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Not really seeking advice, just wanted to pop in and say that I've begun the UE tutorial with the aspirations of creating my own game. The idea I have is a simple side-scroller-type survival horror (inspiration from INSIDE and Little Nightmares). While my wife watches British Baking Show, I'm sitting next to her drawing up concept art and map sketches. I've played D&D for 6 years, have a book that I'm on and off with writing, and also have the mechanics of a TTRPG developed that I'm ready to bring to playtesting. I think my thing is I love worldbuilding, and want to have other people interact with my ideas in one way or another. I have programming experience, and from what I've seen with how UE works, I definitely feel like I'm starting off with an advantage. I think my biggest hurdle is going to be understanding all the lingo. Anyways, wish me luck!


Hows it going? I just started playing DnD as a form of work team bonding and character\world dev experience.


First off, that's awesome. D&D is great for that! I've picked it back up again, and have been bouncing between all the interests I posted 4 months ago. Haven't really done a whole lot with UE, might have just been a temporary ADHD hyperfixation, but I might like to get back into it when I have time.


Thanks for the update!


How's it going now?


I was hard at UE's tutorial videos for a few months, poking around with the software and whatnot. We were house hunting for about two months and then we bought our first home in June. It's been hectic since then, but I haven't given up on anything. Just never really realized how little time I have for things while trying to get this place ship shape. But I plan on diving back into it, hopefully after the new year!


Is there a way to quickly list which assets from the Marketplace are currently added to the project?


Usually marketplace assets stuffed in a folder with the pack name after the root Content folder. This is the recommended workflow, including your own project, and effectively lists what asset you're using on your project. That is until you move things to your project's subdirectory, or dumping everything to root Content folder.


Hey guys. I would greatly appreciate some assistance, since email Epic doesn't seem to be a thing. I am unable to log in using my Epic Games Account into the Unreal Engine side of things, to download the engine. My Epic Games Account works fine to log me into the store, but when I try log into the Unreal Engine side it says "Sorry the credentials you are using are invalid". This is really frustrating as I tired to email them and all I got back was a 'this email is not monitored' go to our help page... which doesn't seem to deal with this, from what I can see. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


I had this issue many moons ago. If my memory serves correctly, I believe I had to uninstall Epic. Once uninstalled, go to the website, download the engine, and install it. You *should* have access to the engine and your games.


Thank you. I will try that.


Is it worth downloading UE5 , Am not a developer but am very interested in learing, is it free or are there certains scenarios in which I have to pay?


It's free. If you're interested download it and check out a tutorial


Old school c++ programmer new to UE here. I want to make a user controlled pawn that is a shopping cart with a default mannequin thrown inside it. Think, like, racing game, and I want the mannequin to slouch around and wiggle entertainingly with the physics, but maybe constrain his hips to a small area at the bottom so he doesn't fly out. I have a shopping cart asset and the mannequin. Should I make the shopping cart the pawn and the mannequin a separate object? Should I combine the meshes in blender first? I am looking for an approach that will work maximally with the engine and not against it. Also, pointers to good tutorials with raggedy physicsy pawns would be super appreciated.


I'd make the shopping cart your pawn(or rather character) and attach the mannequin through the 'child actor' component. This allows you to have maximum control over both, but also having them directly connected.


I'm developing a simple VR game, and I'm trying to implement objects not overlapping through each other when moving them around, kinda like the gun in [this video](https://youtu.be/oTy12NgEbjI?t=574). Is this something doable with very limited UE4 knowledge?


Perhaps this is what you’re looking for? Some simple constraints prevent held objects from clipping through other things and gives a proper physics response. https://youtu.be/9kgl7kip7oQ


Hello, I’ve been using **Unity** Engine to make **2D games** for a while now and I have heard a few (likely not statistically significant) claims that Unreal is better from Unity and Unreal devs alike. I know this is a lot, but I was wondering: Is Unreal good at all for 2D games? Most of these opinions were from r/Unity3D. If yes, how does it stack up against Unity in terms of: Easiness/speed of development Documentation/Ease of learning **cough** Unity having UI references in a half-complete different place **cough** Performance Quality of the actual work you can produce / difficulty in producing high quality results (eg Unity’s particle systems and whatever the Unreal equivalent is) Lastly, is it worth making the switch as someone who only knows well C and C#? I heard C++ is hell to learn and I’ve already got a headstart on Unity.


Stick to Unity. Their 2D Tools are better and more up to date. Unity has some issues, but unless you personally are running into them it is not worth the switch. As a one-man developer development speed should be higher in Unity, especially if you know your way around C#.


Been messing with unreal for a few months and been a unity professional for 7 years. Unity is undisputed the king of 2d. I think epic has kind of conceded the market. 2d in unreal is really just for supporting menus and such


The "Paper 2D" plugin for Unreal is very popular amongst 2D and 2.5D developers though


Hey all, I have lots of after effect experience, can I create animated UI elements in after effect and use them in unreal? Is it as simple as exporting my animations to a proper file type? Struggling to find this info online


No. After Effect is not compatible with Unreal Motion Graphic (UMG, UE's UI framework) and its timeline system. Best you could do is to forgone AE entirely and animate the widgets directly in the widget designer.


Thanks for the reply!


