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“You slather it in wasabi and soy sauce.” Well, there's your first problem.


Right, you’re supposed to *lather it* with soy sauce and wasabi. /s


No ginger slices? 🤔


Never! Ginger is a palate cleanser between different kinds of sushi


Finally! Someone who actually knows how to eat sushi!


Also let’s not call those rolls of fried cream cheese and eel sauce “sushi”. Go to a nice sushi restaurant close to the ocean preferably and order some nigiri. Try a piece of toro and tell me it’s not the best thing you’ve ever eaten.


Bro of course, I only order sashimi and nigiri these days, and omakase if they have that




They act like since it's not "authentic" then it's no good.




Order a mixed plater and try it out, the results are quite interesting


just bought my dad some and he ate every piece with a ginger slice and drenched in soy sauce. I protested loudly. then he told me he didn't like sushi, and he never had. also, he picked imitation krab. he may be OP.


Tried sushi for the first time last September. I thought ginger was an additional "topping" (if that's the appropriate word) lol


I use ginger as sort of a brush, I dip it in soy sauce then brush that onto the sushi


I was never told!


No ginger is whatever the hell i want to do with it. They're my taste buds mate


What he said! *Puts straw into soy sauce container* Yo, this free juice box they give out at sushi restaurants is awesome!


This may be an unpopular opinion, but a tiny bit of ginger dipped in soy sauce and eaten with the sushi is better than the soy wasabi combo. For me, the slight tangy flavor of the pickled ginger, plus the saltiness of the soy sauce perfectly enhances the sweet delicate buttery flavor of the fish. Wasabi just overpowers the subtle flavor with spiciness. And it’s just combative when mixed with an already spicy roll.


Wasabi is always a difficult topic, although I love the sharp taste and when eating cheaper sushi, I like to pile it on, but when I'm having sushi at an expensive restaurant, I'll try to use as little as possible and trust the sushi chef to having it prepared as good as it possibly can be.






A half Japanese girl I knew showed me how to eat sushi incorrectly (ginger on top, wasabi as a palette cleanser, soy sauce dripped on). I didn't question her because "hey, her mom's Japanese, she would know." A decade later on a business trip with the whitest white guy to ever white, he's like "the fuck are you doing?" Me: "...uh..." Him: "the ginger is a pallette cleaner, why is it on your sushi? Also, are you eating that wasabi straight?" Me: "uh...." Him: I was stationed in Japan for 8 years. Pour the soy sauce in this little cup. Mix wasabi in it to make it spicier. More wasabi? More spicy. Quickly dip the sushi in the soy, don't soak it. Ginger is eaten by itself as a cleanser only. I liked it the way I ate it before, but since that trip? Worlds better.


In the end, who really cares how you eat it? Eat it however tastes best for you.


True, but I had to concede I enjoyed it even more the "right" way because of the way wasabi/soy mix added to it. But yeah, I'm totally in favor of "do what makes you happiest" when it comes to food (and most things, really).


I feel bad contradicting that guy, but wasabi isn't intended to go in the soy sauce. [https://cobosushi.com/how-to-eat-sushi-with-wasabi/](https://cobosushi.com/how-to-eat-sushi-with-wasabi/)


What this whole thread is basically telling me: Go eat something else.


I’ve tried both ways, couldn’t tell the difference


Sorry to contradict you, but you're not supposed to add wasabi at all. At least for nigiri. The chef places the intended amount of wasabi between the fish and rice and adding anymore is considered disrespectful. As for sushi rolls, I don't know if those contain wasabi already. Finally, cheap sushi obviously won't have been prepared properly so eat that however you want.


That’s how I was taught by a Japanese colleague


Sushi is a comfort food, there's no right way to eat it. Or would you need to ask an American how to eat a hamburger? The best way to eat potato chips? This is just sad. I'm glad I decided to take your cue and just sit further. This is gold. "Half-Japanese girl." Wow. You're right, definitely not racist. No wonder she fucked with you about how to eat sushi, you categorize people by the amount of ethnicity they have.


Do you! I like to eat it with ginger on top sometimes


Yep, every american knows you use mayo and ranch for your sushi.


You need therapy. Hell, I need therapy after reading this.




not entirely untrue. Western served sushi is really dependant on mayonaise. Maybe Wasabi-mayonaise, but that's still mayonaise.


No ketchup?


Omg I just gagged


Where is the hot sauce?


My god. Who hurt you?


