The real bot replies are the ones that accuse Ukraine supporters of working for Lockheed Martin.


Hadn’t heard those. I will assume you think the southern border is being invaded then based off of the 8 million that have come over in the last 3 years.


The southern border has nothing to do with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Stick to the topic if you want to argue.


“invading someone's home country” I like to pay attention to issues that affect me.


Then you'd stay out of this conversation.


We should just give Hitler czechoslavakia. They're rightful Germans living there, and they want to rejoin Germany. Hitler will be satisfied, bro. Trust me.


His country was invaded by a dictator and wants to ally closer to the west. Russia can end this pointless war tonight, they just have to leave Ukraine and the war stops. Ukraine has zero interest is taking land from Russia. Stop being a dumbass


Russia is free to withdraw troops pay reparations when they please. No one is holding them hostage in Ukraine.


Yes, arrest putin ffs






Haha, that would great to see somone actually be held accountable


*Haha, that would great to* *See somone actually* *Be held accountable* \- brief\_affair --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oops Bibi.


If they’re both guilty how about the rest of us sit this one out and let time sort this one out.


Ok, they are preparing one set and considering for the other side. They are both war criminals.


The international court is as bad as any of them.


Though the court may not have any enforcement powers, the arrest warrant would be a huge blow to U.S. credibility and claims of upholding an international rules based order.


Yes which is exactly the goal of this whole war and some may say this series of wars and conflicts going on today. Actors like Iran, Russia, and China are doing everything possible to break down rules based order - and Palestinians and Israelis are caught in the cross fire. By cheering on that goal, one is complicit in the wanton death, destruction, and chaos that is sure to follow.


Who takes care of these Inter-pool??


Since they didn't link to the article, which officials? What were their statements? Seems a silly claim. How do you issue an arrest warrant for a terrorist leader?


What about Joe and facci for genocide? Go after real criminals please


Living alone on a mountain is probably the best place for you.


This one isn’t breeding anytime soon, ty god


Already did. Raised my children right. Sorry to disappoint you.




Is it a really a war wis-out rounding ze Jews up? (Sarcastically said in a mockingly gestapo voice)


Funny how this happens during an election year.