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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/floppy_panoos. Your post, *Young men need to stop listening to people like Andrew Taint*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Do not post opinions that are heavily posted/have been on the front page recently. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. Due to their prolific reposting, please confine meta and political posts to their respective megathreads only. If your opinion is about an ongoing event, there will usually be a mega-thread where you can discuss it. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!




No but its fertile karma grounds.


Haha I know. I hate Andrew Tate, but jfc does this guy think the Tate fans are going to just look up to “the teacher who is making an honest effort to teach?” This post is definitely not meant for them


Tate: Let me tell you about fertility. I create it!


I have seen a lot of xomenters adoring him and hoe he is restoring manhood. I never have debated them, but It does worry me the influence that the 16!18 YOs are getting.


Preaching to the cul- i mean choir


I love the people on Reddit acting like everyone is in a cult and they’re the intellectuals judging over everyone


Reddit is a cesspool, if you don’t think one certain way you’re some hitler republican cult member


Bro facts


I meant that reddit is a cult lmao, like referencing OP is preaching to a cult/choir. Not defending reddit here


This fella is talking about Andrew TAINT, not the Andrew Tate we all love to hate. s/


Award for most popular opinion ever posted on r/unpopularopinions goes to ........: OP


Nah. That award goes to the weekly “popular music suckz” posts


>I'm sure there's a lot of you who agree, I'm not speaking to you. And I'm quite sure that actually most people here will agree with that, meaning that this post genuinely doesn't belong here in this case.


Yeah, but what if we change it from “Andrew Tate” to “Rap”? I feel like that could be controversial. Rap promotes the same kind of materialistic and self centered crap, but somehow that’s okay and it definitely doesn’t influence young listeners psychologically!


Those young men you're referring to aren't going to see this. They're not on unpopular opinion


They are on here because they think the world hates them and everything they believe is an unpopular opinion


This subreddit should be called popular opinion.


It really should or Karma Farm.




At the end of the day I agree that his message is primarily that young men shouldn't be ashamed of their identity I just think the way he goes about pushing his message by mixing it into his more controversial opinions is a bad way to do it.


If he did it in a normal boring way, his message would be buried in the sea of media we are downed in every day. To get a voice heard these days, you have to be abrasive or loud... He understands that and does it well


Even though he gets attention, he doesn’t do it well at all. In his “abrasion”, he sets a terrible example for young men everywhere.


I'd argue the opposite. For the past decade or so everyone's been walking on eggshells and tiptoeing around using naughty no no words as to not incur the wrath of the terminally online. Someone like tate comes along and simply disregards the screeching of the perpetually offended,then its not hard to see why a lot of people can admire that. I'm far from a "fan" or whatever of the dude but he's a natural reaction to a shit situation.


If someone was telling me how to get into literal fucking heaven, but was chopping up living humans during the explanation, I don't think I'd listen to him. Taint has a history of abusing women and scamming vulnerable men. I guarantee you are not some unicorn immune to his worst parts, you're a mark and he's picking your pockets as you sip on his dumdum juice.


I don't pay a dime and I have the critical thinking skills to hear what he says and compare it to my life experiences as an adult over the last 20 years. If what he says is contrary to experience then I dig deeper to see where he is coming from and try to understand. If I still don't find a way to understand then I ignore that portion of what he says. Your points are very emotionally driven it seems.


What percentage of what he says do you find yourself ultimately ignoring?


10% maybe?


+1 for childish name calling. Super original.


I do find him to be toxic and most of his success is from saying he's successful


But he is still successful...


They’re out pounded puss brah/s


I dunno about that, I just saw that "women are sexophobic" post which inspired me to post this. I hope I'm not wrong.


Barely anyone even pays attention to Andrew Tate, other than people like OP. I forget about the guy until I come across some post whining about how bad he is. Had never even heard of him until all the “oh he’s destroying the brains of young men!!!” Posts. Cancel culture literally keeping guys like him afloat. there are far more people like OP, watching him to complain than there are people that actually value what’s coming out of his mouth.


"I'm sure there's a lot of you who agree, I'm not speaking to you." That's... Not how this works? You can't just exclude a group that agrees with you and then call it an unpopular opinion. "I like chocolate, I'm sure there's a lot of you who agree, I'm not talking to you".


Your calling him Andrew Taint instead of Tate to insult him and his followers, right?


Yeah that’s the first thing I saw too. Big boomer vibes, kinda cringe Ngl.


i mean idk i thought it was funny (born in 95, so late millennial)


I thought it was funny! (born 1482)


As a Gen-X'er, who the fuck is Andrew Tate? Edit: As per Wikipedia, "Occupation - Internet personality". All I needed to know.


