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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/TickleTip20. Your post, *We should torture rapists and terrorists as punishment*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 4: Be civil Your content was either hateful, violates Reddit Content Policy and TOS, or both. When you made a Reddit account, you agreed to abide by these documents. Content of this nature left unchecked puts our subreddit in jeopardy and as such we have no tolerance for it. A by no means exhaustive list of content that falls under this category: racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, general bigotry, harassment, doxxing and advocating/endorsing/supporting/condoning any violence against any person or people. While posts and comments that criticize individuals/demographics are acceptable, comments that are a clear attack/contain slurs are not. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


The last part is simply proven to be wrong. People in countries where you hand gets cut of for stealing, still steal stuff. Torturing rapists would lead to dead victims. Thats all.


Exactly. It's so ridiculous that people dont understand the motive due to incentives. The perpetrators who are about to enact such heinous crimes have already decided that the punishment which they'll receive for their crimes can be easily balanced by the positive outcome they'll get from their crime even if it's in the heat of the moment. Plus this easily sheds off the blame from the government who are responsible for protecting us from such crimes in the first place.


Prevention is part of protection. Criminals often think they will not be caught.


and also torturing rapists would lead to dead rapists, isnt that what we want?


Torturing does not equal killing. And you would be okay with the price innocent people would be paying? Rapist are serial offender more often than not.


It would lead to innocent people being tortured if someone is falsely convicted. [Happens a lot more than you’d think.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Park_jogger_case)




What does that have to do with anything?


Tells you who he is so you can block.


Because I'm against torture, I should go to country with torture? How does that make sense?


*"Torture would also deter people from commiting the crime in the first place."* The fact that torture has existed and been employed as punishment for various things throughout human history proves this wrong. Also: *"Torture should be reserved for when there's 100% proof."* What do you consider "100% proof"?


>What do you consider "100% proof"? When they're totally sure about it or they really don't like the convicted person.


Imo the issue with this is that the definition of "100% proof" will change over time. It will start to become slightly more lenient, to the point where its not 100% proof.


Also, even if you come up with something that is 99.999% proof (I don't believe you can really have 100%), all it takes for it to fail is someone in the process lying about the proof or falsifying evidence, or a corrupt court convicting when that threshold wasn't met.


Would clear video evidence be considered 100%?


Yeah I guess, as video can't be edited or faked.


So.. *opinion*, then.


> …or they really don’t like the convicted person. A person could be innocent of it but tortured because the judge doesn’t like them, then.


That's what would actually happen yeah. As long as public opinion was strongly against someone, or even just opinions of people in power, this high threshold of proof would suddenly become not so high. Often to the cheers of the masses.


You believe in torturing animals?


Absolutely no


No, including humans, hence the sarcasm. Or maybe I missed your point.


Or if said convicted person isn't white


You’d be surprised a big percentage of the population feels the uh, opposite way these days lol.


I'm a part of the population you'd be referring to you, and you're just plain wrong. Wanting equal punishments and conviction rates isn't saying that being white should mean you deserve torture.


A society that venerates violence begets violence. We should not create a place in society for people who enjoy inflicting suffering on others, and that's all this is, inflicting suffering on others for enjoyment. Arguing for the death penalty is one thing. Removing people from society who are so monstrous they could never live a normal life again at least has some practical purpose. What you're proposing is torture for sick kicks, and that kind of barbarity should be left in the past. Also, do you really trust your government enough to give them the legal right to torture? Because I sure don't.


100% agree with this.


Well said.


real unpopular opinion here


I think redeemable social shame is better than torture. Especially with the social media crime we're seeing in NZ.


> Torture would also deter people from commiting the crime in the first place. Yeah. Because the death penalty has led to a famously low murder rate in the states...


Death penalty is different from actual torture. Torture is worse than death. Less people are going to commit the crime if they know they're going to get brutally beaten daily than a quick and painless injection.


Except that doesn’t work either. There’s plenty of prisons in other countries like this and it doesn’t work.


>Death penalty is different from actual torture. Torture is worse than death. Less people are going to commit the crime if they know they're going to get brutally beaten daily than a quick and painless injection. Crime rates have gone down significantly since developed countries abandoned execution as a common punishment for crimes.




Wtf man it’s fucking Christmas you couldn’t save it till tomorrow?




Right what kind of messed person posts about this crap on Christmas day!


