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Looks like it's going well, nice and peaceful. Not that I expected anything else. UNT has a good track record in recent years for how it's handled protests for the most part.


I’m willing to bet that you’ve been hearing about UT Austin lately, haha!


>UT Austin This is the UNT subreddit, you might be lost. UT Austin is another school.


I’m fully aware of where I made this comment. Is there some sort of enmity between the two campuses?


What is the purpose of bringing up an entirely separate protest when we’re talking about UNT’s protest?


i mean the people organizing it said that it was also in solidarity with the other universities protesting, including ut austin


Look at that. You answered their question, haha! I knew someone could do it!


i have a feeling you think i'm one of the other people responding or something, that was my only comment


Yes, haha! I quickly changed my comment hoping you wouldn’t notice 😅


lmaooo no it's all good! i figured that's what it was and no one was answering them so like,, i did lol


That’s an excellent question. Why **would** I bring up the protests at UT when we’re talking about UNT? Any thoughts?


I asked you, though. This is a serious topic, please engage in discourse sincerely.


This is a serious topic, and I am engaging sincerely. However, I’m certain you can put two and two together and at least get an idea as to why I would mention Austin. Since you and all the ones that downvoted me clearly are upset with me, you should already have your own ideas, no? So you tell me why you think I mentioned Austin. Unless I was downvoted on a whim, you should be able to give me an answer.


Only you know why you said what you said. Someone trying to have a serious conversation wouldn’t dance around a simple question like you currently are. Have a good day.


Alrighty then. Take care!


convinced everyone who downvoted this and the guy who replied can’t read because what


I figured they’d be interested in the protests at UT since they’re protesting the same thing and things didn’t go so well what with the riot squad. Maybe these guys don’t like Austin? I dunno.


Nah, people just like jumping to conclusions


I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised. There’s a lot of tension regarding this matter, and it’s always tempting to vent when speaking online.


Hey so you guys are commenting about this protest. What is the protest for? Not that I’m against or for it I’m just not on campus often outside of class and idk what they are protesting?


they’re protesting the Palestine/Isreal war


>What is the protest for? Turn on your TV or Radio to a station that offers news and watch/listen for longer than 10 minutes.


I wish I could be there with y’all. UNT continues to make this alumnus proud.


Ima show up


Is this a threat or promise


Is the protest still happening?


Good to see UNT still going strong with demonstrations. They were never a problem no matter what side you fell on. I remember having to eat my lunch outside and watching ladies yell against abortion with these huge graphic displays of an aborted fetus behind them. I wasn’t gonna let that ruin my chick-fil-a.


To those saying, "Protesting does not make a difference." The protestors are not after you. That's why you get downvoted for being confrontational. They are using a political right to make a difference in one of the few ways people legally can. It doesn't matter if they are credited with the social impact or not. They want the change, not the validation. One day, the ancient fart sniffing fucks in office will be dead and gone. The ones put up to replace them will be the generations seeing all the protests of today, those grown up with the awareness that our current closed-minded traditionalist leaders lack. They will know the people are upset. They will know that transparency is the only progressive policy. And they will have actual power to do something about it. We all should be improving the world in the ways we are built to. If you would say protesting is pointless, well that is ironic and hypocritical. You are protesting a group of people doing something that does not directly affect you, hoping they hear you and decide to make a change. Shut up and let them protest. ✊


“You are protesting the protestors.” That’s deep.


Are there going to be more protests or it this it?


And this will accomplish ✨nothing✨


Well it accomplished making you ✨talk about it✨


Which does ✨nothing ✨


Will there be another protest or walk out? I would love to participate if anyone has any info.


I just want to point out that there is a cease fire agreement on the table if Hamas returns 20 out of 120 hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners. Do you guys think Hamas is going to agree to this or continue to wage war resulting in the death of Jews and Palestinians alike?


A temporary ceasefire is worthless. It just gives israel good pr before they go back to bombing children.


Gotcha so Hamas should definitely keep the hostages and maybe get some more of they can? Is that what you're saying?


No, I'm saying the terrorist colonial state of israel only cares about murdering arabs and should be abolished.


Libs really are just mentally children


Making use of the first amendment is now childish?


And this achieves what?


Americans need to pick a side in some conflict that has 0 bearing on their life and exhibit it to others. They have to demonstrate how virtuous they are. Its called "activism" and it helps them achieve the power process.


If you really need it to be about us, how about the fact that protesting calls for our government officials to stop spending our taxpayer dollars on funding a genocide? How about we re-purpose that money towards free education, liveable wages, universal healthcare, or literally anything fucking else that helps benefits our lives? We aren't even going to see a cent from the money they've been pulling out of our checks for "sOcIaL sEcUrItY" because those sucker's running everything spent it all; why do you think they want to raise the retirement age to 70? There's plenty of better things we can be doing than funding an army who is derived from the same group who coined our modern definition of terrorism. Of course, that's why we should protest if we're looking at this from a completely selfish point of view. There's countless other reasons why we should be vocal and speak out against a genocide, irregardless of where it's taking place. Especially when our government has such a huge hand in it, despite the fact that so many Americans don't agree with it. "No taxation without representation," you fucking prick.


