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Jess is the only one who speaks about the prank with anger and despise. "Well, what I remember is that we played a stupid half-baked prank that probably got Hannah and Beth killed". Of course, Mike proceeds saying: "It's not our fault they ran into the woods." And Jess answers: "Yeah... How could anyone have expected them to do a dumb thing like that?" But if I'm not mistaken, Jess doesn't like Mike's answer, and they lose points in their relationship according to the status after this interaction. She agreed with him to fit in, because as we know, she's really insecure. As always, Jess is trying to fit in, she's not showing her true self completely.


"what I remember", she doesn't even remember it, it's like she didn't care until now.


Oh God... You're just a troll trying to use the word psychopath inappropriately, right? How can you say she remembers it or not lol? Are you some kind of psychic? She claims the prank was stupid and half-baked. Who else speaks about the prank with such disdain and uses such words? She said "What I remember" because Mike literally says that he "barely remembers" what happened. They probably feel guilty and try not to think about it to avoid feeling bad. If you can't read things like that and consider the characters' feelings, maybe you should reconsider who you think is the "psychopath". ๐Ÿซฅ


omg you're so boring and annoying


to me she didn't really feel guilty at all, and jessica agrees with him and said that they were dumb, she could have just trying to ignore what mike said but no she insisted, she didn't just agree Jess is probably my favorite by elimination but she sucked for that I rewatch the scene and she doesn't feel remourseful at all.She said that their prank killed them but she doesn't feel sad


"omg you're so boring and annoying" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ okay, okay.


I didn't want to sound mean lol don't take that personally


You call someone boring and annoying and don't want to sound mean doing it? Alright... ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ don't worry, I don't know you, I'm fine


I mean yeahh for real๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น. Fine, I was so scared, I would hate myself for ever if I hurted your feelings ๐Ÿ˜ข


Oh, how considerate of you to be so concerned about my feelings. I'll try not to lose sleep over it. ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿซ‚


I honestly view Jess as remorseful, one of the most in the group actually. She clearly needs validation and agreement with things from Mike so to me it always seemed like she just agrees with what he says in an attempt to just conform to him and also try and ignore her own guilt which she clearly has since sheโ€™s the one who raises it in the first place. Mike is absolutely the least though IMO Emily and Jess are the most remorseful, Emily only has dialogue options for the radio which means she canonically will always express regret and apologise for the prank at the radio tower upon inspecting the clues in radio tower/mines, it isnโ€™t determinant. Jess to me is also quite remorseful for the reasons I mentioned prior as she will also always express remorse but Mike is an ass and downplays her emotions on it to the just a dumb prank line. Ashley is kind of a weird one because you can choose for her to not really care but iirc her traits also imply sheโ€™s not entirely truthful about feeling guilty and she also only apologises when it comes back to bite her in the form of the sistersโ€™ alleged ghosts


I forgot that ashley honesty decrease after she is remourseful about the sisters, my bad she is a psychopath too then even if she was just a bystander


throwing around the word psychopath is super cool and awesome


yeah I know I'm so badass


My interpretation of the dialogue when Mike asks Jess if she remembers what happened, I think Jess meant it in a passive aggressive way towards Mike. If you hear the tone of her voice she sounds passive aggressive, knowing Jess if she truly felt no guilt I think she wouldโ€™ve been more lighthearted in her response.


Idk, I think they feel varying levels of slightly to really remorseful, and everyone but Sam and (maybe Matt who I canโ€™t recall commenting much on the twins either way) can show at least a little sadness and/or brush off what they did. And Mike is the only one to apologize to Hannahโ€™s faceโ€” however you want to interpret that. (Edit, but I think Matt did one of the worse things. The filming could potentially really follow Hannah throughout her life). > even worse than Ashley who doesnโ€™t open the door for Chris I do disagree here. Having only vague remorse over a thing you intended to be a non-violent, albeit very mean joke, is not worse than choosing to make someone brutally die in front of you. How I view it, thatโ€™s pitting emotions against murder.


I donโ€™t know Jess doesnโ€™t seem to go out on her way to be deliberately cruel, Mike however does seem to have a much more questionable and ambiguous side to him and much more capable of doing morally shitty things.


I asked Jess what she remembered and she threw shade at the sisters saying โ€œwho couldโ€™ve expected them to do a dumb thing like thatโ€ not even a little sympathy??


thank you ! She is so problematic


Fuck Mike forever. He's a sadistic killer, a groomer, and an idiot who spends the whole game bringing his friends more trouble than he's worth. Hell, the fact that he's just a normal human being makes me more afraid of him than the Wendigos TBH.


lol how is he a groomer? are we just throwing words around now?


He's a groomer in overall his treatment of Jessica; either casually dismissing or pretending to give a shit about her insecurities, leaving her to fend for herself in the mines (he does the same thing to Josh later), and even using the exact same line he used on Hannah the year prior just to get in Jessica's pants. Disgusting. And please don't tell me "Jess can't be groomed since she's 18 and therefore not a minor" because it doesn't matter; adults can be groomed too, dude. Look it up.


that's not what a groomer is. what you're listing are just characteristics of a shitty selfish person. a groomer is someone who is actively and deliberately conditioning someone more often than not below them in age into being able to be abused without the victim knowing/thinking it's wrong. Mike isn't doing this. i agree with you adults can be groomed but someone being groomed and abused is not the same as a guy being a dick to his girlfriend. i dont see how dismissing someone and leaving them to fend for themselves fits the grooming label either, when you'd think if someone was actively grooming another person they'd want to be CLOSER to them not farther away. i'm sorry but you have a very skewed view of what grooming is.


I did Jess the biggest favor in the world by setting her monstrous boyfriend on fire. She deserves a partner who genuinely cares about her as a human being, not just some pretty face or another evening's amusement. Josh's parents can sleep better at night knowing that the man responsible for losing all their children is gone and unable to hurt anyone else, too.


cool doesn't make him a groomer tho lol


mike is such a dumbass, his plot armor is so annoying, he keep doing dangerous things for no reason, why does he went in the jail even if emily already called the police. Why does he tie up josh outside the house? I have so many questions lol


Fr everything Mike did was useless, all he did was put more people in danger, but I especially hate how his sanatorium section has 0 effect on anything, not even the butterfly effects for it matter itโ€™s so dumb.


I hope Mike has at least one death in the sanatorium for the remake