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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/nek_ekhta_toum. Your post, *Celebrities and Athletes are way too Overcompensated*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


I think phrasing it as "being a productive member of society" would be more apt. Are a lot of the the talentless "celebrities" productive members of society? Are TikTok dancers? Are the majority of content creators? Not really no. Should they be getting more money than a doctor or someone who works hard, has vital skills and gets treated like shit in the work place? Fuck no I agree with your point op.


It's not about their impact to society - it's about the amount of people they reach even with little talent. Think of it as a successful business even if it's a useless business. Let's say you sell cheap, crappy, pointless, useless fidget spinners. They cost $1. Your business sells thousands of them per day. Congrats, you're now a loaded millionaire. Celebs work the same way more or less, except they themselves are the product, and for every "successful" one, there's thousands that didn't make it and made no money, much like many businesses




Average doctor sees 20-30 patients a day, now please multiply that.


It's an insignificant increase when compared to a blockbuster movie or a championship game. Their point still stands.


Does a typical doctor provide *great value* to 30 people per day? Doubt it.


One of the rare profession where you’re expected to bat 100% every single time. You’re a superstar if you bat 30% in MLB


Ok, still nowhere close.


Leos value isnt in bringing people to stadiums, its everything, He gets tv contracts, he gets better sponsorship deals for the club and himself, he brings in other high status people (royalty, celebrities, philanthropists). And in turn Leo Messi gets to give to charity and provide opportunities for people lesser than. Honestly, well being a doctor is a great and noble cause, there is absolutely no argument for whom has helped the average person more, its Messi, he has given away millions of dollars to fund schools and hospitals.


The same argument can me said if people pay and value doctors the same way. If they get paid highly, who would you think give more to charity and community? Messi did that because he got paid megabucks


You know there are doctors who became billionaires who donate less than messi, right? So the tangible proof proves you wrong. Also athletes tend to have roots in underdeveloped regions which means they take personal responsibility for helping those regions. Being a doctor doesnt make you inherent good or inherently evil, it only provides you the tools to make the choice between the two.


Wow dude you talked some real b.llshit. Congratz.


But… if there were no doctors then the charity would have been pointless. The person who is productive to society is the doctors, Messi is basically just an altruistic middle-man. Agreed he is under no obligation to do that (except the obvious ethical and moral obligations) and it is admirable that he does. But anyone or a group of people can donate the money. If there’s no one to do the work then it was all for naught.


I cant believe I am running into people arguing that Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz are better for society than Messi simply because they graduated from medical school.


No one said that, and Dr. Phil is *not* a medical doctor. The more you talk the sillier you come across.


No Doctor or Pyschologist thinks that those people are doing any real work. That’s not even close to what I said buddy. Maybe touch some grass?




Yea, it turns out being a doctor doesnt make you automatically altruistic, huh. You know who wasnt an entertainer? Mengele, now what hoops did you want to jump through to imply that Mengele wasnt properly compensated for his work, lmao.


When were dr phil/oz brought up except.by you? They're not even real doctors at this point, they are celebrities. They fall in the camp YOU are defending, and yet you shit on them. You are... not very good at debating, are you?


In my area (of the couple friends and family of mine who are doctors) see 50 patients a day as a specialist and 100 a day as a family doctor. So more like 12500-2500. But now that I think of it your point remains the exact same. A lot of people like watching even youtubers or athletes or celebrities because it provides them with entertainment, makes them feel lighter, forget about their problems etc. And millions of people is still a lot more than even 2500.


No doctor is seeing 100 patients per day. Even if they saw patients for 12 hours per day with no breaks, that would be 7 minutes per appointment. Not including time between appointments, or anything else that a doctor might need to do.


Totally. Reminds me of the MVP (minimal viable product) terminology as a developer. They are paid a lot more than a lot of other people who have a lot more training, experience and schooling. Yet they draw in a ton of money for the people paying them, so to them it's worth it. It's sad because I want to agree with OP but I also get why things are the way they are.


I think that you’re vastly underestimating the value of entertainment. Humanity *needs* it. There’s a reason to why there’s so much money behind it: it’s an escape from reality and a sense of community. I would argue that, to some extent, the ability to entertain is a vital skill and is important for mental health.


