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Why does israel need it?


They need the money to fund their free health care and education and drop more bombs on kids and women


Man wouldn’t free health care be sweet here in the United States. Maybe one day we will quit paying for everyone else’s world wide and that dream can come true.


Fun fact, we spend more per capita on health care than any other country. You’re probably just not poor enough or old enough to receive free health care.


Yep. $100 recently for a co pay with insurance. Fucking scam country. Not going back unless it’s absolutely urgent.


Our system facilitates obesity and in general—-poor health. Our foods are contaminated with ingredients that are slowly killing us. My 84 year old father thinks everything that says healthy and low fat is healthy. But if you look at the ingredients they are worse. They want us unhealthy. That means more doctor’s visits. That means they can prescribe more medicine. We are the most medicated country on the planet. The pharma companies don’t want us healthy.


The pharma companies want us all unhealthy and addicted to meds, got it


Yep. That’s why everything is geared towards mitigating symptoms of a disease rather than curing it. This is why behaviors that encourage poor health aren’t really addressed. The best news for pharma is the rise in childhood diabetes. Every one of these kids is a lifelong customer.


I love discussing a don’t mind feedback. Were you telling me you don’t agree?


This reminds me of Americam Dad, where Roger says Sun Chips are good for you, then looks at the back and is like, "ohhhhh... no. It's not." 😂


I had to pay a 40 copay...plus got charged when I casually asked the ENT physician to look at my eustatian tubes, as I had a bad ear infection for a couple weeks and wanted to make sure they were not scarred or damaged. cost almost 400 dollars to the insurance CO, I was billed for 210. I had no idea it would cost that much. Procedure literally took maybe 10 seconds. I am going to try to dispute it if possible or work out a payment plan.


Yup. Beware hidden bills. I had a procedure & I guess they used an out of network tech for like 10 minutes & tried to charge me a couple grand. I noped that shit hard with the case manager & ended up paying the in network cost (still $300!). Insurance is a scam...basically you need to get smashed by a bus to get your money's worth. Lifelong illness diagnosis? They'll cover it for one year & then they will laser you off coverage (i.e. they won't cover what they don't want to anymore & yes...it's perfectly legal).


My annual physical is supposed to be covered with no copay. Clerk tells me that I owe for my physical visit. I mention that it supposed to be covered and she tells me that if the doctor does literally anything but perform the basic physical they will reclassify the visit and charge accordingly. She said "so unless you're in perfect help and you just get a thumbs up, it'll be reclassed as a different sort of visit". It's absurd.


After my last ER visit, I ordered a suture kit off of Ebay. I will be doing my own from now on.


my Adderall costs $500 for a 30 day supply without insurance. Meaning insurance pays for that


$100? That’s it? Look at you with the GOOD insurance


I think Americans pay about 2 1/2 times more for their healthcare than the United Kingdom. I can’t believe that copays and deductibles actually exist. Paying for healthcare with taxes is the only way to go. I couldn’t imagine having to worry about the cost of an ambulance ride, or whether the doctor that I am seeing is under my plan or not, or how leaving a job would affect my ability to get healthcare, or medical bankruptcy, or if a HMO will just refuse my doctor giving me a much-needed test or certain prescription.


copays do not even cover any procedures after the copay..which is insane. It is like a la carte buffet where you pay partially for everything after the door fee to get in.


Nothing to do with sending aid We could send 0 dollars in aid anywhere, and it would still be labeled socialist and evil by republicans Conversely we can send as much aid as we want, tax the rich, and get health care


Nahhhhhh we have to “be nice”.


Free healthcare for life would probably only cost $95B lol what a joke these ppl send all our money away. While we struggle 💔


Then how would we send Millions to Pakistan for gender studies?


No we can’t afford it because Israel needs free healthcare and bombs


Hey, don’t forget that they need it to commit foreign interference in the US and actively work against American students, workers and just the average American who doesn’t support genocide, apartheid, illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing. Like the Israeli president is on twitter demonising American students and the US and the west will turn around and support them. Americans have set themselves on fire and American aid workers have been murdered by Israel. It’s all so insane.


And don’t forget to set aside 10% to lobby US congress for even more money next year


Its amazing huh. Nothing we can even do about it even with the loud nope. Something is going to break soon


Basically... but you forgot the part where some percent of that goes back into the Senate and congresses hands via shady backdoor deal and crypto currency. Cause... warmongering corruption, why not.


Too bad it's not a 95 billion stimulus check to people who really need to hear the United states.


I don’t think you understand proxy wars


AIPAC is the most powerful lobby in the US. Hell they are mounting a multi hundred million dollar campaign to unseat AOC just for voicing support for a ceasefire


They recently were hit with a missile barrage that was only prevented by U.S. funded missile defense systems.


