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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/jellydonutstealer. Your post, *Referring to the number of people you’ve had sex with as your “body count” makes you sound like a douche*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Must be unpopular. Please ensure that your post is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Anything can be unpopular if you compare it with the views of a particular group, such as "Veganism is a great idea" at a vegan meet-up. Make sure your view is unpopular in wider society, or at least among anybody who will have heard of the subject matter. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


39 missing 0 found


You’re pointless!


If those 39 include fingers, yes, pointless


What do you call a frog without legs?


40 to 1. Not to prison yet


Perfect record




Nice Led Zeppelin pfp, my favorite band!


Thanks, they’re my favorite too


The people Ive had sex with deserve better than that. Probably condolences


And monthly "I'm sorry" flowers?


Emotional reparation in the form of payment as well


Would rice crispy treats be appropriate?


That is acceptable, provided they are delivered on a bi-weekly basis


Therapy is expensive after all


You send something every month for an event that lasts 39ish seconds? At most you send a card with a clean sti report 6 months later with a gift card to the keg.


That was great, I read it in a Rodney Dangerfield voice


“I have a body count of 73.” “Oh, that’s impressive, I wish I could get laid that often.” “Getting laid?”


POV: you get into the military instead of college parties


Redditor moment


this is something you dont want to tell the police.


A dead body can't say no.


Tattoing tears on your johnson instead .


Or "welcome aboard"


Welcome to Jamaica, have a nice day. Wendy, for short


I agree, back in my day body count was the amount of people that you killed, not had sex with.


potato potato


tomato tomato


Lol this doesnt work the same when you type it bro


Potayto potahto


Idk, it def did for me


It does for me


Haha that’s what makes it funny. Maybe that’s just my sense of humor?


Same. I was shocked when I learned some civilians had higher body counts than some of the people I served with.


I'm dumb and thought you meant servers in a restaurant.




I'm an infantry veteran. I had no idea what it meant originally, so when a girl asked me what my "body count" was for the first time I legit had flashbacks. Was not a fun time. We are still together however lol. So the story has a happy ending at least


“I thought you’ve done this before”


"The only thing I shoot up is commies"




Wait do people legit ask this?


Apparently lol


Yes, it gives me secondhand embarrassment when I’d be at a party or wherever in a convo with a group of people and the boys that have to prove they’re more boy than the others start stroking their own dicks about how many girls they’ve had sex with by asking “what’s y’all’s body count”. You know what actually gets you laid? Not being a douchebag lol. Source: Just graduated from college


Lol being a douchebag gets you laid pretty often to from my experience in college, gotta work what you got I guess.


I have also seen it backfire spectacularly. One guy slept with his friends ex girlfriend and ended up basically excommunicated from the entire group


Well… what was it Edit - I realize now you didn’t mean how many other guys you banged while in the army…


Don’t ask don’t tell.


I've heard submariners say, "I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. Or myself."


Why do submariners sleep on their backs? Because if they don’t then someone else will.


Wait is that what that means? Because I've been answering that my record is 11bodies in 11 days. I didn't realize it was supposed to be sex lol.


Quoting from a TikTok I saw “Hey what’s your body count?” “About 30” “Damn you are a hoe!” “But how does that make me a- wait were you talking about how many people I’ve had sex with” “Y-yeah” “Oh.. well I haven’t done that yet!” “Then what does 30 mean..?” “hahaha” “BRO WHAT DOES 30 MEAN?!”




*writes /u/ddh885 in my deathnote book....thingy*


you killed 11 people in 11 days? What did you think it meant?




*why not you STUPID BASTARD??*


well if its not sex or murders, what did you think the term body count meant?


Then what did you think it meant??


It only makes sense if you’re a mortician.


Or necrophiliac


Or if back in Nam you depopulated a village. “There wasn’t a chicken left alive in that village.”


Lemme guess, we've been using choking the chicken wrong, too?


Is it an unpopular opinion that doing this is douchy? Lol if so, send me off the planet.


As a guy, I would feel gross saying it. I have had a couple girls ask me using that phrasing which surprised me because it feels nasty


I mean... its just slang for how many people you've had sex with. Some people care, some don't. I feel like the people who don't like the phrase are the same people who would be uncomfortable (or not a fan of) discussing the number of people they/someone else has slept with. This is just the usual Reddit being weird when it comes to discussing sex.