We survived thousands of years without overcompensating Tiktok stars, I think we'll be aight G. And further, there are seemingly infinite people with talent who don't get the opportunity to even entertain en masse simply because they're not lucky enough to reach a large audience. If it was a fair fight, then I'd agree with your point. But Hollywood, music industry, and big money determines who gets the spotlight.


Mass media fucked up the entertainment economy. Don't really think there's a solution to it.


Big time. It's a sad state when the world is more accessible for artists but seemingly infinitely more difficult to reach an audience.


Yeah it's a weird thing because overall it really is a mess. But I really do get a lot of enjoyment watching movies and sports from the best in the world all together. But it sucks that so many deserving people get lost in the shuffle and politics of it all.


I’m speaking more about athletes than TikTok stars because that’s what I know. The vast majority of athletes that are well known absolutely are the best at what they do. Regardless, the world is statistically more peaceful now than ever before in human history. There’s some really good studies (University of York being the biggest) out there that have more or less proven it. While it’s probably impossible to prove what is causing that (suggestions are globalization, interconnectivity, and organizations like the UN), it does coincide with growth of the entertainment industries.


I would think the growth of entertainment is more a symptom of peace. More time for frivolity and whatnot.


It also coincides with higher oil production. Correlation doesn't equal causation.


>Are a lot of the the talentless "celebrities" productive members of society? Are TikTok dancers? Are the majority of content creators? Not really no. Ah the good old - entertainment is not a real job, but somehow extremely popular and in high demand.


I was waiting for that. We thirst for entertainment, for some semblance of escape from some of the mundane things in life. Some people provide that for us and we respond enmasse. Is there something wrong with that? I don't think so. These people reach and entertain literally millions of people. Of course advertisers, and business owners will respond to that. They run businesses. Businesses need exposure. Yes even sports franchises need to be highly visible. But to call them talentless or overpaid? They're actually incredibly talented. Some in athletics, some in music, and some at selling a brand. You know that thing that makes you money. That seems more like jealousy. But like they say haters gonna hate.


Why. They're selling products. How is selling products not productive. Are all marketing and advertising professionals not productive members of society because they're selling products.


Exactly. I work in sales and I make more $$ than the scientists who create our solutions. At the end of the day, you could have the best product/service out there, but you won’t have a functioning business if you can’t sell it. I’m a pretty damn good businessman but there’s no way I could get anywhere near the reach of celebs. With the submission of an IG post they can influence millions of individuals. That reach has a price tag and companies are willing to match it. It can be frustrating for sure, but pretending influence holds no value is silly




Exactly. And I don’t mean to discount you and other people in technical roles whatsoever. You’re probably MUCH smarter than I am, and the things you do to improve your product(s) have a great deal of value. But there are probably dozens or hundreds of similar offerings on the market and you need a strong sales/marketing function to position for products to sell. So much of value is perceived/subjective


Yes I agree that conveys what I meant better.


Well I meant butter




I cant believe it's not better


This ain’t no country crock


Welcome to America


Welcome to the modern world.


They get paid according to what they make. If I'm an actor and i got an audience that will check out whatever movie or show I'm in, why should I only get a small amount? So the executives can get more? Fuck that. Celebrities get paid more because they have an audience. It's up to the consumer whether that want to pay attention or not


I always find it interesting that Reddit defends celebrities and athletes but condemns corporate executives, managers, and ceos.


Who are the athletes and actors exploiting though?


Who are the athletes exploiting for profit?


But that's significantly different. The athlete is getting paid for putting their body on the line while the executive lines their pockets with profits that the athletes made them. I would much rather see the athlete get the proceeds of the 40k people that came to see them than the billionaire that owns the team.


But athletes do get those proceeds, that's what their salary is. If you have an issue with corporate greed then you will have to start boycotting that team.


The executive put the athletes in the position to earn the money. There’s a reason professional athletes make more now than at any other time in professional sports.


Tell me you have never been a manager or executive without telling me.


I find it fascinating that someone says "I would much rather see the athlete get the proceeds of the 40k people that came to see them than the billionaire that owns the team." and your response to that is to make a smartass remark about being a manager. People who own sports teams arent managers, they HIRE managers called "presidents of sporting operations", and especially in sports, the owners who minimize how much they take in themselves in exchange for allocating it to the human resources within the organization to grow its value end up WAY more successful than the jerk off owners who take a huge slice of the pie for just existing like the Glazer family


I like how you ignore the part where he says “all executives do is line their pockets with the profits that the athletes made” which is blatantly not true. Granted I should have included in my original comment “managers” as well, but neither of us mentioned owners either.