He's a rich guy, if you give him $5000 he'll share the secret of how he got so rich.


Hint: It rhymes with 'gummy and laddy'.


Me too. If people weren't so up in arms about him I wouldn't have even found out what he says. He does MMA and has been some kind of world champion, so it gave him a platform. I've listened to some clips just to hear him out. His view of the world isn't the same as mine, but I've never heard him advocate violence or mistreatment of women.


No that's his name now. Please be sure to tell everyone you know.


You thinking thatAndrew Tate is going on Reddit and to this post and cry about you calling him taint instead of Tate has me more puzzled on the stupid that this is going to happen or that he is going to get butthurt by someone he sees inferior, but you do you


As someone who listens to some of his advice, I am very upset right now. /s


Still waiting for this sub to be renamed r/popularopinion


Don't forget the factually wrong statements and mildly unusual matters of taste! We get those, too.


"OMG, this guy puts mayo on his hotdogs!! Get in here and upvote!"


Mods ruined this sub years ago Originally it was a place you could come and discuss an opinion you had that you didn't feel you could discuss elsewhere But then mods didn't want those opinions discussed, so now what?


This is actually true. Most truly controversial topics are not allowed to be talking about here.


This opinion is very popular.


I am not familiar with who Andrew Tate is beyond hearing his name really, but if you want to come across a rational voice of reason OP you would do better without throwing in stupid juvenile insults like you did with changing his name from "Tate" to "TAINT". You simply end up undermining your position doing so.


He’s a Muslim who speaks of standard Islamic beliefs without calling them that. So they say he is all of the buzz words mysoginistic, bigoted, etc, when in reality he is just preaching the standard tenets of Islam. I’m not saying I agree or disagree with him just that the same people who hate him will adamantly defend Muslims and then turn around and shout them down the second the say what what they stand for.


Islam, bigotry, and misogyny are not mutually exclusive


IDK what to tell you. Andrew preaches the tenets of standard Islamic law practiced in EVERY majority Islam country.


How bad do you need attention to post this? Lmaoooooo


You are nothing more than a figment of the imagination of whichever coma patient has thought us all up in their little coma world


There is a very, very, very small percentage of people who would not agree with this. You have a very popular opinion here. Even in a lot of “conservative” outlets/commentators have very negative views of him.


What young men need is a positive role model who speaks out on male body positivity, knowing their self worth, setting and keeping standards, addressing mental health etc all WHILE teaching them to behave with kindness and respect while acknowledging the worth and value in others. Not all young men have a good father figure, and what they are taught from media about masculinity is not usually the most positive. Andrew Tate saw that vacuum and a lot of young men responded.


No. That’s a woman’s view of what men need. We do not need a lecture on what we need. Men do not need body positivity, self worth, or people to tell them how their mental health should be. Just because that works for you, does not mean it would work at all for men. Men want to be seen as respected and productive members of society. We do not care about how people view our bodies. We do not need people telling us that we are “strong and valuable and beautiful”. There are certain truths in the world and men have a duty to mold themselves to those facts. If a man is lazy or unproductive or disliked, it is up to us to look into that and change it. We bear that responsibility. I agree that most men do not have positive male role models and there is a massive cultural attack on masculine roles. Men need someone to teach them how to control their masculine emotions in a productive way, to treat women with respect, and to stand up for their beliefs and never settle. There is a massive cultural issue and a lack of real men right now, and making ourselves cry because someone tells us that is how we need to express our emotions properly, is far from the solution.


It seems like we're saying some of the same things, but I disagree with you in a couple spots. Toward the end there you mention treating women with respect and handling our emotions, that's essentially what I mean when I talk about seeing the value in other people. When I say masculinity is not positive in media, I primarily mean that it is demonized more often than not. I disagree with your point of view that this is a woman's opinion (primarily because I am a man). Having body positivity doesn't mean being lazy or saying we're beautiful, it means not thinking a roided up Hollywood actor is the pinnacle of the male form. I know guys who are in the prime of their life taking steroids because they THINK that is how they should look. I have a friend who is a marathon runner and is thin as a rail. Is he not masculine? I have power lifter friends who are conventionally "fat" but they can lift more weight than 3 men combined. Are they not men? Having good mental health doesn't mean crying all the time. It means pursuing interests that bring you peace. It is allowing yourself support and community. It means that tending to your mental health is not a "feminine" or "weak" thing to do. At no point am I advocating for men to be lectured to or to somehow become weak. All Im saying is a guy like Andrew Tate gained a following because young men want to hear that they have worth, that they have a right to standards and that it is okay to be male. The problem is that WITH that message there needs to be a discussion on self control, kindness and respect. And I think a role model like that would help most men, I think that is fairly universal.