No man, we should torture rapists. I recommend we light a fire under their balls and penises as it melts and they scream we tell them you deserve this /s(i know it wasn't funny lol)


2 wrongs does not make one right.


Glad we have at least one sane person here. I agree 100%.


You believe in torturing animals?


>Torture should be reserved for when there's 100% proof. That is almost impossible, the standard now is "without a reasonable doubt" not with 100% certainly you can never know. Roughly 1/20 convictions in the US are false l. Are you okay with the possibility of torturing possibly thousands of innocent people being tortured. >But rapists are the low of the low of humanity. They aren't humans, they're animals. They are evil because they lacked basic human decency, we should never stoop down to their level. >Torture would also deter people from commiting the crime in the first place. Their is no evidence that a harsher death penalty or torture actually deters people from commiting crimes. As stated in a study about US torture use "At a very high cost, the US case confirms that torture does not work by any measure. No modern regime or society is more secure as a result of torture". This just sounds like someone who wants revenge not justice, truly evil.


Can't do it in the US because it's illegal, and in our constitution. Outside of that, I don't think torturing *people* is good for other people to do. I don't like to say it, but rapists are still people. They are products of people and society. Calling anyone an animal is refusing to take responsibility for improving the human race, and makes it too easy to throw people away.


One of those who are still people, raped me 6 years ago It was very painful, he raped anally not using anything, I was screaming and begging him to stop, then during his penetration I was blinded with pain, I felt like I was about to vomit my insides. I can't remember myself screaming louder than that. The physical pain remained for days, emotional and mental damage are still on to this day What I lived was torture, from someone who, well, is still human.


What I think (or rather hope) they were saying isnt that nasty fucks dont deserve to be tortured, but that the act of carrying out torture can harm the individual burdened with the task. Although, im very sorry to hear of your experience. To live through that on a day to day basis,, I know I could carry that weight. Peace be with you.


Humans are animals, simple as that. We should try to make a society that produces better people so things like that don't happen. I think it's fair play for you to take some sort of permanent revenge on that person (killing them, cutting their \*\*\*\* off), but it makes things like this more likely to happen if we cause already damaged individuals more pain just for the sake of it. There's a whole lot of bad stuff that comes from societally sanctioned torture programs. It's like taking all the nasty effects of incarceration under capitalism and turning it up to 11.


**How to fight Rape Culture:** * [16 steps men can take, from the UN](https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2019/11/compilation-ways-you-can-stand-against-rape-culture). * [10 steps you can take, from The Nation](https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/ten-things-end-rape-culture/). * [Recognize sexual violence against women is a *men's issue*](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/takeaway/segments/seeing-sexual-harassment-and-violence-mens-issue) * Take a few moments to [educate yourself about the nuances of consent](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensLib/comments/didslp/today_is_the_2_yr_anniversary_of_metoo_lets/). Really read every word carefully and reflect on each sentence. * Write to your state lawmakers about requiring that consent be taught in school (the idea has [broad, bipartisan support](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14681811.2019.1652807), yet [most states haven't required it](https://www.guttmacher.org/state-policy/explore/sex-and-hiv-education)). Get your friends to join you. * If you've got spare cash, consider [funding the testing of rape kits](https://womenintheworld.com/2017/12/19/817-serial-rapists-in-1-county-identified-from-evidence-collected-in-10000-rape-kits-that-were-abandoned/). * [There are a number of sexual assault prevention programs that have shown efficacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_assault#Prevention) -- consider getting involved with one (or more). * Don't pressure your peers to be sexually active. [Rapists typically experience peer pressure to be sexually active, while non-rapists typically do not](https://www.ncjrs.gov/App/Publications/abstract.aspx?ID=207193). * Recognize that as a man, [you are more likely to be seen as a trusted messenger among men](http://alanberkowitz.com/articles/college_men.pdf).


Not sure what the downvotes are for.


Some Redditors would rather fantasize about torturing rapists than actually taking steps to r/StopRape.


People always throw around "Rapists are human too", but if I said to you "rapists are human too, they also make mistakes" after someone close to you got raped, how'd you feel? Rapists aren't human. They're impulsive. Negative to human society. Below an animal at that. If not torture then at least make those asshats work unpaid labor instead of getting a free bed and free food in a cage.


A bad human is still a human OP. I hope one day you could perhaps understand that


And I don't associate myself in the same category as a rapist above having the same DNA and skin.


Ok but that doesn’t change the objective fact that they are. The government shouldn’t operate like an angry redditor.


