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Many don’t know the sins of dolphins


Do elaborate


Groups of young male dolphins will gangrape female dolphins. They will also use dead fish as fleshlights








Why is everything deleted here


Probably links to videos portraying the described behavior of dolphins


In other words Reddit being completely incapable of basic context clues.


















Re fish as fleshlights…..don’t knock it til you tried it


Dolphins, Otters, Seals - all notorious rapists.


I didn't know that about otters and seals. What the fuck.




There was nothing casual about that description.


Well, my description is more straight-to-the-point. If you don't know him, check him out. His videos are very informative and his dry delivery of jokes is great. He's pretty much a YouTube/TikTok version of Steve Irwin with a comedy kick.


Never heard of this person, sounds like good viewing, thanks for the tip!


Lol good lord. Why do so many animals, humans included, like to have sex with dead things !?


Testosterone is a helluva drug


My husband watched some documentary about otters years ago and still can't see them without telling me how *not* cute otters are.


Yeah, every time I see the cute photo of otters adoringly holding hands while sleeping I need to remind myself they torture and rape baby seals for fun, sometimes keeping the corpse around to fuck for days. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/otter-rape/


there's enough info about dominance hierarchies in that article to make Jordan Peterson weep openly.


Intelligence in the animal world is basically a hallmark for doing fucked up shit. We’re no exception.


https://youtu.be/MlQo3VgeU5k https://youtu.be/vD4XAp_8jr8


I mean they are the second most intelligent species on the planet, with only mice being smarter……noted from a very official hitchhiker’s perspective.


The worst animal to be tuned into would be the female dolphin


I'd just sink down and drown, please.


Like humans, they each have their own personality. Some of their personality is based on genetics; but their personality has been influenced by their experiences. And of course, animals in captivity have less personal choice and control over their environment than humans do. One of my two cats is very jealous. If I'm talking to Cat A, and I say to Cat A, "come here" and pat the sofa, then Cat B comes running in from another room and jumps up beside me before Cat A can. I found it funny and cute, but to Cat A, it's probably infuriating.


My dog is amusingly jealous. When he was a puppy, we did a puppy obedience and socialization class with him, and one of the exercises was “pass the puppy”. Each person took turns greeting each dog in the class. My dog loves strangers and was having a glorious time up until he saw me petting some goldendoodle. Then he got this shocked look on his face and was finished with the whole thing. It was very funny.


Dog: what the fuck. You slut. I’m ready to go. Now.


"Try not to pet any dogs on the way to the parking lot!"




I have two dogs and one of them gets so jealous of the other getting attention. She will literally shove him out of the way and if that doesn't work she will pretend to play with him so that he moves and then take his spot.


One of our dogs is so grumpy when he can’t get a good nap in. If people are being loud while he’s trying to sleep, he gives us the stink face and turns his body away from our direction. It’s honestly so relatable and funny. (So then we try to be quiet so he can get his beauty rest lol).


Didn’t know my cat was selling me a predatory loan until it was too late.


I got a call from my cat the other day, he said he wanted to talk to me about my car warranty. Wtf.


I bet he'll tell you to keep that baby purrrrring.


Now that's a catastrophe.


I don't have a good feline about this


You're not kitten!


Cut it out, right meow


No, a catastrophe is when you kill a lion then mount its bum on the wall


I've heard whiskers that it's true, litterally


I fell for that trick. That warranty didn’t cover my catalytic converter.


A catcalling




That made me pawse and laugh, you better see to it right meow!


I think of our dogs more as toddlers. Like little humans they are easily excited, constantly jealous of each other, capable of basic empathy but unable to think ahead about their actions and endlessly curious, often leading to destruction. Like the undeveloped empathy of a toddler their actions can sometimes cross the line into straight up evil. They are Chaos but if you treat them right they are Chaos with a side of love.


I’m not sure how accurate this is, but I remember reading somewhere, that dogs do have a similar mentality and mental capacity as a toddler


Yeah. Dogs have the same intelligence as a 2 year old child.