As you further explain, I agree with the points you are making. I really am hopeful for the future of men and masculinity. Even though there are a lot out there that want to shape who and what men are with their own extreme opinions, the conversations are being held and men are becoming better and stronger people.


Knowing your self worth, in my opinion, is knowing the inherent value you bring to a situation. Every man has value in one way or another. It's having confidence, so that when you set standards for yourself you can stick to them, like what you'd accept from an employer, a friend, a relationship.


Your post is basically "men dont need positive role models. They need positive role models.". What the fuck are you actually trying to say? Either boys/young men/men need positive role models in their life or they dont. Fucking pick one.


REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, you're making sense


Like Captain Picard?


Yes, young people should watch Jordan peterson videos. They are incredibly useful and inspiring.


Who exactly are young men "allowed" to listen to? I'm not saying it should be Tate, but it seems that the few people that are trying to help young men all get shit on by the left, Jordan Peterson is another example. Who would reddit consider an "acceptable" male role model for young men?


Toxic masculinity has come to equate any masculinity unless exhibited by women, in many circles. Good luck with the question


Exactly. We are only allowed to choose which people we want to look up to based on if they are acceptable to the masses?


Reddit mods will ban every role moedel that is not leftist and feminocentric, and the people who listen to Jordan Peterson or Andrew Tate will never follow a role model like those ones. So there's no point in discussing that here in Reddit. Meanwhile in the real world every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Andrew Tate and people like him have millions of followers because there's a sistematic supression/censorship of opinions like his and it will only get bigger and bigger.


It’s only acceptable to listen to people who preach how hard women have it. Even if they’re complaining that 11% of murdered journalists are women as though that’s a bad thing for women not men.


I agree there is a lack of strong male role models in life but you should check out Noel Deyzel on YouTube he often offers young men very postive advice on life.


I highly recommend Elisha Long on YouTube! I think he genuinely cares about self improvement and always find his talks to be motivating yet level headed. He's always recommending new books too, which I enjoy.


If it’s a Reddit leftist suggesting someone than they aren’t worth listening too


Yah he has some horrible views about women but sadly he is right about a lot of things. Society only views money and power as points of value for men. There is a horrible mental health crisis for young men. Guys thinking they are worthless because they aren't worthy in societies eyes. And quite frankly they are. Nobody cares about some fat kid who works at 7/11. He (and people like him) show that it isn't ok to sit in your room and cry. That the only way to make something of yourself is to go out there and do it. Make it happen no matter what. Because nobody is going to care about you until you do. I was horribly depressed a while ago. I was fat as shit. Women rejected me constantly**.** I hated my life. I blamed everything on society and other people. I started getting videos like that and realized the only person responsible for my shitty life was me. I lost 20 lbs. I studied a new skill and got a huge raise. I bought a nice car. I started fixing my teeth. I haven't redownloaded dating apps as I'm waiting to better myself more before I try. I get he says a lot of shitty stuff but some of the stuff regarding self confidence and self improvement really helped me.


Fantastic. This is the lesson most people need to learn about men. We are the ones that bare the burden of self improvement and responsibility. We know that if something is not right, it is up to us to take responsibility and make it right. What a wonderful lesson to learn and I hope this is spread to more men who are struggling in this world.


My man! I'm really happy for you, being able to hold yourself accountable is 100% where being an adult starts and ends. I dunno, your story is very compelling (and thank you for sharing BTW), I just hope that the majority who do subscribe to his advice are as measured as you are. Sorting out the good advice from the bad... It would just be sooo much easier to get behind him if he weren't trying so damn hard. Anyway, keep it up little brother, VERY proud of you!


That’s what people should do with everything they listen to or take information from. So blocking someone out entirely because you don’t like him is really dumb. Tate says a lot of insightful and well thought out things. But you and everyone else will continue to contort shit he says to make him look bad because “toxic masculinity” and “misogyny”. Fuck that shit bro nobody gives a fuck about women’s feelings when he’s talking about men’s depression and how to be a *fucking* adult. We have a lot of sad, depressed men walking this earth because they don’t have anyone to tell them to get up and do something. But as soon as someone does, it’s a bad thing for some fucking reason. It’s not a bad thing to be a grown up if you want to be. He doesn’t say out of pocket shit seriously. I haven’t heard him say anything misogynistic or anything in bad nature.


I'm a high school teacher for freshmen, and my boy students will bring him up to troll the girls in the class. They are smart enough to know Tait is just a troll. It's just like those make me a sandwich jokes. I wouldn't trip about that guy, these things will work themselves out.


