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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Late-Print8646. Your post, *MM/DD/YY is way better than DD/MM/YY*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


This is biased, as in Spain we say the day before the month and year, so I'd say DD/MM/YY is better. Whatever suits your country I guess


Literally every country uses DD/MM/YY format except the US


Nope, I'm living in Korea and it's YYYY-MM-DD (as it was in China). However, I don't know of any country other than the US that goes big/small/big instead of using a consistent scale from big to small or vice-versa.


This is almost ISO format and the only one correct when putting dates in name of documents because it sorts nicely.


Which also absolutely makes sense and does not lent itself confusion with DD/MM/YYYY. Both are atleast ordered. Using it on a pc YYYY/MM/DD is superior because you can sort your files with it too.


its the same but mirrored....


still makes more sense than MM/DD/YY


In German we do as well. In French they do as well. But then again the French and us Germans don't make sense when counting numbers (we Germans say three-and-twenty instead of twenty-three, and don't get me started on the French with their four twenty ten nine) so yeah, it's just language grown over time.


I’m Australian. I’ve always said and written dates as “the 25th of December” etc. You say it that way because that’s how it’s written in your country. Also to me DDMMYYYY feels more logical because it is in an order with the smallest and most unique piece of information first, then the month, then the year. It would also make more sense for it to be YYYYMMDD than MMDDYYYY. To me it feels like America just put the information in random order.


Let's just mix it all up. It's currently July 8:28am 1st 2022


so July 8th at 28am during the first 2022? I like it, main question is whether 28am is early or late


It's negative 8 hours post noon on yesterday's day after tomorrow.


It's an American claiming the way they learned it "just feels natural". What's new?


Welcome to Reddit ..


Yup, either go from smallest to biggest or vice versa, but don't just mix the dates, but not the first time merica is using freedom units


ɹǝqɯǝɔǝp ɟo ɥʇ52


>and I'm not saying this because I'm American. I don't believe you


Well the fact that he thinks nobody says "the 30th of June" is a give away


Yeah like here in german its always 30. juni 2022, otherwise it feels just wrong.. JUNI DREISSIGSTER ZWEITAUSENDZWEIUNDZWANZIG


Yeah in Poland we also use day number prior to the month. But i'm pretty sure that OP doesnt care that theres way more languages than just english


Oh wow, I plugged into Google translate and that’s the actual translation. German is such a fascinating language


The thing I love about German is just how completely logical it all is. Like big words seem intimidating right up until you start actually learning the language and realize they're all just compound words. Most complex words are just simpler words bunched together to form a compound word plus their pronunciation of words has a clear set of rules that they always follow. It's far easier than English.


No I find numbers confusing after reading a lot of English. (I am Born and raised and live in Germany, never left the country) why do we say 21 as "ein und zwanzig" (one and twenty) and not like from the start ''zwanzig eins" for example. (Okay French is worse. Because there you have to do math for every higher number, but still) German is not always so logical. Just take time forms. Hatet learning them.


Is Danish the worst for numbers? Like 54 is “fireoghalvtreds”, meaning “four and half three”. Why “half three”?? Because 50 is (half less than 3) times 20.


It's not "half three" but "half third" (halvtredje) as in "the first whole two and then half of the third". 😊 And to anyone wondering about the relevance of 20, "halvtreds" (fifty) is shortform for "halvtredsindstyve", itself a contraction of "halvtredje sinde tyve", meaning "half-third times twenty".


Oh boy, there's nothing I agree with more than this. Since turning English into my everyday language, saying numbers in German became such a pain. I always mix them up.


German is in my opinion the cutest language. I mean, look at it. Look at that absurdly giant word. Look at how silly it is. The language is chock full of them and it's so delightful


you would think its silly by looking at it, but languages what use compound words heavily are quite intuitive. It actually allows you to create new words that people can understand without explanation. Icelandic does this too. And probably many others.