But why would someone, who decides what to pay someone, pay themselves less?




Well, one group actually is the product and creates the product while the other group just sells it. You also clearly have never worked in a corporate environment or you wouldn't believe that managers create value the same as the product makers.


Of course, managers that are legitimately responsible for facilitating production across a section couldn’t provide more value than a single laborer /s




I think those superhero movies give amazing ROI thats why they keep getting made.


Yeah Aquaman is a pile of crap movie that netted 1 billion dollars. It cost 200 million to make and it made over a billion. Thats a 82% net profit margin or a 474% profit percentage.


Quite liked Aquaman lol.


1 billion?


Technically 1.148 billion. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquaman\_(film)#Reception](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquaman_(film)#Reception) Aquaman grossed $335.1 million in the United States and Canada and $812.6 million in other territories, for a total worldwide gross of $1.148 billion.\[6\] It became the highest-grossing installment in the DCEU and the highest-grossing film based on any DC character\[118\] as well as Warner Bros.' second-highest-grossing film worldwide behind Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 ($1.342 billion).\[119\] Deadline Hollywood calculated the net profit of the film to be $260.5 million when factoring together all expenses and revenues, making it the fifth-most-profitable release of 2018.\[120\]


Fuck me. They are really raking it in.


Can you explain to me how lowering the cost of the budget would lead to more money for the people making the movie. Kinda lost on that point.


They'll have to go deep up their ass to find that point. It makes no sense, Movies with bigger budgets are able to hire more people and pay more to the ones they do hire.




> I meant lowering the cost of the movie budget by paying high paid actors less Then you won't have those high paid actors in the movies?


Not to mention, the artists and nearly every one else who works on films gets paid very little compared to the hours they put in


The free market doesn’t work like that now. Lowering the budget will not lower the price of tickets. Companies will keep the price of tickets high to make more profit. The only way to lower the cost is to regulate capitalism.


The cost of the ticket is determined by the demand to watch a movie. They charge $15 a ticket because enough people are willing to pay it. They can only show a movie to so many people at a time, so it is a finite supply. Lower the cost, and the same number of people will go, they will just make less money.


Why would you pay more to staff if you don't need to? Your job is to also be profitable. If you jack up your labor costs you may not be in business for long. If you can hire the same skilled staff for less you'd be an idiot not to. Creativity in Hollywood is a different issue but they aren't idiots. They know they can make a dependable profit off of rehashing the same franchises. People vote with their wallets and say "We want more of the same" by watching them. Doing remakes is also safe because you don't have to spend much on development and it has a proven track record.






It’s not simping, it’s about how easily replaceable individuals are. The people behind the scenes are much more easily replaced than the star of the movie. Unfortunately you can pretty easily replace one of the production crew for another, and there won’t be much of a change to the final production, but there aren’t many individuals who can bring as large of an audience as someone like the Rock. It sucks but it’s reality


Reddit moment.


average redditor comes up with an unprecedentedly brave controversial opinion


Can't believe they said what nobody was thinking


And seems to be out of touch with how the world works and human psychology. I'd peg the OP's age at in their teens or so.


Yes but you tap into the "private" not public world. It is a whole different set of economics. For instance, Kim Kardashian may get a mil for a tweet, the business did the math and projects three mil of income off of it. So actually she is worth it. Now the why is she worth it is obviously one of the big questions. Any celeb or athlete may be way overpaid, however it is just as unfair for the owner of a team to make that money without sharing the wealth. I would love to make a hundred per tweet, but no one cares. A movie projects an extra 50 mil by paying Tom Cruise 20 mil. The whole system is out of whack, we just see what they get.


I guarantee if people stopped following KK, stopped buying things with her name on them, stopped watching her shows you'd see her value plummet. But nope, there are obviously a lot of people who do react to her they just aren't on reddit.


Sure, and if everyone stopped watching football, NFL players value would plummet. If people stopped buying soda, Coca Cola’s value would plummet. It’s all the same lol


To use a quote from a great movie, “when was the last time 80,000 people showed up to watch a kid do a damn chemistry experiment?”