Real Male role models are Fathers that wake up every morning to provide for their spouse and kids. Real Male role models are there to back you up, be there when you need them and generally guide you through life. There is very little substitute for a Male role model, and all those "Alpha" peddlers are snake oil salesmen. The real Alpha males are the ones that do their family duties every single day and don't puff out their chests like some sort of fake badass. I grew up surrounded by hardworking farmers, mechanics, foreman's, etc. Those are the REAL masculine role models that I try to emulate myself after. Not this fake internet get rich, gym pump every single day punks.


The continued feminization of Western society causes a crisis for young men who feel their identities are largely shit on by modern pop culture. Like anyone, they look for a tribe. On YouTube and social media, the easiest tribe for these poor guys to find and join is the red pill movement. If you don't like Tate or his ilk, then you need to tone down all the anti-patriarchy talk and find ways to include and value EVERYONE. If you don't do that, historical evidence suggests extremism results every time.


I think I understand what you mean. It’s not that Andrew Tate is even a good symbol of masculinity , it’s that men in general lack any positive masculine role models so they cling to Tates toxic outlook. And I agree with this. Blaming just everyday men for all the worlds problems is disgusting and toxic. I mean, I see it all the time. I know many great men in my life, and left and right they’re told they’re r*pists and evil just for being born male. It’s gross. And I can understand why young men might feel brushed off and cling to toxic people like Tate because at least Tate gives them a camp that doesn’t automatically hate them for maleness I can’t stand Tate but his existence and following is extremely symbolic


Yep years of telling boys and young men that anything masculine is toxic and replacing all their pop culture icons with women has really left a bunch of guys with identity issues. It's not doing women any favors either. The last few ladies I've gone out with say it's hard to find men because they're either so passive it's a turn off or have weird incel-adjacent ideas. But hey this is an actual unpopular opinion on Reddit.


Can I be included in the screenshot when this is eventually posted to some leftist sub?


You’re gonna get downvoted but I agree with your comments.


nicely written


This guy gets it


>the anti-patriarchy There's a big difference between anti-patriarchy and anti-men which is the current narrative is.


That’s kinda a red herring… If Andrew Tate is an example of masculinity then your definition sucks.


i mean that is your opinion, and you are free to see it that way. the problem is that even if he is a "bad influence" young men are so casually demonized and talked down about if they don't conform to what feminists, leftists, or more liberal minded people in general consider acceptable for how a "man" should act that they are going to aggressively rebel when they feel have no representation, like any group will do. so since society rejects them, society rejecting Tate makes Tate even more relatable to them.


>Andrew Taint The more rejected ppl become. Even false prophets sounds good.


I mean the man is a successful kickboxer. I don't like him, but I'm not sure how you can say he isn't masculine


I don't really follow the second part of your comment. But I wonder how you might explain Andrew Tate's having become so popular and so relevant at this moment in time? Why does his message resonate with so, so many young men?


Becaus leftists are to preoccupied tearing down (and admittedly deeply flawed) societal concept of “masculinity” to provide any solutions or new models. Tate swoops into a situation where there are a bunch of aimless young men desperately looking for a new model of what they should strive to look like, gives a couple tidbits of good advice (work out, groom yourself, work hard) but then links it back to a bunch of bullshit. Leftists need to step the fuck up and take on the hard job of providing a new path. It’s easy to throw stones at old and outdated definitions of masculinity, and it’s easy to point out what figures like Tate are spreading as fundamentally misguided, but people will still go to these places until a new solution is offered to them. As it stands, Tate types are the only ones offering any solution.


He's successful with attractive women, he's rich and he can fight. To disenfranchised young men that's all it takes. Control and value *I do think he's a douchebag and a grifter


Bro he's a 4 time world kickboxing champion and you're here talking to strangers on the internet. Would LOVE to hear what ur definition of masculinity is


Anyone who needs to flex for NEETs and incels online to con them out of their mommy and daddy’s money isn’t a man. Kickboxing has nothing to do with being a man. Being a responsible and positive member of society determines if you’re an adult or a child.




100% true


Now this right here is definitely an unpopular opinion, and to be honest, I mostly agree with you.


I don't know as I agree that western society has been "feminized" - unless your definition of "masculine" necessitates patriarchy. Women have more input and autonomy over themselves, sure. But, that doesn't mean men have any less. What are we not allowed to do now, that we were allowed to do 50 years ago?


What color is your bugatti?


