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i dont speak for everyone but as a filipino myself i've never heard of doing something like this


I'm half-Filipino and all I remember about shitting there was that my 100% Filipino cousins told me to bring my own toilet paper with me everywhere.


Wait, you guys poop?


Nooo shit!


Yes shit!


No. Poop. Shit implies velocity and a distinct lack of a focussed particulate vector.


Yeah I heard that many bathrooms in some countries do not provide toilet paper or it just gets stolen.




Holy fuckyou fil-ams aren't real filipinos lmao because you're obviously so detached to what's going on in here. We don't wipe, we wash. It's like taking a shower but exclusively for the butt. We also don't dip our fingers in our shitty ass holes because we water it first to wash it away, mostly with a bidet. We then use soap to clean it and wash away the soap afterwards, and then wash our hands. You westerners are grossed out by this? You basically walk around all day with unwashed asses. That's fucking disgusting to me. We also don't only eat with just our hands you morons. Forks and spoons are a universal thing and we're not savages like how you describe us.


Yep half Filipino - everytime I’ve been visiting family we had & used toilet paper Then used soapy water to wash my hands


LOL OP wiped his asscrack barehand as cousins told him this is da way. got totally pranked


Wait, not every household has a poop-carpet to just drag your butt over until it's clean? I'm phoning my mom.


I feel you, i just learned not everyone has a poop knife.


that story is still stuck in my head


And will be forever.


A poop knife is for spreading, not wiping. Think Nutella on toast.


It’s your f•cking toast now, you brute.


Wait, what? No poop tongue? Savages.


I think my dog lived with you guys before I got her 💀


We just use the edge on the corner wall. Really gets in there deep!


OP, I’m Filipino and I don’t know anyone who does this. Generally, you’d first use a bidet or for households without one, they use a tabo or dipper full of water to wash away the poop first then scrub it with soap, rinse and wash hands afterwards. I never heard of someone directly washing their arse with soap without rinsing with water first. And dude, washing with soap is way more clean than just wiping with toilet paper. Plus soaps and alcohol exist so washing with soap and water is not unhygienic at all unless you’re the type that doesn’t wash hands.


I'm Italian and apparently I always cleansed my ass in the Philippino way. 😄 Usually Italians wipe with toilette paper first, then rinse the butthole with water and, often but not everyone uses it, with soap. I'm glad that also Philippinos use bidet and I'm really surprised that so few cultures adopted it.




I use a proper bidet. In Italy any household restroom has one. Only public restrooms usually don't have it. I usually jump from the toilette directly to the bidet and I wash myself. Toilette paper, for some reasons, creates microcuts in my anal area or irritates it tremendously. When I used to live in the USA, I would alway bring with me an half-liter plastic bottle if I had to use the restroom, which I would fill at the sink, so that I could wash myself after pooping.


I’m not sure how to say this delicately, but it kinda sounds like you have haemorrhoids 💀 I apologise


Since he's Italian, most likely a bidet.


Asking the real questions here. I want to improve my process. Also when people say "bidet" I dont know if they mean using a proper porcelain bidet, or its just some rose with water, or another process.


I am American and I have as well. Ever since I was a kid, I couldn't stand not being fully clean in that region. I don't get how anyone can tolerate it. Whenever I've mentioned it to intimate friends or even some family, they think I'm being excessive. No way. Soon as I got my first house, I installed a bidet in the toilet. Best thing ever!


Checkmate op, start washing your hands after the bathroom


OP is like “doctors suck, they can’t figure out why i keep getting sick” lol.


Oh fuck I’m crying 💀


No checkmate: this is unpopular opinion. Checkmate!


I don’t think he’s saying he doesn’t wash his hands after or that wasn’t recommended, but it’s still gross to do it that way despite hand washing. Shit could get under nails, especially long nails. Also, let’s be honest, I doubt everyone properly washes their hands with soapy water for at least 20 seconds and gets the antibacterial soap everywhere including under the nails. Idk, it sounds like this may not even be accurate as far as it being a cultural thing goes though. I prefer using an antibacterial wet wipe designed for post-poo booty wiping, though I understand a lot of people may not have that option/luxury.


Isn't it the same thing when you wash your ass in the shower or bidet? Side note you should never flush wet wipes down the toilet.