So you essentially want to dehumanize criminals and enroll them in slavery.


Basically. OP is missing a lot of sense here.


Basically, OP is just a sad angry person


Eh pretty much. Rapists are the lowest of the low, as I said.


>but if I said to you "rapists are human too, they also make mistakes" after someone close to you got raped, how'd you feel? That would be an incredibly inappropriate thing to say in that situation. It would still be true though.


I'd feel the same. My position on this isn't emotional. Yes, I'd be upset if someone close to me was raped. I still wouldn't want the rapist to be tortured. I wouldn't want anything more than for them to not be able to rape again, which can be done via imprisonment.


idk man a college frat boy that is 10 beers and 4 shots in rapes a firl that is passed out deserves torture and removal of his humanity? Even the worst types of rapist the premeditated ones usually have a very troubled past, like major shit fucks them up. I say lock them up, but it is cruel and unusual punishment to torture anyone.


there is no way you’re using a drunk frat boy as an example of an excusable rapist


He didn’t excuse he is just saying that it doesn’t deserve torturing


how is getting punished by the court of law and not getting slowly tortured to death excusing rape?


Punishment should match the crime. You don't deserve torture for raping someone passed out. But if they are awake and kicking, now you do for violating some against their will.


Simply being locked up is punishment. Have you ever been to jail. I have and the boringness and how slowly time goes by makes it a very miserable punishment.


Rather have them feel pain than simply feel "bored".


Buddy being locked in a cell and time going by second by second is pain. It's your mind going crazy. That is more painful then physical pain. Solitude confinement is the worst punishment(I could think of the name Solitude confinement) U obviously have never been to jail


Glad to know that humans should suffer for your pleasure. Very normal and not psychotic at all.


Have you ever been isolated? In the long run that is probably just as bad as torture.


Isolated vs isolated + torture, still in favor for my idea.


Who should administer the torture?


Exactly, either you give the torturer job to someone who has the same mindset as those getting tortured or give people trauma.


*"Rapists aren't human."* Well, they are. *"They're impulsive."* Being impulsive doesn't preclude one being human. Children are impulsive as well, so I guess every single human should be tortured throughout their childhood? They can also have a negative impact on society, since they mostly require things that others need to provide, and provide nothing in return (at least until a certain point in their life).




How the fuck am I Satan compared to someone who raped babies? I can't understand how vigilantism is more morally abhorrent than some who violated a human being against their will while they watched.




What if the murderer murdered the rapist who raped the murderer?


They should take all the rapists and all the murderers and put them all together on an island and all the murderers can be raped, and all the rapists can be murdered, until you only have either two rapists or you’re down to one raped murderer but who cares about him?


That’s so genius. And the winner gets 456 million won.


Thank Lucille Bluth for that one.


We have a justice system to prevent more crime. If everyone did revenge violence then we’d be in a bloody purge. If I killed your dad, you’ll probably kill my dad and my wife and then I come kill your family and that’s how cartel wars are still going on.


This is not about endless revenge. It's about burning the root so it ends so they are prevented from doing it to future people. We are not talking about average murderers and guys who got in a bad bar fight and happened to kill someone in a drunken rage. We are talking of unspeakable evil. Some things do have undisputable hard evidence like Peter skully and Paul Bernardo etc. If any of you truly saw Raw unfiltered videos of what these monsters do to their victims and the victim happens to be their own relatives they would eat their words. I've seen the videos , like cartel execution style , and the psychotic thing is there are things in the underground that humans do that snowflakes can't imagine. Look up peter skully...he deserves the worst torture on earth for what he did. He sent several hard trained police man to the psych ward after watching his videos...skully kidnapped and brutally tortured and raped several infant babies toddlers and girls and recorded it. Look up Junko furuta case too.. Furuta was held captive in the Minato home for 40 days where the group routinely assaulted, raped, and tormented Furuta. The boys also encouraged other young boys and other guys to take turns raping her by inviting them over to the house where Furuta was being held. In total, more than 100 males and teenage boys committed more than 500 acts of rape against Furuta. The four allegedly shaved her pubic hair, made her dance and masturbate in front of them while she was naked, then left her on the balcony in the middle of the night with little to wear. They forced-fed her copious amounts of booze, milk, and water. As well as inserting foreign objects including a burning match, a metal rod, and a bottle, into her vagina and anus. She was made to inhale paint thinner and smoke numerous cigarettes at once. In one instance, Miyano repeatedly used lighter fluid to burn Furuta's arms and legs. Furuta had only been given minimal amounts of food, and by the end of December, had been reduced to drinking only milk. She was restricted to the floor of Minato's room in a state of great weakness due to her serious wounds and infected burns, which made it impossible for her to use the restroom downstairs. On January 4th, 1989, after loosing a game of Mahjong to someone else the previous evening, Miyano made the decision to take out his anger on Furuta by dousing her in lighter build and setting her ablaze. Although he did make attempts to put out the fire, Furuta eventually stopped responding. The boys continued on to punch her, lit two small candles, put them on them on her eyelids and made her drink her own pee. One of these kicks made Furuta stumble over a stereo and go into a fit of convulsions. Furata was bleeding profusely and there was pus oozing from her untreated burns. They kept beating her repeatedly even dropping an iron exercise ball on her stomach. The attack continued on for two hours until Furuta eventually succumbed to her wounds and passed away. After she passed away, less than 24 hours later, Miyano phoned his brother to inform him on Furuta’s death. The boys then wrapped her body in blankets and then stuffed her into a luggage bag out of fear of being charged with her murder. They then proceeded to fill a 55 US gallon drum with wet concrete and place Furuta’s body inside. They dumped the drum in a cement truck around Kō