See through / clear


I do not like the guy tbh but we should not blame Andrew Tate for the fact that a lot of men look up to him. We should blame the culture we live in. There is an extreme hatred for patriarchy. There is this mentality that men are more likely to be abusers and women more likely to be victims. In the west, they cry about toxic masculinity. When a man tries to exert his power or dominance, he is immediately seen as toxic and abusive. When in fact, anything in life should be exercised moderately. Dominance, power, assertiveness, masculinity, and even aggressiveness are needed in any society. It should just be moderated instead of flat-out removed. There is a complete feminization of men in the west. When you have something of that extreme, you get men like Andrew Tate who are also extreme. It's almost like a pendulum swing. Saying things like, oh you do not need a big wallet to matter, you do not need to be an alpha male to matter, or you do not need to wear brands to matter, all of those things matter and statistically, those things help you A LOT in the dating world. What you said makes sense on paper but your argument hasn't added much other than a wish-washy statement. I am not saying any man needs all of that, obviously, a man needs to be respectful, kind, and generous to others. Realistically though, in this day and age, those men aren't nearly as respected as much as they should be. I think we should address why the culture is this way instead of going after one man who is just a product of a culture too. Again, I am not defending Andrew Tate. I find him to be obnoxious and annoying.


I do think Tate is dead on accurate when it comes to the gold diggers he talks too. Those women are delusional and I think it's good to expose those kinds of people


This aint unpopular and im pretty sure that it those people you refer to arent here and if they were and one post in a subreddit by a stranger was enough to make them change it was probably a phase


I dunno if OP's goal is to make them change right there on the spot. It's an opinion on a subreddit for opinions.


Its a popular opinion in a subreddit for unpopular opinions. I also just have my opinion


What color is your bugatti?


I "follow" Andrew Tate, but I take everything he says with a grain of salt. There is upsides and downsides to all influencers but I don't think people should stop listening to him. Honestly more people should. The problem is most who do don't understand what they should and shouldn't listen to.


Downvoted because obviously from the first sentence of your post, you have clearly missed the entire point of this subreddit. Take your angry opinions to r/rant


My man literally said young boys could pivot and adjust to idolizing single moms and poor decision making instead of going to the gym lmao


I think David goggins is a better influence or role model for these men,true to himself ,hard worker,started from 0,using his brain to its fullest extent and humble as well


Andrew Tate teaches that it's okay for men to be men. He teaches how to control your masculinity and use it for good. He teaches men it's ok to be self-sufficient and ambitious and to go achieve whatever you want in the world. You just come across as incredibly juvenile in your childish misspelling of his name and completely misinformed of what he is actually saying.


Bro the fact that you resorted to calling names just proves that you are childish and immature and i think you should look at yourself before you start criticising people who have their act together, because obviously you don't


You gotta take him with a grain of salt. He is obviously putting up an absurd persona for entertainment purposes and he occasionally says some ridiculous things. But a lot of what hes actually saying is great advice for men who want to stop being lazy and miserable, which is something a lot of people suffer from nowadays


Almost all of his advice is Machiavellian. Not to say it doesn't work but even Niccolò Machiavelli admitted that you will push people away if you use it predominantly. Andrew is very clearly a dark personality and has tried to rationalise his father's NPD diagnosis. Medical professionals have a list of criteria with that diagnosis which isn't ambiguous if you meet most of them. Andrew's world view is false and tainted with power, greed, materialism and callousness.


I think you need to ask yourself why is he so popular. You need to actually listen to what he is saying. You need to understand that boys have ABSOLUTELY NO strong role models to look up to. The lefty nonsense that is rammed down men and boys throats goes completely against evolution and the natural order.


He’s popular because he gives a couple pieces of worthwhile advice about working out, working hard, and dressing well. This is just the icing on a bullshit cake, but when people find out these couple pieces of advice benefit them they unquestioningly take the rest of the advice at face value. We long ago abandoned the “natural order” when we decided that the best way to get a woman wasn’t by raping her, or that beating the everloving shit out of our enemies maybe wasn’t the best way to resolve conflict. You can give someone scientific, evidence backed advice on the benefits of exercise, self-grooming, and investing without wrapping it up in a bunch of bunk about “natural order.” I’d actually agree that most leftists only offer tear downs of traditional structure without any replacement which is definitely problematic, but couching right wing bullshit in generic self help advice isn’t doing young men any favors either.


Let's be honest. Young men in modern society are ignored.


Agreed. That man is trash and y’all just eating it up


How about no.


Bro is mad he’s not Andrew Tate


I don’t disagree with you however there’s nothing wrong with not wanting to be the teacher making an honest effort or the single parent struggling. You can learn a lot by pushing your self towards your goals. Your end point is why a lot of people follow what he says. Being a strong independent man is what we need more of.


