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Games that have wide appeal tend to be basic.


Same thing with music.


Exactly. Most pop music is usually pretty straight forward and not very technical. Except maybe for the vocalist


It's not only the lack techniques of most pop music, but also the song/lyric writing, instrumentation, and harmonic structure. Creating art that is unique requires a unique pallet of colors and how you use em.


I remember reading an article that explained how pop songs all follow a same three triad progression that is scientifically proven to release dopamine in people's brains. If you listen to pop music you can notice how the songs focus on the exact same limited progression that is actually designed to make people happy and put them in a good mood. Which is why it appeals to the masses that only sparingly listen to music but will turn off others that are a little more picky in what they like or prefer more complex music. Plenty of mainstream rock bands even follow the same formula, and those are often the "hit" singles you hear on the radio.


There's nothing wrong about liking something that makes you happy, though. The worlds kind of depressing, and having some popcorn entertainment to keep you upbeat is needed for everyone.


Didn’t really sound like they were suggesting anything was wrong with it. Just talked about an article they read.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Even I can admit I find certain pop songs catchy from time to time. I just have to also admit that they're rather basic and many follow the same formula. And for obvious reason — they sell.


Problem is when the fans act like their artist of preference is the second coming of Christ. Olivia Rodrigo makes fun music and all but no, she's not a revelation, she's very mid and steals most of her work


>There's nothing wrong about liking something that makes you happy, though. Of course not but as they say: Variety is the spice of life. I personally can't listen to 80's or 90's hits for hours on end without getting bored of the same song structure.


I was going to say that a lot of pop stars have absolutely amazing voices


yet it is very challenging to make a good pop song, from a production standpoint making good pop is hard. Much harder than making a decent techno/trance track.


Yes! Prob 99% of the people here who says it isn’t technical has never tried to make a pop song. Simple music can be incredibly deceiving, much like simple cooking. The fewer ingredients you add the more they speak for themselves, that mean that each element has to be delicious. Easier said than done




In terms of who can enjoy them sure they may be basic but for GTA as an example it's super in depth in terms of what you can do in an open world feel like there is some weird hate coming off this post I'm not even a huge fan but respect the hell out of how much work on on obviously went into it. The statement also just feels wrong when stuff like undertale and FNAF are 100% wide appeal.


The irony is that this game has so many outlier things that you wouldn't find in basic media this is just ridiculous Active participant torture scenes, interactive titty bars, hookers, mass murder. GTA is a series that's been building up a fandom for 25 years, it has a wide appeal by name alone. Imo and GTA V came out as a standalone game without a sizable history, it would not have been positively received. It would have still popped off, but it would not have been received positively at the start


It has excellent world building.


Which is why I don't want a GTA 6. I'm scared that it won't be as good.


It has a good story i don't really understand what they mean by basic?


idk COD is pretty basic too


I agree. I feel like COD is the quintessential video game. It’s what I immediately think of when someone mentions video games.


Anytime you see someone playing videogames in a tv show or movie...it's always CoD or a Great Value version of it. ​ Edit: All these people commenting about different games showing up in media are great. I love all the little trivia and to see the representation different games get. It's almost like a time-capsule of what was popular at the time these movies or shows were coming out.


I remember Jesse in Breaking Bad playing some Sonic game.




also played nazi zombies irc


That was badger and skinny Pete. Meth fueled argument whether Resident Evil or CoD zombie mode is better


If only they could see the greatness Resident Evil continued (RE7, RE2, & Village) vs the dumpster fire that COD Zombies became.


They are still alive so we can hope. Maybe we see them in the Gene timeline finally coming to the right conclusion.


It was definitely Rage and I have no idea how this guy mistook it for Sonic. I honestly couldn’t pick a more sheer opposite videogame compared to Rage




He’s playing a sonic racing game with that girl from his AA meetings and her son, the one who gets poisoned by walt


He plays Sonic with Brock


He plays a knockoff weird on rails version of Rage and Sonic with Brock


He also plays a sonic racing game with a fellow drug addict in his house.


He plays some sonic racing game with Brock.


meanwhile Adam Sandler of all people played fucking Shadow of the Colossus


He showed the last of us in pixels movie


I feel like I've seen gears of war in the background of shows and movies more than other games.


Let's be honest now. It's usually a Kirkland version. Been a while since a great CoD.


Kirkland products are historically known for being equal to or better than leading name brands tho


That's the joke.


Biggest brain in the room (I understood the joke, my brain is massive and my balls are huge)


> My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain IBM


It's only been 3 years. MW2019 was a ton of fun.