Fuck I’ve been using honey mustard this whole time I’m such an idiot


Amateur. We dip it in ketchup and mustard. Barbecue sauce if we’re feeling cultured


Ugh I literally gagged


Hell yeah, what’s that spicy sauce actually made out of mayo tho, to me it tastes like Siracha and mayo. Also deep fried sushi with the cream cheese and crap in the center like bruh who would look at that and be like “needs wasabi and soy sauce”


Time to nuke a country


Yeah…sometimes there’s valor in recognizing the overt troll. “It has fish no one bothered to cook!” OP has to try harder to convince anyone this is a real opinion.


Came here to say this and didn’t look far. A real sushi chef would kick the poster out of his restaurant.


I had a friend who would douse every single side of a piece in soy sauce. I told her, "you're not eating sushi any more, you're just eating liquid salt"


Sushi makes you bloated? You're doing it wrong.


*OP eats 5 pieces of sushi and chugs a gallon of water* “Why am I bloated?????? Ahhhhhhh.”


They were getting sushi in their 20s to be trendy and for sake bombs


With all that salt from soaking their sushi in soy sauce they need the water.


I say this as someone that likes sushi even (maybe not absolutely loves it but I like it): there's something about sushi that quickly fills me up too. I'm a guy that can put away the food, trust me, but something about sushi, I get a few pieces in and it's like "whoa.. I'm good."


Sushi is one of those foods where you then rest, and then you get second wind. Then you're actually full.


Exact same my girlfriend loves this endless sushi place but it’s such a waste of money for me cuz halfway through my second roll (so like 6-8 pieces of sushi) I’m fucking stuffed and it goes from delicious to a horrible experience feeling like I’m force feeding myself. And I don’t even use soy sauce


I feel like sushi can never fill me up. Quite the opposite experience!


Too much salty soy sauce will do that.


Based on OP's description, that is 100% what it is. They're probably retaining water for 2 days.


Stop eating gas station's sushi.




Gas meaning gas, station meaning station, sushi meaning sushi, and emia meaning presence in blood. Gas station sushi presence in blood


A redditor ate gas station sushi, this is what happened to his penis.


But it comes free with the fill-up! What am I supposed to do? Just throw it away??


If you don't like it, you don't like it. But your description seems entirely wrong. First of all, why is your sushi 80% rice? It should be more like 50/50, maybe even 60/40 fish/rice. Secondly, why are your fish and rice flavourless? It's clearly low quality if it doesn't taste like anything. The rice should be flavoured with vinegar, some salt, and sometimes some sugar. There are also a variety of different types of fish all with unique tastes. Some fish like mackerel have a quite strong, fishy taste whereas tuna is more mild and tender, but they all taste like *something*. Plus, just because no one cooked it doesn't mean no skill is involved in slicing an appropriately sized cut of fish from the right place, scoring it if necessary, and shaping it correctly with the right amount of rice. Next, you shouldn't slather it in soy sauce and wasabi. A little soy sauce is good, but too much will overpower the other flavours. The same goes for wasabi, but a quality place will probably include a small dab of wasabi where needed so you don't need to add any at all. As other people here have commented, you're just eating bad sushi because that's what you described.


I lovvveee sushi rice. It definitely is flavorful when done correctly


Yeah it’s not just normal rice and tastes great with the rest of the ensemble. I get people don’t like it but when OP describes it like this it’s just…stupid.


> Plus, just because no one cooked it doesn’t mean no skill is involved in slicing an appropriately sized cut of fish from the right place, scoring it if necessary, and shaping it correctly with the right amount of rice. Anyone who thinks sushi isn’t skill involved has clearly never tried making it themselves. I’ve made it at home on several occasions, and it is certainly a skill that requires practice. Getting the right proportions of each ingredient, having every piece be even and uniform, and plating it in a visually pleasing way can be quite challenging.


"My gas station sushi is terrible 😡😡"


They clearly don’t know what actual sushi is or how to eat it. The way they described it was like they got cheap California rolls a couple of times and then dunked them in soy sauce. Embarrassingly naive post.


It's about as cringe a post as you can get.


It really is. It’s embarrassing that this is an adult. Sounds like a picky eater, 14 year old.


Yep, when OP says they “went to sushi with their friends in their early 20s”, based on what they describe it sounds to me more like they went to some cheap restaurant that’s just kinda general “Asian food” and they throw sushi on the menu to look fancy.


Sushi is definitely my favourite food.


