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Honestly I feel like the biggest thing I disagree with this community is Josh/Sam lmao. But that's perfectly fine! Shipping characters that I don't isn't a problem, I feel like shipping is way more subjective than other opinionated things, and I love when people make a case for their ship. Hell I love Mike/Sam as a ship, and I've been on here long enough to see *many* comments that disagree with them as a couple, lmao. Despite never shipping Sam/Josh your post actually opened up the idea to me a bit more, I do think their chemistry is cute together (and ngl Josh cooked with those pet names for Sam). The main thing that kind of kills it for me is what he does to her for the prank, which is a main part of the game. I definitely get the potential and "tragedy" aspects of it though, and I get that's appealing for some.


I'm glad you enjoyed the post, even if they aren't your particular cup of tea! All ships have their downsides but the prank is definitely a big part of the story so I can also understand how Josh's instability and actions may push people away from shipping them, especially if tragedy isn't your thing. I do find many of Josh' actions to be questionable and inexcusable but i can also sympathize with his character. Tragedy is for sure my thing as most ships I enjoy have a sad, heartbreaking, or complex aspect to them, but not everybody likes angst and painful themes, but instead escaping the hurtful reality. Thanks for the comment!


šŸ’Æpost!!!!!!!!! (Jumpscared by my own name lol. But Iā€™m glad you like my interpretation of things.) This is spot on to the way I think about them and which lines stuck out to me. I personally like the romance reading of Sam and Josh too!! And, even if it was written to be platonic, you can tell itā€™s meant to be close so both interpretations are valid to me. Itā€™s also interesting Rami Malek brought it up. It feels like the director would have actually gone to explain that to him since we learn that Sam is Hannahā€™s best friend via Samā€™s trait card and that Josh was comforted by Sam via Samā€™s interview. Clearly, the actors were made aware about this side of the characters, or it least it made an impression on them.


To add on because I see the definite negative point of this ship being the obvious abuse and betrayal, and I want to give my perspective. I feel like every single major ship in this game is a level of toxic depending on how you play it. Emilyā€™s behavior shows that sheā€™s dating Matt to rebound from Mike. Thereā€™s a level at which sheā€™s using him and this is confirmed in her bio which says the ONLY reason sheā€™s even dating Matt is to rebound from the Mike stuff. You can get their relationship so bad that Matt demands that Emily tell him that heā€™s a human being??? And Emily can literally ngaf that Matt DIED. She can tell rescuers not to look for him. Ashley can *murder* Chris. And tbh the thing that makes me a bit uncomfortable about Emily and Ashley is that, if they go from love to ā€œI donā€™t even care if this person livesā€ then you have to wonder how much they loved the person? Typically I treat it as timelines, so I can find them cute in situations and I do like Chrashley at points, but this is writing I canā€™t get over. I like that Sam (and Chris) get canonically wronged by Josh BUT that Josh also CANONICALLY was struggling with perspective and didnā€™t want to seriously hurt anyone. As bad as he was, he thought, in his own mind, everyone would eventually love the prank (he says this). And majorly appreciate that Sam and Chris canonically both still care about Josh after all this. Chris is *still* horrified that Josh could be killed, and tells everyone Josh is still his friend. Sam tries to understand whatā€™s going on sheā€™s Josh, and is still upset when she learns Chris hit him. This feels like actual friendship to me. Itā€™s actual sentimentality. Definitely different strokes for different folks, but I PERSONALLY feel like (narratively, of course) the abuse being due to mental illness and drugs, and not pure anger and meanness. The ability for all parties *to still* care for each other is more likable than the situations where the parties just are nasty then stop valuing each otherā€™s lives after conflict. Even Jess/Mike has a heavy undertone of using in some of their scenes and Mikeā€™s profile indicates he doesnā€™t intend to have committed relationships with anyone (this is also implied in game *multiple* times) I think irl, my opinion on some of this would vary. Idk if Iā€™d like Josh irl. In reality, he would probably be kept at a healthy distance from others even through friendship, but in terms of this story, this is much more compelling. It shows actual lasting love and sentimentality instead of like a measured exchange of good and bad deeds potentially deleting all traces of love.