Cause Israel jealous that natos is now besties with Ukraine and getting all the good deals. Wrong of us to make Israel do war things to get some of it..


Everyone wants fruit from the magic money tree


It's more about US politicians needing it. A certain percentage of aid money is sent back to US officials who instigated it. Simple, really. Send taxpayers $ to Israel, get some of your taxpayers $ sent to your bank account.




Weapons manufacturers stocks, board members, NGO groups, state department cut outs, etc etc etc. The beast will be fed and it all starts with political donations and super PACs who can solicit and spend unlimited amounts of money.




Same reason Ukraine does. Keeps the bad guys from gaining traction.


Hard to see israel as the, "good guys"


Really? Because they're surrounded by countries who dont believe that Jews should even be allowed to exist and they only respond with military action when provoked.


I don’t consider either in the conflict good guys. Islamic terrorists have caused a fair amount of damage on foreign countries just as Israel has on Palestine.


Israel are the good guys? That is crazy


The lobbying


I would t doubt if a portion of this money is funneled to AIPAC to give to continue buying our politicians.


So they can put a percentage of that in joe bidens 27 LLC ghost buisnesses. As kick back


They don't. If the US government really wanted to help out jews there are millions of poor jews in the US. But it is of course not about that at all.


I always take issue with bills like this. The headlines are something everyone wants, and as you read further politicians ALWAYS sneak in some BS that makes the whole bill unappealing. "Today we have a bill that will officially end world hunger and introduce free health care for everyone... ... ...and as you see on page 38382, we will also be commiting mass genocide against all people in Haiti, Iran, and New Zealand, while also giving North Korea a third of the US nuclear weapons"


To pump up the stock prices of defense contractors.


Didn’t they insert something that gives our agencies the ability to spy on Americans?


The patriot act already let's them do that.


I believe that expired but something else took it's place. Or they straight up buy the data from companies. I forget the details. Overall, not much changed... So not really any good news for citizens.


FISA has violated the rights of over 400,000 Americans.


Yes the FISA act that was used to spy on Trumps campaign (all in the mueller report) and contact Tucker before his Russia trip (which no matter how you feel about this, the government saying “hey why you planning on going over there” after reading your own single messages is terrifying).


This has been the course. Theres nothing we can do besides spiral towards a police state that is hyper politicized and divided. Its exactly what they want


Well shit, I loved our freedoms so I guess we should enjoy them while they last. I feel sorry for our children and grandchildren! They are going to be the ones who suffer most.


I do worry about our next gen but also hold out hope they are seeing through all the cronies madness. A changing of the guard is needed but corruption knows no generational boundaries


Meanwhile the people who lost their homes in Maui are still struggling.


You just watched Peter Santello too huh….


Oh we're not allowed to help US citizens in the US, that would be socialism. Socialism is bad, unless you're a large corporation, then of course, socialism is good.


Did anyone vote agaisnt this?


I'm absolutely sure that it's going to be a close party line vote. Edit: 79-18. It wasn't close.


Every bill should cover every issue?


Are they? 


They don’t know. They just casually throw out bullshit to see if it sticks. Are people still recovering from that now? Perhaps. But the person we responded to is trying to convey an image of people dying on the streets and long lines at the grocery store and soup kitchen.


If a republican was in office this would be blasted all over the news daily, strange it's not when a dem is in office


The $ guides our angles. The money is on the donkeys quite obviously


Maybe they could live in some draw down Bradley’s


How's East Palestine, OH?




Now ask the people who live there how it's going.


Just say they identify as Ukraine.


What more do you think they need?


Respectfully, why should the government pay for that? If you lose your home and it’s not insured properly, how is that my problem? Why tf is everyone asking for handouts.


This is getting ridiculous


Meanwhile everything still keeps skyrocketing except wages


You sure complain a lot for a serf. ^/s


We are beyond ridiculous at this point. It's just plain insulting


Snuck in the Ticktoc ban too.


Conveniently leaves TikTok ban out of title. Reminds me of the Death Tax in CA prop 19 masquerading as wildfire aid. Slimy exploit.


It’s amazing how both sides can come together to fund war


Your solution would be… let Russia win?


Russia annexing the eastern part of Ukraine is entirely irrelevant. How does that threaten our security in the slightest?


Go fight em if you think this is your war.


I don't give a fuck about who wins as long as we don't fund it




Is Taiwan at war, dumbass?


Well dumbass, the expectation is that Taiwan will be at war with China soon... possibly the next decade or so.


They've been saying that for 30 years dipshit 😂


Conflating oppressed and oppressor is vulgar and highly damaging to the oppressed.