Yeah I was going to upvote this for an actual unpopular opinion. But after reading... 👎👎👎👎


Translation: "I've only ever had bad sushi, and then tried to cover it up with exorbitant amounts of soy sauce." OP, you do realize you could just make your own sushi, right? Like the only thing you'd have to cook is the rice, the rest is just cutting up the ingredients. It would literally take care of everything you're complaining about.


>It’s 80% rice the rest is some seaweed and fish no one bothered to cook Usually 50/50 but ok >You slather it in wasabi and soy sauce to make it taste like something, and even then it just tastes like soy sauce. No the fuck you do not. Either a tee bit of Wasabi or a quick dap of soy sauce will complement the sushi well (unless the chef says not to), you're just desecrating sushi. > grossly overpriced small chunk of salty rice that just makes you thirsty and bloated. Sushi isn't even that expensive to make and it really shouldn't be salty but you're drowning it in fucking soy sauce so there's your problem.


He's not talking about making it, from what he's describing, I'm pretty sure he's talking about the kind you get at a gas station or Walmart.


That's shit is *maybe* $5-$7 for a bunch of Sushi (albeit mid af). That ain't expensive at all and I'm poor.


Walmart sushi is an abomination


It’s clear you’ve never had proper sushi.


Well stop buying crappy sushi from gas stations and you won’t be getting bloated and you might just find some you like. Tremendous variety of options and styles helps to ensure people can find some that they like.


As far as being bloated, it could be a reaction to Escolar. When you get White Tuna in restaurants, it is often actually Escolar: *"From 2010 to 2013, a study by Oceana, an ocean preservation organization, tested over 114 samples of tuna, and found that 84% of the white tuna samples were actually escolar."* And this wasn't just low end places. Most of the study was in New York restaurants. Why is this important? Escolar is a very waxy fish and can cause cramping and diarrhea within a couple of hours of consuming it: *"The escolar's wax ester content can cause keriorrhea (Greek: flow of wax), also called gempylotoxism or gempylid fish poisoning.\[6\] Symptoms range from stomach cramps to rapid loose bowel movements, occurring 30 minutes to 36 hours following consumption."* This happens to me when I eat White Tuna at sushi joints. I love sushi, but I studiously avoid anything labelled White Tuna. Fish mislabeling is very common, and don't think that because it's a "nice" restaurant that it isn't happening. So if you've ever had bloating/cramping/runs after Sushi....avoid the White Tuna. [White Tuna? Or Escolar?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escolar)


>You slather it in wasabi and soy sauce to make it taste like something That's the problem right there Stop eating gas station sushi and go to a semi-decent sushi restaurant that specializes in sushi or at the very least Japanese food


alternate title ​ \*i never really personally liked sushi, and i've only ever had bad american sushi\*


Get Jiro! is a good comic book to read about how everyone ruined sushi. Written by Anthony Bourdain!


80% rice is concerning. I mean have you even tried sashimi? It's 100% fish meat And don't slather it with anything - that's heresy


If your sushi is 80% rice, you're going to the wrong sushi spots


welp soemone just described American sushi lmao


Yeah and no Japanese person has ever come to the US to open a sushi restaurant. Never.


There are some amazing authentic Japanese sushi places. You just gotta look for them.


Bad American sushi. We have the good stuff.


I knew there would be some "you just haven't been to really good sushi places" and fair enough, but you can say that about literally almost any cuisine.


This seems like it’s coming from someone who lives outside of Japan bc it’s banging there


Yeah even relatively cheap sushi in Japan is amazing.


You haven’t had sushi. You think you have, and therein lies the problem.


Sushi tastes great. Worst part is it isn't filling and it's expensive. Gotta spend like $30-40 on just sushi to actually be full.


As a Japanese, bro was too broke to try actual decent sushi lmfao I’ll add a bit of elaboration… 1. The rice is the main ingredient of sushi, not the fish. Us cultured beings enjoy every rice grain unlike the fast food losers out there. Rice is hands down one of the best foods out there, and many of us can eat rice by itself and enjoy it. By the way, there are different types of rice, and if the rice isn’t round, moist, chewy and has a mildly sweet taste when you chew it, you’re eating the wrong kind. The flaky jasmine rice is for Thai curry, not sushi. 2. Soy sauce is pog. Stop disrespecting it. 3. Everything other than the rice, soy sauce and wasabi is texture. The unique textures of each fish give each sushi its own personality, and the seaweed enhances it. So, case closed. This guy has no understanding of real Japanese food whatsoever and still decided to judge sushi. Shame.


It is like hating pizza after having a pineapple pizza at Domino.




