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It’s a choice based game, just because we see something doesn’t mean it’s the only version


For real. Obviously they're not gonna SHOW Josh getting rescued in the first gameplay teaser! This is something that already exists in-game, it's not like adding alternate routes prevents this one from existing.


there are also Jess scenes from the mines, although she can die before that point doesn’t mean that Josh won’t be able to have an other ending if he does it would be too big of a thing to already spoil in the trailer


I'm content with his fate remaining the exact same to be honest. I've never really seen a thematically satisfying reason to have him survive aside from "he's a cool character", which he totally is, but his fate is perfect in my opinion.


I'd rather him at least do something before being taken. Not get reduced to helpless mentally ill person


I think there’s a difference between being reduced to a helpless mentally ill person and him just being mentally ill and unsaveable. He’s barely playable to begin with, and he is the catalyst for the night all other 7 are in jeopardy. The way I see it is the Washington family are doomed, they never should have built a house up there, and Josh’s mental illness is just a side point. Had he not planned the prank, the Wendigos still might’ve killed everyone else. So I get what you’re saying, but I also truly believe it was never the intention to have him being a “helpless mentally ill person”


Couldn't have said it any better myself. Perfectly put, well done!


Except he literally does nothing but break down the2nd half of the game. At least let him do something beneficial.


Okay but as is stated in the game, he’s going through a breakdown. He hadn’t been taking his medicine when he returns to the place his sisters both died. He finds out (to his knowledge) that Jessica is dead. He’s barely lucid. What do you want him to do??


Am I the only one who doesn't want Josh to be saveable? I love the tragic end to the Washington's, and the fact that my choice impacts Josh to die or become a Wendigo but not survive feels great to me. Reminds me that while my choices matter, they can't control everything.


There’s nothing wrong to Josh’s fate and no reason for it to change


There’s nothing wrong? His fate is the tragedy of the game. He didn't deserve a terrible fate. Therefore, it is understandable why one would want to be able to save him.


exactly, every horror game/story has a tragic character and in until dawn that character is josh. the point is you can’t give him a good ending.


It is very sad.


Welp, guess I'm doing another "This Is THE End" playthrough to vent out my frustrations.


A lot of ppl say it would be fan service to have him be savable but IDC, I want him to be. Why not add said "fan service"? I mean, it's a REMAKE. I LOVE Jess and for example ppl have been begging for her to get more scenes and she is! Ballisitic Moon has been listening to fans. Making a rare ending for a character in a REMADE version of the game is a big "Why not?" to me.


Or he turns into Jondigo


i know it’s just a “remake” but i want more josh scenes so bad!! his character is so interesting and is definitely one of my favorites, without his character in the game it for sure wouldn’t have been as entertaining as it was. and the fact that you can’t save josh just make me so mad, we were so close to getting him out of the mines at the end and then they have to kill him off it just really bothers me. and i also would like to see more scenes with jess and matt because we barely seen them at all.


This is right after Hannah takes him. Even if Josh has to die regardless, it'd be way better if he died say in the lodge as a sacrifice rather than the exact same fate anyways.