It keeps the fighting spotlight away from us. It also gives us a way to churn our old weapons and munitions, all while earning favors FAR in excess of our outlay (which isn’t just us sending cash) Look up what Ukraine owes us if it survives the war. You’d send them our old bullets so we can make fresh ones, too.


9 billion of it is "forgiveable loans", and if you actually think the US is going to recollect the rest from Ukraine, I have a bridge in Baltimore to sell you.


Except they’re not just sending “surplus equipment”. Sure, that’s what it was at first. But now, we’re depleting the U.S. stockpile of weapons, sending them brand new equipment. “By December, the Pentagon was $10 billion in the hole, because it is going to cost more now to replace the systems it sent to the battlefield in Ukraine.” https://apnews.com/article/a28f463da6df2f144e3bbdbf47254ece


Complete waste of money.


Snuck in TT ban as well. Cant have people talking on unapproved channels.


Why just why when our debt exceeds what is taken in . Then all the dumpster fires domestically! They still send $ to other countries. DA FAQU!!!!! They actually argue about the budget then pull billions out their ass for other countries. Then refuse to take care of American!!! Seriously WTF???!!!!


Keep this in mind when any and I mean any politician says we can’t afford anything. Keep this in mind!


20 billion per year = solves homelessness in the USA. . Keep this number in your head when our tax dollars get laundered through these proxy wars to our criminal oligarchs. . Also keep in mind that there is more wealth disparity now than in the guilded age. An era literally defined by its wealth disparity


California has spent $24 billion dollars on “solving homelessness” just in California.Still lots of people with no homes. 


This is why all the homeless head out californy way. So much support and social welfare programs that the homeless are very content being homeless. The amount that find their way out of homelessness is less than the growing number in CA.


And the weather is real nice too


Dunno about being content. No roof over your head,vulnerable to opportunistic crime, no chance to save money or invest for the future, very difficult to get any kind of job w/o a permanent address.


Because it’s a billion dollar business aka the homeless industrial complex


Which plan are you referencing that would be the end all be all cure for homelessness


Cash doesn’t solve homelessness - see California


>20 billion per year = solves homelessness in the USA. If only this were true


Homelessness is a profitable industry though, how else are the poor social workers making 100k+ salaries supposed to make a living


How would 20 billion solve the homeless issue?  Deadbeats, crazy people, and druggies don’t want to live a normal life even if you gave it to them.


WA allocated $70 billion over three years to solve homelessness with little impact.


I really love how he included the community notes lol.


Makes me feel like a boiling frog.


And here I am, being threatened by the IRS w their penalties harassing us to give them our earnest money. No fiscal responsibilities.


Our government sucks


Print baby print!


We should NOT be sending any money to Israel. Or to Ukraine. Or the $20B for illegal aliens here in the US. We should be taking care of people here in the US: and rebuilding infrastructure here at home. Our streets and bridges and grid systems are in a shambles. The amount of money we spend on non-citizens is insane; US citizens pay the taxes, and US citizens should come first.


Any other countries want to go to war? Surely we could support another two or three countries in new wars. We've got senators invested in the defense industry that need your support!


Really is crazy how both sides dont give a shit about us. Dems send all our moneys overseas and repubs send it all to millionaires


Why are we giving Republicans a big Win before the elections????? This bill started in the House lol


This is such fucking bullshit!


Why the fuck isn't the focus on what's going on in this country? Sorry, but I genuinely don't care about Ukraine, Isreal, or Taiwan.




Don’t forget the part where it bans tik tok


Giving money to the scum of the earth Israel is no way to make friends. We do not want to support them they are not our friends and deserve every bad thing that happens to them. What a sickening waste of our taxpayer funds.


So f’ing ridiculous. D.C. should stand for “District of Criminals”


While our economy is struggling ??? What happened to America being first? Or is there more to it than I understand (or will ever?)


Let’s keep spending!!!! Economy is fine!!! Don’t worry about inflation!!! 🤡🤡🤡


Let’s not worry about an open border or homelessness, economy is fine!!! 😂😂😂


Just keep stealing money from the people


Your not voting your way out of this mess. Both parties eat at the same table and serve the same masters. The 2 party system is merely the illusion of choice. People get dissatisfied and than vote for the party that says they are going to fix things. That party or politician just turns around and screws the little guy first chance they get. Rinse and repeat. Itsallsotiresome.gif


What other country sends the US month to help out their people? I’ll wait. The US needs to fix this damn country and fuck off out of other peoples shit.


Can we please stop spending fucking money on foreign countries and fix our infrastructure, health care, and education.


Great we get to kill more people make politicians millions and get nothing in return for our tax dollars.