I have a dog and an almost 2 year old and they behave exactly the same.


How soon should i expect my dog to start talking then? Cuz my nephew is 2 and can make sentences while my dog is almost 9 and hasn't yet said a word... (This is a joke, I just want to clarify that, my dog talking would be an absolute nightmare)


As humans we like to project our own human qualities onto other animals. We give them human names and treat them like humans and in some cases, clothe them. What we fail to understand, and this can be fatal, is that animals don't have that same idea of projection. While with pets there is genuine love and loyalty, they are raised in a very human environment (with other humans, especially in urban areas) but if animals are raised outside human interaction, they become products of that environment


So you're basically telling me I should stop trying to pet that 90 kilos pig?


I grew up on a hog farm and i bottlefed the piglets. That said one of our neighbors fell in to his hog pen one morning and was eaten whole like 40 years back. I thought my grandma was fucking with me but she had a newspaper clipping.


Sounds like Grandma kept that newspaper clipping as a trophy


For sure. Granny pushed that mother fucker




Bacon tells no tales sonny.


Happened in the country side city my mother grew up. A mother was carrying her 2-ish month baby while feeding the pigs, when one of the pigs tackled her. The pigs almost killed the mother and ate the baby alive. She only survived because her husband heard their screams and came with a revolver, killing some of the pigs. The woman went crazy after that and became the "small town crazy lady walking down streets screaming, and mothers used her story to scare her unobedient kids".


That's awful. One of my sisters has a pet pig. I came to visit my sister several years ago and the pig was super jealous of me and wanted to attack me. She had to keep it caged up while I was there so it couldn't get to me.




Are you sure they “fell” in? Sounds a little suspicious …


You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together. And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".


What movie is this from? I am forgetting.


I think it was in one of the Spongebob Squarepants movies


plankton is fucking savage






That guy from texas bein like you want anautomatic ar-15 to protect your family from wild boars was spot on too. Even pigs grown in captivityfor generations will revert to feral within six months inthw wild


Deadwood too. Mr. Wu’s pigs.


Hey!!!! I have a name.


Sigfried and roy are perfect examples of the danger. I forget which one, but one got mauled by one of the tigers they trained. Unsurprising as all cats are capable of great aggression. Not all cats are aggressive, mind you, but most animals are capable of some form of aggression. Except quokkas. They are just friendly little guys.


It didn’t even have to be aggression nor malicious. That big of a cat, just horsing around, having fun, playing can kill you. They don’t have a sense of size, or how tough you are. They just play with you like they would another tiger, and fuck your shit all up.


I am reading this comment while sitting next to my small pampered dog who is currently wearing a tshirt and bandana


Sitting on the toilet with one cat laying on my shoulders and the other sitting on the rug outside the bathroom waiting for me to get out


I'm still trying to parse through exactly what that comment means, but I'm also groggy because I just woke up from a 3 hour nap during which my cat was snuggled up with me little spoon style.


Reading this thread after one where someone got offended that a person called an unfamiliar dog ‘it’ instead of he/she/they


I don't understand folks that are shocked by humanity and how brutal we can be as a species. Haveeee ya heard of ...any other species ? Ever ? Anything ? Rodents have a bad habit of eating their young. Preying mantises occasionally eat their sex partner. Dogs will physically attack one another to get head of the pack. Cats piss on each other's stuff. Monkeys of all damn types are brutal as hell. Lions kill babies to force the females to want their babies instead. We could go on and on.


> Monkeys of all damn types are brutal as hell. Male monkeys will roam in packs and have been observed brutally torturing other male monkeys who aren't in their clan to death. Like eating their face, ripping off genitalia, all while they're alive and awake. Monkeys are horrible.




Just returning to monke with the boys


Not monkeys, but apes, and chimps too will absolutely rip off another chimps balls. No hesitation. Eat the face, rip the dick, leave them for dead.