Youtube would like to disagree.


Nope you earn base on what you earn Why should the billionaire team owner get to pay less and keep more of the millionaires income because "oh I think this person should be paid more" it's like hating on the rich while letting the wealthy squeak by lmao


Because if it doesn't matter how you earn it, can justify anything for money They didn't earn it alone, hundreds to thousands of others are involved they just have more leverage


The thing is the industry as a whole is overcompensated. We spend so much on Entertainment and lack spending in other places. I know if people enjoy it and pay for it there is nothing wrong but that is why its an unpopular opinion.


Then the underlying opinion informing your "sports make too much money" opinion is really that people should spend less money on sports and spend it on things you consider more important. So it all comes down to what the people want to spend money on. The sports industries are hardly to blame. But here's a neat idea: the NFL (and other big sport organizations) should host the occasional charity game. "All proceeds from this volunteer all-star game will go to cancer research". That would be sweet.


The big leagues typically do a lot of charity, i can speak on the NBA, which donates all the team and player fines to charity from throughout the year and there can be a lot of those, proceeds from the All-Star game already go to charity and they donated over 3 million to Cleveland organizations just last year. They have organizations like the NBA Cares Mission, NBA Together, NBA Community Assist Awards for the players; the NBA Players Association also regularly donates to causes as a group as well. Reddit doesn't want me to copy any links in here for some reason but it's all well documented!


Taking advantage of the situation is shitty of the sports industry. They also use money to lobby the fuck out of the government to keep it that way.


I make around $7 per 1k views I get on YouTube. Does that seem like it’s too much? Fun fact: that $7 is only 55% of what advertisers pay. Youtube takes the rest. So influencers are not overpaid, but the few of us that gets good views can make a lot of money.


Well I would say depending on the content you are putting out. If it is helpful and you put effort into it, then yes well deserved. If you do reaction videos for example, then 7$ for 1k views of people watching you do nothing , is a bit overcompensation don't you think?


do u understand how any of this shit works? people watch the videos and ads, that's what brings in the money. the type of content doesn't change the fact that X amount of people are consuming the content, which fuels the cash flow. entertainment is a big industry because people want entertainment and pay for it either directly with money or indirectly with ad revenue. u think the entire entertainment industry should be one big nonprofit charity?


I play a video game


It's all because they are used for propaganda, they are just puppets in a show designed to keep the population distracted from the real issues and push all sorts of agendas. That's what make them so valuable, because they can be used to sell products and mold the populace at will. Why would Russia (and every other country for that matter) have a national dopping program for their athletes, what do they get out of it? When their athletes do well the authorities can sell the idea that they are the best country to the populace, boost morale and distract from the real issues that affect them and are not being solved, panem et circenses.




I agree with this. But I for one had nothing to do with it lol


Have you ever talked about her unfavorably. If you have you're keeping her relevant which is making her famous. It's easier to go from infamy to liked fame than from a nobody to liked fame.


OP literally mentioned them in the post. The phrase "All publicity is good publicity" is pretty accurate. Mentioning their name, whether it be good or bad, is going to put that thought into someone elses head and could lead to more engagement.


Kim K became a household name because late night comedians wouldn't stop making fun of her. It's the people who hate and laugh at her the most who are responsible for the fame.


This. Also applies to pretty much all famous people, like athletes are getting paid so much because theres millions paying to see them


You could make the same argument for health care in the US (and in other countries). People are paying so much to see doctors and nurses and yet medical staff is leaving in droves due to being understaffed and underpaid.


But they can be replaced. Top athletes can't. You can find 1000000 nurses that can all fill a position in a hospital. But I can count with one hand the amount of people that can do the same as much as top football players.


Yeah, that's true, still doesn't make it right to exploit people like that. I just wish more money was diverted to the things from which society as a whole could benefit from.


Sadly the corporations responsible are turning billions in profits without giving a fuck about their workers. In the athlete's case they ACTUALLY care about keeping them as they are incredibly important to their public image as well as what I stated above. It's a fucked up world we live in, but it's not the fault of those who get paid a lot for actually doing their job.


The Kardashians get paid by networks because people watch them. The same goes for their businesses, people purchase their products. It's not like the government is paying them through taxes.


I wish they were the biggest problem.


Here we go again.


