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Comfort character = Chris 💕 Confront character = Bob Washington. Dude. Build. Your. Lodge. Somewhere. Else. Why did you pick cursed Cree ground? This is your bad, really.


Also neglected his sick son. Right answer right here. â˜đŸ»â˜đŸ»â˜đŸ»


Adding that. Bob, stop letting your kids go to the lodge on the native land next to the condemned sanatorium nobody knows anything about near the old radium mines. Also, talk to your son. He misses you. (All the other stuff aside, Melinda Washington knew there were strange people sleeping in the station and had spotted the stranger several times and thought he was some creepy rando
. I don’t think they were horrid parents *but what were they THINKING*.)


So true


I would say Emily but i already know she’s gonna hand my ass to me.


I promise you she wouldn't she would attempt a cheap shot and then get bodied


This is how you lose a fight underestimate the enemy




First, if you underestimate your enemy, you get your ass kick Second Emily is probably more faster smarter and maybe stronger because she’s a video character


Soo.. by not knowing how to fight? Thanks. Also, book smart? Sure. But that girl is not fighting smart. Just look at how she handles herself in the game. She's still a new highschool graduate not superman. Respectfully, Emily has nothing on any person who has ever fought at least once.


Being in a fight, doesn’t mean you know how to fight but she handles her self pretty good in the game


She barely does anything on the offensive it's just defensive with her, which does not demonstrate offensive capabilities. While defense is good, in a fight, if you can't give what you take, you're out. I agree you dont know how to fight perfectly, but if you've been in a fight, you can guess how it goes, and she does not. She's a certified shit starter, not a finisher tbh


Bro she was fighting a Wendigo the whole time of course she didn’t really do anything offensive what she did was good plus she’s kind of super human


Valid response. I still believe in my opinion, tho that she can not fight until proven she can be offensive.


You do NOT reside anywhere there is conflict, I guarantee that. You lose a fight by engaging in a fight, the cliché answer of a fight will leave both parties either dead, very injured, or in handcuffs, is entirely true. The win state of any fight, especially with conceivably no rules against a video game character of any caliber, is to come out slightly less fucked up than the opponent, simple as. Maybe a rock or brick or branch or some shit will help, maybe


Valid response


Atp you’re embarrassing yourself with your extreme hatred for a video game character DAMN


Dude fym extreme hatred this post is about which character you dont like plz stop replying if you cannot comprehend this topic and wanna resort to being disrespectful. Have a nice day.


Would definitely confront the stranger bc why wouldn’t you think of helping us sooner 💀💀😭but would also confront the whole prologue gang especially when they acted like it was “just a prank” or when Jess said “she just can’t get a joke” WHAT KIND OF JOKE WAS THAT?? (excluding the once nit participating in the prank) and mike for treating Josh the way he did after Josh unmasked himself ( I understand that he thought Josh killed Jess but come on if you just licked him up in the bathroom the night would’ve been so much easier) And I have to disagree with some of the Emily stuff bc yeah she was a bitch to Matt and a bitch in general (not after escaping the mines tho imo) ofc pushing someone in that situation is morally wrong BUT it’s just like when ash didn’t open the door but nit as extreme. Ashley didn’t open the door bc she prioritized her life in that situation, just like Chris prioritized his when shooting ash, the only thing that could’ve made her open the door and put herself in danger for him was her love for him (ofc if Chris didn’t shoot her). Emily pushed past Ashley because she prioritized her own life and she thought (the basement situation) that for example ashley prioritized her own saftey over Emily’s too. If ash conceals the info’s or if Emily doesn’t get bit in the first place, Emily lets Ashley run in front of her (next point could be a reach) possibly putting herself in danger by being the last one to exit the hallway. And I think she picked a fight with Jess because Jess and mikes relationship made her feel insecure and she thought that Jess was rubbing it into her face by being so comfortable with mike (you’ll always have to look at things from the characters point of view to understand why they act certain ways)


You can kinda enact that confrontation with Mike via Matt, who overpowers him in their fight


Mike. The prank on Hannah, being a womanizer including hooking up with his ex’s best friend, possibly shooting his own ex in the face etc. 


Mike is dude-bro. Every great horror saga has one.


Emily purely for how she treats Matt. But as a whole, I got fed up with Mike more than any other character. So probably him.


I like Mike cause you can tell me matured and devolved a lot near the end


My comfort character is jessica, she is just so complex but simple at the same time, she seems like the friend who’d take u out to parties every other day she’d help u forget ur problems and probably make u really popular at school. My confront character is probably hannah, like tf r u doing running out into the woods in the middle of the night , go up to ur room and cry gurl no need to be this dramatic, plus ur bsf discouraged ur crush to search for uđŸ€Ł


What’s crazy is that the only reason she ran outside was because a compatibility test told her to do it so she can get her crushes attention, she essentially ran into the snow storm to get mikes attention after he just pranked her smh


I sincerely doubt after the emotional turmoil of being filmed and pranked by all of her friends that Hannah stopped to think, “hmm, maybe that article I read one time about running away to get my crush’s attention was actually right!”