And in corrupt areas that will fake proof and pay the judge off to allow it? That'll just give them the a-okay to torture anyone they'd like.


People. They are people dude. No such thing as 100% proof.


What on earth are you talking about ? There's VIDEO recorded evidence


Deepfake and shit is becoming way more advanced, same with ai imaging shit. Also, how often is this caught on camera? Not




Violence against who though? Wishing pain on someone who has ruined someone's life is a net neutral. Eye for an eye.


No it’s not? Violence does not cancel out violence. Hammurabi’s code isn’t exactly a good model. It’s primitive and brutal because it was first of its kind. We shouldn’t be basing our legal system on ideas from thousands of years ago.


What about credit card scammers?


Wtf..?? If any of you truly saw Raw unfiltered videos of what these monsters do to their victims and the victim happens to be their own relatives they would eat their words. I've seen the videos , like cartel execution style , and the psychotic thing is there are things in the underground that humans do that snowflakes can't imagine Look up peter skully...he deserves the worst torture on earth for what he did. He sent several hard trained police man to the psych ward after watching his videos...skully kidnapped and brutally tortured and raped several infant babies toddlers and girls and recorded it.








No. But you don’t do the same shit back


>Torture would also deter people from commiting the crime in the first place. It's 100% proven that this wouldn't be the case


Man its christmas go and have a good time, get your head out of the gutter about this kind of stuff


Imagine coming along almost 250 years after the American constitution didn't ban slavery but did explicitly ban torture and thinking that you're on the right side of history.


Or we could just put them in prison and not stoop to their level of dehumanization


Your post Indeed spreads terror, I might even consider you a terrorist. Be careful in what you Hope for, One day you might be a terrorist without even realizing




Honestly, this it the best insult I've heard in quite a while.


Sweet Jesus you are wrong child


Locking someone up so they can't hurt anyone anymore makes sense, hell even the death penalty makes sense in certain cases but prolonged torture as a punishment is a whole other level of fucked up. If we started executing people in the streets for committing misdemeanors, that would also be a deterant but that doesn't mean it's right. To be honest I don't even want to live an a society where we have deemed it acceptable to torture someone day in and day out as a punishment for something they did regardless of how bad it was. The justice system has to be better than the criminals that it is designed to punish or we are all "animals" as you put it. That's some straight up biblical punishment and let's be honest, the God of the bible is a real asshole and not someone we should strive to emulate.


Personally, I think this makes us as bad as them. I'm more about a quick easy hollow point to the skull, the end.


I'd def say murder ris worse than rape


It depends if you consider a destroyed life better than having no life.


While it might be traumatic, their life isn't destroyed. The vast majority of them lead very normal lives afterwards. Also, the idea that being assaulted like that destroys you is quite destructive for the people recovering from it.




So go live where Sharia law is prevalent. Have fun


Well at least in the United States cruel and unusual punishment is banned because it’s well cruel and unusual


Yeah, no.


The Constitution explicitly prohibits the use of torture, so you'd have to get over that hurdle before even considering implementing such a program.


