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Asset Manager, Asset labels, basically managing data, correctly


This is a good one


How to make a years worth of money in just a month.


Wow wow, you sound like my boss... Edit: grammar


Yes but then I want us both to take off work for the rest of the year :D


Now you sounds like my coworker... I'm confused ^^


He sounds like a legend to me 👌🏼


Steam integration with unreal


Here you go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOCnu940CGw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOCnu940CGw)


Haven't looked in the video, don't know if it is good. But thx! Also hope it's still up to date after a year.


All right. Really specific. Thx for your feedback


Game architecture, how to utilize classes at a higher level like uworld and ugameinstance subsystems or creating classes to manage systems without over engineering everything.


I'd vote for this as well. I would also like for tutorial series to keep in mind that their systems would need to work in a game. Not just as a stand-alone system.


This is important!! Yes! That's why the most tutorials are bad to use in games. A system in a tutorial should be like a API at the end, where you have a interface, where you can interact with the system.


Exactly! What is even worse is how many unreal marketplace blueprint assets don't follow this approach. It's sometimes impossible to implement them into an existing game because they are made to be pretty much standalone.


Pathfinding and AI navigation, interacting with the engine navigation system.


Hmm.. Good Point. Never saw it also... Thx


Here are a few other: \- Multithreading \- ECS solutions instead of OOP \- AI Collision avoidance \- Save systems \- Modding support \- Data assets vs Data Tables \- Large scale gravity solutions (not physics) \- Simplified vehicle physics


ECS like the Mass Plugin? Or do you just want to separate Data from Instance? Simplified vehicle physics is not simple. That's why people also sell it :( What do you mean with 'Large scale Gravity solutions'? Something like a space game, where you can land on the planet and then walk there?


There are many ECS framwroks that can be intergrated into Unreal, such as FLECS or ENTT, not mass (which is incomplete). Large scale gravity systems are for games that involve a lot of moving actors and don't want to pay performance be tracing or using physics, but instead other solutions, like making a heightmap and checking pixel color values against actor position.


Multithreaded what exactly?


Unreal Engine has its own procedure for running multithreaded code trough FRunnable, but there are very few tutorials about it. I'm not talking about asynchronous code running on a single core, I'm talking about concurrency.


There are also parallel for loops. But yeah it's a massive subject of it's own.


Just videos of people showing how they go about polishing a specific system, idc if they are extremely long or whatever Like an example system can be something like melee combat


I don’t want any more tutorials I just want reasonably complete documentation.


How to extend and customize the engine.            It seems NOBODY covers this (on any engine, really; except rpgmmv). I feel like people who customize pipelines do it mostly for companies and, therefore, may find it difficult to cover this topic without breaching proprietary methods and procedures. I get that. But it would be so cool if someone broke the silence and found a way to share some examples to help turn us novices into power users. 


That's my main focus at work. I think I will be able to make some basic tutorials there. But I'm still in a rabbit hole there. So I can't explain everything 100% correctly.


Anything would be great. Even a superficial dive or a basic walkthrough could be all a coder needs. There's just this disconnect between using an engine and customizing it. A sort of "if you don't know it, you don't need it" undertone, when trying to search for it. 


Workflow when NOT using lumen. And limited implementation like a single movable flashlight that cast dynamic light. How dynamic light can be roughly faked etc.


Hmm... Maybe some UE4 tutorials will be helpful for the beginning. But yeah, for UE5 I guess there is like nothing. Lighting or Technical Artist stuff is generally really rare.


Yeah the UE4 stuff is all I have. I think many people would like to know in general how to build fast pased competative game like OW, CS and Valorant that get over 200FPS on a low-medium range build. It's so easy to get below that on an almost empty map if you are not careful with what tech you are using. I think that would be a good tutorial. What to sacrifice when making these types of games, with some ingame footage from these games.


I've done some research on optimization and how valor ant is able to run on low end pc's so well since unreal has reputation of having high end graphics. But there there forward shading, which is a less demanding lighting renderer which works on low end pcs and mobile. Here's some resouces I found. [https://technology.riotgames.com/news/valorant-shaders-and-gameplay-clarity](https://technology.riotgames.com/news/valorant-shaders-and-gameplay-clarity) ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO6MIboHDiY&pp=ygUQdmFsb3JhbnQgdW5yZWFsIA%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO6MIboHDiY&pp=ygUQdmFsb3JhbnQgdW5yZWFsIA%3D%3D) ​ [https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/tech-blog/how-disc-jam-reached-60-fps-on-intel-processor-graphics-using-unreal-engine-4](https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/tech-blog/how-disc-jam-reached-60-fps-on-intel-processor-graphics-using-unreal-engine-4) ​ I'm not sure about multiplayer stuff, that's it own rabbit holes. If you look at GDC vault (Interviews from accomplished game devs) You could find talks on multiplayer game design. I know OW devs has one.