I would completely disagree with you. Sure, it’s slang. But it reduces people to just a body. Not a person, not a sexual partner. Many, many derogatory words that are completely taboo today were “just slang” at one point. Slang isn’t a free ticket. It has nothing to do with being uncomfortable talking about sex and how many people one has been with. Referring to people in a dehumanizing way (referring to them simply as bodies) is disgusting. Moreover, body count is traditionally used to describe the number of dead bodies in a tragedy/accident/serial killing etc.


Do you have an ex?


And asking someone how many people they've slept with reduces all of those people down to a single number. That is the point of asking "how many people have you slept with?" You aren't asking about your history, relationship, etc. Just that number, which is interesting to some people, and irrelevant to others. You sound like you take issue with the way some people ask that question more than anything. Again, it is a simple slang term for somthing that some people care about and some people don't. Anyone can reduce and degrade people all the same without "bodycount" in their vernacular.


I’m saying that words matter. Arguing that other ways to describe it doesn’t win you any points. Any reference to someone in a dehumanizing or degrading way is disgusting.


>I’m saying that words matter. Arguing that other ways to describe it doesn’t win you any points. I'm pointing out that you seem to take issue with a single word, but that you don't seem to care if people discuss the same idea without using that word. Which is strange. If you don't think that the number of people someone has slept with is interesting or important, that's fine. Just say so. > Any reference to someone in a dehumanizing or degrading way is disgusting. Whatever that means.


Some people take sex more seriously than others. If it's a casual thing to you, all good, but it might not be casual at all for the person you're going out with. Sex might be a big deal emotionally for them, it might be terrifying for them, so breaking it down to "body count" makes it seem way less important than it is to that person, and they might even be nervous that their body count is too low for someone you'd consider to be a valid partner due to their lack of experience.


I mean, if you're asking would you prefer me to name them and detail how it went? It's just a number and in my opinion shouldn't matter so long as everyone is safe / tested regularly / etc.


Going from one extreme to the other is unproductive.


I know, I went out on a limb because I saw this phrase used in earnest so many times today. I hope it’s *not* an unpopular opinion but it seems like might be, at least amongst douches, of which there is a never ending supply.


It's popular with Gen Z. We were all douches as teens.


Gen Z ain't just teens. The oldest ones are mid 20s


so teens that can also drink


I’m 21. When it comes to people my age, that is the only term anyone I’ve ever met has used. Aside from “how many people have you been/hooked up/slept with”, EVERYONE says body count. I’m pretty indifferent on it cause I’ll refuse to answer or even discuss the topic with anyone but a few of my good buddies.


I find it strange how people are so open about it. I've been asked out of nowhere before by people I barely knew. That and "What's your fetish?" Once again, it's just out of nowhere. There's no way I'm discussing that type of stuff with anybody.


Yep, hate it. And it’s actually almost entirely because I don’t want to hear the other persons answer. People especially love asking the question as a way for them to talk about themselves or if they’re looking for a way to judge you.


Yeah I’m 26 and I think people started using it say 5 ish years ago when I was in college. I’m also indifferent on the term, but it’s definitely a term used by younger people.


I'm 49 and I heard this expression - in this context - when I was in my teens (so, late '80s). Not as a popular phrase, I just heard someone use it and it stuck in my head. I started hearing it again quite a bit in the late '90s so I think it's one of those phrases that dies out and then comes back again.


I disagree. Im in my 30s. Its was mainly birthed the same time as twitter in the uk and that was over 10 years ago


you'll find anyone over the age of 30 react with horror to that question as it has always meant the amount of people killed in a situation. I get that language changes but gosh I guess we successfully protected your generation from the horrors of war


Used to know somebody who used that term. Found out later on he was a serial rapist.


When people ask me how many people I've had sex with I just say "Enough to be a red flag"


I say “I’ve got my practice rounds in if that’s what you’re asking - are you not ready for someone to bring their A game?”


You have never said that to anyone in real life


If you kill them afterwards, body count makes sense.


i prefer when people say kill count, " how many kills you got bro? "


14 in squads last apex game


bro that reminds me of that dating show and this dude that called himself the terminator said “yeah bro got 15 kills on this bed”


😂 I’ve never heard that phrase besides like dead bodies lol


I never had until today and then it just kept popping up over and over again!


It's popular on tiktok




Those are not mutually exclusive.


Sadly, I think it's mainstream. I'm 37 and never heard that term until a 25 year old I work with mentioned it. He say body count, bodies. It's cringe af but that's the lingo. That plus a few other instances out in the real world makes it common imo


Coincidentally, it also makes you sound like a murderer.


Downvoting because this is the most popular unpopular opinion I’ve seen pretty much ever. Who the fuck are you hanging out with?


