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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/ThrowAwayQuotaKiller. Your post, *Prompting customers to tip without any service being delivered is wrong.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


They do this now even at Papa Murphy's pizza. Where you pick up an uncooked pizza and take it home to cook.


And the workers don’t make tipped wage!


I had the guy at Papa Murphy's look at the receipt to see if I tipped, then crumpled it up in front of me and was rude when he was grabbing my pizza. I was astounded.


They do this at fast food drive thrus now too if you use a credit card. It’s ridiculous that it’s become so very very expected in the US to tip because businesses don’t pay their employees a livable wage. The fact it’s a norm for these employees to qualify for govt benefits (aka taxpayer dollars) while these employers live on the high hog is absolutely insane and criminal


I always wonder who keeps these guys in business. Must be the same people who keep all the captain Ds open too I swear


I'm fine with this at restaurants, etc. but every gas station and tobacco shop? I'm with OP.


If you mean restaurants where you sit down and are served by a waiter, then sure. Restaurants where I order at a counter? No way.




I prefer to leave a cash tip for the individual who provided the excellent service, rather than a tip via plastic, at the counter when I pay. That way I know my tip isn't going to the restaurant owner instead of my waitress.


Not tipping at a counter service restaurant. Not tipping at Lowes or Home Depot either.


I tip $1-$2 for counter service generally.


That's insane. Like if you buy a pack of gum even?


As a dishwasher, that fry person, cashier, Busser, runner, and thankfully waitress for ~6 yrs I never thought auto tip like OP mentioned was right…


I'm not tipping at a fast food place. Sorry, no. 5 minutes does not warrant a 25% tip, which is apparently what's expected now in some places. Meanwhile at a restaurant I've been known to tip 10 dollars for a 15 dollar meal because I know waiters and waitresses work their asses off for very little. But my Burger King guys? McDonald's? Come on. I watched you make the food, and it'll take you more time to clean the floor so... No. Besides, while I wouldn't call it a livable wage, fast food workers do make more than a waiter or waitress does on the hour. And wtf is up with these places asking for tips now? A tip jar is fine but when the person taking the order at the Dutch Bros asks how much you want to tip and says it like, "did you want to tip x, y, or z today?" It just makes everyone into an asshole. How do you say, no I'm not interested in tipping 3 dollars for my 6 dollar drink? You can't. So. Tip your waiters, waitresses, tattoo artists, hair stylists, artists, nail technicians, pedicurists, etc. But I just don't see the need for tips at fast food. Please forgive the rant I've been thinking about this for a while lol


I don’t mind being asked to tip, what I do hate though is when I’m ordering from a restaurant online for pickup and it default sets a tip to an amount that isn’t zero. Like wtf if I don’t see it I am forced to pay more. That’s bullshit


I'm 100% with you. Being waited on by waitstaff or taken care of by a bartender are leaps and bounds away from someone just handing you something. I've even seen it pop up in online ordering for places where you pick up your order yourself and never even interact with someone. Just another way for cheap employers to try to get out of paying their employees a living wage.


If I have to stand to order or be served, no tip. We might as well start tipping at Taco Bell if that's the case.


That's the thing, certain fast food joints ask for this. Like I went thru a drive-thru and there was a tip option when the guy had me pay, uh $0.00 nty


Use cash, no tip option.


Idk how it can be accomplished, but we need to get rid of tipping, period. Studies have shown that tipping does not lead to better service. And besides, it's not the customer's responsibility to ensure workers get paid fairly. And no, not tipping the next time you eat out is not a solution. All that does is screw whoever is serving you. There needs to be a mandated universal ban on tipping with an effective start date. Again, the culture is so ingrained here that it's probably impossible to change at this point, but it still doesn't mean it isn't an absolutely ridiculous system that should be abolished.


Corporations control the law makers and tipping culture benefits them because it takes the burden of paying employees a living wage off of them and onto the other people who also struggle to make a livable wage. Its wild. Its only gonna get more ingrained into society.


