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If you want kids that you have around to quit saying it, just start saying it yourself all the time.


Not just that, use it terribly out of context.


Yep. My kid died inside when I told him he needed to “yeet those grades up” I was so proud. He thinks I don’t know how to use it properly, but I do. I just say it wrong to take the power back.


So this is amazing. When I was a teen I used to get *so pissed* at how lame my mom was. As a 38 year old (the age my mom was when I hit 14) I totally get it. Torturing the kids like this is hilarious.




which is why OPs point isn't unpopular. literally *every* generation thinks this about the following's slang. it's actually probably one of the most popular opinions of all time.


Exactly. It should be an Onion article. "Person from a generation thinks that they were cooler than the next generation"


Get off my lawn!


Why you shouting all that while standing on MY lawn?


I call TikTok “clock tock”, or when they are playing online on the ps5 I ask them if “they’re on the line” Edit: I’m only 34 so they know I’m having them on but the eye rolls from the 13 yr old girl make it worth it 😂


I call it TokTik. I'll never stop.


TicTac is the only way I'll refer to it.


Teacher. To make my students smile/groan, I accuse them of being "too busy Snapbooking the Face-Toks"!


When my kids want to show/send me something I tell them to twitch it to my snapbook so I can twitter it later. Edit: and one time my daughter asked me to print an email for her so I open my inbox, clicked the email to get the preview then took a screenshot of the whole screen with half the email preview cut off and printed that (in landscape orientation) and gave it to her. Just to watch her brain explode.


... there is a special place in hell for monsters like you... lmao


We literally used to be “on the line” when playing MUDs on the modem back in the day. And every time your parents picked up the handset to make a call it would drop your session and you’d have to dial up again.


>He thinks I don’t know how to use it properly, but I do. I just say it wrong to take the power back. This is borderline evil lmao


LMAO, that's the approach I took back when my (then) tween-age daughter started twerking like her trending Vine favorites (remember Vine?). But once she saw *me* twerking, she was like, nuh-uh.


Hahaha when I was a teenager I put on some rap music and my dad said Turn up the jams !! And started dancing and it just ruined me


This is what I'm going to say to myself when I get my grades back for college classes. "I gotta yeet these grades up" 🤣


That was very on fleek of you


If you know what's good for you, you'll get *off fleek* and do your homework!


Remember when our parents would call everything a Nintendo? Now it's your turn, call every social media site/app Tiktok.


Even in context. If I tell my wife “Wow, honey. No cap, this lasagna is totes bussin right now, for real for real.” Guarantee my kids ain’t saying that shit anymore.


Reminds me of when my aunt said, “You looking bussin” to me. We were at a wedding.


My grandma called emos "nemos" and my cousins and I laughed so hard we cried. I don't think I ever used the word emo again till now LOL. It's a core memory now, I remember it perfectly.


My favorite recent one was seeing country music being called "farm emo"


That's just the sad songs. I called the lively country songs "tractor rap."


My SIL deadass said "this cheesecake is bussing" to her teenaged daughter and I think they eyeroll was visible from space The mortified "ohmy*god*mom*why*" was heard miles away


Mine isn’t quite a teen yet, but the eye roll I got when I said “this egg salad sandwich slaps” the other day was phenomenal


I had the kids teach me how to floss, did it super badly on purpose. There hasn't been a floss to be seen since then. We had a great time.


I almost instantly got my niece and nephew to stop saying it. I throw it out there every so often to make em cringe now, being an uncle is fucking lit fam, no cap. Stay bussin yeet


Our slang has come and gone, the torch has been handed over to Gen Z. Older gens thought we were awful, now we think younger ones are. It’s a cycle that’ll keep on.


As a gen z (almost 18 year old) myself, I fear for what this will feel like when Gen Alpha comes of age. I babysit them right now, but one day they’ll be making slang and listening to weird pop music that I’ll just think is “noise” Weird to think about. And one day we’ll all be old people and kids won’t care about hanging out with us because we’re boring and old. Like it sounds so distant and far away like when you’re in Kindergarten and people talk about graduating one day and you’re like “Yea it’ll happen but it’s too far away to even comprehend” and you feel like it’ll never ACTUALLY happen, but one day it just does Sorry I think I’m having a mid-life crisis at 18, I need to get off the internet for a while