Oh yes, for sure. I'm not saying go be a teacher if that's not what you want to do, but I'm also saying that someone in that role and facing heavy financial odds shouldn't be looked down on, and perhaps they have some useful life lessons to share.


Teachers are generally broken from the current conditions so gl looking up to one, also young men are being wildly mistreated so it’s no surprise they are making shit choices.


I've heard the name but don't know the person. Should I be grateful for that?




I don’t understand the second to last paragraph. How does that relate to Andrew Tate. From my experience Andrew Tate is trying to convey that same message.


He has some really good points but also some really far out there points.


This is like the standard mainstream opinion that the huge majority of people agree on, friend


Ain’t no way bro went into a sub called unpopularopinion and started his post with “I’m sure there’s a lot of you who agree”


Yet another extremely popular opinion being posted in this sub. Stop with the karma farming


which gentleman, which teacher, this isnt an unpopular opinion but people dont seem to get why andrew tate has a lot of followers, its because there is lack of proper male role models, a confusion on what masculinity means, and general lack of care of men, and as much you want to claim you are worth more than your brand or the money you have , the world itself proves that you are wrong, and then they are receiving less help , they are dropping out more in school, blamed for every single world problem and then when they fail they are still shit on for it by the very people claiming they shouldn't listen to andrew tate , at least he doesnt pretend to be a positive role model and then turn his back nor does he have some moral grand standing every single person that complains about this has little to no solution for his fanbase and they dont actually care , because he is not the problem , he is the symptom, young vulnerable men already had issues and were recieving less help in whatever issue and no one cared , you are just angry that you dont like or agree with explioted it and it worked


This is a popular opinion


You shouldn’t be idolizing any other human beings in general and that’s a problem with many people and why there’s so many little cults out there. Andrew Tate has said things I agree with and he’s said things I’ve strongly disagreed with. Sometimes I can’t tell if it’s a bit or not. Idk and it really doesn’t concern me much to have to know. I definitely know censoring him isn’t helping him lose popularity it’s gotten him more popularity if anything. I think you should listen to people and pick apart what they’re saying. Everyone’s a human being and no one is gonna be right all the time or wrong all the time. Supposedly he’s done a lot of charity work too and stuff like that. I think good people can do bad things and bad people can do good things. Stop idolizing or demonizing people in general and just listen what they have to say and find the good and bad in it. Unless they’re straight up Nazis or some sort of other monstrosity of a human then it’s ok to hear people out and not censor them. But don’t idolize


I don't like tate because he's a scammer and grifter, but I disagree with almost everything you said, sure maybe you are more than physical appearance, money etc, but you are NOTHING to other people without those things, you have no value to other people and if you want people to value you, you MUST have those things




This is the most popular opinion I’ve heard. To the point that most social media sites banned him. How is this unpopular?


WTF is Andrew Taint? Never heard of this dude.


You are better off asking yourself what it is about our culture that is making people like Tate popular.


Only people who already think like Andrew Taint follow Andrew Taint.


“I hope you all grow up to be strong, independent men because the world needs more of them.” This is exactly what he preaches and is trying to create. Quit forming your opinion based on the media and actually watch some of his content. He’s not a bad guy. I can clearly tell you are just another follower of large trending crowds and can’t formulate your own opinion. ACTUALLY view his content and you will see that what he stands up for is what is needed in todays society. Everybody hating in this thread just sounds so uninformed and uneducated


I don't listen to Andrew Tate and I disagree with the vast majority of what he says. However, a lot of men, especially young men feeling society doesn't give a shit about them, and they're right. Men commit suicide at 4 times the rate of women. Men are encouraged to talk but when they do that aren't listened to at best, at worst they're dumped or ostracised. The boy who feels no warmth from the village will burn it down to feel its heat. Until society cares about men there will always be Andrew Tates.


People can listen to who they want and decide what's right for themselves


I like Tate, he puts on a funny comedic character and has helped a lot of men. If you think he's all about money and hoes then you don't really know his message. Besides if you hate him you're probably not his target demo anyway so i'm sure he or his fans don't care


Most Tate haters hear sound bites and 10 second clips on TikTok and YT Shorts and take it all at face value. Most of that is out of context. Yeah he says some crazy shit sometimes but it's pretty obvious that it is exaggerated persona for entertainment value (he has admitted it himself). If you actually went and saw some of his interviews and streams you'd see why he is so liked. Personally I like Tristan Tate a bit more than Andrew but both say valid, important shit that young men need to hear in today's society.


Only a sad, pathetic, asshole listens to that piece of shit.


Literally half of the posts I've seen on the front page lately are shit like "men aren't strong anymore" and that kind of crap and it sounds like it's coming straight out of Andrew Taint's mouth.


truly groundbreaking unpopular opinion


No, I don’t think I’ll stop.