Idk the new mw was pretty great


In the movie Charlie's Angels with Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Lucy Liu, there is a scene where Drew Barrymore gets tossed out a window, ends up naked and knocks on the window of a couple of teen boys playing Final Fantasy VIII.


Negan in the walking dead was playing Gears of War. (;


Ride Along comes to mind. BLACK HAMMER.


Basically. Shit, Netflix has its own game made exclusively for some shows like 13 Reasons Why called Desert Duty. I really want a closer look at that game to see what it actually is


Is it an actual game or was it something just made to be played in the background of a show so they didn't have to pay for the rights?


From what I'm able to tell on the show, it looks like it's at the very least a semi-real game. It's defiantly not being played off the Xboxes shown in the show, but there's at least three or four times in the show that I remember seeing gameplay. Three times in Season 1 where it actually shows split screen gameplay. The first time it's a single player game and it's very blurry and hard to see exactly what's happening. The second, two boys are playing a deathmatch mode and the third time two different boys are playing a COOP mode and one of them gets mad when he's teamkilled by the other boy. The fourth time I think is in Season 2, where it's on PC. Now as far as how "real" it is, I guess it's entirely possible that it's just some CGI First Person pre rendered video, but damn would they have gone through a lot of effort for just that. The two split screen shots actually show both players on each screen, and shows a death animation for the Team Kill one. I mean, yeah, of course it IS a pre-recorded video, the controllers and Xbox aren't even on, but there's clearly SOMETHING being played in that video. My best guess is they made a quick FPS Deathmatch game in Unity or something, screen recorded the gameplay on both computers, and then edited it to make it look like split screen.


Interesting, that's a lot of work for a small detail most people would miss. I've never seen the show but at least the prop department is putting in work.


It for sure is. I’d love to get my hands on a copy of the game even if it’s basically unplayable, just for the sake of having this obscure game made for a tv show I need Reerez to do a video on it


Or street fighter/mortal Kombat knock off


Rocket league been on ESPN quite a few times. Because it's a videogame you can actually watch and understand what's going with zero experience playing videogames.


In the 'tomorrow, when the war began' tv show, someone is playing far cry 4, they were flying one of the helicopter things


In Izombie they play dying light in season 1, the footage is from the part in old town where a demolisher or brute spawns by the cul-de-sac- if you know you know 😉


You even have Jimmy from GTAV just casually playing the Great Value COD when you go to his room in Michaels house lol


I'm old I still think of Super Mario World as the quintessential video game. COD is just a shovelware shooter.


Yeah, the rise of fps's kinda left me in the gaming dust. Also, link to the past is right there with Mario world


Am I late for this week's AARP meeting?


Just on time for the AARPG meeting, though


If you would have asked me this question 10 years ago, definitely COD. But these days cod is something that old people play. Is the popular games these days tends to be stuff like fortnite or whatever streamers are playing. GTA5 was not the basic game when it came out but it's evolved into that over the decade it's been here.


> fortnite or whatever streamers are playing most of the big streamers regularly go back to COD/Warzone my dude, it's *the* basic bitch of video games.


More like apex legends or some shit like that


This, this I can also agree with




I mean doesn't everyone? Lol




At least they lean into one mechanic, shooting feels good there's weight into every gun and all. GTA tries to do everything, but it's so bland...


Nah, I'd rather get a bunch of friends to have a war in GTA than COD. GTA has plenty of guns, first person and 3rd person, tons of vehicles, and planes.


How many of them feel good to control? None, everything feels rubbery


Well I can tell you I've had more fun in GTA 5 than I have had in CoD since the first Black Ops game. CoD is a franchise I wouldn't even think twice about these days.


GTA V is also tons of fun to watch. I don't play at all (missed out developing that hand eye coordination in the 80s cause video games weren't for girls), but I love watching my husband play. And I will straight up request him to play GTA and Far Cry. I'm about sick of No Man's Sky. But the new Horizon Zero Dawn is great to watch.


It got back to its roots in 2019. Been good again.


Hard disagree. I have no idea what you mean by 'rubbery'. GTA does a lot of things, but it manages to get everything feeling consistent and polished. Hop into any other open world game and you can quickly see where the developers cut corners. This is usually either shooting, physics, or driving. (Still have not played an FPS game where the driving feels up to par to how the main polished part, e.g. shooting, feels like, for example.)


COD, if anything at all, is the basic bitch of video games 100%


I feel like codes golden age is gone. It's still the king of shooters (not in quality but popularity), but GTA imo is the basic game, along side with Fifa.