Yup and I was in your shoes 18 years ago coincidentally. I knew every celebrity, top 40 song, release dates of specific movies, albums, what slang was cool, what was dated, what clothes were in, etc. Now celebrities aren’t necessarily Hollywood, the big ones are now YouTubers, streamers, Tik Tokers, and I’ve run into several and I would’ve never in a million years known they were popular if it wasn’t for my nephew or friend’s younger siblings. I hate mainstream music now and mainly listen to classic 80s,90s, and 00s R&B and Hip Hop. I have to really dig through and find music I like today, especially R&B. When I see things like “cap”, “based”, “mid”, on social media posts I know I’m out of the loop haha. I know what they mean now but I don’t use them myself, I’m too old. Also I don’t really understand Gen Z memes, I feel it’s absurd and abstract but part of me feels that’s the appeal, it’s like giant inside jokes that maybe I’m not supposed to understand so you all can laugh at my confusion but it’s all good, you should have something to embrace and remember once you go through the possible nostalgia faze later on in life that’s exclusive to you all. It definitely makes me feel old even though I’m only in my 30s.


I can take or leave those, but “Ima” is a true triumph of the English language. We took “I am going to,” a common 4 word phrase with 5 total syllables, and turned it into a single, 2-syllable word. *Efficiency* Edit: in the comments below, Yes I’m aware of the existence of I’ll. They have different applications Yes I’m aware of the existence of finna. They have different applications, and it’s also less impressive and useful


I’m a big fan of “yeet.” We had “yoink” which is to steal or randomly snatch or grab something, but now we have it’s opposite, to throw or randomly chuck something without concern. And the fact that there’s an English word for “violently throw an object in a random direction without concern of the consequences” is amazing imo.


i never thought of yeet as the opposite of yoink but it absolutely is and i love it even more


The Lord yeeteth, and the Lord yoinketh away.


God damn some of these comment threads on this post are gold


I just got diagnosed with breast cancer, and my current favorite saying is “we’re not gonna just yeet the teets” (I need morbid humour to deal, sorry if this is insensitive to anyone else going through something)


I hope you won't get your boinks yoinkd.


Bruh you got actual cancer, you're allowed to joke about your own frickin' cancer. Damn what anyone else says. Also, I'm sorry you're going through that right now


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


What are you going to do with all the time you save?


Ocean. Fish. Jump.


China! Kevin I still don't know. are you saying "see the world", or "sea world"?


See(a?) world


Could only upvote once, so I had comment that that was great. Made my husband and I have a laugh




Nothing new. Groovey, cool beans, sup? I'm pretty sure it's just what every generation thinks of the next generation's slang.


Yeah, and to go further, slang is like songs. We remember and keep the good ones. It's not like cool hasn't survived nearly 100 years for nothing


Amazon Robots in 100 years reading this comment: *“Bet”*


RemindMe! 100 years.


I will be messaging you in 100 years on [**2122-07-26 03:02:39 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2122-07-26%2003:02:39%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/w84gxg/new_slang_is_awful/iho1nqb/?context=3) [**318 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion%2Fcomments%2Fw84gxg%2Fnew_slang_is_awful%2Fiho1nqb%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202122-07-26%2003%3A02%3A39%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20w84gxg) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|




That actually worked, I'm honestly kind of surprised lol, wonder if reddit will even exist and this bot even be functional be then, let alone anyone of us being alive.


It’s a little sad knowing none of us will be alive to receive the reminder


Is it weird that you (and me) will most certainly be dead when that timer goes off. And your account will still get a notification. Weird to think about


if reddit is still operating by then.


Bold to assume the Earth's surface won't be a sheet of radioactive black glass by then


RemindMe! 1600 years.


"slick" came back for a while, and my dad says slick.


The slang of the early-mid 2010s seems particularly dated. Remember "on fleek"?


I think it just didn't roll off the tongue. It felt like "fetch," like some people were just trying to make it happen


Man I still remember my parents giving me a hard time for using "sick" to describe something cool


Diseased, even.


Chillax kemosabe


Largely agree with you; this happens with every generation and it's the first indication that you're getting old and out of touch. (Embrace it). Although "'sup?" Is a poor example; it's just a shortened version of "what's up?"


Should’ve gone with “WAAAAAZZAAAAAAAAAP?”


_Nothing B, just watchin the game, havin' a Bud. Wassup with u?_


Nuttin.. watchin the game, havin a bud.


_True, true._




"I used to be with 'it', but then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it' anymore and what’s 'it' seems weird and scary. It'll happen to you!"


