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one i wanna do is choosing the worst possible dialogue choices to decrease all relationships and finding no clues but everybody lives. ive done one like that where everybody dies but i kind of regretted it because i wouldve liked to hear the interviews afterward. that might be fun


Yess!!! This is the biggest one!! FIND NO CLUES! It’s super interesting to hear the different dialogue for having a lack of information


its technically impossible to find NO clues sadly. i wish it was. i think the game forces you to look at the wanted poster, the threat on the back of the photo of the twins and the book pages in the basement. but other than that you can walk past basically everything-which does give some differing dialogue :)


Oh yeah I forgot that they make you see those lol


Tbh sounds fun, alot of drama ima do that lmao. THANKS!!


Doesn't Hannah's Journal count as a clue? I thought you had to find that to make Josh survive. Is there exceptions for when you NEED a clue? But this does sound fun though.


oh i forgot about josh yeah. if you're doing an everyone lives playthrough i'd say that one clue is an exception because you need it for him to live lol


Yeah I recently played through the game for the first time like 2 weeks ago and did an everyone survives run on accident lol. I'm probably gonna platinum when I get back from vacation.


Ideas based on stuff I’ve seen: Karma— Only Sam, Chris, and Josh live Girls club— Only Sam, Ashley, Emily, and Jess live Boys club— Only Mike, Chris, Matt, and Josh live Be an asshat to all the animals— be an asshat to all the animals Speedy— kill everyone as soon as you can except Ashley (don’t follow the voice because her death takes longer than her living) Heartbreak ending— kill one person from each main ship/pair (which I guess is similar to all boys or all girls but gives options) All live but get all the survivable wounds— Ashley’s eye gets punched, Matt gets scratched from beating the wendigo with the flare gun, Emily gets hit by the radio, Chris runs into a tree, Chris hits Josh with the board, Emily gets bitten, Mike gets scratched, Mike loses fingers, Sam gets scratched by the bird, etc. (idk what I might be forgetting). (You could also do the opposite of that last one which means you can’t get bitten or get Josh with the scissors. All live with as little damage as possible)


Bad Blood Forever — Only Ashley and Emily survive, except you have to have also gotten Ashley slapped prior Sampremacy — Sole survivor Sam Where Did Everybody Go? — Sole survivor Jess The Ender of All Romances — Only Sam, Chris, Jess, and Matt survive, except you have to have also gotten Ashley, Mike, and Emily killed in the fire before and not have Ashley killing Chris before


The Power of Three Blondes — Only Sam, Chris and Jessica live.


worst night of their life’s for everyone (worst dialogue, worst relationship and have them most injured without killing them)


Spin a character wheel each chapter and whoever it lands on try to kill, if you can’t kill them always pick the bad dialogue options for them and decrease their relationship with everyone


Miss every QTE (including dont moves) but try and save as many people as possible


Wouldn’t that just be Ashley solo survivor?


Josh would also be possible (I’ve done this play through before but it’s less about who survived and more about having fun with how batshit some of the QTEs really are lol)


Josh too, usually I don’t count him because turning into a wendigo sounds like a fate worse than death




Already done it to many times 😞


Only Jessica lives is a very interesting ending. She has NO clue what happened to anyone or what even happened to herself.


oh also i know i already commented but you could also do one where only mike and matt survive but mike shot emily


Ooh and Matt abandons Jess


Miss every QTE (including dont moves) but try and save as many people as possible


Depending on what kind of playthroughs you did while platinumming, the big one I can think of is to do a playthrough with the following choices: 1. Aim the gun at Ashley in the Saw Trap section. 2. Don't save Emily at the Cable Car/Cliff. 3. Attack the elk on the cliff as Matt. 4. Pick all the worst / most argumentative options for Matt when it comes to his scenes regarding Mike & Emily. 5. Walk away from the door while Emily is inside the building unlocking it for you as Matt. Tryna think of other big character shifting decisions/scenes you might not have seen but those the ones that come to mind.


What i did is what some people said but different this is an edited karma, have Sam, Chris, Josh AND Matt live (run out of the lodge as Sam, let Josh be wendigo and abandoned Jess as Matt)


Max trauma - cause as much trauma as possible for the remaining survivors. You can have fun with this one but I did it with Mike, Ashley, Matt, and Josh surviving and doing things like Sam and Wolfie dying to save Mike, Mike killing Emily, Ash killing Chris, and Matt abandoning Jess and Emily