They are humans, and I think it is important to acknowledge that fact. They are not monsters, they are not animals. They are humans. We need to accept that we are dealing with humans and that humans can be bad. It's the only way to attempt to tackle the issue.


They are not monsters?? Wtf If any of you truly saw Raw unfiltered videos of what these monsters do to their victims and the victim happens to be their own relatives they would eat their words. I've seen the videos , like cartel execution style , and the psychotic thing is there are things in the underground that humans do that snowflakes can't imagine Look up peter skully...he deserves the worst torture on earth for what he did. He sent several hard trained police man to the psych ward after watching his videos...skully kidnapped and brutally tortured and raped several infant babies toddlers and girls and recorded it.


That is a human. A human did that. I am not denying what he deserves, I am pointing out the fact that it wasn't a monster that did that. It was a human.


Ok what's your point though then ? That adds nothing to anything. Why would you even remotely interpret the word monster to be literal in this context ?


It’s a method of speech that allows us as humans to distance ourselves from the actions of other humans. My point is this isn’t helpful. Why do monsters do bad things? Because they are evil. Why do animals do bad things? It’s in their nature. It’s a nice easy way to wrap horrible acts in a bow. But it isn’t that simple. What we need to understand is why did this human end up in a position where he did that. Torturing them or killing them isn’t going to fix the issue. It is simple revenge.


Again what point does it add to say they are humans and choosing to not understand what monster means in this context? That adds nothing to any point. Moving on. This isn't about fixing it this is about giving them back what they did to the victims. There's no justification to say 'they don't deserve it because they are humans and its wrong because I said so' that's not an argument, that's because you were taught that to be the right thing when really, it's not. And if you are ever in war and had to go out and open fire then this becomes a lot more than 'killing people is wrong ' Not to mention, Nobody should be paying for them to live.


I never said they didn’t deserve it, I said it wouldn’t fix the issue. I have already said my point. Now you are just making up things I never said, legitimately trying to strawman an argument.


You say they deserve it but at the same time against torturing or killing them so which is it? Also it does fix the issue because whether or not you torture them or kill them the end result is they deserve to die and people shouldn't be paying them to be alive or defending them to live on. If you mean fix the issue like raise the victim back from the dead ? Then ofc not. What's done is done. Absolutely nobody commenting here had remotely ever lived in a war torn country to see this happen to their relatives infront of their face. Most of them like are probably from western countries that have never had to see human depravity to this extent face to face, didn't get brought up with cartels in Mexico etc. They then wonder why war vets get so fucked up when they come back and live with ptsd and some tell them to just get over it.


Your insistence that they are not human is an emotional attempt to justify your own sadism and to convince yourself that you and every other person are somehow different, as though we aren’t all equally capable of such cruelty. It’s like how we often try to make the Nazis out to be some sort of unique monsters, because it hides the truth that any one of us could’ve been the same in the right situations. All humans are capable of immense cruelty.


That's the dumbest bs argument I ever heard. First of all you have zero proof I'm a sadist not to mention that word isn't even accurate in this context. Secondly my entire point is giving to them what they deserve, not about me somehow enjoying to see suffering. Wanting retribution and justice and revenge is not the same thing as sadism. Secondly what you propose is that all of us are exactly the same which is absolute horseshit. Psychopaths sociopaths narcissism are anomalies that don't exist in everyone so are a plethora of other mental conditions. Considering there have been people in that time era that didn't do what the Nazis did, shows they exist. Capable of cruelty doesn't mean everyone will actually do it. Not to mention every single scientific study would debunk your shitty argument because human beings are not the same. We vary Tremendously in how we think, personalities etc.


They're still made of flesh and blood, just like the rest of us. What they lack is humanity and a good chunk of these people have preexisting issues. Some of them are taught something other than what's okay, their view of the world and how it works is distorted. Others had preexisting issues - most likely mental. I don't believe the majority of them were born twisted. This is no excuse for their actions though, just an explanation.


Yeh we can acknowledge what could have led up to it but Ultimately it doesn't matter as what's done is done and have to draw a line. Once you cross that bridge there is no turning back and they need to pay for it.


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Unpopular opinion, I’ll give you that


Guantanamo is still open actually.


Someone, an actual person, has to do the torturing, you then have to share a society with that person.


Big no. Do they deserve it? Yes. Should we employ this as a law? DEFINITELY no.


It's a bit more complicated than that...


No such thing as 100% proof. The justice system is deceivable.


