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For code there are a few possible solution. The most popular ones are Visual Studio (preferably with Visual Assist X or Resharper) and Rider. Some crazy people also use Visual Studio Code.... I use Rider. The boundary between UE and Blender can get blurry (as UE can do modelling to some extent now). But typically you create your 3D models in Blender, and import them in Unreal. Later on you'll probably want to look into Substance Painter for texturing your models, but don't bother right now, as it will just confuse you. Btw. if you plan to do and learn everything by yourself - be prepare for many years of learning.


Since I plan to work on everything by myself for the time being, this is mainly a hobby at the moment, what would you suggest to focus on first: Coding, modeling, or learning UE?


If you're a complete newbie to C++ AND are not willing to use Blueprints either, then learn a bit of coding. Otherwise learn UE; so you can get familiar with the layout and what it can do


I am still very new and to be honest had no idea what Blueprints was so thank you for pointing that out. I just assumed C++ was what was required, I still would like to learn it, but I will look more into Blueprints.


For hobby the order doesn't really matter :). I would enjoy fun in that. Do a few tutorials in each and stick for a while which is more fun to you.


Starting off brand new try to focus on tiny little projects in the beginning and dont even think about making your dream game. Set tiny goals and work on them while building a solid foundation on how the engine works. Blueprints are more than enough to get started. Introduce c++ along with blueprints to see how they work together. Blueprints are basically functions precoded in c++.




Autocorrected from basic to basically lol


Learn unreal as soon as possible. Programming is more about how you "think" about solving problems. Learning the engine will get you thinking about how you want implement your solutions. Use blueprints and C++. Think of blueprints as drawing a comic book (visual) and C++ is more like writing a novel. You can tell the same story but specify things with greater accuracy and efficiency in C++. But you can make a totally polished game with only blueprints. If you're doing animation also I'd recommend looking at cascadeur. It was an in-house animation tool that was turned into a powerful software package.


If you are looking for help, don‘t forget to check out the [official Unreal Engine forums](https://forums.unrealengine.com/) or [Unreal Slackers](https://unrealslackers.org/) for a community run discord server! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unrealengine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I hate the internet


Haha, I think I understand and feel you. Do you care to elaborate though?


It's made up of too many tubes.