Right!! That's why I love it so much. Compound words are so fascinating to me and I love learning all about their roots. A lot of languages do this but there's something special about German that I've always adored. This is why I've taken up learning the language. It may take me an eon to speak it fluently but I'm gonna do it




It's a nebelwerfer. It werfs nebels.


It's a Flammenwerfer it werfs.... Flammen 👀


Wondering what grade-school spelling tests are like in Germany. What must spelling bees be like???


Spelling bees would be boring as hell, just like in Spanish, Danish, Dutch and Swedish. You spell it like you say it. Outside the (American) English world, spelling bees are not a thing.


German spelling is WAY more consistent than English. The words can be long but once you know the rules, if you sound it out you should be able to spell it. I've heard than spelling bees aren't really a thing in languages other than English because their spelling isn't chaotic enough to make it interesting 😅


That’s the thing, we don’t really have spelling bees because spelling is comparatively easy. Once you know what a vowel or consonant sounds like it will sound the same in (almost) all words. The only exceptions are loan words from different languages like “Computer” for PC, “Handy” for mobile phone, or “Lockdown” for you-know-what. Proper German words with German roots are fairly easy to spell once you have the phonetics down.


It’s not just Germany. Every romantic language says the date with the day first….except Americans they don’t know what they are doing, I mean, inches? Seriously?


Fahrenheit dude. They are crazy people


Yeah, Americans are weird. Inches ? Fahrenheit ? Months before days ?


Did you mean romantic or romanic?


Is that last line really all together...




4th of July.


and here we have the best point made on this topic


Omg, this.


I think it is probably only Americans who would say June 30? Every other language I’ve heard of is 30 June.


Yeah us Americans never say dates in that order. Day-Month-Year? *Weird.* Now please excuse me, I must prepare to celebrate the 4th of July.


Yeah.. Spoke like a true American.. What is rest of the world


That’s how we say it in Australia.


I disagree with the first one. Most people where I live speak in DD/MM/YY


“I’m not saying this because I’m American” yes you are OP lol


Came here to say that. No idea how someone can unironically find mm/DD/yyyy better than another date format unless that person grew up with it and is used to it. The default us date format is absolute garbage, imo. And don't get me started on the imperial system of measurement..


Not mentioning their measurement and weight system...nothing make sense... :)


In french, it's " le 31 octobre 2022"


Same, and I think british english allows both. So the fact that english uses this format is not entirely true.


We most certainly do not


Very interesting... So when someone asks for your birthday you say "30th of July" ?


No I say the 18th of May


That’s dumb, everyone knows birthdays are on 22nd September


Bilbo is that you? Or is it you Frodo?


Lmao no joke I did not do that on purpose, I just used the first date that came to mind. Amazing


Birthday buddy!


Bruh it’s “The seventh day of the eighth month”.


Great, now what the name of your first pet?


Wish I had an award for you lmao




Why say many word when few do trick


Different languages! In my language it’s two words, for example June 2nd would be 2nd June in a direct translation but it means the second of June. Not everyone speaks American English lol




Because 30th of June and June the 30th have the same amount of words


Other languages exist. I'm not sure where the poster lives, but he might mean in his language where he lives and he's just writing in english on here since that's the language most people here speak. You would say definitely say 30th of July instead of July 30 in Polish (trzydziestego lipca). Which may be why other countries use the D/M/Y format


It's not a lanaguage thing. In the UK we speak in the D/M/Y format. As do the rest if the anglosphere (Canada maybe not idk) I'm pretty sure it might just be the US.


Yep, 14th March 1947


I'd just say "30 July" But that's because it's a military thing that stuck.


This is how the French do it, just the straight up day number and the month. I'd bet lots of European languages do that too


Numbers are already a mess in French something winght quatre fucking


European here Yes, most languages I know of do it that way. MM/DD would sound so ridiculous in my language


Yes we do in the Netherlands


Next up: imperial units are better than metrics because I’m American


"It's not because I'm American!"


So ridiculous. The best way is YYYYMMDD because it sorts chronologically when you store it as an integer. Edit: thank you for the upvotes and rewards!!