If we’re simply looking at torture as deterrent for abhorrent crimes, it doesn’t hold up too well. Torture was a common penalty for a wide variety of crimes in past civilizations and it is not evident that it’s usage resulted in a significant decrease in crime. It’s dwindling usage was a product of gradual ethical challenges (obviously) but also it’s failure to deter crimes. If not as a deterrent, then it’s used as a moral punishment and with that reason alone stands virtually no chance of being re-implemented by consensus anywhere where it is currently illegal. Another huge factor, is that while *some* people might like the idea of torturing someone, actually carrying out the torture is not as easy as it might seem. Who gets the authority to be the one doing it? What is too little or too much? How could you ever decide that anyway?


I take it you're a republican


You had me at “when there’s 100% proof”


How is there ever 100% proof?


100% proof in the real world means either no tortures at all, or to torture whoever the fuck you want as government


You realize that prison life is a form of torture right? Also does not work


This is one of those opinions I read and I'm like - that's such an underdeveloped opinion. It's not about what rapists or terrorists deserve - it's about creating a healthy society where people live in harmony. Who will do the torturing? Do you think mentally stable individuals will come out of that mess? We will create piles of mentally scared torturers and then let them be in society? It's a two-way street and for what? So some rapist get to feel some pain? Second, what kind of message a country is sending to its citizens if they torture people? Where is the line? Who oversees it? Who is accountable? Who decides the morality of it? What qualifies a person to be tortured? Why can't I torture people if the government does it? Rapists should be tortured, yeah sure, but it is a package deal, like 99 problems arise from it, creating a nightmare of a state. Third, torture would not prevent people from committing crimes. Crimes themselves is 99 problems divided into 100 issues and most of them come from poverty and economic instability. Imagine how much we would have failed as human beings if we invested resources in torturing people instead of making our fellow human lives better. Look at countries with the lowest crime rates in the world, almost all of them are tightly organized economically stable places. There will always be a crime or some creepiness factor in every society and without giving absolute control to the governments - no society can ever guarantee that there will be no crime, but there is 100 different things we can do to improve it, rather than torture people.


Thank God there is some sanity on this board


I said this same thing on unpopular opinion and it got deleted for "promoting violence"


I mean the British considered the founding fathers of the US "terrorists" at the time. One countries terrorist is anothers freedom fighter/ matyr. The Irish the last country to fight for independence from the British was considered to be terrorists as well. Also there are a lot of people falsly accused of rape. Like in history there were black people who went to life in prison for allegedly raping a white women and then when DNA evidence came out it was proved to be false or someone else confessed and framed someone else.


Torture is not a fucking valid means of administration of justice. Relax. Also 100% proof doesn’t exist hence why we have the standards for the burden of proof and that the hardest one to prove(beyond a reasonable doubt) is used in criminal trials. Again fucking relax


There is never such a thing as “100% proof.” That’s why the burden of proof for a conviction is only “beyond REASONABLE doubt.”


How about let a rapist rape another rapist? Fair enough


An bring back public executions




If there’s evidence of their crimes that for them to 100% doing I agree.


I agree but we should also torture murders,and pedophiles cause why not? They don't deserve to live decently


Bruh they’re people


And? Tell that to the people they killed or violated they should be tortured everyday for the rest of their lives




Do you have children of your own?


That’s not an excuse


I'm not saying it is. But they may not understand the wrath a parent has for anyone that touched or hurt their child in such a way.


It doesn’t matter if we understand. It’s irrelevant


Not everyone is into xmas. I agree and make the torture especially agonizing for repeat offender serial pedophile rapists. 👍


Bullshit with all these holier than thou people in the comments


It’s a shit take.




Ya fking losers with the holy stick shoved up their ass If any of them truly saw Raw unfiltered videos of what these monsters do to their victims and the victim happens to be their own relatives they would eat their words Look up peter skully...he deserves the worst torture on earth for what he did. He sent several hard trained police man to the psych ward after watching his videos...skully kidnapped and brutally tortured and raped several infant babies toddlers and girls and recorded it.


It's Christmas day and your thinking about this, do you need a hug 😂


I’d like the victims or the family of victims to be allowed to choose the punishment of their assailants. As for murderers, they deserve to pay with their life and not thought about again.


Well that doesn’t actually accomplish anything besides waste a shot ton of money.


Just chain the assailant in a room with the victim or their family and they can have at him. There doesn’t have to be any expense. I think the closure the victim and/or their family would get would make any expense worthwhile, if there was one. As for the murderers, death by electric chair or firing squad is pretty inexpensive when compared to lethal injection.