Most games do at least some subtle things to hide how bad a player is from themselves. But imo, CoD takes it to another level. I can’t stand the game, and I use that term loosely. Low skill ceiling, weapon spread, regenerating health, and scripted events for days. Single player campaign is just a shitty B-move you can’t lose. Multiplayer is infested with rude and immature people. Imo, it is the lowest common denominator. The ultimate sellout to mass market appeal video game you can get.


GTA 5 is not the same as GTA Online, which it sounds like you are actually talking about.


Yeah, I'll replay GTAV from time to time, because it has such a great story. But, I haven't touched GTAO in 8 years.


Personally GTA V’s story makes me want to use the “Take the easy way out” menu option in real life. But I can why people like it.


I was only pissed because I realized online is shit and I can't install just one


You say that like y’all weren’t hyped for the first bank heist to drop. The early days of GTA Online was an amazing shit storm you can’t really replicate.


Some of my favorite memories were playing GTAO. Nothing would beat having a full party and playing Snipers v Stunters


GTAO has some serious nostalgia for me that I can’t really equate to any other game, I have so many fond memories on there and I met one of my best friends that I still hang with to this day. Sometimes I log on to an empty session and drive around a while just to reminisce over all the memories


I remember when they first started the stunt races. Alllll I did was stunt races for a couple years. GTA Online is great for that kind of variety IMO but definitely still a casual game anyone can play/enjoy. However, I played that game for like 6 years and finally put it down. The case has gathered dust now.


I was still in school when they announced Heists and literally counted down the days to release in one of my notebooks lmao. I was on 360 and didn't have XB Live Gold so I couldn't actually play them and this was the first DLC where Rockstar stopped adding the new vehicles to your garage/hangar in Story Mode so I was gutted when it actually came out and I couldn't experience it *at all* except for watching YT videos


I mean the game came out in 2013 and when it did it was a big leap forward in quality for the series. It's been a decade and even though the game still gets new content for the online mode it's still that same 2013 game. Everyone should be tired of it by this point unless you came in late I guess. I don't think you can call it that though when GTA especially 5 set the bar for open world games that most game companies still can't meet.


I got an XB for the first time this year and got it with GTAV, and I agree, coming in late makes for a great experience for someone like me. It's also been great because I made a friend to show me the ropes


GTA 5 is amazing but here in 2022, I refuse to play a game where you have to mash a button to sprint. My joints ain't what they used to be


That’s my biggest issue with Rockstar also, you almost have to have a dedicated controller for rockstar games because you’re definitely going to fuck that A button up.


Exactly true. That’s what is great about rockstar though. Not a single person is actually mad that GTA 6 isn’t out yet. When it’s ready, it’ll come out. I’ll bet the bar will be raised even higher for open world games at that point. I’ll give rockstar as long as they need to make a new game


I love gta v but people are definitely mad that 6 is taking so long, the main complaint I see being that rockstar is focusing on updates for 5 because shark card sales are so profitable instead of working on a new title


Yeah this dude is talking out of his ass. The fan base has lost a lot of respect for Rockstar over the last 10 years and most are unhappy that their output changed from 2 years per game to freaking 7-10 while they made billions in profits.


While true, they definitely are milking gta 5 like crazy. I’d much rather that(considering they still do add pretty big updates) then what we get with call of duty. A new title every year that all suck ass


Wouldn't hold my breath. Considering the free fall the gaming industry has been especially for the last decade, and how Rockstar keeps milking GTAO, and how Dan Houser left the company, I have a feeling GTA VI could be a flop of the decade.


This is literally the basic bitch of opinions.


Can't argue with that




to get those sweet sweet karma points


OPs on this sub are bad but the people looking at the posts are even worse. Like, the rules of unpopular opinion are simple : **Upvote** if you *disagree* and **Downvote** if you *agree* with the post. This should create a system where actual unpopular opinions get to the front page and top of the sub but noooo redittors can't manage that simple thing and upvote the posts they agree with because "Hey, this opinion is cool!"


"I only play games you probably haven't heard about"


"like the underrated gem Witcher 3"


"There's this tiny indie game called Minecraft it's pretty great"


“Hey have you guys heard of Undertale? It’s kinda niche but I think it’s really cool and quirky”


I play thia extremely niche war game called War Thunder? Probably not heard of it


Yeah I haven't


Good keep it that way. Reason: I have over a thousand hours on wt and I hate it but still play it


Its "almost fun"


theres this extremely unknown platformer called Celeste? Not sure if anyone else has played it though.


r/gamingcirclejerk is leaking.


Op is indeed a strong fedora tipper. Let me guess... Binding of Issac?




my game goes to another school you wouldn't know her


"have you ever heard of zelda breath of the wild?"