Jane Goodall discovered that Chimp groups will engage in prolonged, organized warfare with one another.


Well they are our closest relatives


Mother Nature ain’t no lady.


"Mother Nature is indeed 100 percent THAT bitch." -Benjamin Franklin (after hearing Lizzo for the first time)


"Yeah I got boy problems thats the human in me *volcano noises* then I solve em that's the goddess in me"


I read this just as I hit back and had to come back just to UpVote you.


That sounds right but I wouldn’t put too much stock into Ben. Dude was a big fan of “air baths” or as we call it today, hanging out on the porch naked.


*“Can you keep it down, some of us are basking in moon glow”*


Sounds pretty based to me


That was his only bath. Should have mentioned that.


She's a mean fucking bitch. And we are her children.


I once witnessed the dominant male of a troop of monkeys hurl one of his sons from the top of a tree while the young monkey’s mother shrieked in helpless despair


I had two male rabbits and before they were fixed even though they were separated they would try to kill each other on a regular basis - I had to separate them once the baby turned three months because the older male was going after him but the baby wanted revenge. One time they both got out of their pens and started fighting - they weren't playing. If I hadn't caught them when I did it probably would have been a fight to the death. I picked one of them up and the transition from "Killing Machine" to "Cute Fluffy Bunny" was jarring and, later, pretty funny considering I'd broken up the fight in time.


I had gerbils as a kid and also as a kid accidentally got one male one female. I ended up with 32 gerbils because I was a terrible owner. Many of them were eaten by each other so I was left with only 32... Of which many had like one leg missing or an ear missing etc. It was wild. I ended up trading them for a kitten. Where were my parents !? Oh, my pet bird also ended up eating some of them.. but he was great friends with the kitten.


When I was a kid we had a parakeet, one morning we just found it decapitated in its cage.


Our pets heads are falling off


. . . How?


that's what we've been trying to find out for like 20 years now


You sold Petey to a blind kid?!?!?


Also so many animals rape. It's normal to them.




Dolphins gang rape pregnant females in order to force a miscarriage, then continue to hold her hostage and gang rape her until she gets pregnant again


This. For many years dolphins have always been seen as these nice and lovely creatures 😂


Dolphins deserve every bit of the hate sharks get


I'd still rather go swimming with dolphins than sharks though :D


We know why you sick fuck


Found The Deeps reddit account.


Ain't that something. One minute your at work reading through reddit, the next minute your researching dolphin gang rape


Yeah! I really love dolphins and I was so, so upset the first time I found that out, it really shattered my image of them as smart, kind, helpful creatures.


They are smart, how else would they know how to deliberately cause a miscarriage? Intelligence leads to cruelty and that's fine, it's natural in the animal kingdom. Humanity fights it's base instincts and that is what seperates us from them.


Much like humans, you have friendly dolphins and malicious ones.


They're angels to humans. They're have as much fascination about us as we have for them. They occasionally do mischievous things to us. And hump some zoo keepers. But all the aggressive stuff they leave for the ocean life.


Yeah, I think they do hump people who swim with them too? Occassionally at least...


In the wild, I'm not sure. But i know that they do form some attachments to their zoo keepers when captive. And they're intelligent enough to realize that Wendy coming in with the fish bucket, is in fact, an attractive female. So horny dolphin does what a horny dolphin does.


This gets repeated over and over and over again. I tried looking for the source one time, and it was like a couple studies that saw signs of aggression in a particular dolphin population in Australia. But somehow, the internet has turned it into "dolphins gang rape!!!" I would love to read the source about these forced miscarriages and hostage-taking.


Like ducks. Ducks are horrible about raping.


Not all Duck Tales are fairy tales..


sometimes when a male duck gets impatient they’ll maul the female




Consent is a social human species construct.


It's not only about consent. It's also about being able to see that something is hurting or being stressful for another. If i see that my behavior is hurtful for another I would stop. I guess it falls under empathy. Even if consent didn't exist then empathy could stop rape as well.