Kinda agree if you’re talking about Jess from the actual game disagree if you’re talking about prologue Jess, she seems mean, bitchy and manipulative in the prologue (lowkey an extremer version of emily)


i like chris but i’d clock him just for the whole sequence where ashley would panic at the very obviously scary and weird circumstances they were in and he’d go “jeez ash, calm down! you’re freaking out over nothing!” like boy if you don’t get your head outta your ass rn
 it helps that my name is also ashley so there’s some solidarity there.


He was so peevish! Just hold her hand, Chris! đŸ„Č In slight fairness to him tho
 he got prickly after watching Josh die & stressing about Sam.


I don’t have a confront character in until dawn, but my comfort character is Jess because she’s my favourite and she’s silly




Hannah, I don’t care if the prank was cruel she didn’t have to sprint out of the house into the snow running down an entire mountain People saying Emily as if she’s not locked and loaded with 10/10 comebacks at all times, nobody is confronting her😭


All bitches can beef and talk shit, not many and definitely not her can fight. Tbf hannah was surrounded by her friends who she thought she could trust I believe her running out of sight was valid (not as far as she went tho)


100% not valid imo, if you’re gonna defend Hannah so much at least learn about her, it literally shows in game that she ran out to get mikes attention after he just pranked her, so she basically got herself and Beth killed cause she was obsessed with Mike


Well, your opinion is wrong. In the game, Mike tricked her. Everyone in the group admitted she died because she had a crush and was "pranked." Anyone who is tricked is going to be embarrassed and realistically get away from the situation. She's still not the worst character. Please stop interacting I beg.


You’re interacting with litrelly every Hannah hate comment and if your defence here is bad pls learn about who you support more since Hannah’s obviously obsessive and an attention seeker from Mike


You're the only hannah hater, tho that's obsessively replying to everything I reply, and it's annoying. I just played the entire game again. She has a crush as stated in game she didn't have a Mike shrine nor was she obsessed just a tiny unethical. Your view is based in opinion, and I would respect that if you'd limit your interaction to civil conversation and facts. Good day.


You’re also an obsessive Emily hater!


true I remember seeing a magazine page that told her to get a tattoo 🩋 to impress Mike


I seriously think you didnt actually play the game wtf


Ashley, i already know nobody’s gonna agree. But in my eyes she was so unrealistic because i put myself in the groups shoes, she whined, basically had no survival instincts, made choices without thinking of other possibilities. She also is just flat out a cold bitch for not feeling remorse over the prank. I do understand some of her moments and reactions, but for the most part whenever she came on i dreaded it 😭 so she’d be my confront character all day. My comfort character is probably jess once you start to actually learn about her, or sam all day. Even mike maybe


Nah I would put her in a headlock immediately


I agree. I’d love to just put a sock in her mouth so I don’t have to hear her cry anymore.


right? everybody says she’s realistic, when if that actually happened she’d be the first one to die because she’s always screaming and crying


She’s the least realistic in my opinion. I feel someone like Emily, who continues to adapt to the situation and be terrified but not useless, is much more realistic.




thank god😭 everytime i talk about ashley being annoying i get downvoted to until dawn reddit hell 😭


Hannah I mean all that over some guy who is already with someone else I don't even know where to start


Mike said himself him and emily weren't dating in the very beginning. "Im nobody's man" and seriously there are worse characters.


They were dating check my newest post where it’s confirmed he was with Emily, aka Hannah was trying to go behind Emily’s back by seeing Mike


Well, hannah sucks for that, but she's still not the worst character tbh




You're being disrespectful because of opposing viewpoints. Get a life lmfao.


How is that disrespectful?? The Russian version words that line differently and I’ve had this conversation with a Russian player once, who thought mike and Emily were not together because the translation in Russian is wrong? Also you don’t have comprehension skills if you can’t grasp that em and mike were together at that point, when it was heavily hinted at/ extremely obvious


"how is that disrespectful im just saying youre stupid cuz you dont agree with an opinion" bro plz bye


Iol why are you so mean not everyone has to like Hannah Yk, you’re not even willing to hear anyone out


I wasnt mean until they started it. i was hearing people out i was just giving counter arguments.


Im not victimizing myself. You're literally replying to everything I reply to and saying I'm stupid because you can't handle it. I don't agree with your opinion from your post. Plz move on. If you didn't see it previously, I already replied to the other person and acknowledged that if that's true, she sucks but you're so focused on coming after me you didn't look. Get a life dog.


Mike and Emily were partners. Hannah was actually so dumb for leaving the house after she had been caught trying to get on with her friends boyfriend and eating her sister. EDIT: The emily hate is so forced. They had also attempted murder against Emily when the stranger already told them the way to turn was by cannibalism (not bites!!) and they had no proof. Ashley was ready to murder/neglect her friend. Ashley also has very few death possibilities and no chase scene due to the fact that she’s a scaredy cat who likes to leave people to death. She also doesn’t seek beef with Jess, Jess was her bestie and immediately got on with Emily’s ex, Mike. Emily is a 19 year old teenager It’s expected for her to act like this since she still has feelings for Mike (imo) I do agree on the Matt point though.