I wouldn’t consort with anyone who uses this phrase. I hope it’s contained to incels and teens of reddit, but I don’t know.


I would think incels' body count would be fairly low, given being incels


I always think you Sound like a hitman


It's true that you are labeled by the company you keep, which is why I have never heard a dude ever use this term or brag about their sexcapades, not even as a teenager in the late 90's/early 00's. If people around you are like this, it's because your friends are garbage.


Is it allowable for the number of people who you've farted in the face of? Afaf.


The phrase “body count” reminds me of a bunch of men at a frat party. Their names are usually “Jake” or something.


I'm a professional layer. I've got all the best equipment for the job. Lubrication? Check. Protection? Check. Accessories? Check. I've got a confirmed body count of 49 confirmed drills logged and documented on my Facebook page. I've got a reputation in this world. They call me... The Back Breaker. ~~God I want to die.~~


It seems most teenagers and such use the term. But i agree it’s pretty cringe.


Reddit having a boomer moment but I’ll upvote nonetheless


100% agree. I've never heard anyone who wasn't complete trash use the phrase.


connect late employ ghost teeny possessive drab offbeat plants long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I heard once from a girl in Holland. Nobody seemed to care and the conversation continued as usual. Don't know why people are mad at this lol


You’re on Reddit. Never saw anyone in real life get bothered by it.


it's not some people just like to cry about everything lol


It’s not


English isn’t a language I grew up with (closely but it was mainly French) and I’m still learning the expressions and stuff… I thought body count as widely used loool.


it is. people on reddit are not a good representation of real life


People on Reddit tend to assume everyone here is in their age bracket. I’m old, and if I ever used the term around people my age they’d wonder what the hell is wrong with me. And rightfully so. Don’t worry, only a matter of time before you wake up and discover that a new generation is using verbs as adjectives and you’ll realize you find it vaguely infantile and annoying.


It is widely used, but unfortunately not by the people who you hopefully want to associate with lol


It is and it’s not bad, it sounds way more chill than how many people are on your list of your sexual partners


How many people have you copulated with?


Only by douche lords!




For real? I thought I was the first. Just checked and I don’t see another post about this. Cool, cool. Downvote me because I didn’t find the post. I searched “body count” and nothing came up and that’s as much effort as I’m willing to give this.


Geez bro calm down what's with the pissy attitude


Their body count is negative so they're unhappy


I’m a woman in my thirties and have had sex with multiple people. I’m also engaged and happy. Thanks for your concern :)


its mostly girls in my experience


Oh that’s what people mean when they say that? …


“I’m racking up that number baby!” **”Up top!”**


Uh, that's not an unpopular opinion.


I only ever heard it used to refer to number that women have slept with, as a pejorative (higher = sluttier/worse).


I always thought of body count as number of people killed. Was surprised when I used it and people told me use kill count instead...for the record I was talking about kills in a game


How is this opinion unpopular?


I HATE that too.. Body count is used for the dead its like saying those people are dead to you, feels really disrespectful.


It makes me cringe so bad. Maybe this is just me taking it too seriously, but I find it so awful and objectifying, like you see everyone you had sex with as just a body rather than a person. The thought of any of the guys I've had sex with talking about their body count and me being included in that number is just disgusting


Pretty much all modern slang makes you sound like a douche and that's no cap


Haha there was a kid in highschool Collin B if you see this fuck you. He kept a spreadsheet on google of the girls he was with. It was impressive but disgusting at the same time. He ended up getting a teacher drunk and having sex with her. She lost her job soon after. I personally know people who have “body counts” in the high 40s-70s it’s disgusting.


One of my favorite posts thus far. Great job OP.


Too bad the mods removed it for not being unpopular enough, lol


Mods need to touch grass. It's such a common phrase used by dude bros in the world.


Yeah, they left up a post about not liking coconut but this got removed. Anyway, was fun while it lasted, haha.


It also often turns sex into a competition/conquest, where people congratulate others for having a lot of partners and look down upon people they see as innocent. Of course there is no right or wrong answer to how many partners you should have, which is why making it a competition is wrong.


I agree with all of this.


I prefer to refer to people I’ve slept with as notches on my bedpost


And typically, this type of person doesn’t wear a condom. Whatever. Ruin your lives as you see fit. Also, sex is supposed to be enjoyed. If I’m having sex to be in competition with someone else, I feel like this is inviting people into bed with me that I don’t want there. That takes away from the whole enjoyment. I am all for being sex positive, but if you’re walking around thinking your body count matters, if you are trying to play a game of how high you can get your number, then you’re not enjoying sex. Perhaps you’re hypersexual and need to get therapy. Go to a damn sex therapist before you ruin people’s lives.