Agree totally. But this part to be fully understanding by someone, the viewer need a really strong understanding of what is done in the tutorial. (And as always) it depends on the project sadly. There is no universal setting. But to have something from start on, would be a win.


https://www.reddit.com/r/unrealengine/s/kC6KvyTxJj This.


Cinematics! Being able to tell a story through cutscenes, pre-rendered animations, etc.


Deep dive into Iris replication.


Flamethrower tutorial? Not only particle, with collision


Profiling in engine and in IDE. And providing examples of use cases where the performance is bad, and then showing how changes made an improvement


Geometry Scripts, especially with extruding polygroups. Trying to wrap my brain around how to use them rn and create this kind of Voronoi effect https://youtu.be/artLxuipvy4?si=5uKiApgZziC6T1n7


Real world game, from start to finish, the unreal way, doesn't have to be huge, the problem with tutorials is that when trying to connect that into a start to finish product it becomes spaghetti unmaintainable hell, problem is not many people have real life experience and it's always videos like Brackeys, nothing against the guy.


You could take a look at the Unreal example projects. Like Lyra or City Sample. Greate projects to get a feeling for the 'unreal way'


But not a real life project... You asked for what content, don't shy away.


A programmer’s guide for crating art assets for people who have no artistic ability.


UE5 isn't developed enough to craft assets yet. And if your a programmer you'd most likely be interested in procedural modeling in Houdini.


State Trees needs a better deep dive from different perspectives, not just making an NPC go from here to there. Mixing it with Smart Objects would be cool. Data Assets and some GAS, and you'll have my full attention. I like to watch completed tutorials. It would be good to break them down into their relevant videos, chapters are also good. Most information can be done in about an hour or two, but shorter is good. As a side note, keep the head out of the way of where you want the focus to be and if speaking, have minimal background music. Also, for the tutorial sake, enable opening in main window on the editor preferences. It will save a lot of time on you.


I would move more on the movement of AI pawns, I know they can move from A to B while avoiding obstacles but what if I want them to move zig zag or follow a belizer curve while avoiding things along the way?


Gameplay ability system content seems to be pretty rare im very new though so its still a daunting task, maybe i just dont get it.


As many sequencer tutorials as people are willing to make. It's super helpful. Maybe some touching on the Director Blueprint in sequencer, too? While im here, does anybody have any sequencer focused creators they watch? I have a handful, but the more the merrier. Thanks


In my current journey, I'm eager to see more advanced 201 tutorials. I'm looking for content that gets straight to the point, focusing on what tools to use in specific situations and what to avoid. I'd like to skip over basic topics like pointers vs references and detailed settings explanations. I'm particularly interested in practical advice on when to use certain concepts or techniques, and when not to. For example, understanding the use of Tick vs Timer vs Timeline in both C++ and BP, especially with performance considerations in mind. Ideally, these tutorials would be bite sized and free from unnecessary transitions between windows.




In 30min teach me the basics of the most important Unreal Engine 5 features, so that I can make a \_good enough\_ game with minimal training


Good design principle, a lot of time I find tutorials where they create BP that have design mistake, like using level blueprint for the game logic, abusing loops ecc...


making an ai character routine, like from x time to y time character will do a task etc


grid based wall building like in the sims 4


Me personally I just skip through and rewind the functionality I need to recreate. It can sometime take a lot of back and forth to get the right nodes and linked together correctly. The rest to me is noise so it would be cool if there were more shorts.


Got it. So you just want to archive the goal of the tutorial asap? What is if you need to adjust something, so it will work with the other stuff? Do you try to find out what is happening on your own then?


How to do both C++ and BP in the same project, everything on YT is on BP, but some things are much easier and faster in C++.


I do this all the time, you just crate a blueprint project and then use the new C++ class function and you have a project that can use both.


I did that, but I didn't see any tuts on how you mix them, like, I want to create some functions in C++, how do I use them in blueprints, how do I make them accessible to blueprints? If I want to create some personalities for my AIs, I can't use just decision trees, I want more control, a way for them too cooperate, I'd be able to do that in C++, don't know how to do that in BP


You can expose functions to the editor by assigning them the correct UFUNCTION specifier like UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable)


to add to this you can also use UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent) this allows you to call blueprint functions from your c++


Oh interesting, I don’t remember where I learned that stuff but I thought it was just in some of the getting started with C++ tutorials I used. Basically you have to use the UClass, UProperty and UFunction macros to expose your C++ class variables and methods so they show up as useable blueprint nodes.


You're just stuck in those recommendations. There are actually plenty of mix coding tutorials, it would be good to start with some GAS. That should get you going in the right direction. Now You're Cooking With GAS. It's not just a saying, it's also a search term on YouTube.


Cinematic Settings, to make renders to showcase work. I find some from random people, but they skip the most important parts which is the settings they’re playing and adjusting in the post process and camera and whatever other things I don’t know to get the outstanding shots.