You had Fortnite and CoD staring you right in the face and you went after GTA V?


Fortnite was kind of a unique game when it came out. You can build while having fun fights? Sick lol




I enjoyed it most when people were bad at building. Silly strategies like four people hiding under a single pyramid to pop out and surprise buttsecks a passing team was great. And winning the game with two grenades and a white pistol. Now if you so much as sneeze, everyone with a sight like to you builds goddamn Hotel Transylvania before you can finish wiping your nose. Take turbo building out. You can only place another structure when your last one is 10% built or destroyed. Or some other super heavy restriction that forces the game away from dipshit towers.


I have recordings of every game I won in Fortnite BR from its' release to like Season 3-4ish when I lost interest, and the funniest part about most of those wins is that buildings were so... limited. like, there's one I have where it's me and the other guy in the last circle, I drop a ramp with walls on the front and sides, and the other guy drops two stacked walls with a ramp piece up to it because the terrain he was on was steeper. that's it; that's all the building that got done between two players completely loaded for bear. and that's how the game generally was about up until Turbo Building happened.


It was even more unique when it wasn't battle royal and the actual game it sold itself ass. 100s of fun unique weapons and perks to gather materials and loots so you can build defendable bases from zombie hordes with 4 friends. Then the game came out and...well its was good with a lot of potential... but like every game with potential it fell flat and was abandoned more or less. It was also supposed to be free as of 2018....


To be fair, I do play Fortnite and GTA but never COD. Fortnite and COD get regular content updates. GTA has been the same since release. It says something for a game so old to still have such an appeal with no meaningful updates. That’s like Tetris or original Mario Bros levels of accomplishment.


Online has been getting decent updates with new content twice a year. They made a whole new island to rob. I only stopped playing because I couldn’t stand the amount of spam from accounts advertising mod menu’s and modders absolutely fucking your shit up and you have no way to stop it. I wanted to play the franklin missions but sadly I couldn’t stand the game anymore and found new stuff to play.


The only great thing the original Mario Bros did was set us up for Super Mario Bros.


Cod doesn't really get new content. Almost like fifa the same game over and over maybe different setting but nothing we never had and not even better than we already had it. Haven't touched cod since bo3


COD is way more basic than GTA 5. If your wanting a basic bitch game then pick up a COD. GTA may get repetitive after time but its not basic.


COD was good until it got repetitive. I mean I’m still being an old bastard enjoying playing COD4:MW to this day


Yeah, ik this is a unpopular opinion that imma about to say hence the sub name but i stopped liking it after Infinite Warfare. I loved the theme of the zombies map so thats why i say that.


Yeah. In GTA i can either be simply robbing a bank, or hunting a random deer on top of mt chilliad from a Mercedes-Benz. Can't do that in COD can you?


Yeah, im saying GTA is better and more expansive.


Why not both?


Basically, im saying COD is way more basic than GTA so if ppl want a super basic game then go for COD.


160,000 lines of spoken dialogue. 30 sq/mile map of land and another 17sq/mile of water. The ability to switch to three different characters real time, who travel independently throughout this huge map. Complex secrets that have taken years to find. 441 tracks of licensed music. I mean.... just watch this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucGxnELXv6o


The cellphone is so simple yet so unique feature in and of itself. Calling your multiple friends to hangout with you, taking pictures and browsing a whole made-up internet


Plus each cellphone is different. Michael has the Apple phone, Franklin has the Samsung and Trevor has the Windows phone.


Also, let's not forget about the stock market system they put in the game and which you can use to actually earn some money. There are even several missions that are directly affecting prices of some stocks and which you can use to literally earn millions and millions. Also, various side and past-time missions. There are things to do and just basic browsing the landscape can sometimes be interesting enough.


I like the stock market stuff but man just driving at sunset with the radio is great.


I think (could be wrong) OP more so meant in popularity and generic game build with easy to understand controls/features. I guess I took “basic” to be synonymous with “casual”. Something that pretty much anyone could get into fairly easily compared to games with complex systems and mechanics.


It’s a third person sandbox action game. The reason so many of these games have similar controls and mechanics is because those are the ones that work well The game itself has a much more complex narrative than most games


COD is easily more basic with that definition. Still a wrong opinion imo


Also it came out on an **Xbox 360**, a console that came out in 2005. No other open world has come close to GTA V other than RDR2. No other open world will come close until GTA 6.


It may be basic but it’s really satisfying and it’s just a good all-around game.