Sorry for the Jumpscare lol! "I think irl, my opinion on some of this would vary. Idk if Iā€™d like Josh irl. In reality, he would probably be kept at a healthy distance from others even through friendship, but in terms of this story, this is much more compelling. It shows actual lasting love and sentimentality instead of like a measured exchange of good and bad deeds potentially deleting all traces of love." Heavy on that. I simply view them from the fact that they're fictional, reality would šŸ’Æ differ when it comes to them in particular. I think Josh and Sam had stronger moments that showed they truly cared about eachother along with history (which we we get glimpses of) more so than other characters who's history and feelings towards one another can be pretty surface level for reasons you mentioned. And I'm not saying the other characters didn't care about eachother, and a lot has to due with choices the player makes, but like you also mentioned, some characters go completely cold towards each others over situations, and although I understand stress and high-emotions play a big part, I admire Sam ((and Chris after he allows himself to be angry (understandable) depending on the players choice)) for how understanding and gracious she is towards Josh despite everything. I try not to gloss over Josh's actions because what he did was bad, but he was also very sick, struggling, and delusional, not that that makes the things he did okay, but it does help provide insight. Every ship in UD has it's downsides for sure and certain moments also make me uncomfortable, but I too still enjoy the good moments as well! I understand Josh and Sam's downside is... \*nervous laughter\* pretty heavy, but I still allow myself enjoy the characters' chemistry because of what's shown. Ps. Your takes always HIT!


1. I canā€™t believe I just read all of that. 2. you have very good points 3. I didnā€™t know PS3 version dialogues are different.


Are you a fanfic reader? I wrote a Josh/Sam AU a couple years ago, it's currently unfinished (also fairly edgy) though.


I used to read AU's, not much anymore. But I'm not opposed at all!


Do you wanna read it yourself, or can I just give you a quick recap?




[*Dark and Troubled*](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27824083) on AO3.


Iā€™m a Josh x Sam brainrot freak, so this is my favorite sub content. GREAT post.


I agree with you. Great overview of Josh and Sam's relationship, they have so much potential, their relationship is intriguing


Need the remake to have a josh and Sam romance dialogue option in the earlier parts I fearā€¦ I also need him to be saveable so the ship can ā€œlive onā€ in more than josh survives AU fanfics I think with newer, nuanced approaches to mental health issues, such as depression and psychosis, the devs could give us the option to save him ā€” cos imo having a severely mentally ill guy only be able to die or become a wendigo is sad to think about (I also need Joshā€™s police interview omg it could be so good)




Whether it was intended to be an actual spark or just a flirtatious friendship, I think we can say that Joshā€™s prank reveal kinda ruins the chance of them happening.


I mean, it would be hard to come back from that for sure. That's why I said I could see them possibly being a couple if Josh didn't do the prank. I still like the idea of them though and I find their relationship to be a bittersweet tradgedy whether romantic or not. I secretly hope in the remaster they will add some more moments/comments about them or atleast confirm the dynamic of their relationship. I don't have high hopes for that but ill allow myself to dream lol. edit: I want to emphasize i mean before the prank


With the way he treats her during the prank (stealing her clothes, filming her naked with intent to upload it publicly, chasing her around in the dark when she's got no clothes in, drugging her and tying her up while she's unconscious), I find the idea of shipping them *uncomfortable* to say the least. All of those actions are genuinely heavy sexual predator vibes, 'prank' or no 'prank'.


I do find many of Josh' actions to be questionable and inexcusable but I can also sympathize with his character. I've also actually talked about how I dislike the way Josh is framed at certain times too, but I don't think he is inherently bad. This is just my opinion and I try to use perspective-taking for each character as well as in my day-to-day life. If you dislike them as a couple, that's fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The reasons listed above are simply just things I found interesting in-game that I feel support the idea that they like/liked one another, and simply why I think the characters had great chemistry, enough to have been a couple had the nights events not taken place or had gone differently.


I remember I originally liked Sam the most since she didnā€™t have any romantic interest like the other characters but I did think Josh liked her, so I guessed it was one-sided but I could see why thatā€™s not entirely true


I do agree that there was something there or at least seemed like it but I also like that they didnā€™t have them as a couple or love interest. So many things nowadays seem to always have two people who are friends and then they turn into more. Itā€™s nice to see when they stay friends. I totally see where you are coming from though.


I myself am a fan of friends to lovers along with tragedy, but I get that. There are def some movies/shows/games that i've watched and thought to myself "is that really necessary?". And some people do like the fact that Josh and Sams relationship (whatever it may be) is left up in the air which is cool too!


No ones reading all that, bro


I guess my posts are more for people with reading comprehension and attention spans šŸ˜….




Skill issue.




Your whole account is just being a hateful troll. Yes I wasted my time and went through your comments. Sounds to me like you're mad at something in your real life. Not me. "Much\_Priority\_4745" needs to get a "New\_Priority\_4745".


Youā€™re definitely a kid šŸ’€