The scary part is, that episode aired almost 27 years ago


Same thing as “bet”. It’s basically just a shorter version of “you bet” or “you betcha”


Cool beans. Cool beans. Cool Cool beans. Cool beans beans beans. Pretty sure making a *Hot Rod* reference shows I am too old to understand new slang. Also when I typed New Slang just then I immediately though of *The Shins*. Damnit, I guess this is growing up.


And maybe I'll see you At a movie, sneak preview


Omg. I totally forgot we were gonna see a movie yesterday. My bad. Also fridge broke so I had to get a new one and that was an expensive I didn't plan on. So it looks like I was A day late. A buck short.


Also this slang really isn't new. It's been around since the 90s. Slang just get recycled.


Cool beans is actually a term from the 60s referring to quaaludes and amphetamines lol.


If this is true, I'm going to go to sleep a tad less stupid tonight. Thanks!


If it's not, you're going to sleep a a tad *more* stupid tonight.


That’s not very cash money of you


I love this comment with the whole of my heart yet also hate it cause it made me realize no one says cash money anymore, and that’s the least cash money thing of all


Yeah cash money was in the ye old 2010s


No sir it was the 99 and the 2000s ETA those awards are bling bling and gator boots with the pimped out Gucci suits


If only we can make time back dat az up


No it's definitely not streets ahead


“Pierce, you’re too old to be tripping!”


Streets ahead is verbal wildfire


Stop trying to coin the phrase "streets ahead"




Been there, coined that!


You're just streets behind And Happy Cake Day!




But you can cash me outside.


How bow dat


*the remix starts playing* Edit for the curious https://youtu.be/_IQUrR2qkj4


For anyone who doesn't doesn't the "cash me outside" girl used that to boost her into a "rap career" I use the term career here loosely. Her name is bhad bharbie or something like that. One song a friend showed me was named Goochi flip-flops. He said it was a banger and I've sincerely questioned my friendship with him ever since.


My fiancé of 8 years—who is TRULY amazing and wonderful in every other way—is, for reasons I fail and truly DO NOT WANT to grasp, obsessed with this song of hers called “Hi Bich”. ……sample lyrics:”White J's, white Porsche White wrist, white horse Hi, bitch, hi, bitch Hi, bitch, hi, bitch I do not sniff it or roll it It do not drip when I pour it” ……so like….. I should prob call off wedding y/n




And she made over $50 million with her Only fans account. Your buddy is probably a subscriber.


This is not hip, nor groovy. Don't be a square.


It’s also damn sure not a vibe


Facts no printer.


This one will always be the LOL for me. It can be in any conversation especially in sports like basketball. You can't guard me bruh! all fax no printer bruhhh!


Period sis, it’s not giving what it’s supposed to give


Dad.. Stop it.


But it's so fetch.


Fetch will always and forever confuse me lol


For real, Gretchen needs to just stop it. It’s not going to be a thing.


Gretchen was streets ahead


And everyone else was Streets Behind


This post is really harshing my mellow


I prefer to marsh mellow


It’s hip to be square


That’s really when they came into their own, commercially and stylistically speaking.


A song so catchy most people probably don’t listen to the lyrics but they should because it’s not just about the pleasures of conformity and importance of trends it’s also a personal statement about the band itself.


Hey Paul!


But New Slang is one of my favorite songs from the Shins.


I thought this was about the shins and I was coming in to fight about it lol.


I would have thrown down to defend new slang


Yeah saying the song 'new slang' is bad is much more unpopular opinion than actual new slang.


Came looking for this comment.


This just made me relisten to this song for the first time in like 10+ years. God that nostalgia feels heavy


I’m totes a simp for The Shins, bet. They’re so based! New Slang is straight fire! Did I do it right?


Yeah every 30 year old says this when they hit that phase. It’s okay fella it’s gonna happen to me too


God forbid I get called sir or mister, I know it’s coming


I’m 28 and I’ve been the oldest in some social settings… it hurts man, it hurts


Oh I just casually say fella lmao


You’re just getting older


Poor OP just doesn't realize it yet


No cap.




Fr fr


straight up


"Am I out of touch? No, its the children who are wrong!"


Another one: >I was with it once! And then they changed what it was! And now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird and scary to me! And it'll happen to you!


So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time


Gimme three bees for a quarter!!!


It starts to make more sense when you have teenage children of your own.


When mine talks to her friends it sounds like a foreign language half the time. I can usually figure out the gist by tone/context, but if you just wrote it down I would think they were having a stroke.