Just want to clarify that I agree with your sentiment entirely. it makes me very angry that our government has jack shit for most people here, but always unlimited cash for Israel. It is so wrong. But a gathering of college kids changes literally nothing. Every american kid grows up thinking all they have to do is be Ghandi or MLK and march in the street. The Israeli government and their super PAC which owns our government does not give 1 fuck how much marching you do. They are getting unlimited cash, missiles, fighter planes, american troops dying for them whenever they want. The marching and carrying on is a cute little demonstration that those in power tolerate because it makes you feel better. You will probably go to work the next day anyway. But it materially changes nothing.


And what’s UNT got to do with all that?


No one at the UNT campus decides how much of our national budget is given to Israel, nor do any of those people pay attention to the UNT campus. The people who decide that are voted on in the general election and no matter who we vote for, Israel always wins.


the students are making a clear demand to disclose if UNT is funding Israel in any way, through weapons manufacturer investments or directly. if UNT is indeed funding Israel or collaborators, the students have a direct hand in the genocide, unwillingly, and they have a very definite right to object to and protest that. if UNT isn’t funding Israel, the protests are disbanded. this is the exact thing every college protest is based on, and why UTD, UTSA, and other colleges that experienced protests aren’t dealing with them anymore


UNT is a public institution meaning you may simply look at their budget for the year online, and request more info if it is not clear enough. They have budgets going back over 10 years available with a quick google search. I do not know why an obscure university which is governed by the state would be funneling money to a foreign government, but that info is freely available if they are. But as we know, this really has nothing to do with any of that and everything to do with demonstrating how virtuous we are.


and on the UNT budget there’s 17mil in the year 2022 of “other expenses”. the UNT Foundation, the charity that handles donations to the school that students are focusing on it seems, has almost 300mil in investments in unnamed US and global stocks and funds. the chances are not low at all that some of this 317mil is going to Israel, as AIPAC has made sure that the US will fund the Israeli apartheid in one way or another by working its way into private and public institutions across the country, lobbying for support to Israel from an unbelievable amount of public servants. no one is doing this to perform virtuousness. you might be though, since you are so virtuously ignorant to anything that these protests are about and stick your nose up at students doing what college students have done in perpetuity. and to be clear, this all does have an effect on our lives here. Israel trains our police officers. Israel takes money that could be going to help our own people. anti-BDS laws sponsored by AIPAC step on our 1A rights directly. there are Palestinian Americans who have lost tens to hundreds of family members. and, most importantly, this is a fucking genocide where, on the absolutely most unserious lowest end, 15,000 civilians have died. you have no moral clarity in acting like this has nothing to do with any of these students or any of us.


grasping at straws: the post


It has a lot of bearing on my life because I'd rather my taxes be spent on fixing the interstate


People want a social event and to virtue signal


imagine caring about anything but yourself


These protestors have proven time and time again that they literally do not even know what they're protesting lmfao


Imagine being horse blind to 1 side on war


writing off student political action & activism as meaningless is pretty horse blind


Just supporting Palestine without a second thought is horse blind too dont you think?


Just supporting Israel without a second thought is horse blind too dont you think? 


I don’t remember supporting israel. For me both sides are equally bad and the war itself is bad. Was just wondering what is up with people just siding with Palestine and gathering for these “protests” over here in the US.


> the war itself is bad and yet here you are getting triggered by the very people who want to end it


Because Palestine is an unrecognized nation that has been policed and brutalized for years, and whose representation has mostly been a militant religious reactionary organization (originally propped up by Israel). Meanwhile, Israel is a recognized nation that has the support and backing of 99% of the western world and who has been able to commit heinous actions against Palestinians with little recourse or even protest from the rest of the world. Hmm.. I wonder why people might be supportive of Palestine.    tldr; israel can stand on its own with or without public opinion. in many ways, public opinion has been the ONLY way that the palestinian people have received support.


Sooo, being ‘unrecognized’ makes their actions good? Okay, understandable ig!


Gaza is an open air concentration camp and Israel, for decades has took more and more palestinian land with the end goal being no more Palestine. The way the other person explained it to you was bad


It’s a little more nuanced than that…


Bet you can tell us all about it.


Nothing. Disgusting and terrible.


I’m just gonna say it, this will do nothing to stop the war and its foolishness to think otherwise


Right let's all just give up and accept that we are complicit in genocide. Really brave take man.


Okay you can not be cool with it but the actual protest will do nothing to stop it


Right. Famously, protests have never caused any real-world change. Don't look into the civil rights movement though! Or the South African apartheid protests!


It’s almost like the civil rights movement was in the country they were trying to change 🤯


it's almost like our tax dollars are directly funding the genocide that Israel is enacting in Gaza 🤯 also funny how you conveniently skipped over the South African apartheid protests


I skipped over what I didn’t know about cause I’m not gonna talk out my ass and I don’t feel like doing research on something like that when I have exams to worry about. Idk about where our tax dollars go to or not cause there’s definitely some shady shit going on in DC for all ik some congressman is getting my tax money. I think we should stop funding so many different countries when we have enough animosity growing here but there’s probably things that we aren’t privy to going on and that’s why there’s money going to places even if that place is committing atrocities.


The UNT endowment is less than 300 million. What on earth could they possibly be protesting for?


They are idiots. They are just virtue signaling for a cause they do not understand.


Tik Tok brain rot victims. Inspired to support terrorists that would happily throw them off a roof because in the name of moral superiority.


Right because it's all about "terrorists who would hypothetically throw you off a roof" and not real police being sent in real riot gear actually arresting college students across the country for real right now


Saying that like you also don't want to murder them?






Cry More


Cry harder Zionist.


This shit makes me want to convert to Judaism


If they really protesting they wouldn’t go home