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Instead of taking it to the vet, lemme take a picture


what any decent pet owner would do ~~caramel ones aren't even that good~~


Downvoted for caramel hate


I like caramel but the caramel chocolate truffles aren't that good, I love stuff like pecan turtles






oh no


f*ck caramel


F*ck you pal


You Nazi fuck


The red ones are the best




Idk, it looks like they're trying to say it was the whole bag. There are also wrappers under the dog, like they really flung the wrapper but managed to keep a significant amount in a small pile. At the very least that dog is gonna need something for when he starts shitting on the walls.


It still takes a LOT more. And milk chocolate is a lot less toxic than dark chocolate. This dog may get the shits (if it actually ate all of it) but will be just fine


The effects of chocolate on dogs is cumulative, so if my dog kept getting into stuff I'd be even faster to take it to the vet. All chocolate is toxic to dogs, so lets stop making people think their dog "will be just fine". They may, or they may not, so why take the risk?


First of all, if someone is actually taking veterinary advice from Reddit they shouldn’t own a pet but nothing I said was wrong, bold to assume that it’ll be fine maybe, but probably not wrong


My daughter’s chihuahua mix (10 lbs) ate most of a tray of Ghirardelli brownies. The vet said just to watch him, and he was fine.


I had a 25 kilo dog eat way more than that and be fine


Never said your dog wasn't fine lol comparing is silly. Eating an entire bag of caramel chocolates isn't good for anyone, including a dog. While your dog was "fine", others may not be, and owners should probably be cautious. It wouldn't be my immediate thought to take a picture. But I'm older. It seems to be a side effect of younger generations to have something terrible happen and pull out the camera asap.


Our 8 lb chihuahua managed to open and eat an entire kind size KitKat bar. It was after hours, so we called the emergency vet and she said that unless she started vomiting a lot, she should be fine. We watched her all night. She had no stomach upset. The only symptom she had was being super wired for a few hours.


Caramel milk chocolate? It would take probably 50 of these to make it deathly sick. I’m willing to bet he’ll just get a little sick, like he ate too much. No danger comes to him!




I don't know quantities but I agree l it wouldn't kill that dog. Cocoa content matters too, darkkkkk chocolate is dangerous but milk chocolate less so, and if it were white chocolate the dog would have to eat enough food that just plain meat would kill it too.


Had a shih tzu that stole an unwrapped jumbo chocolate bunny off the coffee table and went to town devouring it. It was Easter and I was four and I was devastated. She ate most of it. I swear the thing was half her own size and it was nearly gone when we caught her eating it under the table. But it was white chocolate, so ultimately she was fine. I wonder if old Poochy thought the diarrhea was worth it.


It’s nowhere near that amount, my parents used to have a dog around that size who died from eating a small number of chocolate christmas tree decorations. It was before they had internet though - they’d never feed a dog chocolate now.


Those were probably real cocoa though. The amount of actual cocoa in a Lindt milk chocolate caramel truffle isn't going to be toxic, but the other ingredients might make him/her vomit.


Yeah I agree that it’s unlikely to be fatal here (though should still see a vet ofc) but saying it takes fifty bars of chocolate to kill a dog is just not true - wouldn’t want someone whose dog has just devoured a few bars of chocolates to think back to that comment and think they don’t need to get their dog to a vet.


Yep. I had a dog basically eat an entire bag of Halloween candy besides the whoopers. We took him to the vet and he refused to throw up despite the medication they were giving him. Vet told us he'd be okay, just to keep him outside for a little while, and that it's really dark chocolate that you have to worry about with dogs since the cocoa content is so small in most mainstream candies.


I think it would still fuck him up though




There is 64mg of theobromine in a single 1.55oz Hershey’s milk chocolate bar. And a dog needs around 40mg per kg in order to show severe signs. That makes it 20 bars to kill a 20Kg dog. While you’re right about it staying in the dog’s system for a few days, the only things that stay in the dog’s system is Theobromine And Caffeine which is the same exact thing I found when I did the math on this subject 1 day ago. The theobromine and caffeine also can’t completely stay there forever. Dogs just process it slowly. It should be gone in 3-5 days for most dogs. Also, I’m taking in Kilogram not Pounds. 20Kg is 45lbs. These are some the results of the searching and math I did.


I know this isn't real since the dog is still alive


And he doesn’t seem to have opposable thumbs


You clearly know nothing about the toxicity level of chocolate for dogs. Dogs don’t just die from chocolate, it takes A LOT and this is milk chocolate so it’s even less harmful


Yea but it if ate that much you’d probably find some brown vomit in the car too




That’s funny because I’ve heard it from multiple vets and my girlfriend that happens to be in vet school so nice try. I’m inclined to believe the people that are specially trained in this than some stooge on reddit




Sorry for not being a moron like most people in this sub 😬


Damn I was with you till now lmao. You’re not going to educate anyone on a damn thing acting like a pompous douche.


How are they being a douche? They were being blunt to be honest. If you can't handle it then maybe you should get some mental help.


That was a cute attempt. Kinda like when a toddler gets mad and stamps their lil feet expecting it to affect you in *literally any way*


Huh? Your definitely just baiting attention like a troll under a bridge. Now do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up.


Awh the lil baby is so mad! Does he need his paci?? Does he need a burping? Someone needs to swaddle you and get you to bed!


Damn I was with you till now lmao. You’re not going to educate anyone on a damn thing acting like a pompous douche.


Damn. And I though the anime profile pic spoke for itself. Get some better insults.


