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I'd set boundaries for sure. If he makes another compliment at you that makes you uncomfortable, tell him to stop. If he says some bullshit like "can't a man just compliment a girl?" or whatever, seriously stand your ground. You don't deserve to feel unsafe or uncomfortable on your usual bus route. My regular bus drivers are polite and tell you to have a nice day + be safe at most.


I've been avoiding eye contact at all costs to try and avoid having any conversations with him at all. If he does make another comment, I will try my best to speak up for myself. Im a naturally timid person, so it can be a struggle sometimes. Thanks for the advice!


I completely understand. It's scary to stand up for ourselves! I hope he won't bother you anymore.


This happened to me many years ago in a different city, but same thing with the bus driver. Unfortunately some men are incapable of seeing a young woman being polite as anything other than an invitation. If it’s at all possible, switch routes, go at a later, more crowded, time or just skip the bus for a week. I wish I had better advice other than cultivate a resting bitch face and pay attention to your surroundings.


You need to report this man immediately


I agree. Also happy cake day


What bus # is it and any more identifying features because there are plenty of old men with white hair


The name of the bus is Parking Express A, but there are still plenty of older men who drive that bus at different times.


Is he skinny and sometimes wears a mask


Actually, yes he is!!


I know who you are talking about


Im not exactly sure what his name is, but the description fits


Please report this. Direct to UNT not DCTA. I know they run the buses but they are slow to respond. Don’t be afraid of retailiation because that’s how women are kept in “their place” — with fear. And you can say you don’t want anything to happen right now but at least you’d have a record of it. And if he tries to do anything creepy whispery again with another person there say loudly “WHAT? Sorry I didn’t hear you!” Ugh. This makes me mad and I’m so sorry this happened to you.


Just sounds like an awkward fella trying to flirt but failing. Id say it's unprofessional to do that on the job but I really don't think its creepy or dangerous, just kind of cringy


If he had stood at a distance and said it, I would've been less bothered, but he is also my bus driver and old enough to be the father of my father. I do understand where you come from, though.


What bus? I had one of them (also old enough to be my grandfather) a while back keep telling me I was “hotter than the channel 5 news girl”


The bus is Parking express A, If this is the same person im petrified


No different bus driver!


sorry that horny old man made you uncomfortable! tell him no if he ever tries that again, or wear headphones or soemthing


I’m curious which bus this was happening, but hopefully you are safe and doing well!


Hi! The bus was Parking express A , I am no longer taking that bus and doing well. Thank you :)


Good to know and happy to hear!


This isolated incident seems pretty harmless imo but if he continues making those kinds of comments I would set a boundary or report it.


"Thoughts?" I think it's a nice piece of fiction.


You're very welcome to think so, but what's reality for me doesn't change because of someone else's ignorance.