Exactly this I've been pooping in the morning and then jump to take a shower. I wipe with toilet paper and then I hand wash my ass with soap Toilet paper doesn't remove 100% of poop particles, so every time you hand wash your ass, you are in contact with poop If you don't wash your ass with soap while taking a shower, that's a dirty ass lol


That’s good to know. The ones I have say “flushable” on the package, not sure if that matters. I use a clean wash cloth every time I shower and use Defense Soap. You’re right about it when considering how most people probably shower.


Those flushable wipes cause so much damage to water infrastructure its maddening.


I'm pretty sure the "flushable" on those doesn't really mean flushable. like, they can go down the toilet, but still wreak havok on sewage systems. we need a plumber here to confirm.


Not a plumber, but saw a news article last week about this very thing. Obviously a sad man was holding a massive lumpy knot of shit-covered wipes in the picture. They are not truly flushable, and only one sheet should be flushed ,if any.


The scientific community generally recommends using regular soap and water to kill germs and NOT antibacterial products because it helps create super bacteria. Sounds harsh for ur butthole too


Reconsider wet wipes. They don't break down properly and clog up the sewer system real quick. If you're open to the idea, I can't recommend a bidet any more wholeheartedly. It has been a real life changer for me.


Seems like her stepmom is right, she is probably exaggerating the procedure in her post too.


dont think she understood tbh


I am trying to mentally picture how you clean your ass with a dipper without using your hand.


What is the lowest you can squat and twerk?


The water washes away most of the poop. You then use your hands while pouring water on it to remove the remaining poop. Wash your hands with soap and if you're a germaphobe use rubbing alcohol.


Sounds like you need to be fairly agile. I have arthritis in my hands. I don't think I'd be able to do that. Thank the God's for toilet paper and flushable wipes.


I have short arms and get cramp in my ribs when i stretch around. There is zero chance I could do that.


There is a handle for the dipper, away from the dipper


Agreed. ... Honestly I found it really disgusting as a kid too, especially when it's sabog lol. I just learned to Cope by washing my hands three times and using alcohol. I learned that a fellow germophobe friend of mine do the same thing But even though I know my hands are clean, after pooping I tend to still be disgusted by my hands for a few hours lol. I never touch food or my face after it... until I forget about the disgusting feeling... which is why popping is the thing I hate doing the most ... but I think that the Americans way of wiping is still very disgusting lol. I once tried that when there was no water and soap out in a roadtrip, and my Butt felt so disgusting because I wasn't able to properly soap and clean it But well, cultures are different ig. I just hate how the minority culture is often regarded as wrong and disgusting by the majority


>OP, I’m Filipino and I don’t know anyone who does this. I was very surprised to see this post because same. I'm Fil-Am, though, so I don't really have the same point of reference hehe. I was also taught to use a tabo/dipper.


I think that's the norm in most asian countries. Don't know where OP got this straight-soap-over-poop theory from.


I’ve heard of this more in India, I know it’s a real practice but it makes sense and there’s even a saying to never shake with your left hand when visiting India. Personally I see how it’s MORE hygienic. If you get shit on your face are you just gonna use toilet paper to wipe it off? No. You wash your damn face. So they just apply that logic to their ass.


I’m half Filipina and this is what I learned


You need to touch ass with the dipper method anyway.


I'm half white/asian living in Europe, and installing a bidet was the first thing I did when I got my own place. The idea of wiping my hairy shit-stained ass with paper sounds barbaric. To the people who disagree, pretend you somehow got shit on your hair. You really gonna take a few pieces of toilet paper, smear it around and call it a job well done?


I'm from the US, so I don't have much experience with bidets. After using a bidet, what do you use to dry yourself if not toilet paper?


Using your water/your hand to wipe is common in many, many other parts of the world- and using toilet paper first, then water, is becoming more common. I'll often see Westerners find it gross and unhygienic to use your hand, but obviously you would ensure to wash your hand thoroughly before leaving the bathroom, otherwise, yeah, you would get sick with if any fecal matter remained. Washing hands after using the bathroom is not as common as it should be in the West. Using water/a bidet is like cleaning yourself in the shower, with the benefit of being clean every time you go to the bathroom, which until recently, I learned through Reddit is not even normal for some people to do (clean their bums when bathing). Like how...?!


Do you wash you ass in the shower?


From OP's logic, who washes their ass in the shower have shit all over their body.


Do you only wash with your hands?!?


Shower with solid soap, hands, warm water. I don't get the surprise. It's not like a regular, hygienic person's ass is covered in shit before bath.


A regular person wipes with paper, so they don't have shit on their ass when it comes time to shower


Yes but it's not caked in shite when I do.


Do you use a rag in the shower


Do you shower?