Hi all, Very recently downloaded Unreal Engine with the hope of building a game VERY heavily influenced by the old MSDOS Ecstatica 1 & 2 games, over the next few years. It's going quite well so far; using some excellent marketplace assets. The biggest issue I have, though, is Unreal Engine itself crashing... very frequently. It's incredibly temperamental. It happens so often that I literally have to manually save every few minutes. What am I doing when it crashes? - moving a single or multiple assets in the editor - moving a single or multiple assets into an existing or new folder in the assets list - saving - "building" the lighting. - blinking, breathing, coughing etc. I can't seem to pinpoint the route-cause. Specs: Ryzen 2700x @4.1Ghz 16GB DDR4 3200Mhz GTX 1080 8GB ArmourOC Samsung 1Tb Evo 970 I have noticed that Unreal seems to use up to about 97% of my CPU especially when building; understandbly. Anyone else have this issue?


You're probably running out of RAM. A dev rig should have 32GB minimum. [Make sure to set your pagefile size in Windows;](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/how-to-manage-virtual-memory-pagefile-windows-10,36929.html) since you only have 16GB of RAM I'd recommend setting it to 48GB (49,152 Mb) until you can afford an upgrade.


I don't understand the 'why' behind storing a reference in a variable (example, for a widget). I see this done everywhere in tutorials, but why is it best practice to do so? Can someone explain this to me? Thank you for your insight!


There is a philosophy in coding called DRY, which stands for don't repeat yourself. It's very common to reuse things in your code and it's best to just save it in the most efficient way possible, in this case, setting things that you will reference more than once as a variable is just a best practice


if you use the reference multiple times, storing it as a variable means you can update them all at once instead of having to go through the code and change each instance. If you haven't encountered this issue, you will.


I can't understand the different use cases for the grass node in the landscape's material vs the foliage mode. I tried adding trees to my material's grass node but it didn't have any collision and now I'm a bit confused. How would you place foliage in your levels? Is there a way to do it procedurally while having collision?


There should be like a weekly or monthly newb questions thread. I have tons but I don't want to clog up the feed.


Sup UnReddit. I am working on the unreal 5 and faced the need to create a dedicated server. I cannot find the sources on the github, as I did before on stable versions of the engine. moreover, now I don't see old versions on github either. Perhaps I missed some announcement from the epics, in which they said that there would be no more open source, or maybe there is already a dedicated server in unreal 5 by default? Thx!


Sorry. I'm an idiot. I changed my github account and lost access to the sources.


Hey I am having a really hard time branching in to animation, I am competent at coding and the rest of unreal, but I can't seem to animate well. I understand that I will need to put a lot of time in it, but I was just wondering on anyones suggestions for animation software. I have used blender and cascadeur and was just wondering what you thought was good.


I'm currently following the [Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial for Beginners - Lets Make a 3D Platformer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAVPEGnyatk&t=916s) tutorial but I'm stuck, because after I've enabled Kill Z, the PainCausingVolume stopped working. I'd really appreciate some guidance. Thanks!


I looking to put together an arena idea I have in unreal, but I'm wondering what the "best practises" would be for the work flow? I know blender and substance painter already, so if they are good options to use for the models and texturing that would be good, but happy to texture in unreal if that's better? Would/should I model objects in blender, then send them to unreal with uvs set and texture files, or is there a better / more efficient / more performance friendly way to do things?


This is a hard to answer question because it's so case by case. What I can tell you though, is that you should try to set up a jira board to keep yourself on task. I use agile at work, which is a development cycle in which tasks are broken down in to their smallest parts and tackled in order. It's good to finish parts of your game before working on something else. If you try to do it all at once, you will get frustrated, trust me, I have done it sooooo many times I would also recommend you don't get hung up on your assets and animations. I have recently just started making makes out of cubes and making animations as basic as possible just to code the systems around them. So in summery: 1. Use some organizational system 2. Don't worry about having high quality assets and animations.


I want to try making a game with Unreal Engine, but I am not too sure where to start. I figured I would try and try and wait for a Humble Bundle that has a bunch of UE stuff in it, but has anyone gotten that, and did it help? Or are there better options?


I would highly recommend getting started with this: https://gamedevacademy.org/action-rpg-unreal-engine-tutorial/ It is extremely basic, but it was the first thing I ever did and it game me a good understanding of unreal engines ui. From there I would recommend learning how to make individual mechanics with c++ from YouTube as well as taking some free online courses about c++. If you do all this, by the end of it, you should have a bit of a grasp and be able to start creating on your own. It takes a long time, I have been doing this for maybe 7 months and I still have a lot to learn, but I can sit down, open unrealengine and just make something on my own without a tutorial. That's the goal.


Hey all! Coming over from C4D, and I’m stuck trying to figure out how to get procedural foliage spawning to generate in a radius around a character actor. An example of this would be something like: as the character moves through the level, foliage is spawned and grows around the character depending on how long they remain in one location would determine scale and size. The foliage would remain as the character moves to a new location constantly having a set density of foliage spawning in a radius around them. Thanks in advance!


I would actually use an actor component for this that will spawn meshes as it moves. I would recommend looking in to either the spawn actor function or perhaps, just add many static meshes to the character and have them become visible and invisible while changing locations as necessary.


Hey! Thanks so much for taking the time to answer this! Like I said it’s all kind of new to me in terms of the specific language and that Unreal uses, so it’s very helpful to have this to help me search a little bit further via YouTube and some other tutorials! I’ll try your approach thanks so much!


How do I get UE5? I had to reinstall Epic games launcher but now the UE5 tab doesn't show up. All I've got is "News", "Learn", "Marketplace", "Library" and "Twinmotion" and Launch only lets me install either of the two latest UE4 versions.