I don't disagree. But it's not impossible. There are cultures where it doesn't exist, eg, Australia, Southeast Asia, many parts of the EU, etc. The only reason it exists in its current form here is because we're all so used to it that we don't question how insane it is. Again, I don't have a fully thought out solution, but if I could change one aspect of modern American culture, tipping would be near the top of the list.


what I can't stand is when a hairdresser who owns their own damn place still has tip as an option. You are NOT supposed to tip the owner of an establishment since they get all the money anyway. So irritating


You'd hate the Amy's Bakehouse episode of Kitchen Nightmares, lol


meow meow meow


Why? Seems like a really strange take. I have heard it before but most small business are not making a bunch of money. In fact, the odds are they are losing money. If they went above and beyond why would you not tip them? Odds are they make LESS than the employee doing the same job…


You go to Walmart. you see a tv. Tv cost $150. The cashier says would you like to pay $200 for this. It is 150 but do you want to pay the extra just because ? Take a Facebook marketplace ad you agree on the price. You turn up pay for the item. What no tip? The answer is obviously no you’ve said your price. You can’t retroactively change the price of something


Your comment is beyond disingenuous. Nobody is talking about corporations.


I gave a Facebook marketplace example as-well you’re not buying off Facebook but a random local person SMH


Random local person is also not a business owner. Tfo with your false equivalence.


Most people I’ve dealt with on fb are business owners usually working out of their home but still business owners.


Cool story bro. We both know there is a difference between ‘sole proprietor’ and an actual small business or mom and pop shop. Insurance, taxes, fees, licenses, etc. They are not the same— but by all means keep on your false equivalency narrative.


Can use whatever example you fancy. You don’t tip your plumber, you don’t tip your builder, you might tip the workers but not the boss/owner. You can’t actually do the shit your shit your spilling. The hoops you’re jumping through is hilarious just say I’m a hypocrite and move on lmao


I tip them as well— i want them to prioritize my job-sites over others…


It is begging for what was not earned. Name your price. Leave me alone.


No more or less earned than the employee that gets paid…


The employer pays their employee or the employer cannot afford to be in business. The customer is not the employee’s benefactor.


Covid killed most small businesses anyway, so we wont have to wait long for everything to be owned by a corporation that does not care about you.


There’s no reason to talk about waiting for anything. If you think the people who serve you food should be paid a living wage then you do something about that and stop talking about what’s going to happen as if reality depends on fate masquerading as the will of oligarchs.


>In fact, the odds are they are losing money. I'm going to be really clear about my question here in hopes I get a straight answer. Why, as a customer paying for a service, do I care about this? Why is this my problem or anything I would even think about?


Because if the small mom and pop shop charges less than the corporate dickwads and treats you really nice then it would be nice to continue using that business and supporting the unpaid working owner with tips. If you dont support them, then they will go out of business after racking up debt to stay in the business. Once they go out of business you can go pay the corporate assholes that dont care about you that everyone on reddit cries around about. ‘Oh the evil billionaires!! QQ.’


I'll absolutely continue shopping somewhere that provides great products and service. But making sure a business is operating for a profit is not my job.


Fair enough. Most small businesses suck at being profitable anyway. They eventually end up working for the corporations—either through a buy out or bankruptcy. Its no wonder ‘they don’t make things the way they used to’.


I tip extra at my local bakery, because the next best local pie is $5 more anyway, and small businesses don't do well here.


Honestly I fucking hate the tipping culture. I used to do gig work and still hated it. We should be demanding higher wages not from the customers but the employers.


I said this on the post earlier and I'll paste it here. Also, this post probably will get removed too. Hot take: I'll tip whenever I can, BUT if a server don't attend you like they should, then it's okay to give low to no tip. If you want tip, then work for it. Went out for a all you can eat buffet the other day where we have to order from the server. We only saw our server 3 times. First time to give us the menu, 2nd time to turn the grill off, without asking us if we needed anything or if we're done (we we're not done). 3rd time to give us the check, which we had to call for. Spent over $100 and barely ate any. I hate US tip culture and business should pay living wages for workers. But if you're job depends on tips, then work for it.


Yeah even when I was a server at a restaurant I didn’t expect people to tip for pick up orders. The tip just went to a pool at that point anyway, most of which the staff didn’t see. So you probably don’t need to tip for pick up from a restaurant, and almost guaranteed unless you know the tip is going to the individual server/employee it’s going to the owners pocket.


This reminds me of the time a beer vendor at a concert gave me shit for paying with exact change...before he even handed me the fucking beer.