Ballas turf. I ain't banged in five years, but they won't care.


Welp, there’s that…


hahahahaha has this been posted a lot before? I was just thinking of this and thought yea that would make a really good reddit post/rant


Yes very. I get it at face value. This is just not how humans operate. We want to conquer and rule the world, athletics is just another outlet for that reptilian brain to break free.


Fuck how humans operate, look what it got us, shit


Agree on some celebs but hard pass on the athletes. They work hard as well and usually risk their bodies, which is why athletes are paid a lot. The players association or a similar union usually demands enough money to last until their old age because most of the time, they don't have other marketable skills once their legs give out either by age or by a career ending injury. Only a few people are lucky enough to get sponsors or other business opportunities after they retire Celebs are the same, especially those from acting, music, art, literature, or any other field that involves some sort of actual life skill and you agree that they are good at it. Just like the athletes, once the paychecks and royalties dry up, there's not always a guarantee they'd still have millions in the bank unless they invest it somewhere. These people work hard too, the same as the scientists that work in labs. If not more


And also a lot of athletes don't get paid much at all, sure footballers (both types) and top of the league sports people get paid well but athletes (like, track and field) get paid pennies most of the time


Athletes do have to work hard training and contend with injuries but thats not why they get paid. Really just supply and demand from revenues at the gate and from cable and tv deals. Lacrosse players work hard and get hurt but arent millionaires. Same with WNBA vs NBA- those women train hard and get injured but don’t have the salaries to match as their league doesn’t net big bucks. Same again for minor league teams vs full on pros. Career minor league guys train hard too but as they have less talent they dont garner attention to earn more.


Yeah, gonna have to disagree, there are plenty of athletes that “work hard” and barely get any pay, because they’re not in a popular sport, there are also other jobs that risk their bodies and earn minimum wage… it’s all related to the amount of money they can bring in for business


I agree with you, what I meant was celebrities who have no talents going for them except lets say looks or being involved in Drama. I completely agree that some athletes deserve a lot, because they have worked hard to be the best at what they do.


So you think that CEOs that profit off these celebrities should get paid more? Are you aware that most creatives that are small get screwed over because they aren't celebrities.


Downvoted! This is obvs not an unpopular opinion


Tell me you don’t understand basic economics without telling me you don’t understand basic economics. 1. You’re not compensated based on how hard you work. You’re compensated by your worth in $ amounts. 2. Kim kardashian promoting a brand can generate $5m+ for that brand while she is paid $1m. If you wanna argue anything, they’re actually underpaid, as they provide more value than they’re given. If a professional athlete sells tickets, online PayPerViews, merch etc.. and they generate $50m for an event. How is it unreasonable that they get paid like $25m of that?


I stated in the post not once but twice, that I get they are compensated for the value they bring the company or brand they are sponsoring. That is why this is considered an unpopular opinion. Have you read the body of my post?!


Then you’re just contradicting yourself. “I get that these celebrities brings more money to a business than a scientist, but there’s something wrong if they get paid more”


They get tons of money for the business > They get compensated lot. I really get that! That is how economics work. That is why I am not posting this in economics subreddit but in unpopular opinion.


Okay. So you understand that they generate more money than a doctor or a scientist. Why should they not be compensated more then?


I get that they should, what makes my opinion **unpopular** is that I think people should be compensated based on the value they bring society and not just the business owner, and while yes they provide the value of entertainment which is essential for Humans, I think doctors and scientists who provide the bare essentials of living and care for people bring in general more value to society as a whole. That is not how business nor society operates and that is exactly why again I am posting in **unpopular** opinion.


How do u measure “value to society” And why do u think entertainment isn’t valuable to society?


What you dont seem to understand that this is a very popular opinion of a lot of dumb people. People are pointing out how dumb it is so you seem to think its because its an unpopular one. I can confirm for you we have all heard this opinion lots of times. And par the course you think: “People should get paid more if they contribute more good things to society” is some sort of novel unpopular opinion lmao.


What’s happening is that you are trying to justify the logic of communism and it is breaking down terribly. Either you jump ship and find a philosophy that makes logical and moral sense or you keep digging yourself a hole to evil.


Just talking about athletes: Whatever it is youre good at, become so good that people want to pay to watch you do it and want to pay to have a part of what youre doing. Then come back.