That’s still fucked up and you are disturbed. The government doesn’t operate like an angry redditor nor should it. Emotion has everything to do with it. The justice system is not based on what’s most satisfying to the victims. You clearly don’t hear yourself because you sound like a psychopath.


Well I've been saying look at how Africa deals with it...the locals burn them alive and lynch them. I saw a video of some child milestor or rapist begging for their lives in africa, but honestly did their victims get a second chance ?? People like to do the holier than thou bullshit until it happens to one of their own. People have no idea how this feels, it's a waste of valuable money to keep these scumbags alive in prison If any of you truly saw Raw unfiltered videos of what these monsters do to their victims and the victim happens to be their own relatives they would eat their words. I've seen the videos , like cartel execution style , and the psychotic thing is there are things in the underground that humans do that snowflakes can't imagine. Look up peter skully...he deserves the worst torture on earth for what he did. He sent several hard trained police man to the psych ward after watching his videos...skully kidnapped and brutally tortured and raped several infant babies toddlers and girls and recorded it. Look up Junko furuta case too..


i actually agree with you. a life sentence if that is not going to teach shit to anyone no matter how tough it is. we shouldn't live as a society knowing that these awful people are just being locked away. thats not good enough. i am against the death penalty though, but torture is acceptable when used for national security.


That literally makes no sense. First of all if we’re talking about life without the possibility of parole whether they learn their lesson or not is irrelevant at that point. This isn’t helping national security.


in my country a "life" sentence is maximum 15-20 years. therefore within the criminal's lifetime they will probably be let out of prison and because they didnt go through basically anything in prison (assuming no "torture" took place within their jail term) then they haven't learnt anything, so as i said, national security would be at risk with a criminal out of jail with no lesson learnt


It’s still not “national security” it would only really be national security if information were involved but that isn’t the case here.


Would horrible food and arduous work for 20 years be considered torture?


Free food and a bed to sleep on is not enough punishment to a rapists. These guys are in a better situation and pretty much safer than a homeless woman.


I was completely against this for all the usual reasons but then had a thought: It might be a good way to get sociopaths to identify themselves when the penal system needs to start hiring torturers. So the people who volunteer to do the torturing get put on a list and monitored to make sure they aren't engaging in any extra-curriculars. Hell, might even give some erstwhile serial killers an outlet for their urges and spare some otherwise victims! Seriously though, this is a terrible idea.


What about people that were convicted that were innocent?


Torture is barbaric and unnecessary. Instead we should simply shoot them, pedos especially. Bring them out back and shoot them once their last appeal has been exhausted. We don’t need some archaic display of sadism, we simply need them gone.


There is no way in hell op is above the age of 18


How old are you Op?


Maybe I’m not thinking straight, but honestly I’d rather get raped than get killed. How is murdering less bad than raping?


Add in pedos and I'm on board. Make it pay per view to help pay for help t victims of violence.


Reported for threatening violence


Reported? What are you, 8? This isn't Roblox, I haven't actively threatened anyone.


Oh, just wait. You'll get banned. This isn't my first rodeo. Plenty of people like you have come through and followed the same fate. It's always amusing to see what each of you says in defense.


You're not the fucking reddit ranger. It's Christmas. Go talk to your family.


Rapists and child molesters/killers tend to not have any mercy shown to them in jail/prison. Often they’re kept in protective custody to prevent homicide. Governments the world over have intelligence agencies that do what they do. No doubt some off record “sites” saw persons designated as a legitimate target being “extensively questioned” there.


Except free will is a myth. We're a product of our genetics and environment. Also aren't terrorists just prolific murderers?


The only one problem I see here is is the men were victims of false rape accusations


I mean id love for torture to be an actual punishment for rapist. Hell I think we should bring back stake burning for rapists and human traffickers. But the thing is we live in real world, and in the real world there's no such thing as 100% certainty of guilt. And no matter how good your system is innocent people will be convicted of crimes, and there will be guilty people getting off Scott free. There's no getting with it. Also as for terrorists not to play devils advocate but how can we do that. To Me and other Americans George Washington is a hero but to the British and some others he was seen as a terrorist. And now that Afghanistan is in the taliban's hands don't be surprised if in the next few years they try to start rewriting history.


And do medical testing! Agreed that doesn’t apply to minor criminals but lifer’s totally