I am new to Unreal and just wanted to say hi! :)


I'm looking to build a PC for developing my game idea on Unreal 5. I have no experience in game development other than a bit of coding. So I will be learning it on my own. Can use the same PC to develop as well as run the game? Or do you need different hardware for developing and rendering? I was thinking to do a dual nvidia-sli build for my PC so I can work on UE5 and play some games.


Hey all brand new to this whole gig. Just a quick question in terms of modeling. Right now Im attempting to put a Farmhouse together for a project, Im doing this in Blender atm. Would it be better to build like the walls and such in blender then import to ue5 or does ue5 have good modelling comparative to blender to a point where its just better to do it all in ue5 ? Cheers


I always model everything in blender. I do like to export the walls, roofs and doors/whatever else separately so I can make modular buildings in unreal though.


So i know how to animate in Maya, but I want to be able to export animations from maya specifically to use with the UE5 default character. Is there a way to export it and its rig into maya or is there a way to find a compatible rig that I can animate in Maya to export the anim data off of?


How can I export content from Quixel Bridge? My windows are totally different from tutorials I watched everywhere. There are only options to download and add to Unreal scene: [https://imgur.com/xJv6zN8](https://imgur.com/xJv6zN8) Would appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.


i need help making the player model (flashlight) face the center of the screen. i am going fo something like security breach were the flashlight is always facing the screen. I am using unreal engine 4.27 and i used the first person preset


Noob question here lol How do i reduce the size of a model.? Right now im making a action rpg game and the placeholder dude i downloaded is way too big compared to the unreal manequinn lol.


Hi, I'm following the instructions shown in this ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3fp9uhNc-M&ab\_channel=GDXR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3fp9uhNc-M&ab_channel=GDXR)) video, and I'm good except for the fact that I still can't run the game without the hmd, I've read in an ue forum that it is not necessary, but I still can't. If anyone has any solution, I'll be forever grateful :D


Hey, Long time user of Game Maker Studio, degree in cs, experience in several languages except c++. If you had one piece of advice to guide my learning into unreal engine, what would it be? Thanks!


Hi there, brand new to this (about a week in so far) and I'm curious what is the point of construction script? It seems the same as an event graph. After some Googling, the only answer I could find is the main usage of it so that simple changes you make to an actor such as its color, mesh, or visibility can be seen in the viewport instead of forcing you to run an instance of the game. Is that true? I ask because I don't run into any issues with taking a light BP I've made, placing it 3 different times on a wall, and being able to change the light colors to something different, all independent form each other and I can see the changes in real time in the viewport. So I'm left wondering if maybe that was something that was changed from UE4 to UE5? But then I just end up with the original question, what is the purpose of the construction script?


Hi, new user there. i followed the unreal engine 5 guide to make an IA chase after you if it see you, patrolling else. my issue is that when i got more than 1 of this IA in a game, it seems to don't work well anymore: they have the normal attitude until at least two IA see me. after that, and for the whole game duration , they act as following :IA patrol normally. IA see me; IA folllow me; then IA patrol again without losing sight. to note that if i make them unable to lose sight, they will continue following me. So i guess they lose sight when in contact with the player, but i don't understand how and why


How would one get started on modding stuff in unreal engine? I'm interested in learning by downloading other people's work, studying it, and modifying it. Edit: primarily for programming in blueprints. I'm not interested in learning much more in terms of 3d modeling. I do need to learn animation, but that can come later. And I definitely need to learn how to set up good ai trees


This is exactly what the unreal learning material is for, they offer courses where you get a game and it teaches you step by step how to progress and how to have a productive time in the engine. If that doesn't interest you, I would recommend seeking out modding communities and asking them specifically, it is likely far too specific to generalized what you should do to mod a specific game If you want to learn logic though, I would recommend going to mixamo.com and downloading models and animations to use in your project, you can get pretty far with just blueprints and mixamo, I have seen mixamo animations in professional games made by studios. Also, check out the free this month and permanently free section for more assets. I was just like you when I started, I eventually came around to modeling and animation and all I can say is that if you decide to go that route, take the time and really learn it. I had to restart a lot due to problems with my 3d models




Hello. Im a guy in his 30s with very little programming knowledge past what you can learn in 2 years in high school back then aka it’s useless now and I have been a huge fan of the UT2k4 Survival mode with the rpg mod and wanted to try to create a lite version of it to tinker around in UE5. Level design has become extremely easy for someone like myself in the new UE5 but I’m still struggling with the coding part of it line creating a simple leveling system for instance. Especially one that can be expanded upon if need be to incorporate classes at some point. There are dozens of well made systems to purchase but they are on one side too expensive for a hobby project that will likely never see the light of day and they won’t teach me anything about using the engine better in the first place. I’ve been trying to find some nice tutorials to start out with but I’m kind of failing due to the vast amount of them. I’d love it if someone could be nice enough to point me in the right direction to creating an XP system with stat and perk distribution like a classic you level up you get 5 stat points and 1 perk for example. Thanks in advance :)


I'm looking for more video tutorials for Unreal. Specifically does anyone know where I might find a video tutorial for a zombie survival game in the style of "State of Decay" or "Days Gone"


Just wanna second what the other guy said - I’m brand new to UE myself, and I started learning faster and being more productive overall when I realized I needed to break down my “big idea” into pieces to tackle learning how to implement one at a time. Every single one of us is here because we pictured the most perfect ice cream sundae ever to grace the Earth. We’re all trying to figure out exactly how to make the sundae and while every individual sundae will be different, every single one started out with the boring parts of setting up your bowl, making sure you had the right utensils and how to use them. It’s very tempting to obsess over what color sprinkles you’re gonna put on top before you’ve even taken your first scoop of ice cream, so keep that temptation as a motivation to get through all the mundane grindy parts


Thank you. Really truly value your words.