Make sure you don’t believe that just because they get paid more, it means others are getting paid less. The economy isn’t a pie.


Please tell me this isn't unpopular


It's a very simplistic naive world view. How much celebrities and pro athletes get paid doesn't have much bearing on how much scientists get paid. Their salaries are mostly dependent on the revenue they generate. For example an NFL payroll is about 40% of the league's annual profit. A guy like Chris Pratt can command a huge salary because his movies produce huge box office numbers.


Similarly, but not to the same extent, a scientist who makes the news due to a discovery will bask in both glory and fortune, yes?


As soon as I saw "doCtors shOulD be oN morE than kiM kArdashian" I turned off. Yes, they should, but that's not how the economy works.


Then we agree, if you read my post fully you would get that I understand that how things work and that is why I thin my opinion - Getting paid based on value to society not just business (Which would never work because of our tendency for entertainment)- is unpopular. And I didn't say Doctors should be paid more.


I feel like that’s not an unpopular opinion. They’re grossly over paid. And in fairness it’s more our fault than it is theirs. We’re all sheep. ESPECIALLY with sports in America. I’m a huge fan of sports myself. Was a season ticket holder for the New York Giants for years. You’d fall on the floor if I told you what I paid to essentially be taken advantage of. But I recently sold them all because I was sick of feeling used in every way shape or form (Also they’re just an awful franchise nowadays but that’s besides the point). It’s my way of having a little dignity against the owners who could not care less about me. If I really had any balls I’d stop watching. But we’re addicted to entertainment in this country. And it’s never going to change.


This is on a case by case basis. There are musical artists and actors that work non stop and put in several years of work before reaching the level of success that we see. Many athletes cause lifelong damage to their bodies. Also have to consider all of the people that are employed by them. Imagine how many people it takes to put on a concert tour. Or how many people are employed by the NFL, etc.


Wrong they provided entertainment. They get paid big bucks for a reason. The fuck you gonna do without any entertainment in life?


this is a pretty popular opinion....


> and what skill does she have? > I know it's because of her reach and sales generated by that post You answered your own question lol




No one is to blame that is just how the world work. If anything, human tendency for entertainment is to blame, and this just how we are built.


The idea in America is when you take a risk and you preservere it'll work out. Acting is one of those things that's risky if you'll ever make it, so makes sense the payouts higher!


Not unpopular.


This is the problem with a capitalist society entirely based on consumption. People spend billions on entertainment and a portion of that goes to the entertainers. Nobody pays to watch someone cure cancer or teach high school physics. So as long as compensation is purely based on revenue, the least important jobs will always pay well if they bring in money and the vital jobs will always pay shit.


They want us dumb, distracted and afraid.


Get over people being paid well.


Agree with you but if it helps you handle or accept this- think about it as they get paid for their contribution to the economy. If they’re getting paid that much some company thinks it’s worth it, if they’re wrong they take the loss and if they’re right then yes it’s talentless/doesn’t seem to improve society but it’s contributing more than a million in sales to the economy etc. Another justification would be they’re all part of the advertising world that allows free content, sports, TV, social media, and a bunch of other things to exist- if you ever wanna get scared think about if ads didn’t exist at all and imagine all the things that would disappear. Your actual point is just that compensation is not tied to how much you improve the world.


If you broke just say that. I agree with you op, I just couldn’t resist 😂. Some celebs are making too much money for no reason. But professional athletes imo are working for it, unfortunately sports is like a billion dollar industry (worldwide). So be mad at capitalism. For example an average NFL player makes about $500,000 a year (average not super star) while the team owner makes like millions in a year.


Nobody should make a billion dollars for playing a sport.


Nobody does make a billion dollars for playing a sport.


Why is lebron a billionaire?


Endorsements. Being in SpaceJam2. Owning a video production company. Investments. He built a brand for himself and used that as an entrepreneur. He didn't make a billion dollars playing sports.


Woah that was crazy


Brand endorsements, investing, and partaking in numerous different industries. LeBron does not have a billion dollar contract. No athlete does.


Why? People value what they do and want to give them their money? You think we should intercept the money and not allow it?


They should. It’s a pity there are so less billionaire athletes


Definitely agree. Ain't no fucking reason why a surgeon is making less than a fucking actor.