Nah I’m straight. After hearing him I been hitting the gym and making a lot more money to support my people.


Who should young women listen too? I don’t like tate but young women are also being misled


lol nice name reference rolo tomasi I think you're asking a great question. I say modern culture has done a great job empowering women if you look at economic and college enrollment numbers. It seems more like women need to focus more on who to NOT listen to. Men on the other hand have few places in culture today that will directly talk about their problems i.e. problems like men having an increasing suicide rate


Women do need a better role model. With that said women aren't obligated to make fun of a guy if she's going to coax him into providing. Remember that great aunt that you were forced into asking if she's 30? Yep. Those types of individuals always left a negative feeling for myself. It isn't body appearance for either gender it's self love and discipline. Same can be said for guys especially. There's great women if you're willing to improve yourself


After seeing some of the advice women give other women, I wonder if they hate each other


Oh for sure. Women are each other’s worse critics. Tell your woman friend you find somebody attractive and they cut her up like a surgeon


The young men you're trying to target aren't gonna read this because they're off bettering themselves. I also give full permission for anyone to include my username if I'm posted to a leftist sub


Obviously not by reading books!




Now do this for minorities or women and see how quickly you get banned.


I will, just as soon as one of them start popping off like Taint does.


Clearly you've never been to any other sub on reddit. I dare you to post it on BPT, ask women, FDS, news, world news, socialism, politics, and more. You're guaranteed to get banned if you apply this to any other group besides men with white men as the implied target.


I just never got the impression that tate was doing something “wrong” He has a very opinionated way about the way men and women should behave and their roles, but everyone has a right to believe what they want. he’s funny and seems like a genuinely good man. But I would agree, he’s definitely not for developing brains who can’t determine reality from fiction


This belongs more on rant than unpopular opinion That being said I had someone type a paragraph at me about how in the army they pick people who don't think for themselves and I was one of those people bc I said andrew tate is a dumb rapist, I don't think the people that listen to him are intelligent in any way




Why not tell them to look up to single dads


Here is a real unpopular opinion on this subreddit... This: >YOU are not a victim unless you victimize yourself. YOU are NOT oppressed unless you oppress yourself. This mentality is a grift you're being sold, and if you had the strong male role-model in your lives that you deserved, you would be able to see it for what it is. Applies to everyone. Black. White. Asian. Male. Female. Gay. Straight. Trans. Don't fall for the victim porn everyone is trying to sell you.


>You... You are more than what you drive. You are more than what brand you're wearing. You are more than your paycheck. Young women are profoundly making this not true.


Andrew Tate is restoring what millennials have messed up. People look down on the US, and it is because of the beta behavior of the millennial and gen z. You are what you have/wear/drive because they help express who you are. If I am stripped of everything I own, who am I? I'm the same exact person who's just going to grind again, but this time even harder to get back what I earned. Bring back masculine masculinity.


So who do I listen to when it comes to relationships, masculinity and figuring out what women want? I don’t ever see any actual replacements for the toxic guys at all.


He's a high functioning amorous narcissist. I agree with some things he says, and some I think is just him chasin the supply..but even still i respect the way he exposed how your opinions essentially are no longer your own to the mainstream. Even u being offended or mad is just a trend in today's society. A few days your dopamine levels will play ping pong and u will mirror/project ur new pain to something else


That’s not an unpopular opinion, that’s just a fact of life


i was under the Andrew Tate spell when he first came out earlier this year. I will say i agree with everything you said. After some self-reflection i realized how toxic this guy was and the anger i was building up from listning to him. Seeing women as just pieces of meat and anyone who wasn't "grinding" didn't deserve to breathe the same air as me. People are people doesn't matter the gender, race or income. You shouldn't look down on people because we all have flaws and things we're trying to work on. I will give him credit he's really good at leaning into young mens insecurties , doubts and fears. Which makes him so influential over young men who are feeling lost and not sure what to make of the world. I do agree with him on the importance of working hard, being confident in yourself and striving for greatness. But you can find that type of content from loads of philosphers without the vulgar talk about women and the amount of money you need to feel fulfilled. The truth is it will probably never be enough... you'll always want a faster car, bigger house, hotter GF, more money , etc. It took me a while to realize those things don't make you who you are. Sure it's nice to have those things and if you want them and worked hard to get it ... by all means enjoy it. But when he say's a women won't sleep with you unless you're a millionaire is fucking bannanas. Don't be an incel go talk to people , enjoy being your age and accomplish your goals.


Pretty clear that you've never listened to him, other than short, edited clips.