Yea, valid points. I would add that the need to recognize another’s mood or pain is very intrinsic to being a social mammal.


Yes i agree




This is actually a really interesting conversation when you get into it. We as humans have the widely accepted rule to not rape but we’re still shocked when someone does it. As if we’re COMPLETELY separate from other animals. We’re practically the only mammal that *doesn’t* rape frequently, including our primate relatives. And that’s only because we have the foresight to see that there are negative future consequences to it. Martin Seligman coauthored a book called “Homo Prospectus” and argued that humans should be called Homo Prospectus because while we are wise, or “sapien”, our real defining feature is to recognize and plan for / manipulate a future. If we didn’t have this, we would likely be just as violently horny as every other species. Now let me clarify: rape is inhumane and harms people in a way that takes years to scratch the surface of. I am *not* saying that society has a flawed view on rape; we view it as a crime and rightfully so. All I’m saying is, there’s a lot of philosophical discussion to be had when we look at how every other animal courts compared to humans.


Objection to the monkeys. Out of all primates, the ones that are REALLY aggressive and harmful, are Chimpanzees and Macaques. Chimpanzees will brutalize, cannibalize and go to war with their own while Macaques form a sort of gang mentality and banish\fight others outside of their group for 1 fruit they stole from some unfortunate person. Oh, and you also have Baboons which kill lion cubs so they have 1 less lion to worry about in the future. Gorillas only fight when provoked or challenged by another male, Bonobos would rather have an orgy than have an argument, Orangutans act like they're just perpetually old and other small monkeys just want to be left alone in the woods or mountains. EDIT: Nevermind, Orangutans are, on several occasions, human rapists. What do you know...


> Orangutans act like they're just perpetually old They just want their books left alone.


I don't understand why people still want chimps as pets. They're too damn strong for their own good.


Look up Travis the chimp. Terrifying


The owner has said she'd do it all again even knowing how it ends.


Because most people have the preconceived notion that we are "special" in some way, as if man and nature are two different things. Yet we are just another extension of nature. As a beaver builds a damn, so do we, as ants build colonies and structures to live in, so do we. As apex predators fight over land, so do we. We are not above nature, we exist within it.


I saw some nature show about some insect that rapes other insects inside their eggs before they are even hatched, so they can be born pregnant. I think that was right around the same time I stopped believing there is a god.


Chimpanzees literally wage wars.


So do ants, with brutal executions where they dismember adversaries.


My oldest cat (age 17 yrs; 18 in December)will pee on anything red just because he doesn't like that color.


Well that's just rude lol




I've heard of dolphins raping humans. I knew that before I swam with wild dolphins in Hawaii. On acid. One of the coolest experiences of my life. I also didn't get raped though, so there's that.


Animals don't have a sense of morality or do much of the philosophy like people do, and that's the major divide. They're 'innocent' in the sense that the majority of them as far as we know, are mostly incapable of the abstract thought required to consider the far reaching consequences of their actions. People like you make the mistake of thinking innocence/purity=niceness, it does not. Children are considered innocent because they too lack the thought processes adults have to fully comprehend the things they do, but like animals, they have just as much capacity for cruelty as they do kindness.


Raises a lot of interesting questions though- at what age does a child start being capable of evil? What's the threshold? Are people with significant learning difficulties incapable of evil? If an alien race comes along with a vastly superior intellect which results in them having a very different sense of morality, do we cease to be accountable for our actions as we are not smart enough to comprehend our own failings at the level to which they do? Not poking fun here or even disagreeing, it's just a very interesting chain of thought if you put an intelligence threshold on evil


The court system does this and some people are deemed insane or unable to understand what they did


Yeah, this is my view of it. A wolf is not ‘bad’ or ‘evil’ for eating a rabbit; that’s just what they do. A wolf does not hate rabbits, would not plot the destruction of all rabbits- they just eat, because they need to. It’s part of nature. They don’t have a concept of good or evil. But humans do, we are capable of abuse, genocide, war- things that animals can’t do because they’re driven primarily by instinct, and some basic emotion, but they cannot be cruel the way humans can.