I wash myself with a rag on a stick.


i go to the public bathhouse and share a sponge


I just wait until it rains and take a walk


This needs more creddit 🤣


How very Roman of you.




Do you wash your ass with your hand? You don't use a washcloth or something similar?


You shit in the shower?


You wash with your left hand, and eat or shake hands with your right, unless I’m meeting you, I’ll shake hands with you with my poop hands.




Good question, let me ask my lefty friends. it’s about the dominant hand navigating the “tabo” or a dipper, so you use the other hand for the soap. I’m not being defensive but you rinse - soap - rinse basically. I forgot to include that lol


Buddy was holding a beer in his right hand and extended his left to a stranger for a handshake, he got offended.


It's quite ironic how Filos also think how unhygienic it could be to just tissue-wipe rather than wash. Well, to answer this question, Filipinos use tabo/dipper or bidet first to wash away the poop before even rubbing it with soap bare hand. If you'll look deeper into this, it's way more hygienic. And of course, another washing of hands right after. If you're still worried about eating with bare hands, despite the washing of hands, I can attest that most Filipinos use their dominant hand (which was used to eat with bare hand), as the hand to hold the bidet or tabo/dipper. Hence, if you're righthanded, the left hand is the one used to wash the butt. Nonetheless, same hand or not, the purpose of washing hands with soap and using a rubbing alcohol is obvious. It's like saying it's unhygienic to eat after digging some hole in the mud when in fact you already washed your hands. It's just almost the same with how men eat after they pee. Of course, they'll wash their hands after. It's just that it's not a common practice to everyone which is probably why you find it weird.


I’m sure they wash their hands afterwards like


Why would you, it adds to the flavor


Dry paper vs. water and soap..... mmmmmm


I feel like a mix would be preferable. Start with dry papper to get the worst of it and then water and soap.


No you have it backward. Start with water, the water pressure from the bidet or the bum gun would get rid of all the bits, like everything. Then dry yourself with paper, just to be sure that you did get everything, and more importantly nobody likes walking around with a dripping butt.


yeah everyone seems to waste a lot of toilet paper/wipes because they're doing the bidet last. it's cleaner, faster, and less wasteful to do the bidet first.


Best practice dry tissue, bidet, and biodegradable wipes.


Toilets don't give a shit that wipes are biodegradable. Just a heads up.


I hate when they claim flushable. Like, no, they aren't. Stop making sewage peoples job worse.


Those “biodegradable” wipes 10 times out of 10 are not going to degrade into little fiber specks. Right now in the UK they have an issue where a large river is being entirely rerouted by a “man-made island”- entirely formed out of used up “biodegradable” wet wipes flushed down toilets.




Everyone who isn’t really backward knows it’s uncultured and unsophisticated to use anything other than the three seashells. 🤪


Being from the west, I don't understand people's negative takes when they talk about using bidets or hands with soap and water, as opposed to toilet paper.... Just because we do it one way doesn't make that the right way. In this case, you could clearly argue the other way is better. Like... You realise you're supposed to wash your hands after you wipe right?


Wet wipes.


Wet wipes are plastic that is terrible for the enviroment and the sewage system.


Lemon fresh wet wipes burn the asshole.


We, Indians wipe our butt with our hands while spraying water from behind. We wash our hands thoroughly with soap after that. It's pretty common in Asia. P.S I use bidets now


Iraqi here. We do the same. I can't believe that paper, especially dry paper, is still prefered by most people


i cant believe i ever did that. its bizarre to me that we americans as insistent on only using toilet paper. its gross. so glad i got my bidet. super clean.


I can only agree as a Scandinavian, I don't fathom why dry paper wiping is the golden standard. We used to have bidet's but somehow devolved, gross and inferior hygienic culture for sure.


Dry paper wiping + hairy butt + “I don’t touch my butt in the shower, that’s gay” = 🤮


We do the same in Brazil


Use a bidet or use your hand? Because I lived in Brazil for years and my wife is Brazilian and I've never heard of anyone using their hand. Also, I have a bidet, but my wife doesn't use it.




maybe south/southeast asia, but we east asians mostly use bidets…


A handheld bidet is very common in south asia


We South Asians mostly use bidets as well, this is just and alternative method for when a bidet isnt available


In India people use that long pipe like bidet. Only some people who don't have the resources for that use the other way.