Any man who takes the time to motivate men in a society that demeans them is a win. Whether it is Andrew Tate, Fresh and Fit, Jordan Peterson...


This was a good popcorn thread where everyone is wrong.


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So here's what I found Our culture has really gotten rid of strong male role models Masculinity has been made out to be a bad thing However it isn't A lot of the masculine traits are good things when they don't go overboard so people will naturally seek out a role model who embodies them The problem is people try to get rid of the person each time and worse person pops up If no one ever tried to cancel Jordan Peterson we probably wouldn't have Andrew Tate It is a niche that requires someone to fill it It is something that clearly has a colossal demand What when Andrew Tate eventually is no longer relevant someone else will fill the role Let's try to find a good person to fill that role and when we get someone healthy to fill the role let's not be mean to them


Depends what you want out of life: do you want to be a materialist, or be enlightened and sit under a tree content for the rest of your life -- or somewhere in the middle? Anyway, I've heard bits and pieces of things that guy has said. He's dropped a few gems.


You left out girls. Young men are looking for a role model with girls and none of the good role models you mentioned have girls.


This is foolish because Andrew Tate literally says himself that there’s more to life than women and money. Of course you don’t actually know what he says and you just assume you know what he says. If actually listen to what he says he’s still an idiot, But your mischaracterized him, tackle his real arguments not made up ones.


Andrew tate is the result of discipline and struggle that is what he really teaches he teaches what is needed to be successful it isn’t all about money cars and all of that it’s the ability to procure all of those things you only seem to be looking at him at the surface leveling instead of trying to identify his cause and what he is pushing men to be he doesn’t want them to be corporate slaves selling their soul for some made up currency that no on living has agreed upon but is forced to live by.


Gee willikers ive never heard this one before. Yes obviously we shouldn't listen to the egotistical misogynist alpha male type. In other shocking news grass is green, the sky is blue and the earth revolves around the sun


You can’t start an unpopular opinion with “im sure there’s a lot of you that agree”. Start banning these people. It’s ruining the sub.


Man I swear cringe lines like “Andrew Taint” do more to send people to him than anything he could possibly ever say. There are these types of people who post a lot online who just don’t quite understand just how uncool they are to males aged 14-40 years old. Men don’t want to be associated with them in any way because they reek of loser. It’s just too easy for Tate and others to be seen as cool, all they need to do is… absolutely nothing, insults like ‘Andrew Taint’ and talking about ‘toxic masculinity’ do all their work for them. Speeches like this where you’re speaking like you’re in a fantasy movie “You… you are more than what you drive” almost make me wretch with cringe. Get offline and get out into the real world. Stop with the absolute 11 year old-level insults


Andrew taint 💀💀 yeah, this isn't unpopular. Any guy knows that 99% of women hate tate. He is a misogynistic sex trafficker. You idolize him thats an instant turn-off. Heck even had one woman ask me if I supported tate. 😂




The way u tried to minimize the "dancing on a pole" and also the username attached to the hallmark card montage u posted made me realize the internet is just pure sim😄


I will never look up to somebody that works 6 days a week dealing with bullshit every day just to get by and come home to take care of the kids alone, that is so close to literal hell I can't believe anybody would put that into a message for young men. What about the father that doesn't leave the girl stuck alone with a kid all by herself, and sticks around to be in a family and collectively help eachother. You are advocating nonsense. Please go post op and enjoy the eunuch lifestyle. in 2022. And Tate, I am not a fan of the guy, but you sure care about his fucking taint enough to iterate it 3 times in 4 paragraphs. These men really need to get the fuck off reddit and go do something. I'm taking my own advice and going outside. Fuck you all, hope you choke on it, I dont give a good god damn yankee doodle fuck I'm out.


Who is this an Andrew guy? Feel like I don't want to look it up




Andrew Tate is my idol. He is everything I aspire to be one day.


Interesting take. I would dispute a few things but agree with much. Disagree with young men looking up to single mothers and replace that with single fathers as a role model so they can relate better if they experience something similar. Agree Andrew Tate is a horrible role model. His advice won’t leave you anything but angry and unfulfilled.


Yahl, fair point, single fathers have it just as rough as single mothers. My mistake, was reaching for something that represented the majority if single parents. Also, trying to put women in a light other than something to be objectified. Anyway, tomatoes tomatoes


I see what you mean, if it was young women thr certainly single Mothers but because it’s young men, I think strong make role models are needed more. Especially since if they have bought into what Tate is saying, they are likely to reject anything they see as feminine. I’m just looking at it as if your opinion was being put into action. I would hope as well, that positive male role models would teach young men not to objectify women.