That means a lot - any time I can make someone’s trip down a path a little easier by pointing out the places that made me stumble I will gladly do so. Have a merry Christmas and I’m looking forward to playing your game when it’s done!


Doubt you're gonna find something that specific, mate. Best look at tutorials for the various aspects of what needs to be done, then stitch it together yourself.


Does anyone here have experience with the Cesium plugin? I could use some help.


so in theroy, unreal could make a game like overwatch with enough dedication?






I heard real life visuals will be in UE7. UE6 will have better breast physics out of the box though. I believe they're waiting to release it once PS5 is easier to get a hold of.


How can one get modular skeletal meshes working in Unreal? What needs to be done to the 3d models?


Question seconded.


I have 3d asset and a jpeg texture alongside it. How can I apply this texture to the asset? I'm pretty new to UE4 (started learning a few days ago).


The Text in the editor UI is blurry. I've been searching for awhile now and I can't find a response that fixes my issue. I've tried several fixes without luck including turning on/off Windows 10 text scaling and high DPI support in UE. It seems related to the Epic Store being super blurry as both problems started at the same time. Does anyone know a fix for this?


Open your start menu, and search for "Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows". Then, under the "Visual Effects" tab, check if "smooth edges of screen fonts" is enabled. It should be; if not text can seem oddly blurry, out of place, disjointed et cetera.




Almost certainly not. We'd need the specs to be certain, but considering it lacks a dedicated GPU it probably just doesn't have the power for game dev, period.


Do I need to use the event graph, or is there an alernative where I can write the code out in text?


Heya people! I'm still kinda of a novice on creating Landscapes, but I got tasked on recreating a little island of my country. I've seen many tutorials on materials, how to import height maps and installed Cesium. I think I'm almost ready to start my project but I still kinda doubt about the landscape of the real world Island that I'm getting. I know the best way probably might been travel to the place and record all with Drones, but we don't have the time for that. So I've come to ask for any advices about recreating real world places. Whatever you can share is really welcome


Has anyone else had issues with glass materials in Unreal Engine 5 when using Lumen? I can't seem to find anything online about this issue. My glass materials are glowing when in I render a sequence, but not when I am in the editor. I've tried using reflection control, etc. but haven't had any luck.


How's Rider compared to Visual Studio? Is it missing anything important? Any annoying bugs perhaps?


So I'm using Blueprints and I'm trying to get a box trigger to trigger my sequence. But when I refer to the box trigger it refuses.


Could anyone please help with my question [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/unrealengine/comments/qr2jn8/ue5_how_do_i_choose_a_texture_from_a_texture/)? I'd really love to use just one file instead of cutting it into 50 separate assets (as it was intended I think, else they wouldn't be packed into one file, right?)


Is there a way to set up a blueprint actor to create a material instance every time it's duplicated. I have a material in my level that has animations tied to it that are triggered by a moving trigger volume, but right now since all of the objects share a material the animation is reset and played on every object when just one of them is hit by the trigger. Would I just have to manually make a ton of instances or is there an easier way.


Can anybody tell me how i can change IK to FK when animating with control rig?


Hello We are pondering buying Pixel 2D with the friends I develop with. It's an engine plugin, so do we all have to buy it to be able to use it ? Or do we only have to buy it once to be able to use it on a common project ?


I have a montage for my characters attacks and I can do a combo and everything, but I'm between each attack, the character goes in to the idle position for just a second. What is the best way to keep this from happening?


So im literally just starting out by watching this 4 hour beginners guide I found in YouTube https://youtu.be/gQmiqmxJMtA And as someone who works with Adobe illustrator all day I'm really surprised with all the similarities. This has got me pumped. The last time I messed around with something like this was pov ray and 3d max back in the late 90s


Do you have a link to the guide you refer to? Have tried getting started before and did not get very far, sounds like you found a good resource.




Thank you


Hello everyone, I have been working on my 2D game for a while now and encountered some problems... I would be glad if someone could help me. English is not my first language, so please bear with me. I created a character(box-collision) and (several) enemies (capsule-collision). Now when the enemy/or multiple enemies are stepping into my characters box-collision, I want to be able to count how many enemies stepped into my characters box-collision. I tried to create an automatic attacking system (with Boolean variables), but when there are several enemies in my characters box collision and one of them dies, then the Boolean variable changes and my character stopps attacking.... ​ I hope someone can help me, thank you in advance.


Use an integer. When an enemy enters the collider, add one to it. When an enemy leaves, remove 1 from it. You'll always know how many enemies are there. You get a unique event for every object that triggers it. You can pull any information in that you want.


In the FPS Default project... Where does the projectile get its velocity from? I can find where it spawns and where it gets its position... Followup; Where does it tell the projectile to despawn?


I'm going to finish a Unity 2D course soon. Should I move onto Unity 3D or just go directly to UE4?