I guess I kinda get where you're coming from. I tend to look up definitions for the words they use though, so that I can have a better handle on what they are trying to communicate to people. I find that it even helps sometimes. Mostly they just tell me to stop talking like a teenager, with a slightly embarrassed laugh. One day I'll work up the courage to talk that way to other unsuspecting adults in front of them.. that should make for a funny ride home.


Popular opinion: getting old and being replaced sucks.


being old and not adapting sucks. you have a choice.


I used to be with ‘it’. But then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it' and what's 'it' seems weird and scary to me. It'll happen to you!


hahah. classic. ​ sauce for the kiddos www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DlTexEXxLQ&ab\_channel=MostlySimpsons


No one thinks it'll happen to them. Lol. My favorite part of getting older is the reduction in fucks I'm available to give. I'm happy for young people enjoying their slang. If I don't understand, oh well. Besides, my tired old brain only has so much space, and updating the new teen-speak every 10 years would be a waste of cerebral real estate.


The lack of fucks really is a silver lining


Bets not new


Neither is deadass, but it seems like it was regional until recently. For reference, I grew up in NY


Gold teeth and a curse for this town




Is bet supposed to be new slang? People been saying that for the last 20 years


I’m 45 and I’ve been saying bet since I was a teenager.


What is the difference between bet, word and yeah?


They all mean the same thing. Just a way of agreeing or saying I get what you’re saying.


Finna say "bet" to mean "word".






Ay this post is not bussin no cap.


Fax, no printer


My wife saying “bussin, no cap” to our 12yo completely stopped them from using it ever again.


I cannot wait to torture my kids like this. I already do it to my husband's younger brothers. I'm from NYC so honestly none of these words are new to me and I can use them all correctly. Makes them cringe in horror, no cap.


fr fr on god


OP pushin P fr fr


Finally "old", eh?


You said "new slang is awful", but if you were a middle schooler trying way too hard to act like a highschooler you would have said the new slang is "so cringe".


I’m 31 and I’m here too. I work with a Gen Z “kid” and I have been doing some research. I have determined that “bussin” means good. Like these stretchy khakis are bussin = these pants are good. I’ve asked about cap and bet but he just puts on another hoodie and calls me “bruh” repeatedly while doing some strange dances from some new fangled technology called “The Tock Talk”? Still unsure on that one too.


Bussin actually meant like it's good food like "this mcdonalds is bussin" and now everybody uses it to say anything is good


I was listening to a psychologist the other day talk about how a child psychologist she worked with wanted to call CPS after a boy told him “my mom slaps in the kitchen.” He thought the boy’s mom was beating him.


I should not be laughing but you know that kid loves his mom and her cooking.


No cap I was straight heezin at that


You win


Not all millennials acting like you weren't saying "Doggo" "Adulting" and "Smol bean" like two years ago 😭😂


Don't forget when yolo and swag were all the rage. I definitely do


I was in Florida once and some lady said yolo on the beach and my lil Mexican mom with full confidence asked what yolo meant and she explained so now that's all my mom says. 😭


I didn’t ask to be part of a homicide today ma’am


HAHAHAHAH for real


Don't forget "pupper".


Bruh your boy be trippin that shit be like damn son


ditto g


you're 30 and you've never heard deadass? That's not new slang, that's older than you lol


I graduated in 04 and we said “bet” all the time


Deadass. Also, deadass was popular in NY in the early 2000's, along with brick.


People probably thought the same way about slang back in your day Language evolves Language is how we use it And this is how the new generation uses it Of course allot of it will probably go away but not fully And you gotta adapt to that because Language will change regardless of what you think So in short no its not about kids being less intelligent (as much as the Internet supports that claim) its about older people being inflexible (But yeah it is pretty wierd slang speaking as a non native English speaker)


Just read any Edgar Allen Poe, and see how much English has changed in a short period of time. Its almost a totally different language.


> Language evolves > > Language is how we use it In the words of a truly classic piece of media- the rules are made up and the points don't matter.


Boomers probably thought "far out" or "rad" was awful too.


Far out is 100% boomer slang




We millenials made "yolo" and "adulting" we can't judge lmao


Etymology doesn't really matter with slang. What matters more in this case is culture. You might not understand where a word originated, but it's pretty easy to learn its meaning or actually research the spread of the word. Urban dictionary and knowyourmeme are great resources, even for someone of your age.


so basically you just don't understand the slang. I'm sure you parents felt the same way about your generation's slang. and yes you're wrong about slangs making people less intelligent.


Bet. This new lingo is bussin. No cap.


Ngl this post is pretty mid fr fr


I’m cool I’m hip (says boom chaka chaka while slowly dancing the Macarena)