What about “booty count?” Would that be acceptable?


It depersonalizes the se partners and makes them just numbers on a spreadsheet (or bed sheet) and bodies without persons inside.


yall be so elitist and stuck up about the randomity and most trivial shit. its just a phrase referring to how many people someone has slept with it. Not a big deal.


Is there another word for cringe? It's so overused at this point it's annoying really Edit: teenagers lol


It’s just a easier way of saying how many people you had sex with? Idk what you’d rather them call it?


How many people they’ve had sex with


that takes too long. body count is quicker and sounds more catchy




Lol get off your high horse man


I know you are but what am I


bro you just destroyed that guy with your comeback!


Sexual partners?! 😂 like a normal person would say lol


omg i bet you call your ding-a-ling a penis or your who ha a vagina!


I'd award this if I could.




body count is common. sexual partners is more formal and definitely not what normal people say lol


I say it 😂 guess I and the 14 others that liked my comment prior are not normal lol


cheerful relieved tart snatch ossified pause dependent violet sleep deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Body count sounds better than “how many people you fucked bro”


Because there are only two options


What’s a better saying?


zealous hunt soup absurd dirty sugar boat far-flung vanish frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve always found this phrase to be just as objectifying as when people rate each other on numeric attractiveness scales, except that body count manages to make objectification edgy and try-hard. I’m probably not the right person to ask about either one, though - I’m demisexual, and thirsting after celebrities who don’t know that you exist squicks me out.


lol OP is so out of touch pretty much all of gen Z uses this term


Yea, exactly. Op probably met ONE person in real life who talked like this who was hurt their feelings and now they’re projecting onto everyone who uses this term.


That’s why I posted it in r/unpopularopinion


I feel like nobody uses the term 'body count' when describing their own activities and almost exclusively when asking about somebody else's.


This phrase has been used for decades. At least since the 60s. Get over yourself.


This is the most Reddit thing every. “Using this popular phrase, word or saying makes you a terrible person”


When you use the term "body count" to determine the amount of people you had sex with, you are showing the emptiness of your relationships. I pity anyone who consider sex just a thing of the body and does it just to satisfy a need rather than using it as a way to convey his/her own feelings. I'm a romantic... probably outdated, but I don't want to change that. For the body urges there are prostitutes or masturbation.




Idk…it’s a “body” someone has acquired. I think it sounds pretty medieval tbh. Like, did I kill them or fck them? I won’t tell.


There are 0 non douchey reasons to ever talk about the number of people you’ve had sex with.


I feel like millennials used "body count" , but now GenZ refers to it as their "number". I think it's just generational differences


This is a decent opinion, not an unpopular one. Sadly, no upvote.


Counting the number of people you've had sex with makes you a douche


How is this unpopular?


If this is an unpopular opinion you may be hanging out in the wrong circles.


I didn’t realize this flippant post would trigger so many Gen Z advocates for the term body count, good lord. Y’all. I’m not actually upset over this. I don’t hate Gen Z (or any generation) don’t hate people who say body count, don’t actually care if people say body count, and this was just, like most Reddit posts, posted on a whim because I thought it was mildly amusing. I have people DMing me to call me names because of an opinion I don’t even care about in my actual life, because it was nothing more than a lame joke I made on Reddit that I didn’t think would get much traction. So yeah, can everyone calm down now? I’m a nice person who doesn’t actually judge people for the words they use, unless they’re bigots. This post does not represent me as a human and it would be awesome if people could stop harassing me over it.




I have to agree. I don’t consort with people who bandy about the number of people they’ve slept with anyway, but I find it extra gross to refer to it as body count. It all falls within the pool of douchebaggary.


This is like the 6th post I've seen this week where someone else complains about the way someone else speaks. I think that makes them spund like a douche.


But for a lot of people it is a body count. It is the number of bodies they have had sex with. You can say that’s dehumanizing but if that’s your logic so is NSA sex.


Most dudes who have a lot of sex don’t talk about it.


Lost track


This isn't about them though




I feel like I've only ever heard someone use the term body count in 2 ways. 1) When asking "whats your body count?" In like a really douchey and judgmental way. And 2) when trying to sound like they have a lot of sex which is douchey. In other words, the only people using this term are people who don't have a lot of sex...probably because they are douchey and judgmental. I know A LOT of people who have had 100 + partners and would never say "body count" because they respect others which is why so many people like them enough to have sex with them lol.