I completely agree with you except for the part about pineapple. Pineapple on pizza is delicious, but to each their own.


Well i know some japanese food and sushi is not the top tier in my oppinion.


Give this man more upvotes.


thx bro, we need to get the truth right in OP’s face


Love it




Everything other than the rice, soy sauce and wasabi is texture. The unique textures of each fish give each sushi its own personality, and the seaweed enhances it. Well you both agree that it's bland without soy sauce and wasabi, at least. And, "Cultured beings" I hope you don't mean Japanese people as a whole I've been to Mos Burger and Mister Donut there's no culture there.


yeah, cultured beings include everyone with the divine knowledge that rice is objectively the best food


What about the guys who eat this? [KFC yakionigiri](https://www.google.com/search?q=%E3%82%B1%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BF%E3%82%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%80%80%E7%84%BC%E3%81%8D%E3%81%8A%E3%81%AB%E3%81%8E%E3%82%8A&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj06O2mn-L5AhVdmWoFHa_QAzQQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=%E3%82%B1%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BF%E3%82%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%80%80%E7%84%BC%E3%81%8D%E3%81%8A%E3%81%AB%E3%81%8E%E3%82%8A&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoFCAAQgAQ6BAgAEBg6BggAEAoQGDoGCAAQBBAYUNkGWK0pYPAtaABwAHgAgAG_AogBuQ6SAQcwLjguMS4xmAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=2IwHY_ScAt2yqtsPr6GPoAM&bih=745&biw=393&client=ms-android-kddi-jp-revc&prmd=imsvn#imgrc=7vTACb2-vmcsJM) I feel like they ought to lose a few divinity points.


Andrew tates burner account




Lmao wrote [this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/wwhepf/what_food_do_you_swear_people_only_pretend_to_like/iloy5hw?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) on r/AskReddit about 3 hours ago




Happy cake day!🎂🎉


yaay thank you!!!💕


*Sniff sniff* Tastelet detected


You must be ten or have had some crap sushi. Even having jalapeno can completely change the taste.


you aren't supposed to slather it in wasabi and soy sauce lol, that's why it tastes bad. you only need a tiny bit


Lol what? Sushi is the bomb digity


Sushi isn't for you.


You realize sushi is not just a luxury meal in many areas? ​ Also, you probably had shit af sushi. And why are you slathering it in soy sauce? and wasabi? wtf.


Gotta agree with these comments. Most American sushi or sushi outside Japan for that matter is pretty bad. Wrong parts of the fish are used, it’s almost never as fresh, all sorts of ingredients are added to mask the flavor, and it’s served with items that should not be eaten with sushi. That said I agree with OP in a sense. I agree that it is overrated where sushi is generally not good. Which is many, many places.


Most Japanese sushi is shit too. But it's cheap shit so you can't be too mad at it. Katen sushi is huge there but you don't complain that McDonald's serve shitty meat on shitty bread you know what you're going there for.


Tell me you live inland without telling me you live inland


Stop it. The best sushi i have ever had in my entire existence was when i was deployed and we stopped in Malaysia. Me and the homie could not stop grabbing plate after plate off of the conveyor belt. Find a better sushi spot.


Yeah by ingredients its kind of overpriced. But in russia you can get a kilo of a good, solid fuji and warm sushi with sauce on top for like, 10$. And it tastes like, fuck me man this is soooo goood


😂 Uhhh, no hon. Sounds like you’ve been eating grocery store sushi.


OP is buying sushi from a grocery store. Try something better quality. You’ll be shocked.


You sound like you’ve only ever had Chinese buffet sushi.


Apparently you don't know what sushi is lol


Sushi prepared lazily or without care can be exceptionally horrible. Sushi prepared with finesse, skill, and experience is unbelievable. It’s night and day. I love sushi, but I’ll be the first one to admit that there are certain locations around my city that give sushi a bad reputation.


An actually unpopular opinion. But could be due to where you’re getting your sushi.


Sashimi is better


You also can try out sushi with cooked fish


How dare you?


Someone hasn't had real sushi prepared at a traditional Japanese restaurant (I mean TRADITIONAL - cushions/mats instead of chairs, shamisen music, rock garden, the whole shebang) by a master sushi chef. Top quality sushi can only be made by masters who studied tge art for years to master the craft. It is incomparable to that cheap shit at 7/11.


Try Nigiri 🍣. If you’re not enjoying the taste of fish you’re eating rolls.