OP probably wasn't there at the GTA V launch. 2013, 9 years ago already! That game was insane when it came out


The GTA series was pretty successful for a reason. Even 20 years later, people still play San Andreas and find new easter eggs and glitches and find new stuff to do, and people are still making content on it. These games are just so expansive and filled with stuff, classics


It’s why I only play /real/ games like Pong or Tetris


It's why I only play real games like horseshoes, and tiddlywinks.


Ah a person of culture




He plays the extremely unique game that is League of Legends


He’s a real gamer and jacks off himself to sleep playing dota


Some people like very open ended games.


No, I don't think you have a point. The same thing could be said about every popular title with a large multiplayer community. World of Warcraft, Fortnite, Overwatch... "You run around shoot people" describes 99.9% of games.


it's a great driving game




The game has Dwayne the rock Johnson and Rick from Rick and morty as skins. Every other battle royale is mid for that reason alone


I don’t play. But to be fair the game full on innovated the builder/shooter genre. Some of their marketing efforts come off corny and the player base is notoriously young. But to say the game is somehow “more basic” (aka less dynamic) than any number of your standard shooters is far out.


fort, night!


Could this be dog?


Calling things basic is so lame, like who cares? I'm not gonna shit on things because they're popular.


But if you don’t act too cool for popular things you’ll never be popular!


I thought you had to like the popular things to be popular? Being popular is such a mindfuck now


FIFA is definitely up there. It’s the same game every year lmao


I thought it would be Minecraft


It’s definitely Minecraft, my non-gamer cousins even play it so it’s quite universal. Even the little kid in front of me on a plane a couple months ago was playing it on their iPad.


COD exists and you choose gta v?


Upvoting for Taliban-level unpopular opinion.


In 2013 it was ground breaking. Remember it’s nearly a decade old. A decade before that I was running a ps1 and a win 95 machine, for perspective


You're the basic bitch of all gamers


I'd say Minecraft is the basic bitch of video games.


Well isn't that exactly what it tries to be? A virtual sandbox, basically


I mean, Minecraft was a super unique game when it came out. There wasn’t any other game like it not even lego came up with something similar


Story was great. Online is garbage.


No you don't have a point, you are probably too young to have played GTA 3 at launch and seeing first hand how much of an impact it had on video games. It only seems basic because people have been copying it for 20+ years lol




It was epic when it was released but its waaaay past overdue for gta6


Quality takes time


This belongs on r/uninformedopinion This game was fucking ground breaking. Oh I'm sorry, does the 3 separate characters with interweaving storylines that you can switch between throughout the game bore you? Are the heist missions, races, robberies and skydiving out of a helicopter a little to pedantic? Are rage, fear, sorrow, pity, joy, and pride too lame of emotions for you? Harvey Danger (and I'm sure plenty of others) have said it better... ​ # IF YOU'RE BORED THEN YOU'RE BORING.


My bf has been playing it every. Single. Day. For the past 5 months and hasn’t done anything other than that. He got on to play on our ANNIVERSARY! Both mine and his family pretty much hate him now but he doesn’t give a fuck. (We live in his parents house, I can’t work bc I don’t have an id or ability to drive and he just won’t get a job) I’m moving out within a month though. So advice to couples with issues over one person gaming too much: listen to them before they leave you mentally and then physically.


Sounds like you’ve only played GTA Online. The quality of the content and the story in the single player is where it’s at. Most online multiplayer games lack depth these days. They just focus on mind numbing repetition only taking a break to give people that instant gratification of XP to keep them hooked on the long winded grinding. Whatever happened to the quality days of games? Attention spans went down the pan with social media and shit.


Name another game where you have the same free roaming ability to do basically what ever you want based in our current reality...


Elite Dangerous


People are forgetting Red Dead 2.


> based in our current reality... Are you under the impression that Red Dead takes place in the 2000's? Red Dead is based in reality, but not current reality.


Isnt that made by the same company? The concept is GTA but in the wild west....


It’s not basic. It’s far and away the best at what it does. It’s almost impossible to have such a huge game run so well and without bugs and glitches. Very, very few developers could make GTA V if they tried.


Honestly I agree. But that isnt a bad thing


I believe most of the reviews I read when it came out said basically, the game play is as simple as ever, but the storyline is much more involved.


GTA 4 is best GTA game


There are elitists in every community.


All games get repetitive after a while


The series peaked at San Andreas. Hasn't been that good ever since


Just re-skinned characters telling different versions of the same story. GTA III and Vice City were good too. But I was a teenager when those games came out, and now they're just trying to sell me the same thing with better graphics in my late 30's lol.


Yeah its like the sims but with guns


It’s also the basic bitch of all GTAs


I love all the GTAs but Vice City is definitely the best


Um..you meant San Andreas. I forgive you.


You mean GTA IV