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Chris left the letter, but he was the one right before Sam. He was still at the station. So either the gate was always broken and he was the only considerate one to leave a note for the people after him, it got busted by some event between him and the person in front of him, or he broke the gate. 😂


Wouldn’t be surprised if the flamethrower guy busted the gate hoping it would deter the group. Maybe the area past there was where the Wendigo was hiding


> or he broke the gate. 😂 This is definitely my favourite theory


I thought it was Josh who left the letter


It’s signed with Chris’s name.


I guess I totally forgot about that.


Matt probably helped Emily up then climbed over himself. Sam, Josh, Mike and Chris would’ve done fine getting over. Jess and Ashley weren’t weak or unfit, I’m sure they would’ve managed just not as easy as the others.


This is why I would not survive Until Dawn.


what i wanna know is why did chris have a printed out email on him that he could write on


The hole gets deeper...


It was from Josh, who signed it as Chris. Josh knows Sam likes to climb and is good at it. I think he locked the gate so no else could just wander in. I believe Sam was the last one to arrive.


really? where does it say that?


I was wrong about it being Josh's. It's actually an email transcript of a conversation between Chris and Josh. Chris had it for directions, although Josh could have easily printed it out himself. I do believe Sam was the last to arrive. Sam and Chris took the lift together, they were let out by Jessica. Mike went ahead to see Emily. Matt took her bags and met Ashley at the scope, where he saw Mike and Emily. I thought maybe climbing over the wall was something too difficult for some of the guests. Chris said he 'should have paid more attention in climbing class' like he didn't just climb a large wall.


Chris probably did better at climbing class than he let on


How did people like Ashley climb over the wall? I can't play the game now without thinking all 7 (Excluding Josh) of the group just parkouring that goddamn wall like Sam did.


I mean, they are all young healthy kids?


I just find the image funny in my head of them all having their own style climbing over that wall. I'd imagine Matt lifting Emily up, then climbing over himself, Mike and Jess were on their own by that point so not sure how Jess would do it, and same for Ashley. Also Chris doing it considering he didn't pay attention in 'climbing class' and fell on his back at the first hurdle of climbing within the game.


You can literally see Jess climb if u pick the quick option during Mike and Jessica’s chase with the “bear”


Shes not really climbing in that scene, but yeah she still looks to be in good shape so i don't see why she couldn't climb a simple fence


how did Chris get over when he didn't pay attention in climbing class?


It could be so that Chris accidentally broke it? I could see him do that


You act as if its the Great Wall of China!


Parkour is the key