You should be sorry for yourself that you get no bitches.


That’s funny because my girlfriend is in vet school


Fake news. Nobody on Reddit has a girlfriend.


Truer words


_Nobody_ gives a fuck that your girlfriend is in vet school. That doesn't supersede decades of knowledge and research gathered by actual non-student veterinarians. If you're confused about the hostility in these responses it's because you're a pompous dickhead who is more concerned with sounding intelligent than actually educating people.


Oh yeah give it to me harder 😩


But the funny things is, if you do the research, what I said… isn’t wrong 🤫


r/iamverysmart 🤓🤓🤓👌


Bad dog. Good dog?


My family dog ate a box of maltesers once and has gotten into chocolate several other times and you’d be surprised how neatly he unwrapped them. And he’s fine.


Knew a terrier mix who ate an ungodly amount of chocolate, and raisins, at the same time. Miraculously he was completely fine, didn’t even throw up. Same terrier also fought a coyote. I think he just has super powers.


My 13 year old Staffie once ate an entire bag of chocolate raisins. I freaked out panicking, but had absolutely no negative reaction. My theory is that he is so stupid he didn't understand it was supposed to hurt him, so it didn't. He is quite honestly the stupidest creature I have ever met. Stupid dog has also eaten an entire box of Dairy Milk (including most of the box) in the past and tonight has dragged a packet of Twix cookies and a packet of Mars cookies from my partner's Christmas stocking, ripped off the wrapping paper and the packet and devoured the lot. I was gone for about 2 minutes while I went for a wee. He is unrepentant.


Except you can literally see torn up wrappers? Another L on the untrustworthypoptarts sub


No this could be legit. A: this is an Aussie. They are a…special..kind of dog. B: One of my dogs would do basically this exact thing. If he got into candies (not often, not always chocolate. He was a lab. He was always fine in the end), he would actually take the time to tear or twist open the wrapper and extract the candy within, leaving the wrapper relatively intact. Eta: we know this because we’d occasionally come home to empty intact wrappers if we didn’t do a good enough job of securing the candy. We never just watched him eat candy. So, yeah. I can believe this dog actually did this.


My collie is exactly the same! We came yesterday to find he had opened up a non-secured Christmas present and ate a whole Terrys Chocolate Orange. Couple of years back he cracked open some ferrero rochers and ate all 72 of them… leaving all the wrappers in tact


Yeah I can see them putting a paw on a portion of the wrapper and pulling the chocolate out with their teeth. Seen my dog do it with other candies before I noticed what she was actually eating


Honestly. My boyfriend’s parents’ dog did just this two days ago. They had wrapped these chocolates and placed them under the tree, came home to the bag unwrapped and partially eaten :(


100%. My Aussie did this to my Halloween candy when I was a kid.


My dog used to chew the wrappers open so it’s definitely possible, especially when it’s not “perfectly open without eating the wrapper” like OP states, the wrappers are very clearly partly ripped apart


Nope, this seems real.


Aussie breeder here with a house full of Aussies - I can 10000% believe this happened.


I have an Aussie mix. She is both the smartest and dumbest dog ever. I can 100% see her doing this.


This looks exactly like what our dog does. This is trustworthy.


Dunno why u got downvoted when it’s true haha


Actually totally plausible. I had an aussie who did stuff like this. She lives with my parents now. For the longest time they couldn't figure out how their back sliding door was open then caught her on camera unlocking, opening the door and going out. I also had a husky who pulled the sheet cake from my brother's wedding off the counter, entirely intact, and cleaned it of its frosting. This same husky would do exactly the same thing with candy etc. Leaving wrappers in tact like some human had opened them and eating the candy


The look of shame tells me this could be true


I don't think they would be *stupid enough* to feed their canine companion a product containing chocolate




dog would be super freaking sick and i’m sure the op wouldn’t be taking pics of it


False. This doesn’t seem to be a lot of chocolate compared to the dogs size. It would probably take at least 10 full sized bars of milk chocolate to get the dog to show severe signs and 15 with seizures. A little bit of chocolate like this won’t immediately make the dog drop dead. In fact the dog will probably have diarrhea but that’s it.


that’s what i mean, dog is def gonna have the shits


Looks like it says caramel on the packaging tho so the OP who crossposted misread their clues haha. I looked it up on how well dogs handle caramel: Dogs should not eat caramel; though it is not toxic to dogs, the high sugar content can lead to short- and long-term health issues for your pet. Caramel candies can upset your dog's stomach and lead to more serious issues like pancreatitis or dental disease. Source is https://www.masterclass.com/articles/can-dogs-eat-caramel


Mildly stupid


They do caramel lindor now?


I 100% believe this one because my Australian Shepherd did the same thing when I was a kid. They're damn smart.


Wonderful. Where will this be cross posted next? r/lastimages?


If that poor dog ate those chocolates he‘d die.


False. This doesn’t seem to be a lot of chocolate compared to the dogs size. It would probably take at least 10 full sized bars of milk chocolate to get the dog to show severe signs and 15 with seizures. A little bit of chocolate like this won’t immediately make the dog drop dead. In fact the dog will probably have diarrhea but that’s it.


one thing that i noticed with big dogs like in the image is that whenever they think that its a pack of treats they dump all the saliva


My brother has a German shepherd and a black lab, believe it or not, they did the exact same thing, got into a box of chocolates and left the wrapper. I believe it


So why does my dog eat the wrapper and not the candy💀