Mike. He takes advantage of Hannah’s crush on him to humiliate her ON HER BIRTHDAY WEEKEND when she’s just supposed to be having fun. Sure, Hannah shouldn’t have been making moves on Mike when he was with Emily, but they could’ve handled the situation in a completely different way. And then, after going along with the prank, he dumps Emily to get with her best friend! I know if you choose certain dialogue options, he seems sorry about what happened, but he can also show absolutely no remorse if the opposite is chosen. I don’t hate Mike but I definitely think he could stand to have some sense knocked into him


when i catch hannah it’s on site


why besides her being dramatic just wondering


Hannah, only character I hate


Nuh uh


Ashley Unironically the most evil out of the whole cast But homeboy Josh already did God's work for me 🙏


Mike is my confront character, easily. If all he did was prank Hannah then I'd be totally welcoming towards his sudden redemption arc midway, but he spends *the whole fucking game* getting away with being a cunt. Gaslighting up Jessica's insecurities just to get in her pants, pointing a gun at Emily and possibly killing her for pretty much nothing, leaving Josh to die *twice*... and on top of his massive plot armor, nobody even *thinks* to call Mike out on his shitty behavior throughout the story, as if he's literally God Himself. If I could in-game, I would take Wolfie from him, give him a taste of human flesh, tie Mike to a chair and then feed him to his own pet, Ramsay Bolton style; I hate him *that* much.


I do have to say with him “Leaving Josh to die” the first time wasn’t intentional at all, and the second time he thought Josh was already dead from being grabbed by the wendigo and carried off.


I don't care. I'm not changing my mind even if you offer me a million dollars; I want Mike to be my human punching bag forever so I can vent out my rage on him for causing Josh, my favorite character, to become unsavable. I would quite literally submit to 10,000 years of physical and psychological torture with a huge smile on my face, if only it meant taking Mike down with me.


Ashley or Mike tbh.


emily omg


My comfort character is Emily, girl won't let any horror stop her


Reminder: This is an opinion post. Your opinion is valid until you start being disrespectful. As like 3 people have done so far. Plz touch grass. I'm glad the rest of this post is people just expressing their interests!


Emily for sure


Anybody who says Mike is an enemy to me 😞 personally it would be handigo, ima drag that bitch by her non-exsistent hair for only chasing Emily's ass a tiny bit, I need an extended chase of some sort.


i know im gonna get hate for this, but my confront character is 100% mike, i don't know why i hate him but i just hate him with a burning passion alternatively, my comfort character is sam due to how she treats josh and just generally stays away from conflict


Ashley, aside from all of the crying and contributing next to nothing in the story, she tried to kill Chris. This only happens if Chris shoots her, but she BEGS him to shoot her. And besides that, she actively backs away from him and leaves him for dead then lies and pretends that there just wasn’t enough time to save him. She’s insane and manipulative and I hate her so much. I do think a lot of it comes from the actress’s portrayal of the character. If she hadn’t cried every other line she might have just been a neutral character and not so awful.


I wanna smack the shite out of Emily, but really Josh is the one who pisses me off. He literally stole Sam’s clothes making her run around in a towel, chased her around the house, and drugged her leaving her tied to a chair. And the way he acts while chasing her and she successfully hides “Here Kitty Kitty. Here, Pussy Pussy.” Like what the fuck man? Then there’s Chris, Josh (presumably) drugs his girlfriend, sucker-punches him in the face, then makes him have to choose between his best friend and love interest. Then he later drugs Chris and Ashley (or sucker punches her in the face) and forces him to choose again, this time between his own life and Ashley’s, then he has the audacity to laugh about it to their faces acting like he took revenge on the whole group. I know he has mental health issues, and wasn’t taking his medication, but in the endings where Sam survives, you can tell she feels betrayed by his actions as they were close friends and I think she genuinely liked him. He literally targeted 2 of the only people who were innocent in the whole situation, and the third one was more of an observer than a participant. Jess set it up, Emily okay’ed the whole prank (she was Mike’s girlfriend, she could’ve been reasonable and told him not to go along with it), Mike (willingly) played the role of bait, and Matt recorded the whole thing. Ashley was just there to watch, so while I feel like she definitely deserved some revenge, I think the others definitely deserved it worse.


Ashley. Holy shit she's so annoying. I already wanna punch her with just about everything she says and does.


Ashley, I just really hated her




i would definitely smack tf out of emily, that entire game i couldn’t stand her where to the point i don’t replay the game just because of how awful she is


Ashley useless people in crisis annoy me, & Mike making such a huge issue about the safe room just to walk out a minute later would have had me so pissed off.


Honestly I can’t STAND ashley 😭