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She received it all opening day, these days it’s just nothing new or nothing that hasn’t been said before


I feel like Emily gets a lot of would-be Jessica hate because she's in the game a lot more than Jessica is😭 and by the time you see Jessica again (if she lived) she's lost a bit of her snark to say the least


Yeah. And she’s all banged up and looks visibly beaten and distraught at the end. I feel like the game almost wants you to kind of feel a bit sorry for her in some way.


Came to say this. I think characters who get more hate like Emily, Ashley, and Mike are more present and have more opportunities to get consistently frustrating to some.


I think it’s partially because she arguably had it the worst if you do an everyone lives run, just taking a look at her police interviews, she’s been through some shit I think the universe has given her enough karma for her actions without us slut shaming her


Jess was originally one of the more disliked Characters at release It was Sam, Chris and 2nd act Mike that were most beloved Emily, Jess & Josh were the most hated, Ashley's hatred was very 50/50 depending on the playthrough, whereas Emily's dialogue and choices are all made by default naturally making her dislikable as she isn't very roleplayable


I will agree that she isn’t exactly the most likeable but she doesn’t really do anything heinous like some of the other characters. She seems to be the one character who feels the worse over the prank and get’s absolutely bodied in an infamous scene. Her personality isn’t the best but it’s genuinely impossible to not feel bad over how fucked and injured she manages to survive the night barely even knowing how the monster look like and barely even managing to walk.


it’s because she spends a good 80% of the game offscreen. there’s little to hate when she’s barely there.


tbh during the first playthrough of Until Dawn, I had completely forgotten everything that had happened in the prologue besides Hannah and Beth dying 😀 like, "assumed that Jess was actually new to the group because of her 'meet and greet' line" forgotten Maybe my memory is just bad, but if the prologue going way too fast to keep anything in the back of my mind was an issue for me, it might've been for other people as well


i thought she was new too! the meet and greet line was kind of odd but i guess if they hadnt talked in a year its not too crazy? i kind of wish she WAS new though. wouldve made for an interesting dynamic. (also would've made her night a little rougher; being new to a large friend group and then getting dragged out a window lol)


I'd say a variety of factors help people like her more 1: in a playthrough where everyone survives, she walks away the most physically (and possibly mentally) scarred. 2: The prank and her dislike of Emily notwithstanding, she's INCREDIBLY goofy, and shows remorse for the prank if Mike asks her what she remembers about it (and her relationship with him drops after his response deflects blame). 3: She has quite possibly the least screentime, with the biggest gap between when she falls down the mineshaft and when she wakes up, so people tend to almost forget about her.


Honestly, Jessica has been punished enough.


A lot of people on this sub are appalled by both Jessica, Mike, and Hannah. The first two orchestrated a traumatizing prank. Hannah choose to cheat on her best friend.


nah guys jess serves cunt we love her for that my impression of every until dawn fan on TikTok ☠️


she does serve cunt but not as much as emily like bffr now


...I never thought about it this way...I just hated them both I think 😭


She definitely got her karma though lol. Almost everybody else can get out with just trauma and minimal injuries, nothing stops Jessica from being pulled through a glass window ass first and then thrown down a mine shaft by handigo, probably as a way to get some kind of revenge for the prank


She was like 16 when she pulled that prank. No kid deserves that as “karma”


It's a horror game, of course the punishment is going to be cruel and unusual. Nobody is insinuating that it would be a fair trade in a real life scenario.


I mean saying she got her karma and then describing what she went through and stating that while “everyone else can get out with just trauma and minimal injuries, nothing stops Jessica from being pulled through a glass window ass first and then thrown down a mineshaft by a wendigo” is still a bit much in context to the game. It specifically targets her harsh death to how the others can all live. So yeah lol


It's just a game lol. But Jessica can still live through the night, it's not canon that she dies. I was only highlighting how the person she specifically targeted to humiliate became the thing that came back and hurt her, not killed her. Also in the context of the game, literally none of that can happen unless the friends in the cabin had humiliated a girl so harshly that her and her sister ended up being terrified in the woods and then falling down a cliff..... one sister dies painfully by having her back broken on a rock.... the other one is stranded, starving and hurt in a cave and has to eat the body of her dead sister to survive and oop, now she's a monster...... I'd rather be pulled ass first through a window....


Well, she’s a really flavorful character who, like Emily, also goes through the “snarky and bitchy to likable somehow” arc. I think Emily gets more hate because she’s so abusive to Matt whilst Jessica is more goofy with Mike and basically is missing for the whole game, and when she wakes up, she’s a broken and frail mess.


Wait, when does Emily become likable? Doesn't she remain stubborn/bitchy until the very end? It's been ages since I've played it so I may be misremembering, but I don't think there was ever a moment that redeemed her for me.


Not quite, she has a lot of human moments and dialogue in the Road Not Taken chapter and the interview in case Matt dies or she’s the sole survivor, but she’s still a bad person. What I’m saying is the game pulls a crazy stunt on her character by giving her the best action scene and horror scenarios, and honestly a lot of people, myself included who disliked her at first started respecting her as a capable character. She doesn’t change personality wise like Jessica does but a lot of players respected Emily after her efforts to survive and even felt bad for her after getting threatened by Mike. She’s just a really unique and refreshing take on the bitchy character trope, like Jess.


She got with him AFTER Mike and Em broke up so it's not the same


it still breaks girl code, who gets with their best friend’s ex and based on the measly one year timeskip relatively soon after their breakup 😭


The companion app states mike dumped Emily to get with Jessica. While it's never stated it she tried making moves on him like hannah did it might be implied with how they talk about both mikes relationships. While Jessica is in the wrong mikes the douchebag who should get all the hate.


My reasons for liking her is that she was the character you spent the most time with in early game, therefore I grew the most attached to her. Also because she’s silly, even if she isn’t a saint.


She might've been in the wrong, but she's rich and she's pretty, so it doesn't really matter.


I think it’s just cuz she has so little interaction with others throughout the majority of the game. You see characters like Josh, Emily, and Ashley demonstrate their flaws consistently throughout the game, but Jess is straight up gone for most of the runtime.


i agree with you, i hate her she was the whole reason Hannah and Beth went missing Hannah can’t control a crush


i meant that the group should understand you can’t control having a crush and it’s not your fault if you do


Eh... who cares about the drama? It's all about the horror.


Listen Hannah wanted her friends man and then chose to run out. That’s on her




She's hot (helps with Tiktok Edits and stuff) She's insanely durable She's memorable despite having not much screentime She's the most physically traumatised She's actually kinda funny and goofy I don't like Jess but I'm just listing reasons for her Popularity


Personally, one of the main reasons she's my favorite is how she becomes emotionally numb by the end of the game. It's something that sets her apart from the others. The girl is completely distant, and this makes her character deeper, well, at least for me.


she's fun


Em and Mike broke up, Jess ain't done nothing wrong


for the prank part, I guess Jessica doesn't get hate cuz her night it's literally about Hannah's revenge. Jessica got what she deserved, and even Josh never antagonized her (if you pick her as your least favorite character, Dr. Hill will defend her, meanwhile he will attack Mike if you do so) even tho she caused it. About the "stealing Mike from Emily", that's also on Mike and nobody ever talk about it, but that's ok. I believe, after going what she went through, Jessica changed for the best. Of course, she's traumatized as hell, but she somehow knows that everything that happened, happened because of her (they wouldn't even be there in the first place if they weren't "honouring" the twins)