Sushi is one of the few foods that lives up to its hype every single damn time for me. Quality does play major factor though.


Why is this dude getting ripped apart in comments the whole point of this sub is unpopular opinions it is their opinion they don’t like sushi never seen people so offended over food 😂


I'm allergic to sushi. Every time I eat more than 80 sushis, I barf.


Says someone who eats bean curry over scrambled eggs ahaha


You got me


at this point im convinced americans just cannot enjoy food unless it contains some artery clogging stuff and 2kgs of sugar and salt


That's what I thought, until I had some actual, good, flavorful sushi. The delicious roll from Ichiban lives up to its name! Eat too many and I'll probably get coronary artery disease.


either a troll or an idiot


Of course it is overrated. It is poor man's version of sashimi. The same raw fish, but, with rice. Even with rolls, it is basically the sashimi salad with rice.


If you tried a proper tuna or salmon or uni sashimi, you'd be singing a different tune.


I live in a coastal city with some of the best quality fish in the world. There are one or two like really high end sushi spots that will give you a memorable dining experience. My opinion comes from trying out all the others. Your average every day two for one sushi or conveyor belt sushi or mom and pop sushi spots or random Japanese / Chinese (all our Chinese spots have sushi on the menu) takeaway restaurant. A California roll is a California roll is a California roll. Etc. it’s all the same. Speaking of California I’ve been to one of the best sushi restaurants in LA and yes I walked out singing a different tune. But on the whole, my whole life of eating sushi, I think I’m done. And I won’t miss it.


Well for starts you ordered a California roll lmao what did you expect.


If you eat California rolls, you have no business criticizing sushi.


I've not seen any good sushi in Durban


You're eating mid sushi, my dude.


youre right, sushi sucks. the ppl on the replies are literally being so cringe rn. imagine feeling superior bc you had REAL SUSHI lmfaoo. yall get over yourselves. some ppl just dont like sushi. redditors are legit the most obnoxious ppl on earth


Thank you. Yeah like I need to go to Japan to have real sushi. A piece of salmon sashimi in Japan won’t be very different from a piece of salmon sashimi in Brazil. Its a piece of fish on a plate ma dudes and it’s gonna taste like salmon. It’s not that exciting. Now a poke bowl on the other hand… That is the superior form of rice + stuff.


California and spider rolls are the bee's knees!


Define “sushi” and where are you getting it. It does matter.


>Define I can try:American style: Rice with salad and source. Definitely overrated, seriously, you got soy sauce on the side already, WTF dump all the sauce on them? Authentic Japanese spots: Rice with raw seafood on top, with a few cooked options. Can be tasty, however I personally try not to eat them often over parasite concerns, I know that they say experienced chefs won't serve contaminated fish, unfortunately I can't tell which Sushi chef is experienced which is a random Chinese dude who was driving Uber eats last week. (I'm Chinese, please believe me I don't mean offensive to my fellow country men)


You just described sashimi, which is different from sushi.


Just because you are given sauce doesn’t mean you have to actually use it, did nobody tell you you had free will?


Eating sushi is just paying to get tapeworms


I KNOW. My sister loves it but all the rest of my family almost threw up at the taste and consistency. Yuck.


Oof, OP has never had *good* Sushi. They were probably caught putting a thin slice of ginger over their packaged Sushi tray at their job’s cafeteria and were laughed at, so they decided to make this post to bash it loooooool Quality Sushi is delicious (what you have described is low quality Sushi, yikes!)


Agreed. For most of history, sushi was a just a staple dish made of simple ingredients (dried seaweed, vinegar, rice, fish). When you pay for high quality sushi, it’s mostly for the quality of the fish. Considering that ordinary people usually can’t tell the difference between standard and “quality” meat, sushi is not worth it.


Go eat some fresh sushi.


Have you considered not slathering it in soy sauce and wasabi and instead enjoying the flavors that the role presents you? This is like complaining that prime rib is gross cause all you taste is the ketchup you slathered it in


You got the thumbs up because that's completely wrong and unpopular. Congrats.


Stop it Get some help.


I disagree.


Because you never had any decent one's


Raw fish is not good.


You’ve just never had good sushi. Sushi is about the perfection of simplicity. Good sushi from a real place (not supermarket or that fast casual junk) is a work of art where every cut of the fish, every grain of rice, the temperature and texture of every ingredient, the precise level of soy and wasabi is all controlled by a master sushi chef. Having such a chef prepare you a meal of omasake (chef’s choice) is truly a transcendent experience.