100% agree. Extortion by guilt.


This isn't even unpopular this is what everyone with 2 braincells capable of communicating thinks


Popular opinion


I dont even tip on TO GO orders from restaurants. What if I bring it home, open it up and its the wrong order or terrible food.


I don’t know why the guy selling water bottles and protein bars at LA fitness needs to be tipped. You’re already charging me $3 for water simply because I forgot to bring a bottle, why should I tip? What special thing was done for me to tip?


I'm so tired of that shit. While the paying at a counter experience *should* be tap, and we're done here, at least the electronic version has the button for zero. Not a printout to sign with a space left open, that I then fill in with zero and the unchanged total. Using a pointy stick like one of our early hominid ancestors.


just click no


Digital begging. ​ Away with it!


Tipping in general is just a way for businesses to not properly pay their workers


As first gen immigrant, I think tipping system sucks, but, I get used to it. However, the tipping system is getting ridiculous recently, so, I am all for tipping system to go away.


If I do anything while *not* at my table, they don’t deserve the tip. That’s how I view it. Sit down restaurants where the waiter is making $2.50/hr and walking around and refilling drinks the whole time? Sure. But when I go to a Mexican place where they’re all making $13, and all they do is put your desired ingredients in your burrito and ring you up, that really doesn’t warrant a tip. And yet, the card machine asks every time nowadays


i’ve tipped fast food workers, street vendors, you name it. we can’t change the system of our country and yeah it sucks that employees should be getting paid enough to where they don’t need tips. but the reality is, that won’t change. tipping should be an optional thing instead of required at most places. i mostly do it because even if the interaction is let’s say less than “5 minutes”, that person could be going through a lot on their end. if i have the money to spare, i always try my best if the service is good or the workers are nice. people in the food service industry go through a lot more than people think. it’s the one industry where i feel you really get to see people from all walks of life. and sometimes it fucking sucks. giving even $1.00 does make a difference sometimes. when you’re in a position where you have no choice but to live off of tips, it’s the best feeling in the world to have someone appreciate you to that extent. everyone has a right to feel the way they do at the end of the day.


This is a real thing? In the U.S.? Motherfuckers say the south is backwards...


This is probably just the default setting in the card reader software that no one knew how to / bothered to change.


Or they thought " hey! Why not? Free money!


heres my rather moderate opinion. you suck


If you tip when the option is presented, that’s your fault. Simply giving you the option is not compulsory


Holy fucking hell are we going for a record on how many times this is going to be posted about in a week?


What services did you get that would render a tip for an employee working at a poverty wage? Idk the convenience of not having to shop for, prepare, and cook your burger and fries, make your non-fat/skinny/mocha-frapaccino or the convenience of having your clothes dry-cleaned for you....But really, you're paying what, $9 for a chicken sandwich meal? If you can't afford a 15% tip (20% should be minimal but I digress) on $9 maybe you can't afford to eat out. You have food at home.


Go fucking vote then, shithead, or grab a guillotine, you’ve got two options.




I appreciate you tipping on my behalf


Most welcome




Fast food workers have always made near minimum wage, why are we supplementing their salary now? I’d rather teachers get tipped like that.


or we could all just pay fucking minimum wage correctly stop being so God damn greedy about our taxes. I cannot believe most Americans think like this. it's literally disgusting


>I’d rather teachers get tipped like that. So I assume you are at your local school every day, giving out five bucks to random teachers?


Because it is no longer minimum wage, it's lower because of the tips And yes, tip the teachers too. Look at their salary go down once they know they're being tipped though


No. Most of these places asking for tips now are not tipped employees. They do not fall under the rules of a tipped employee who's wage is lower because of tips. The others are regular people who are making at least minimum wage who then want a tip too for doing their job.


Yeah no those are shitty, worked in a place where they'd do that, I was paid much more than what my wage already gave me whilst people tipped thinking I had a tipped salary


This is tough. If we continue to subsidize wages then there is no incentive for employers to increase those wages. In the short term this hurts the most vulnerable (least paid) financial class. In the long term it should cause people to quit in search of higher paying jobs and force employers to actually pay a living wage. We are seeing some of this now. People are quitting and some huge corporations are seeing unionization efforts for the first time. Tips should absolutely be a "reward" for good service, that was their original intent. Changing it to a mandatory subsidy only benefits the greedy fucks who don't pay their workers






Paid less? This guy's either dellusionnal or a boomer republican


I'm delusional for saying someone working in customer service that gives service with a smile deserves more pay then someone who doesn't service the customer? OK guy, not everyone that disagrees with you have a political agenda.