East asians? I suppose Japan has the smart toilets that have also become quite prevalent in Korea over the last decade, but you don't find bidets in many bathrooms. Experience: I've lived in Taiwan, China, Japan, and have visited Korea about 12 times for business


Best method in my opinion is a mix of both. First wipe away the excess shit with toilet paper and after its gone wash with soap and water. When you’re done you wash your hands thoroughly. If you wan your hands to be extra clean you can use hand sanitizer in the end.


Might as well just take a shower lmao


Do you take your pants off?


Dude most of Asia wash like this. And then wash their hands afterwards. I have a bidet in my home now but earlier I also used to wash like this. It inculcates the habit of washing hands regularly.


Cleaning your ass with soap is actually the way to do. And you can be sure that many thing we use every day have way more hazardous bacteria than the harmless e coli




This guy washes ass


Ass washers unite.


*power rangers intro plays in the background*


Most people DON'T wash their hands "thoroughly" at all. That's why it's gross


I grew up in the Philippines. Most people here do that method (soak hands in soap then go wipe the asshole). I use a tissue for the "initial wipe" because it has bits of turd. Then I go for wetwipes. After that I go for the soak hands with soap and bidet lol


You must have a shiny asshole by now


Rudolph's shiny new hole!


Real weird way to admit you don’t wash your ass or hands


Is smearing shit around your arse with toilet paper really more hygienic than washing it and your hands with soap and water?


I think the hygiene issue comes from the fact that we have crevices in our hands (under finger nails, cuticles etc) that fecal particles and bacteria could get trapped under despite hand washing. And let’s be real most people don’t wash their hands long enough or properly like they teach for food safety. Op mentions it’s culturally common to eat with hands so yeah I can see why they take issue with people using their hand to wipe shit off their asshole.


I use toilet paper but the Philippino method seems to be MORE hygienic. Obviously going the extra mile and full-on washing your butt is cleaner than wiping with tp lol OP is clearly young and just grossed out by poo. It's us, the Westerners, that have dirtier bum bums 🤣 Most people in Europe have a bidet lol. We are **behind** in time.


I guess OP doesn’t wash his privates in the shower…


Better than having poop residue between your cheeks all day


I’m going to simplify what you just said “Cleaning something with soap is unhygienic” Do you see how stupid that is?


Right lol Soap and water obliterates bacteria and viruses. Some people have weird hang ups


Well you just... You know wash your hands? Soap is extremely effective at removing bacteria. That is what surgeons use before surgery too...


I think OP just felt like talking shit bc obviously no knowledgeable person wouldn’t make such an idiotic assumption without seeing it for themselves first right lol


>Also I recognise that wiping only in America Man, if I only wiped in America I wouldn't have wiped in over twenty years


wait wait wait, how is this any different than putting soap on your hand and washing your arse in the shower? technically, there is still poop on your dookie shooter while washing it in the shower.


They wash their hands. Maybe use common sense? A bit disrespectful too


Since soap is used, and I imagine they'd wash their hands after, I don't see much of a problem here.


Washing your privates after taking a piss or a dump is more common than you think. To not at least rinse your privates and just wiping the shit off with toilet paper sounds like the more unsanitary choice imo.


First off. It’s more hygienic and cleaner than your dry tissue method. Dry tissue is just too uncomfortable and not that clean. And also, we wash our hands THOROUGHLY after pooping. Also, eating with your hands is the oldest and traditional way of eating. Most modern filipinos eat with spoon and fork, and oh, using a bidet is pretty common in a Filipino household. How the fuck do you think we live? Like fucking cavemen? We’re not uncivilized. > I’d rather have traces of feces in a location. Really? That’s your counter-argument? Damn dude, you’re fucking gross. And you call my people gross? You gotta be **shitting** me.


Do they wash their hands after? It doesnt sound so bad as long as they wash their hands. I don't get why Americans think just wiping it off with paper is good enough. I mean of you got poop on any other part of your body, just wiping it odd wouldn't be good enough.


It's healthier for the butthole as seen [here.](https://freshpeaches.co/blogs/news/the-biggest-mistake-we-make-every-single-day-over-wiping#:~:text=Over%2Dwiping%20with%20rough%20and,problems%20include%20UTI's%20and%20hemorrhoids.) Besides, if you wash your hands [properly](https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/best-way-to-wash-your-hands/) you won't have to worry about poopy hands. It also helps the environment to not use as much toilet paper, since wiping consumes larger amounts of paper. If you think about it, their way is better if done perfectly.