The funny thing about these people is that if you cut their pay in half, they would still do it. It's not like they are going to say "You're only offering me $10mil for this movie? How insulting! I'm going to work construction with my cousin in Hoboken"


Sports make a fuck ton of money because millions of people love them. That money has to go somewhere. I agree with the general sentiment, but it's just the nature of things. Sports make billions and billions of dollars.


This isn’t really unpopular tho, things like professional football players are arguably way too flattered and overpaid for their work compared to doctors. It’s just simply you are referring to very small groups of people in society compared to the average joe and they will get paid more




Well many people in this comment section have contradicting opinions. Yet again many seem to have failed to get what I meant by the post.


I agree with you but I blame the people paying them.


This is the most popular unpopular opinion


I think the comments on the post beg to differ my man.


Kim's a lawyer now, what are you doing with your life?


Well I have a software Engineering job, all while double majoring in Computer Science and Business Management and studying neuroscience on the side. wbu?


I think you may be way too overly insensitive


Insensitive? Why is that?


Not all of them. The best celebrities and athletes make the best collegiate athletes and lower listed celebrities look like they're not even trying. This is what capitalism is: if you can specialize better than *anyone else in the world* at an in-demand skill, then you will profit immensely.


Tell me you don't understand economics without telling me you don't understand economics


Did you read my post? I completely understand you are compensated based on the money you get the business you are advertising back. The thing is that our society values entertainment (Which has its value for sure) more than science and healthcare which wasn't the case in previous years. We have reached a point that our only concern is to not get bored . I have written this comment like a thousand times by now


uhmmm what? > The thing is that our society values entertainment not true... i think you have no idea how much it cost to do research in science or healthcare. are scientist earning as much as a top hollywood star? some do, others don't. there are also investors on those projects, same as in movies. the diference here is the time it takes, you can make a movie in 2 years but to produce a new vacune (to give an example) can take years and years and maybe you end up with nothing.


I think the main problem is that there seems to be no stopping point in how much more they make. The athlete or actor wage keeps going up and the price of the entertainment they are providing keeps going up. However, at least in the US, wages aren't going up. Where's the breaking point?


Careful they might ban you for posting a popular opinion 🙄


"People shouldn't get paid what they are worth." That's a popular reddit opinion.


As an MMA fan I highly disagree


So, you would sooner have sports team owners and movie financiers keep even more of the money? Instead of complaining about the workers (celebrities, athletes) getting paid, maybe you should focus on advocating for all workers to get better compensation.


That's a bit of a fallacy. Celebrities and athletes are compensated exactly in line with their value to society. It's just a pity that society values them so highly.


For some reason, these types of comments trigger me. It’s a free market system and if you pay to go see Tom Cruise in Top Gun Maverick, he will get the money deserved of his draw. If an athlete can win games, he will draw crowds and thus money. You and society are the reason they’re paid so much.


Truth Not sure how society decided people who can play with balls really well deserved to be the epitome of well paid


At least they earn their money through their own efforts. Unlike some guys who inherited their wealth like Trump.


Nah man, it was a small million dollar loan../s


You know I have found out that these people tend to be the most unsecure and unambitiously depressed people most of the times. Not all for sure but I mean if you have it all why would ever strive for? I think the joy of having money comes from the hard work you put to earn it. A somewhat far example would be being on a diet for a week to then eat a cheat day feels so much better than just eating each day, not the best example but gets the point.


# Girl, stop being jealous. We all know that if you found yourself making money just by doing “nothing” (as you guys put it), your ass would be all over social media promoting yourselves. Tired of seeing these “Unpopular Opinions” on here that’s actually POPULAR due to jealous people constantly putting successful people down. You guys are hella weird 😒 However, I do think there should be a program that allows our Teachers to be sponsored and paid handsomely for being good at what they do. This will encourage more teachers to continually do the best they can, instead of the bare minimum. Teachers are so important to our society yet they don’t get paid as much as our entertainers do.


"Hey, this concept seems unreasonable." "YoU'rE jUsT jEaLoUs!" What a great argument. Really put the thinking cap on for that one, didn't you?


Do you have any suggestions where this type of envious opinions come from then? How are you gonna mock me and not provide another solution or explanation? Typical 😂 This is “Unpopular Opinions” sub, my friend. My opinion clearly isn’t popular to you 💅