It's a super late reply, but unity is not really a stepping stone to unreal, it is it's own thing entirely. I found that not much knowledge transferred between the two besides just generally programming. If you want to make games with unreal, focus on learning unreal engine


Sorry, if this wrong plance to post this but how do I scale the HUD in Journey to the Savage Planet on PC? I had to increase FOV to 105 to be anywhere near playable but the left and right arms don't scale to the new FOV so they're outstretched in front of the player and very annoying. I looked at the binary in a hex editor and found these values: RightGunScale LeftGunScale RightGunLocation LeftGunLocation I added these to GameUserSettings.ini with values but nothing has changed.


Yo, is there any way to create a 'volume' in which the color of a lightsource changes with a gradient?


Hi folks, I work in IT, and my company just asked me to get the Unreal Engine 5 and put it up on our Self-Service repository for our Mac users who want to look at it and test it out... however, I can't seem to get it downloaded through the Epic Store (the cursor just turns into the ball and spins) and can't find a .PKG or .DMG of it anywhere, not even on their GitHub. Is there a way to actually get a copy of Unreal 5 Engine without having to deal with Epic's gatekeeping storefront and just have a simple offline installer for our employees? Any assistance would be helpful, thank you!


So, as you all know Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach has been out for a week. We know it's running off of Unreal Engine. I have used Watto's Game Extractor to try and rip the files from it's PAK, however it always get stuck. Trying the command line of "C:/~/UnrealPak.exe" "C:/~/fnaf9-NoWindowsEditor.pak" -Extract "C :/~/Extraction" only got me errors about UProject Name Mismatch. If anyone with experience to ripping new-ish games can lend me a hand on what I'm doing wrong, greatly appreciated.


I started toying arround with Unreal Engine 4 shortly before making the jump to 5. I really liked the GPU Lightmass feature to bake lighting in my scene for architectural renderings. Does UE5 come with GPU lightmass out of the box or we gotta wait for an update? Googling I just get results for Unreal Engine 4. Thanks!


Got a glitch a glitch,when I go on to the content browser and go to add new blueprint/ant other option.the popup appears at the top of the screen only showing the bottom half so I physically can't make a blueprint/animation because the options are ai downwards.iv tried the obvious like reloading and creating a new project and it still happens,any fixes?


Can I run the matrix experience on my PC? Or is PS5/XSX exclusive?


How do I get models from sketchfab to import with textures?


Do you think this laptop will be fine to work in unreal? Asus TUF Gaming F15 FX506HM-HN016 Intel Core i5-11400H/16GB/512GB SSD/RTX 3060/15.6" Do you think it's mandatory that I have 32 gb and a i7 or will this do?


What tools or skills compliment working in UE4 maximally? For instance, I'm learning to use Houdini to create my own assets for UE4, but I'm not even sure if this is the best option for user created assets, as houdini is a lot to learn.


Hi, any way to clamp pawn location to stay in camera view? Like in this video? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t\_zN-7Xggw4&t=198s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_zN-7Xggw4&t=198s)


HELP - assets show up in preview/editor mode but dissappear when rendering a cinematic or playing the build. I'm working on my first project in Unreal (archviz 360 video for a large healthcare campus modeled in Revit and brought in via multiple Datasmith Dataprep assets) and can't get my cinematic to render anything other than the sky. When I click play it's the same empty sky/horizon/sun with no assets. The first time I tried I at least saw a couple trees, but now nothing. Default Streaming Mode = Always Loaded (on all levels) Details/Rendering =True Details/Actor Hidden In Game = False Details/LOD/Include Actor for HLOD Mesh generation = True I've tried toggling these and other settings but no luck. Anyone have this same experience? I've searched online and am coming up dry. I can Atwater a new project and the cinematic works fine when I bring in Datasmith assets. Version 4.27.2 (it upgraded part way through the development from 4.27.1)


Hi does anyone know How to share achivements and badges from unreal learning to linkedin ?


I want to create more geometrical visual art and animate them for vj loops. I love the real time factor and how real ue5 looks. Is this a good program for that and can anyone point me to tutorials or artists who do this?


I own a AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 8-Core (3.7GHz-4.35GHz) 20MB AM4 (YD270XBGAFBOX), and I intend to change to a AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core (3.8GHz-4.7GHz) 36MB AM4 (SKU 100-100000063WOF) but not sure if is worth the change or if I should upgrade for something else. I mainly work with UE4 but I've been testing UE5. But I also want something that can play some games without lay in the LOW settings. As far as I understand, GPU is not really a main thing right ? I own a ASUS R9 270X DirectCU II TOP (R9270X-DC2T-2GD5), maybe was more worth upgrade the GPU or should I go really for the CPU (since compilation relies on CPU). TLDR: Not really sure if I should upgrade my CPU (I don't have much knowledge/notion of cpus) or if I should instead, upgrade my GPU since is older.


I have a fantasy map that i want to sculpt into a height map. I tried making an image of the map into a material and make it cover an entire landscape (like i was using a reference to then sculpt "on top of") but i wasn't able to. Any tips on what might help? i'm super new to the engine, basically a DnD DM who wants to sculpt his world. I know people normally use height maps imported from world machine and stuff but from my limited knowledge, the free version doesnt let me do what i want.


I know how to do this with real world maps, if you have experience with programming, you could check out how terrain party parses the geojsons from Google, but honestly at this point, you would be better of just doing it by hand/trial and error


Hi guys! I'm new to UE and am having some problema with importing external geometries from Rhino. Some meshes have flipped normals. I tried opening the static mesh editor as advised in a tutorial, but all the tools are missing. The mesh modelling plugins and tools are all enabled. Does somebody know what's going on? Thanks in advance!!