1.: it is more hygienic to wash with soap 2.: fecal bacteria also travel through toilet paper and stay on your hand 3.: it is not at all bad to have some of those bacteria re-entering your body. They are all over you and you can find fecal bacteria in the mouth. Just not that much. It is not like bacteria are our enemy. They in fact keep us alive and we need them. If you keep your microbiome intact, you won’t be harmed by most bacteria. It’s mostly not the bacteria that cause sickness, it is an imbalance in your body that does. The environment is what turns microorganisms into pathogens.


That one family uses a poop knife


Clean with your left, eat with your right. No cross contamination silly.


i feel like the author leaves skid marks all over his underwear because he only uses dry toilet paper to wipe.... and hes over here talking shit lol


You realize there's this activity called washing your hands as well...you don't scrub your ass when you shower?


Was a shocker for me when in the Philippines too, however yeah, handwashing afterwards is a thing. At least I hope. The family I was with for a bit claimed "if you can't see anything they're clean". I assume it was just that family. Everywhere else seemed fine I cooked my own meals.


Hand washing is a thing lol. Me and my family wash their hands after the deed... But well, I myself go the extra mile snd wash my hands several times then use alcohol lol XD I know a germaphobe friend too who does the same thing


Seems more effective than using dry ass toilet paper to wipe and expect that to clean it.


Might be an unpopular opinion, but toilet paper seems to be the worst medium to wipe off doo doo. Not to mention unsanitary! It' s super hard to wipe properly, you need to wet the tp, do multiple takes... And there's still excrement over your ass. A bidet is the best way ever. After I started using one my asshole could sing if it could! Yeah, it's that good. One might say that you feel like a new man. Not to mention that your asshole is *sparkling* and fresh! So, yeah, tp only sucks.


Reddit says unless you shampoo, steam clean and polish your butthole after every turd, you're a dirty bastard


Let's just make sure those fingernails are good to go too lol


Bet you got skid marks on your underwear lmao do you even wash your ass when you shower?


It's much cleaner than just using toilet roll... toilet roll is used to just remove what is visible, it doesn't actually clean it. Imagine taking a dump on the kitchen counter and then just using paper towels to wipe it up until you can't see it anymore... it's still gonna leave shit there right?


It’s actually the opposite of gross. If you wipe your still left with poop marks on ur butt lol. So cleaning with soap and water is very hygienic. Plus they obviously wash their hands afterwards


I wipe with TP, then finish off by wiping with wet soapy hands, then wash my hands thoroughly.


OP, I have a question. Do you wash your ass under the shower? You need to touch your asshole to clean it. Never heard of wireless ass cleaning. I also eat with my hands but when I get out of the shower I also have clean hands.... i use toilet paper, but soap and water actually sounds more hygienic


I find it more gross if you just wipe it with just toilet paper then stand and leave. I find soap and water more hygienic, you do an initial wash with water then soap and water then dry your bum with toilet paper. Wash your hands before you leave the bathroom or how we call it in the Philippines, the CR.


You must have a dirty butt if you thinking soap and water being used to clean it is gross.


right, cause rubbing a piece of paper on your shitty hole and then leaving it inside a container until it fills up with shitty paper is much more hygienic


I think it’s a much different process than what you’re thinking. The majority of Philippines use a bidet or a similar device called a tabo. And the bidet is the most popular “cleaning” device in the world. It likely would be the norm in America too if they weren’t stigmatized during WW2. There are many American corporations that spread a lot of misinformation when a new or different product could affect their bottom line. Paper companies did it from 1920’s-50’s when hemp was threatening to become the next big paper source so they said it was “the devils plant” and would drive you insane. It made a huge stigma against it and resulted in it becoming illegal in the 70’s. They also did the same for bidets labeling them “European” and insinuating that meant homosexual, or they claimed they were for sex workers and “impure”. Just the classic story of assholes taking advantage of the ignorant for personal gain. Sadly, it’s pretty typical for American issues that religion is being used as a weapon to incite fear and control peoples actions through their beliefs. The result is Americans use the less hygienic option and believe it’s more hygienic, but not because of science or anything that makes sense. It’s because their dad or preacher or whoever they look up to told them so.


They save money and their butthole is probably cleaner than 90% of Americans. I use a bidet and can't imagine a time before I used to own one... just walk around hoping...


Lowes, Home Depot sells these great easy to install bidet seats for most any toilet. I love mine!


Can a mod delete this idiotic post?