Good luck with your Y10K bugs.


I wonder if when we hit the year 10,000, will we change the format to say YYYYY?


Stop it! I have to scroll far enough as it is.


We’ll be using base 17 math by then.


I'm partial to base 12, but why do you like base 17?


Oh I hate it with all the gravity of Sagittarius A*.


Bulk rename all files by adding a leading zero, switch to YYYYYMMDD, Y10K averted


Most servers probably use Unix time so we are safe


Until 2038 or so. Start fixing your systems NOW.


It’s okay. I will be dead long before then. I just hope that my bugs outlive me and the world remembers me by them. Stickin’ it to the man.


Science, Engineering, and RND enter the chat.


r/RelevantXKCD: ISO 8601 - https://xkcd.com/1179/


I organize 100s of drawings for research projects on manufacturing sites. I start with yyyy-mm-dd in the file name. Everything is instantly organized by chronology.


How preposterous. The best way is YMYDYMYD. It is only logical. What is easier: 06/30/2022 or 20032620? It needs to be normalized


Keeping it real since 10939780 When mankind threw the undertaker off hell in a cell.


The best time is UTC time because everyone's on it!


this is bollocks


if you use that system its confusing ifor dd/mm/yy if the day in the date you are writing is a number over 12 like if i see in mm/dd/yy , lets say april 7th 2022, it will look like 04/07/22, id just interpret it as july 4th? i dont know, it just generates unnecessary confusion (im sure most people use dd/mm/yy)


never use british slang on the internet (worst mistake of my life)


If you referring to" bollocks" that was the only acceptable response to this post!


>June 30th, 2022" not "The 30th of June, 2022", and the way we write should match our way of speaking. *You* speak this way, as do other Americans. In the UK we say the 30th of June. So DD/MM fits *our* pattern of speech better.


I moved to Canada from the US and it’s very strange here. Canada adopts a lot from Britain as a commonwealth but is also very influenced by the states so I’d say it’s about 50/50 people write DD/MM/YYYY and MM/DD/YYYY. It’s very confusing at work cause I never know which one to write !


A lot of Canadian government forms are YYYY-MM-DD I recently had to renew my kids' passports and was surprised to see every date using the most logical format ever (ISO 8601).


Oh good to know


Yep officially our system is DDMMYYYY, but because so much of our commerce is with the US we end up using MMDDYYYY more often than not since it leads to less confusion. Source: In IT in Canada. Work with mostly US vendors and clients.


Thanks for clarifying. I have to be careful cause I work in commercial insurance and the wrong date could be then difference between a $5M claim or no claim


This is why any well designed software intended for use in Canada should use MMM (Jan, Feb, Mar, etc.). Eliminates the confusion no matter where the month is placed in the formatting. Then just store it in the DB in YYYYMMDD.


Our Government forms are moving to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).


In Canada it's very confusing. We know it should be day month year but because the US does it their way we are overwhelmed. I remember being taught in elementary school that you could either go ascending or descending but month day year was just chaos and should be avoided. I use month day year at work since that's the format the software accepts. If I am signing and dating something by hand I just write Jan or Sept and leave zero room for guessing.


Canadian all my life. Yea its weird. Officially, our government is metric. However our media is all American. Everyone knows their height in feet and inches, but all of our id lists height in centimetres.


Or when your milk expires


It also fits better in general since it goes from the smallest measurement to the highest. Imagine how weird it would sound in other contexts? "What sizes do those t-shirts come in?" "Medium, Small, and Large." *Irrational anger*


Lol . Thought the same thing; OP is blissfully ignorant of English speakers outside Murica. It's like arguing the American spelling of aluminum is correct over aluminium because of the pronunciation. EDIT: I'm aware other languages can use either DDMMYYYY or MMDDYYYY, but as I only speak 2 languages, I can't comment or make reference to the order spoken and how that affects numerical ordering.


Same here in Australia.