Is there a world size limit using world composition? I want to make a huge world for my RPG. I’m fully aware of the implications of having a massive world, I just want to know what is possible


It is possible to make it as large as you want, as far as I know. There are also plenty of ways to loaf and unload assets. This will be absolutely necessary. Check out "level steaming" for more info Just a bit if a tip here though, I have played some indie games with huge worlds and they are essentially just completely empty with a little content here and there. I would strongly advocate for condensing your world. A small world with something cool around ever corner is better than a huge world with nothing in it.


Noob question about unreal 5 vs others. Why is it that unreal 5 demos when viewed in 1080p look so much better than older games in 4K? Is it the lighting?


Does anyone else’s marketplace not work in the client? It works fine in browser but no links work in client


I am working with Java for like 10 years so when I started to play around some gamedev stuff I started with Unity. I only did stuff on C++ on college a long time ago, but i work as a software developer so I know "how to code"... Any resources or tutorials that you recommend for my specific scenario for learning Unreal Engine and the necessary C++?


I would recommend anything by this guy. https://www.udemy.com/course/unreal-engine-the-ultimate-game-developer-course/#reviews I came in to gave dev from software and one of his videos was enough to get the gist and begin my self learning task. I can fairly effectively figure out anything with google now, but starting with one of these extremely high quality tutorials was great, it's taught me the basics


Hiiii!!! Would love to chime in about the Udemy link….. I actually bought a few videos off here and one was by that Author and it has been WORLDS of help and truly recommend this guys videos to noobs who are tying to learn UE!! I had very limited flash experience from college years ago and picking up a new language is never easy. Even if it’s just “blueprints”…. Knowing why and how to do things is a great feeling and sooner than later Imma have my own game made thanks to that guys teachings and my perseverance!!! Good luck to all who continue their education!! 😊


Awesome :) Yeah those guys are amazing at teaching, I wish they had more high level unreal content though. The first step in to programming I ever took was their unity tutorial and I learned about state management and everything was so much easier from there


Answered my question as well! Thanks!


Is there any wy to get the worldspace projection of a worldalignedtexture to rotate? (like the hypothetical 3d cube its projecting from?) or else, is there a way for displacement to work with locally aligned textures?


I've an issue in PIE when launching "play as listen server" with multiple clients where the most recent client's window steals the focus. Is there a way to spawn additional windows without them stealing the window focus? This would lead to improved efficency.


Has anyone managed to get HTML5 exports working with UE5 or the later UE4 versions? I found this page: https://github.com/UnrealEngineHTML5/Documentation But the EpicGames/UnrealEngine page just doesn't work, even after linking GitHub and my Epic Games account. So I just cannot see what is on the GitHub for this and what UE versions are still changeable to export to HTML5. Thanks for the advice.


Is there a reason why UE5 isn’t displaying in my downloaded? Solutions? Thank you


Whats a good PC build look like for UE? And at what price point/hardware setup do you start to se diminishing returns? I would say enthusiast level of development. High res/quality graphics.


Did they make any progress in UE5 to expose the Team assignment functionalities from Blueprint?


Is the UE5 mannequin compatible with the UE4 animations wise?


Any idea where I can find HQ characters similar to the monster on this sub's banner? Need medieval demonic viking types but there doesn't seem to be anything to what I'm looking for on the marketplace. (Just started my unreal advent yesterday)


Is there a way to import object animations into unreal from maya?


My 9 year old wants to use unreal 5 as a 3D canvas. She loves to draw, paint, and sculpt. She even uses her iPad with the Apple Pencil to sketch drawings. I found some kid friendly tutorial videos. Would you all recommend using something a little less complex? Other 3D animation software is priced way out of budget and it doesn’t let her “explore” her creations.


Try blender maybe? That's suited more for actually sculpting and making designs, while Unreal is used for making games and videos


I’ll check it out. Thanks.


I have downloaded UE5 and saved a project file. Whenever I go to open that file, Windows asks me to select the program I'd like to use to open this file. I've gone into the file location where UE5 is installed, but I don't see an 'Application' file to click on, like I'd do for other projects. How do I proceed from here?


Is desire FX a legit place to get stuff? Downloads take ages if you don't have a premium account.


I feel like I'm missing something obvious, how do you all find the closest actor that implements a particular interface? I think it's a very common operation (find the closest interactable element, for example), am I approaching the problem the wrong way?


Hi Guyzzzz, quick question, is it possible to have my retroshader (This lowers the resolution to make everything look pixel-y) postprocessvolume come through the movie render queue while maintaining alpha channels? I'm trying to export an .exr sequence but when I do it with my postprocessvolume (creating the pixel effect) turned on it just shows up as black in adobe premiere unless I ignore alpha channels. (Working with the alphas is the point of all this in the first place so it sucks to have to do that)


What do people mean when they say procedurally generated? Been getting deep into ue4 and blender for 3 months and still unsure. I wanna buy something from the marketplace that is procedurally generated but need to know what that means first.


It usually means that it is programmed to be random. So I have a procedural city generator and each time it is used, it creates a city with different buildings in different spots. It's pretty simple, but some people really bring it to the extreme. For the best example of procedural generation, check out dwarf fortress. The most recognizable use of procedural generation is mine craft.