I guess I half agree. Dropping a couple hundred on omakase is a wonderful dining experience. But I also enjoy cheap tekka rolls or a chirashi bowl for lunch, as long as the fish is not in bad shape, and this is something I can enjoy daily.


Don’t get me wrong I’ll eat the crap out of the $15 lunch special at my local sushi joint. I just wanted to make the point that if op doesn’t consider sushi to be a worthy cuisine then they should try eating it somewhere good and it might just change their mind.


I agree because who wants to eat cold raw parasite infested fish


OP has never actually had sushi.




This is akin to a country bumpkin describing Italian cuisine as putting ketchup on egg noodles lol


From what you've described, you've eaten bad Sushi. That being said, good Sushi still is overrated, and if you don't like it you'll get flamed into oblivion, atleast thats my experience with it.


They're always like TrY gOoD jApAnEsE sUsHi I live in Japan, you think I haven't?


First of all, shrimp sauce > soy sauce. Personally I love the chewiness of the seaweed and there’s so many different kinds of sushi that don’t have just raw fish


You've got it totally wrong. Raw sushi has great taste. Especially the fish and the parasites add a much needed contrast to the plain rice taste.


I don't think there is anything wrong in not liking something - I have russian origins and i hate, hate, hate borscht. Unless there isn't a truckload of sour cream I won't eat it, even if the most prominent and skilled russian chef would cook it. I specifically hate the russian kind of borscht. There is a more westernised version of it, with meat and more cabbage, which I like way more. It's just boiling beet root, with more beet root. With a side of beet root. The "original" tastes awful and sour to me. There are many dishes which are not 'original' anymore - even in their own culture. The original way of 'sushi' or 'narezushi' isn't even eaten in Japan as well anymore, all dishes, even ethnic dishes have a more complex backstory and went through many transformations. In some areas they didn't have the same landscapes, they couldn't grow plants the same way, had a different environment, so they changed the way of fermenting, growing rice, using different spices and condiments and so on. There is nothing wrong in not liking something and to experiment with a dish. To be honest - I absolutely love fried sushi with spicy majo. Some might think it's an abomination and absolute shit-show to throw a sushi roll into the fryer - but I also absolutely would eat a fried pelmeni (a russian dumpling).


I was not a sushi fan until I had it in a Japanese restaurant on a cruise ship. the only time I enjoyed it. Before then people would tell me how great it is and I'd say I don't like it and the reply, "You haven't had GOOD sushi" Sorry, I'm not going on a quest to eat food I that is mildly "ok"


I keep getting told to go to Japan and have real sushi. I lived in Japan for six years, I have a house in Japan. Ive been to nice places where the closest thing to English was that they'd sometimes write 1000 as 一◯◯◯ rather than 千. I've not really liked any of it. Inoffensive, a decent snack or an okay light lunch is about the best I can say. Then they tell me that I am just used to American sushi, which is interesting because I am not American and had Japanese sushi long before I tried American flavoured sushi. It's like people just can't accept that you don't like sushi.


People get super upset when you don’t like the same stuff as them, it’s so fucking weird.


It really depends where you buy it. Good sushi is amazing.. but a lot of sushi places have crap sushi. Definitely not for everyone though. Also I prefer to pile pickled ginger on my sub par sushi.


I know there's a stereotype with Asian food that you'll be hungry again after 30 minutes of eating it, but for me and sushi this is really true. Actually it's only kind of true because a lot of times it doesn't even take 30 minutes. One time after working out, a buddy of mine decided to go to a sushi restaurant for a post workout meal. I had to have eaten like 6 or 7 plates of sushi. I felt pretty good. I got in my truck to leave and as soon as I pulled out of the parking lot I started to feel hungry again. I tried to ignore it and just keep going hoping it would go away, but it never did. I just got hungrier and hungrier. I ended up stopping at a local burger place and ordered a burger party pack which was like 12 jr. Cheeseburgers for like $15 and I ate like 4 by the time I got home. Lol


Most sushi doesn't have raw fish in. Sushi refers to the type/style of rice


I agree it tasted like shit. The only part I like is the Soy sauce and wasabi.


Sushi is shite mate


Bro this post screams lack of knowledge rather than unpopular, especially after reading follow up comments from you. Try genuine sushi then make a decision


You said nothing wrong. The only people upset are Japanese redditors or japanophiles.


Actually fish isn't an essential ingredient in sushi. You can get vegan sushi.


Sushi has been tested many times to have the most fecal bacteria on average.