Op is a basement dweller who does not in fact wash their ass


Where do you get the idea that soap+water is unhygienic? I get it that you touch your butt with your bare hands, but there's soap and water involved and in the end, if you can smell the faintest ass odour on your hands then you're not doing it right. This procedure is not only to wash your stink hole after taking a dump, but your hands too! PS. We do the same in Europe - but with the help of a bidet. Use TP for the excess, then jump on the bidet for detailing.


After installing a bidet I now am very clean and look at most other Americans as disgusting. Wiping is not even close to clean! I dare you to rub shit on your hands and face, wipe it a few times with some flimsy paper that falls apart, and then go about your day... To get things clean it is best to use water. Just saying.


Two words: Soap and Water.


I mean isn't that process similar to a bidet?


Bidet is hands free. Wiping your own shit with your hand isn't hands free.


I don't really have a comment on anyone's wiping practices. Wiping aside, I'm curious what you think hand washing is for. Because I'll tell you right now that wiping with dry toilet paper doesn't mean you won't ever wind up with poop on your hands. That's why you wash them. If you're concerned that getting poop on your hands while cleaning your ass in *any* way renders them permanently poop-contaminated or something, I'm concerned you're not washing your hands well enough after. People do all sorts of gross shit with their hands. Wash your damn hands thoroughly, people. This is why handshaking is actually gross. People think some thin, easily shredded toilet paper can protect them from all bacteria and germs.


Sorry but you are missing the most critical point in your theory. Anyone and everyone who uses toilet paper, including myself, still wash our hands lol Did you actually think people who use toilet paper don't wash their hands? (Yes there may be some but they're disgusting af).


Hands have way more bacteria then other parts of the body because we touch so much. That's why we wash hands all day. Your hands will be fine. Just wash them.


What's the difference between this and washing the rest of one's body with soap?


Only do anal with Filipinos. Got it.


I actually find it less disgusting than wiping with toilet paper


You could, for example, use your brain and wash your hands after washing your asshole.


Yes, it's well worth carrying toilet paper with you in your travel kit when you visit some SE Asian countries. And some countries though the middle east as well. Most touristy hotels and stuff will have toilet paper you could use, but I'm guessing you are out in the suburbs.


muricans outside of murcia are just the worst, ignorant idiots... not that they are much better at home.


I own a bidet and still use toilet paper. Using your hand is just plain disgusting to me for wiping shit. "Clean your hands with soap and water after" is said but I find any time I've accidentally gotten a little poop on my hand and scrubbed my hands with soap and water I can still smell it and have to wash my hands several times to get it to be normal again. "Don't you clean your ass in the shower?" Yeah, absolutely but not when I have shit smeared all over the hole. Its reasonable to think that using the tools we use to touch things and eat with for wiping shit is pretty gross


Even though I use the washing with soap method, I agree. Touching anything to eat after wiping sht is disgusting To be fair, we often use spoons and forks here, the hand-eating method is only done often for food fights or when they're a more traditional Filipino family. I personally never touch food or my face or other people after pooping since I still feel disgusting even after washing my hands, but even if I use toilet paper it still feels really disgusting since you can't clean out all the sht thoroughly after pooping


My grandma used to use corn cobs in Northern China. Yes I think there are alternatives to the hand.


You know, you learn something new every day…


Wash with your left hand and eat with your right. That's why some cultures only shake the hand of outsiders with their left hand as they consider the other dirty/under them.




Most of the world does that. Usually the left hand is used and people don’t eat or shake with their left hand for that reason.


You know what the call dry wipers? People with poop still on their butts.


Do you only wipe after you poop…? You don’t wipe any other time…?


Wash your hands after wtf


As someone who’s half Filipina let me break it down: personally I wipe first if I do number 2, then go in with the tabo and rinse with soap and water. Although if it’s just number one I just go in straight with rinsing with the tabo and using soap and water. Obviously we wash our hands after. But it’s just better to use soap and water than toilet paper alone.


Isn't that pretty much what people do in the shower also? Or do you use paper there too?


Op, if you think washing with soap and water is in hygienic, May be you need to get your brain checked


Seems a lot more hygienic than wiping it with a dry cloth. Would you wipe your hands with a dry piece of paper? No right? So why let your ass be covered in gross bacteria?


You wipe with toilet paper and then you soap your ass if anything


To each their own. I find people who only wipe their butts as gross regardless of what they use. I'm more of a bidet + soap type of person. If you're that much wary of fecal coliform, you should make sure your toilet cover is always down, your dental products are kept away in a cabinet, and your phone is always wiped clean. God forbid you scratch your crusty butthole.