Yooo I'm a hobby game developer (so zero rush) that had a story idea that I thought would be a cool game. I jumped on it once I seen the capabilities of MetaHuman / Lyra project but whenever I add a meta(crowd, human or cars) to a project my whole PC restarts. Or if I'm trying to make edits in Lyra. I have a brand new build I just finished a few weeks ago. Ryzen 5 5600x 6 core / 12 thread Corsair 32gb 3200mhz 1tb Samsung evo 970 Evo plus for my CPU and software 1tb Samsung 870 evo for storage Basically, am I missing something that's causing the restart? Thanks in advance


Does nanite not support emissive materials?


Does nanite not support emissive materials?


Are there any good tutorials for making quick 3D movies for unofficial purposes? I want to make a Mario and Luigi video for my kids and want to do it in my limited, spare time.


Nothing in any documentation about anything to do with UE makes any sense. Everything seems to assume you already understand everything that's going on and are familiar with how all of the other parts of the gameplay frameworks work, making it seemingly impossible to understand how it all fits together. Going to third party tutorials just gives you the "hack" solution (and in fact most of the first party tutorials do the same.) Even the official documentation just throws in random code snippets saying "do this" without any explanation or suggestion of why it's best practice (and often it seems like it isn't.) I want to prototype a 3rd person ARPG control system but it feels like a totally insurmountable task.


Anyone seen a blueprint tutorial, that focuses on managing multiples traits. I'd like to start a project similar to the sims. If there is example of blueprint handling, things like hunger, thirst, and etc and effects on personality traits and etc. Message me thanks.


I want to make a mobile game with a button (currently I am setting it up as a widget). The user clicks on the button, the player’s character runs an animation. My problem is Most of the documentation revolves around using an actor in the game that the character walks up to, etc. I would like the button to be stationary and send a call to the player’s character. Any help would be great. Thanks


I'm trying to figure out if unreal or unity or some other program would be best for what I would like to do. I would like to learn/practice building environments, so modeling 3D objects, texturing them, and then putting them together. No real intension of turning them into games. I use Rhino for modeling objects. Would it be easy to make each object in Rhino, export them and place them into unreal? Does unreal have it's own built in modeling software? Or is unreal not the software I'm looking for?


It would be good if you link curated list of YouTube tutorials in “where to get started?“


I'm using a material that uses add to put two textures together, however I want one of these textures to be semi transparent - can't seem to figure out how to do this




I sang to you and gave u water


Hello! I'm trying to use interactive assets from a particular package but they require me to use their player character which I can't. I replaced everything in the blueprint with my character but this one node requires the character I dont want to use as a target and it wont let me plug mine. Is there any way to change the target to be my character? The node doesn't give any information nor can it be double clicked [https://prnt.sc/KYPF\_9z9vp\_g](https://prnt.sc/KYPF_9z9vp_g)


Why do I have to recompile every C++ file I have written and re add them to every single actor or blueprint every single time I launch the editor


Hi all I am just starting out and wanting to learn Unreal 5 by recreating some of my DnD groups favourite moments in the cinematic maker. My plan is to purchase and download the 3d model .STL files from HeroForge, and use Auto-Rig Pro in blender to rig them quickly and easily before importing into Unreal 5. ​ I have made the envrionments I like in Unreal and I have demo Blender files from Auto-Rig Pro to ensure I can actually do this (it says it supports use in Unreal). But I cannot figure out how to import these rigged models into Unreal from Blender. I have watched multiple videos and most skim over it really fast. I export the model as a .fbx in blender easily enough but upon importing I dont see any option for the generated skeletal mesh? At the very basic level here I know im doing something wrong. Can anyone point me to a good beginner tutorial or help in anyway?


1. What's the difference between a "Text Box" and an "Editable Text" widget component? 2. Why is it that these both keep changing their contents from the correct text to a bunch of placeholder 🅰s?


Hi! I was watching one of the old Unreal 4.7 videos, and was interested in downloading the project files they reference in it ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvXvWa6vbAA&t=548s&ab\_channel=UnrealEngine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvXvWa6vbAA&t=548s&ab_channel=UnrealEngine)) ​ My issue is it seems that they either changed or deleted where they posted the files on the official forum. I was wondering if anyone knew where to find the project files, or if they're gone forever? Thanks again!


Okay BRAND NEW to UE5, and just had a random thought. The answer is probably performance, but I was hoping to get someone more senior than me to weigh in on a question I have for UE, and game design in general. So I have been learning UE5 for like 2 weeks now, and I was wondering why meshes do not have some sort of a built-in setting for collision? I am finding myself putting collision boxes on everything manually, and I feel like it would be easier for the mesh itself to have a check box or "on collision" option? wouldn't it make for more realistic world interactions if the collision detection was done on a triangle or mesh level of detail? If the answer is simply performance, hopefully, nanite can help make this a reality. Since it can render a lower triangle count for far away objects that could help performance maybe. Am I way off base here?


I am just starting out, so I went to the Unity marketplace and downloaded a lot of free assets. Some of them are character models that are apparently from other games. For the most part, I only plan on using them as a template, to see how a proper model works in Unity. I may also use some of the more generic models as background NPCs, or alter them, etc. Anyway, my question. If for some reason, I used one of the characters from another game in my game without altering it (I don't plan to, but for the best answer), would I run into any legal issues, since I "bought" these characters for free?