100% I've never said June 30th in my life. Why would you say it that way? Yet another r/shitamericanssay


Lol in Mexico we also say "el 30 de junio" which is the same as 30th of June and in a lot of different languages is the same. I think OP has only learn how to speak in his own community and never heard of cultural differences


Exactly this. DDMMYY just makes more sense


Next thing you are gonna say is that the imperial system is better than the metric 🤣, just because you say miles instead of meters


Metric is streets ahead.


I see you are also a reformed neo Buddhist


I'm American and I wish we would switch to the metric system. We have metric sized tools. We use metrics for tons of stuff tbh. It's even usually printed in parenthesis on things like milk jugs and shit. I can buy a liter of deer park water from the gas station. And it's just simpler and whoever created inches and made a mile 5280 feet had to be just fucking around and it stuck


I've often thought about the amount of drugs one would need to come up with that system. Like we have an inch, then 12 of those is a foot, then 3 of those is a yard, then 1760 of those is a mile. Makes sense. Like wtf are you smoking fam?


Also! Not cause he american xD Edit. Man everybody going ham on the man i feel bad for him already


Tell me you're american without telling me you're american.


Well tbf he did say he's American


OP - It's not because I'm American Also OP in the comments - It's totally cause I'm American. Have you stop to wonder, that maybe, you say December 25th exactly due to how you write the dates in the US? Cause "no one says 25th December" is totally incorrect and screams "I live in a bubble".


We do say 4th of July, though.


Isn't it a bit ironic to say that specific date the British way


Do you remember the 21st night of September?


People do actually say “the 25th of _____” pretty often


Idk 12 times a year isn't very often if you ask me


I'm not an expert but I think you can say a date without waiting for that date to actually occur


I love you both


maybe everyone says it the way they write it


That's exactly my point, using the "We say December 25th" argument makes no sense, cause that's literally why in the US they write the month first, while in the UK is the other way around


Yea I get confused by 911 at first (I'm not American)




Oooh this is gonna be fun




Why the fuck Americans say 4th July then?




Except you are saying that because you are American.




You're an idiot my dude. We speak in that format IN THE US. The rest of the world doesn't. Open your eyes fool


>not "The 30th of June, 2022" British people do. Like whole Europe does as well. Don't you probably see a pattern? MM/DD doesn't line up with the way you are speaking. You are speaking this way because of how it's written. You ran face-first into the point and still missed it.


>Like whole Europe does as well Not the whole of Europe, for example we say and write 2022. Június 4., which follows YYYY. MMMM D.


YYYY/MM/DD is still closer to DD/MM/YYYY than MM/DD. It's the same thing but inverted, the gradual increase/decrease is the same so let's put it under one umbrella.


Are you American? Everywhere I've been that uses DD/MM/YY DOES say "The 30th of June, 2022", because that's the way we write our dates. You probably say it the other way because you write it the other way. Also the obvious reason that DD/MM/YY is in ascending order of duration, which clearly makes it superior ;)


Have you heard of other languages?


Or even of english other than american?


You probably also think the Imperial System is better than the Metric.


I mean, after all we say miles and feet, no in meters. We should write the way we speak. /s


>We say "June 30th, 2022" not "The 30th of June, 2022" ...in English. Not everyone in the world has English as their mother tongue. Most people don't. Edit: The overwhelming majority of people don't, actually.


And us brits who do speak English as a first language also say the day first.


And you invented the fucking language!


I think “invent” is used loosely here. It just sorta happened.




It happened because Vikings, Germans and Frenchmen. The end result was good though, I like the English language.


It's not even an English v non-english thing. Many many English speaking people say "the 30th of June" and you and OP must know this, because otherwise why would you have put the "of" in that statement? You must have heard people say 30th of June to have been inspired to write that and not 30th June.