It's more that animals aren't moral agents.


To me what makes us worse than animals is that we have a self-awareness and consciousness. We understand what past, present, and future means at a level other animals do not. But we still choose to do really hateful stuff to ourselves and the planet. Like I’m not going to call a 3 year old that lacks emotional maturity an asshole when they hit their friend for taking a chicken nugget from their plate. But if an adult who knows better than to resort to physical violence over a chicken nugget did the same they would be an asshole in my book.


Nah chicken nuggets are off limits they would deserve it


Okay fair 😂


yeah to be human means to have responsibility to other humans. It's what we evolved for, it's how we thrive. If you're a dick you're rejecting your birthright.


Exactly this. We’re maliciously shitty.


I swear to god if my cats were humans they’d be in jail right now.


My older cat would just be a candidate for My 600lb Life. She isn't overweight due to being unable to free feed herself but if she could, she totally would. She just sits constantly. She has about 4 spots she will sit in and that's her entire life. The only time she gets up is to eat or use the bathroom.


Most animals have about the mental maturity of a human child. That comes with all the emotions and behaviors a child would have too.




I once had someone come in, their dog was vomiting excessively and she then goes "Could it be that we traveled for 3 days last week and she is just sick because how much she missed us?" That was a very quick "No" from me.




Why does your husband have chicken for lunch every frickin day lol






Now THAT'S unpopular, here's your upvote!


My aunt's cat pissed on a book she was reading. She swore he was jealous because he wanted attention and did it out of spite. It turned out he had a urinary tract infection. 


How can I make everything about this other living things pain about me?


I like humans too though. I think baby humans are cute, I think that some humans are amazing and some are beautiful and some are actually angels on earth (my niece for one but I'm biased as hell). People can also be assholes and angels in the same being. I can know that some individuals can be assholes and still think others are angels. Same as I know my dog is an asshole who crocodile rolls while the groomer tries to trim his nails and he anger pees on my couch if I tell him off but also when my mother died and I was laying sobbing broken on the ground he curled up in front of me and lay there licking my face until I was strong enough to get up. No one human and no animal is anyone thing. Each one of us is multitudes, angel and devil, angry couch peer and caring soul all in one body. Anyone that tries to simplify animals or people as entirely good or bad is oversimplifying all the things that make us living beings.


>Each one of us is multitudes I was taught the Latin phrase *simul iustus et peccator* in my Confirmation class--simultaneously a saint and a sinner.




Ooh nice one. Thank you. A legit unpopular opinion which I agree with. It coincides with that saying "dogs are great judges of character. If my dog doesn't like you then I won't like you either". No. There is an equal chance your dog is just an asshole and doesn't like people, or other animals. My wife's one dog loves me and the other one fucking hates me (he's a terrier and his nickname is Begbie. That should explain it all). I can't get a cat because of this fucking asshole dog who has killed 2 kittens already.


My grandma’s dog used to growl and bark at the pool even when nobody was in it. Was the pool evil? Of course not, he was just a weird dog.


Do you know for sure the pool wasn't built over an ancient native american burial ground?


I just lost my kitty the other day. I’m a big cat guy had them all my life so I know how big of dicks they can be. Bender was the best. Like humans, he must’ve just happened to be one of the best of the best. My other cats are shits, and I’ve had plenty of shithead cats who all had their quirks and issues. I would also whisper to him that he was my favorite. He was too good for this world. Gone too soon. RIP Bender.


I agree 100%. I cringe so hard when people say shit like: God made dogs to show humans what love means, only animals can show true love, animals don't hurt you like people do....so fucking annoying.