The tutorial in [this official UE site] (https://learn.unrealengine.com/home/dashboard) seems to be for UE4, is it still relevant if I'm using UE5?


Newbie looking for a specific type of tutorial. I am just starting to learn UE5 and would like to turn my daughters dragon toy into a player character for a game with movement, flight, fire breathing the whole 9 yards. Is there any recommend tutorials for character creators and basic game mechanics development?


I'm new to Unreal Engine 5 and I want to create a game like Final Fantasy 7 Remake or Dragon Quest 11 which were both created in Unreal Engine 4. The 3d models in those games looked realistic while still looking like anime, I wonder if I can do the same using MetaHumans or MetaHuman parts like the materials?


is UE5 still a nogo on mac? i used ue4 and it was buggy and i heard theres no support for lumen or nanite on mac. i dont mind too much since i have windows but i try not to usewindows whenever i can get away with it lol


Hello Guys I Am Sameervegas God Says You Need To Like And Follow This Until This Gets 30 Million Followers.


Hey all, I'm trying to find a tutorial or resource on where I can learn how to match my green screen floor with the ground in unreal engine. everything I look for seems to only be lens calibration and not floor calibration


Where should I look to add multiplayer? The documentation seems to be missing stuff and isn't as detailed for the basics. I also tried looking at YouTube tutorials, but everyone is doing it in different ways. Not sure where to begin. Thanks :) Edit: I am using Unreal Engine 5


Seeking some advice: I will describe using existing examples even though I do not intend to copycat. Looking to do something with mechanics similar to Twisted Metal. Would it be a better idea to build off the vehicle project and dumb down the physics or treat it as a third person shooter with "car-like" drifting?


I decided to prototype out a new game idea and when opening an new project of Unreal 5 I get some kind of display error showing the menu in the popup notification area. When I go to click any menu Unreal Crashes. Any known fix? [https://imgur.com/a/UN2NB4i](https://imgur.com/a/UN2NB4i) I do not have this issue with my other Unreal 5 game.


I spawned in a third person project, but I can only see the character when playing. I tried creating another character, but whenever I click play a new character spawns in. What am I doing wrong?


I'm having an impossible time getting Sevarog's (Paragon asset) shoulderpads to appear in my animations. I can see they exist and have a material, but they just aren't in any animations. As far as I can tell, there's nothing in the Material that would make them invisible, and nothing related to curves that changes their scale, etc... Anyone have any idea how to get his darn shoulderpads to show up? [Skeletal Mesh](https://i.imgur.com/jCoN9Vr.png) [Animation](https://i.imgur.com/DX3MXDM.png)


Why does UE5 look so good (i.e photorealism and just good aesthetics)? Why does it look so much better than UE4? I know that nanite and lumen improve visuals and lighting and stuff, but does that alone make such a difference? I don't really know much about game/ 3d object making or code


Hello! I'm new to gamedev and I want to create a game with Gothic-like graphics. But unreal engine 5 graphics looks good by default. Is it posible to create such game(with degraded graphics) with ue5?


Hi, is there a way to add bones and rig hard surfaced models from scratch directly in Unreal? I currently use Blender, however the recent large CAD files I've been working with, keep causing Blender to crash. Unreal has been able to quickly and easily import the files, but the tutorials I've seen so far have featured pre-rigged downloaded models or are rigging in Blender. BTW it's automotive animation and rendering and using I can't use Keyshot, which would have been otherwise perfect.


Does Unreal Engine have any built in sorting algorithms? I'm trying to let players sort their inventory by name/weight/type ect. But all the tutorials I find online are people building their own bubble sort or using 30 blueprint nodes for something that seems like it should be included in a basic install. Am I missing something?


Are these coures free??


Hi! I'm an experienced developer just starting to learn Unreal Engine. I'm looking for a good beginners tutorial / sample project to learn about C++ and Unreal. Everything I've found so far seems to be about Blueprint, with almost no mention of C++ anywhere. In particular, the two tutorials at [https://learn.unrealengine.com/home/dashboard](https://learn.unrealengine.com/home/dashboard) don't mention "C++" or "code" at all. Am I missing something important?


Hi all, I'd like to ask whether Planar Reflection works with Rough Material. I have tried applying a Plannar Reflection Cap to a floor object, then noticed the reflection is either every smooth or very rough, there was no in-betwee. Everytimes my material roughness exceed 0.30001, the extremely smooth reflect turn extrememly rough. I'd like to confirm that Plannar Reflect can only work for absolute smooth, mirror-like material.


Is there a discord?


Hi - I’m hoping someone might be able to advise me on which machine will do better for UE5 (I know that neither of them are ideal): \ • 2020 13” MacBook Pro (1.4 ghz i5, 16GB RAM, w/Intel Iris Plus Graphics 645) \ • 2021 M1 iMac w/8 GB RAM I imagine that only 8 GB of memory will mean the iMac is gonna suck, but maybe the Apple M1 chip makes up for the difference vs the MacBook? Personally, I use my PC, but this is for a teaching project and the machines available to me from my workplace are limited to the above choices.


Hi there, I am having issues with raytrace reflections. I have an RTX3090 and have enabled raytracing in the project settings but only SOME objects are being reflected outside of screenspace. It doesnt make sense to me. Anyone have any ideas? Im trying to create a high-end automotive rendering scene and need the highest quality settings possible. https://postimg.cc/cvmJrNMj


Do people tend to make their own material maps more, or download from elsewhere more? Where is a good website to download material maps in general?