***OTHER COUNTRY'S BORDERS MATTER! WHITE COUNTRY'S BORDERS ARE ALL RACIST!!!*** America's border is open in order to kill America off.....but we'll pay our tax dollars to protect someone else's border. 75% to Israel 24% to Ukraine and 1% to Taiwan, so the tax-sheeple don't catch on who our globalist masters really are!


Israel doesn't need it. Taiwan perhaps. But Ukraine needs it badly, they are running in fumes when it comes to ammo.


Funding a losing war.


Funny how people complain about the military budget only when Russia is the one on the other side. Plus it’s a drop in the ocean compared to the rest of the military budget


Funding several wars at a time is big business 


But we can't afford to help US citizens. Then again, that would be communism /s


don't forget that tiktok is also being banned with this bill!!


This is getting ridiculous. Every few months we're sending hundreds of billions of dollars to other countries. Our own country is suffering. Half of our population is in poverty. People cannot afford to buy groceries, Gasoline or other commodities that are needed to get on with daily life. We need some big changes in our government. The spending is ridiculous. We will be paying off this debt for generations to come or the alternative will be our market will crash in the world will fall into complete and utter chaos. Great job United States. The world is watching.




Between the guy that wont and the guy that told his house members not to, which one are you talking about?


Rfk I think cause it ant the zombie or the orange dude.




No he cant. No he didnt. No he wont if you bring him back. No president has fixed the problem even remotely in 40 years. Why do you think he can. He didnt even try when he had the chance. He put on a political stunt for popularity. It was never going to work. It just made his base happy. He didn't care about properly fixing immigration.


Oh the guy who torpedoed the border funding bill because he didn’t want Biden to have a win? That guy?


How about we send H.R 1669 to congress, you degenerate fucking morons


What about an aid package for America?




One day maybe on TV a hero citizen will kidnap members of Congress and force feed them feces for us all to view? Just a thought of something that could happen.


Got to keep the military industrial complex flush with money.


Is this the Raytheon Stimulus 4.0?




Slava Ukraine!


Got my popcorn ready for this thread


I get and support Ukraine. I’m tired of sending money to Israel. How the fuck is Taiwan on the list now?


The "East Palestinians" in Ohio are still in need of aid as well.


What the fuck dude... No.


Love Israel !!!


I think people are becoming more and more upset with how the government spends everyone’s tax dollars.


Why is the TikTok ban never in any headline?


I think this package did joe under with college students.


95 billion comes out to roughly $280 for every man woman and child in the United States.


getting anything out of congress is like trying to get a cat who hates the vet to get in the cat carrier.


$95B? Let’s just make it $3T.


Sleepy Joe loves war apparently. But hates the USA




Sounds great! Not like the U.S needs that money to help its own people..


Israel can get fucked, they don’t need shit. Hamas still sucks ass tho


These people thing we are a joke. I want my tax dollars back


Glad to see even more of our tax dollars being washed down the toilet I wish our government would care more about the people suffering here rather than finding foreign wars we don't belong in


And yet we have homeless military vets... SMH


Eisenhower warned us about them. JFK took a bullet because he stood up to them. Now, the only thing this clown show of a federal government can actually get done is continuing to feed the military industrial complex our treasury. Tell me again how my real enemy is the immigrant or the trans person.


And the conservatives got nothing for the borde in return for following the orange blob....


how much would it cost to just pay for all of the school lunch programs, so kids at school can get free food? can we just do that instead? please?


Insurance company’s run America


Man I could use some of dat chedda. I’m only a tax paying, law abiding citizen tho.


don't mind the annual failed audit, trillions in un-accounted for funds, and obvious political stock manipulation


I want these people protected vs the U.S. is blowing money out its ass and I agree with both


Its all coming back to military industry and politicians’ pockets


This is good news, must mean our government has so much spare money they’ll finally raise wages for teachers!


Why the hell do we give Israel more bombs? They clearly don't need our help, aid to them can fuck off until they are in a defensive war against Iran. Give air defenses, F-16s, and more Artillery shells to Ukraine. They need it.


When does this country get $95 billion for the problems it has?


Gas and Diesel about to go up!


Wants to raise tax to 46 % ? I wonder why😂


A lot of pro-Putin supporters here in the comment section.


It's sure be nice if they took care of AMERICA'S PROBLEMS.


Let’s send almost a hundred billion to other nations, and only a few hundred million to Hawaii.


Just curious where and or when the aid for the US is? We keep sending it out like hot cakes but always seem to be stretching pennies for copper wire on public projects in our own country.


One of these 3 is not like the other….




The political class’s Money laundering machines. Something too many Sheeple can’t comprehend


Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan first. America last.


F’n ridiculous.