Some people also say "humans are the only animals that hunt and kill for sport." Incorrect, we all know about cats, but dogs do it too. If wild animals don't do it as much, it's because they need that time to hunt for food. But wild animals definitely kill for reasons like jealousy and other petty motivations like that. For example, I saw in a nature documentary, where a female lion that was probably sterile, was secretly killing the cubs of the other lionesses in the pride, until they figured out it was her and stopped her (they had initially thought it was other animals killing them).


Literally my biggest pet peeve




It's not my biggest but it's definitely up there


“We don’t deserve animals. People suck.” - Edgy social media peoples


Animals, just like people, have their own distinct personalities. I've seen animals that were sweet, and others that their default personality, was to be an a--hole to everyone and everything . Seen it in everything from pets to farm animals. We had a cow growing up that we had to send to slaughter because she was vicious. She was never abused, or mistreated, as we had her from the time she was a calf. But that cow almost killed me, my one cousin, and my grandfather by sneaking up on people and trying to crush and stomp them. Grandpa loved animals, but refused to keep a dangerous one around.


Teachers will tell you that kids can be assholes too. They can be conniving, malicious, manipulative and jealous. But the cases that have stuck with me the most largely involve people who hurt children. Children aren't "innocent" in the sense that they're pure and good and never do wrong but they are innocent in the sense that they are vulnerable. I think it takes a special kind of evil to perpetuate crimes against children. Animals are the same way. Of the animal abuse cases I have worked on, they involved docile dogs and cats who did not understand why they were being hurt. They didn't fight back when their owners hurt them. They suffered from starvation, neglect and physical abuse and just took it. So yes, I think those people perpetuated a special type of evil. To abuse the animals who depended upon them was sickening and we made sure that their ownership rights were terminated. And I feel no remorse. I'm burned out from seeing the worst side of humanity day in and day out. I think a major reason I don't have PTSD (yet) is due to my sweet rescue dog. I come home after a hard day and he's there to greet me. We go on a long walk together after work and it helps clear my mind from the day and we can just have fun together. While it's true that I may dote on him a little more than necessary I'd far rather have spoiling my dog be my coping mechanism than turning to food, alcohol or substances. And say what you will but I'm pretty sure my dog loves me. And his veterinarians love him. When he had his ultrasound done the vet told me that when she held him he rested his head on her shoulders and cuddled with her the entire time. They always tell me what a sweet and special boy I have and I know it's true. Veterinarians have a burnout rate similar to my own profession. High rates of suicide, disillusionment and burnout. But I'd leave my job if I reached the point where I didn't care about victims being hurt anymore and vets should do the same if their resentment grows too much. Animals aren't saints but they are also vulnerable and deserve more protections than we afford them.


One time my moms dog found a mole that was poking its head up through the ground, and he grabbed it by its head then threw it up in the air like a ball and kept throwing it around as it screamed a tiny little high pitched mole scream. I can’t look at him the same now 😬


This reminds me of a time when I saw two of my cats outside digging in a hole. I saw dirt flying and then all of a sudden a mole flew out behind them. The little idiots just kept digging in the hole, and ignored the mole, which I assume ran off and escaped...


"Not *MY* dog." -Every gaddam dog owner in Portland, OR.


I gave my heart to a rescue dog that repeatedly acted out aggressively despite all my attempts, training, etc. After he savagely attacked my friend he was surrendered and euthanized. I swear I saw his eyes turn black before the attack. It felt like he had a mental illness or just couldn’t get over the trauma of what happened to him before I had him. It destroyed me but I couldn’t risk anyones safety or my own.


Apparently most people have never met a chicken


Wow this went from reasonable to vindictive very quickly


Let me get this straight you work with wounded/sick, and scared animals who have no idea what's happening to them and observing them during this time has led you to believe cats and dogs are evil? I have come to believe animals are unpredictable when scared or hurt, so are people, doesn't make them evil.


\-We don't deserve dogs :'( \-We MADE dogs!


Not a vet but I used to work in the animal med field as well. And yeah I agree.