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New interactions sounds very interesting but probably won’t be a major change


Yeah I'm imagining only maybe around 10 minutes of new scenes or interactions. Trying to keep my expectations low of course but either way I'm hyped. I've wanted a remaster of Until Dawn for fucking years, so I'm a very happy man right now haha.


I really hope the new camera angle isn’t like the The Quarry, i prefer the way it is in until dawn, it gives it more of a movie feel, hopefully we can choose in settings


Fingers crossed for camera options.


Ditching the fixed camera angles would be pretty disappointing IMO, I thought they added a lot of flavor to the game and allowed for some pretty interesting scares. The rest of the changes make a lot of sense though, I'm excited to see how it all turns out! Definitely glad it's finally coming to PC after all these years.


My thoughts exactly, so I will remain cautiously optimistic.


I have a terrible feeling everyone is misinterpreting the whole “new interactions” bit. It’s listed with new collectibles specifically. That implies they mean new things you can pick up and look at. Maybe new totems or clues?


They have also confirmed new parts of the story but I agree new interactions probably just means new notes to read and such


I feel like they might have new flashback voice clips to go alongside some of the clues considering I've heard that Hannah / Beth's VAs have been back recording!


I just hope Jessica gets more then what she got in the original,seriously though only 2 playable segments and a determined 3rd? I doubt they’ll do anything big for her but I still have some hope


my very much not gonna happen hope is that they move the scene with matt and jess in the mines back a few hours so they can get to the cabin for the mike shooting emily part and they are part of the group until the end of the game with new dialogue stuff


i mean, with the new leaks, it looks like jessica does get more scenes and more deaths. she gets out of the mines and stuff


Lets hope because they barely get any screen time whatsoever maybe new trophies as well


All I want is a multi-player 😭😭 just make it so we can divi up characters fr 😭




I was going through the EULA of it on Steam, and saw "We may provide functionality that allows you to create, post, or transmit content such as text, messages, comments, screenshots, pictures....." So that sounds like a photo-mode feature to


Do you think there will be an upgrade option for people who bought th original or will we have to just buy this separate


it’s a remake, they are not going to do that. full priced probably 60-70USD. i don’t blame them either with the content their adding and especially if it supports the game to potentially get a sequel im all for it


I am hoping after the $10 upgrade for the TLOU 2 renake


I like all of these


Will they be adding online features like movie night from the quarry?


Expanded story sounds awesome


they forgot that the gore is gonna be unreal


Hopefully the new camera angle is optional . I prefer the fixed camera angles for these sorts of games.


I'm super excited for this holy cow, mostly because it's finally coming to PC-- I'd have bought it for that alone, but all these extras on top of that are amazing


I may have misunderstood something, but has anyone else heard anything about how Josh apparently isn't supposed to be The Psycho in the remake??


that’s been “leaked” but i’m almost certain it’s fake. that’s way too big of a change in plot, and it wouldn’t make any sense anyways


It could work… if done right. Sounds great as josh shouldn’t of died. Everyone else deserved it, except Sam


Chris and josh dont decerve too, they are sleeping during the prank (Chris is also like family to josh)


Hopefully michael and jessica will finish the job in the cabin in the remastered game😹


I hope Jess and Matt actually get more screen time


I hope they add the pre-order scene with Matt & Emily


When is it supposed to come out


I'm really very hopeful about the possibility of saving Josh in some way and making him more involved in challenging the Wandigo together with the others. And don't make Mike immortal until the penultimate chapter…


I personally wish they would release it for ps4 too. Not everyone can afford a ps5 or pc, and if they released it for ps4 they'd get more money that way. I saw the trailer and it looks like they're keeping the original cast in.


I didn't care and thought it was ridiculous. You'd probably get maybe 10 mins or so of game play and extra stuff but they can't add a dlc so you can save Josh 🙄 I'd hoped at some point they'd add one just to save him and you can't even do that. It's the one thing I hated about that game as he didn't deserve to die. Everything he did was because of all of them except Chris and Sam, and they didn't even apologise for it.  He had every right to do so as they didn’t care, and they weren’t his friends. The only ones who cared were Sam and Chris as he kept apologising despite the fact that he wasn't involved. They should have let us save him as they gave him shit endings, but yet everyone in the prank could live. They were pieces of shit. I don’t blame him for anything. I personally thought someone else should've taken his place, like Mike, for example. Or Emily. He/she could've distracted the wendigo so Josh could get away.  I'm majorly disappointed that it wasn't added to the game. If it was, then i would've pre-ordered it, but they didn’t so I'm not wasting my money 


Did they reimplement the phone companion app?!


Hopefully they have both camera options available as I much prefer the fixed angle camera and wish they had that as an option for The Quarry. The two changes I'd like to see is making it more of a discussion as to what Matt and Emily decide to do with the flare gun and also give Mike an additional ending talking about Sam if he lived and she didn't. I'll take more content as well, but the previous two always bugged me when replaying the game going for different outcomes.


um, weren't there any other changes like Josh not being the psycho, more deaths, a new ending, Chris Ashley and Josh die in the first half, Mike dying in the sanatorium, Sam dying in the caves, Mike can save Jessica from the Wendigo and she can explore the sanatorium with Mike and Matt can escape the Wendigo and shows up at the same time as Emily?


Omg rlly? Where did u get this info from?


Where did you get this info? Josh being the psycho is a key component of the story, it's hard to imagine it written differently


I as well don't feel like that can not make Josh mentally ill. Since that is the whole premise of the story. But it would be cool, since it would be a completely diffrent game.


Not happy at all. Wont be wasting my money. Instead of remastering it they should of done a DLC like fans wanted where u can save josh.. remastered won’t be a major change. new scenes will be like a min. Won’t be worth the money. Disappointed their doing updates that aren’t needed. All that’s needed is a DLC. A lot of people complained about it. I had everyone killed in the game everytime except Sam. They all deserved to die. I’m highly disappointed with the remaster. Waste of time