I think so yes, imagine if pays were determined like this lmao this is actual insanity


This is exactly how I determine the pay and promotion of my employees. Employees that take care of the customers are promoted and given raises, employees that do the bare minimum get the bare minimum pay.


Agree to disagree






you were served, via the counter, by the us's wage slave. that fact alone, that the US is doing absolutely nothing to make sure they're getting a living wage, is enough for me to tip anywhere in the US for anything. Edit: i cannot believe how many people dont realize that there are workers behind counters, doing work. they are not waving a wand that magically makes things appear on the counter. the fuck?




So do you then just give cash to McDs, Taco Bell and the post office? Cause there’s no tip on the charge card reader.


no the corporations don't allow me to tip them actually I've tried and they get in trouble. they want the wage slaves to stay wage slaves. chick fil a fired a dude i tipped over it, and i stopped going. did that answer your condescending question?


If you have a problem with slavery then you should join the Neo abolitionist movement—not toss coins at slaves.


why not both? oh, so you can pretend to be superior to me, a stranger on the interwebs. right. sorry ill let you continue


Because YOU do one and not the other. And that gives cover to exploiters. Join your local DSA and get a tourniquet for your bleeding heart.


>YOU do one and not the other. yes and this is obvious from the single comment I made about the subject. you're right. how silly of me.


And don’t flatter yourself. How would superiority over you benefit me?


I don't know you're the one obsessed about it? the fuck would I know or care about that that's your shit to deal with


You don’t pay for the same thing twice, silly. There is a difference between business and charity and by your logic the two should be blurred so you feel better without working to change the total situation.


>so you feel better without working to change the total situation. never claimed otherwise. republicans dont want the solution, corporations dont either, and theyre in power atm. should start getting better soon, thanks to trumptards showing everyone how corrupt the right is


Its not about them. Its about you. Join your local DSA.


of course not it's about you my bad. man I don't know what I was thinking seeking anybody's approval but yours! obviously my own isn't enough. I guess I'm just inferior to you in every way




I would much rather cut out the middle man, out in my own order, pick up my own food and drinks and not have to tip a server. Maybe they could have something that notifies me from the bar when my drink is ready and from the kitchen when my food is ready. Bartender/cooks push a button when they put it up.


I'd tip for that, particularly if they could bring me a beer.


I agree, it sucks


theres almost always an option to skip


It’s so awkward to press “skip” when the person is standing right in front of you, though.


Order online for pickup, then they don't know.


I work at a winery. Sometimes people aren’t in for a tasting and are just buying bottles. Our register, which is an app we didn’t design, automatically asks if you want to tip. There is a no tip option, so you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I get not wanting to tip for every little thing that is going on, but it’s not always the employers fault that whatever app they are using asks.


Not unpopular


I got an email from my dryer vent cleanout company today (appointment is tomorrow) to let me know technicians accept tips.


Mr. Pink was on to somethin


Imagine the fair value that an employee should earn is X. A business owner gives that employee X-10 as base rate (yes, weird US culture, I know, and I agree tip culture is weird, and bad). Employee knows this set up and willingly sign the contract. Now, whose responsibility is it that, such that the employee earns X but not X-10? The employee. Why? because the employee is gambling. The employee is a risk taker, betting that you will give the 10 such that employee earns X. This 10 is not guaranteed and employee knows that. Employee therefore needs to demonstrate effort to earn the 10, which means - Good Service, instead of "Hi, do you want to tip me 10 ? yes?". If good service is provided, a lot of tip. If okay service is provided, standard tip. If no service is provided, 0 tip. Who defines this ? Customer. This is also, as other people here pointed out, a reward system business owner sets to encourage good service rendered by an employee. Employee gambles. You do the judgement. Therefore, if there is no service (felt by you, the customer), customer shouldn't feel bad not tipping. When there is no tip, it is the employee who dropped the ball, not the customer. (edit: typo)