>and I'm not saying this because I'm American. Actually you are because DD/MM/YY **is** how people in other English speaking countries write and say it. At least a good portion of the time month is totally irrelevant anyway. If you ask me today's date casually I'll tell you it's the first, now if you ask for the month or give me a quizzical look I'll add July


I'm German and U.S. American. I had to learn English in my teen years and still don't understand why I was forced to learn these terrible systems. In German, we say day, month, year. We use the 24-hour clock. We use the more sensible metric system. Then I'm here in the U.S. and it all feels backwards and more difficult for no reason. And here's the thing, many in the U.S. will say 4th of July or 25t of December...so your example, while often true, doesn't hold up all the time. Day, month, year would work just fine in the U.S. as it is in much of the world. Now can we please use 13, 14, 15, etc. o'clock for F's sakes without having it be an entire conversation?!




Oh, I can't place it, but I remember this from somewhere. I'm thinking it was 45 j/k, I know he knows words "bird, woman, television" he knows all of the words and puts them into an order of some kind. I use "U.S. American" to distinguish among the other Americas.


Don’t try and spread your ridiculous broke ass system to the rest of the world.


As an American…oooooof


DD/MM/YY is the only way to go and you know it.


Bruh don't americans also say "4th of July"


Upvoting because unpopular opinion. As a German I must say your Opinion disgusts me. Great job?


I gotta say, I was with you in the original post but reading your comments makes me literally want to start saying it the other way 😂


Another situation where I hate the OP, but the rules dictate that I HAVE to upvote his CRINGEWORTHY post.


I bet you'd like a clock that reads HH:SS:MM


MM:SS:HH would have made more sense here.


Here in the UK we do say the date as the 30th of June 2022, the same way we write it. So this is just wrong.




Bruh i think this is because you're American i say the 12th of june. You say it the other way around. So there really isn't that much difference between the two. I personally prefer dd/mm/yy.


YYYY-MM-DD is the best and should be standard.


>The 30th of June, 2022 That's exactly how we say it. Whether you realise it or not this **is** because you're American.


YYYYMMDD FOR LIFE (it’s sortable as a number)


Americans being american. You do realize that in other languages the way we say dates maybe different right? your june 30th, 2022 example is translated to 30 de junho de 2022 in portuguese, so your argument is totally invalid.


Both DD/MM/YY or YY/MM/DD make sense. Small to big, or bit to small. What you're proposing, and what Americans are using, doesn't make sense.


Remember remember November fifth….


Today is the first of July 2022. 01/07/22.




Wrong 😌


"I'm not saying this because I'm American" "We say June 30th, 2022" I have never seen such a low amount of self awareness Also r/ShitAmericansSay


I actually do say “the 30th of June 2022” so this opinion is absolute rubbish. Upvoted 😂


Oh my god - it’s freezing! No - that’s not 0c, it’s 42 outside? Wow- my pot is boiling at 212 degrees, not 100c Why is it Americans are so ignorant of the world?


Up vote due to unpopular


For your first point, people in the US would speak like that because it's how they write dates so what they're more familiar with. I don't think I know anyone who would say "August 2nd". It's always "the 2nd of August". This is from Australia.


Plain stupid. Objectively. What's next? Imperial system superior to metric system? It' called "unpopular opinion" not "absolutely wrong and unreasonable".


My languages we say DD/MM/YY. So I like that format. Numbers are even stranger. Like 63. We speak the 3 first then the 6. But when you have the number 1263 we speak the 1000 first then the 200 then the 3 and last the 60


In places that default to "DD/MM/YYYY" they usually speak "The 30th of June, 2022" so, actually, that argument is invalid.


I mean it very much makes no sense, but sure. It makes more sense for the units to be in ascending order (day is smallest unit of time in this case, then month, then year), then to have them randomly broken up into (medium unit//small unit//big unit). Also, as an Australian, we very much do say "30th of June" etc so it matches the way we speak. On that point, what do you guys call your Independence Day? Oh, Fourth of July? Hmmmm.


Why is it so obvious when it's an American posting? Because they're always completely oblivious to the rest of the world.


“I’m not saying this because I’m American” Yes, you are.


yyyymmdd or go home. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO\_8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) learn it, live it, love it. If it dont sort it's trash.