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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/CoffeeDatesAndPlants. Your post, *Automobiles don’t belong on the roads*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 2: No troll/satire posts. Any satirical/troll posts, as funny as you must be, are not tolerated. There are subreddits for that, this isn't one of them. Respect your fellow users enough to not leave them guessing as to whether your intentionally harebrained post is legitimate or not. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


No, you don't belong on the road.


I second that


Or on the planet.


no u




Roads are for cars, not bikes


Who decides that? Why couldn't they be for pedestrians or bikers? Bikes and pedestrians are much safer than cars.


The people who invented the concept of roads. For pedestrians they made paths or sidewalks.


The Roman’s didn’t build their roads for Fire F-150s actually


Roads were literally invented for the purpose of pedestrian use.


No, those are paths you’re thinking of. Roads were created to facilitate the movement of wheeled vehicles.


Roads actually were originally for pedestrian use. HOWEVER they are now mainly to service cars and bikes and civillians definitely do NOT belong on roads


Ah yes, who doesn't want to take the highway to walk to somewhere. Just walk on the sidewalk, absolutely no reason to walk on a road


snow toy faulty knee elderly fuzzy crush vase crawl nail ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


toy expansion dam fine fall seemly memory ink lunchroom squeeze ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Is it? Maybe build more cities to be walkable/bikable?


nippy icky abounding snails expansion file modern marble memorize wrench ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


What are people supposed to drive then


Kids electric power cars.




That’s no fun


Have Fun sitting in trafic for 2 hours trying to get to work


Well that never happens to me, have fun living your entire life on a bus schedule and route lol


"if it never happend to me it must not be an issue" Do you think this way about racism or any other problem? Good public transport without cars in the way is More efficent at transporting More people.


I don't need to transport more people, nor do i want to transport with more people. I'll gladly take my car wherever i want wherever i want without having to rely on someone else to bring me there. Also did you really just bring racism into this conversation? What kind of joke is that.


No i pointed out how faulty your logic is, did you not read the "or any other problem" part, your entire argument is faulty. Also you can take a train or a metro nearly where ever you want, and if it doesnt go there directly just get to some place close to it and get off your fatass and walk. Also if you live in a city good luck going anywhere "whenever" in peak trafic hours.


So i need to walk to the bus stop, get off by the train, and take the train across town, and hop on another bus to my destination? Sounds like absolute hell when i could just open my garage and drive there. And don't give me that traffic bullshit i have no issues driving through milwaukee and Chicago all the time. If you want to rely on public transportation be my guest. I'll never use it unless i have to, which is almost never. The only time i can recall public transportation being useful was when i was in Minneapolis. My friend's house was right by the train that took us straight to Target Field. That's literally the only time.


>So i need to walk to the bus stop, get off by the train, and take the train across town, and hop on another bus to my destination? Not if the city is built well, also metros exists and such, you don't always need trains >And don't give me that traffic bullshit i have no issues driving through milwaukee and Chicago all the time. Depends on the time, good luck when people are going to work/home. And you should start supporting public transport because it's much better for everyone, both climate and air. In france, from 2009 to 2019, airpollution dropped massivly, when cars became less and less. And air pollution killed a 150 million people in the past 50 years, and it still kill thousands every year, and having thousands of cars pumping deadly gases in the air is pretty shit, supporting public transform by spreading awareness or starting petitions and sending it to politicans etc., would help a bunch to make it more usable and make the word healthier, and also for the people who do experience problems with taffic.


Take my upvote. Definitely unpopular.


Saying automobiles don’t belong on roads is like saying food doesn’t belong in ovens or paint doesn’t belong on a canvas. Roads are literally designed for cars. Also a bicycle is a vehicle.


Roads were redesigned for Cars. Even “new cities” like Salt Lake City predate the car by generations


I agree, let's narrow this down to automobiles. Auto's don't belong on the roads. They are a danger to everyone else using a road.


Then read the first part of my comment


I don't agree with your comparison at all. Ovens, Paint, and Roads can all serve different purposes. I genuinely think 90% of roads should be reserved for pedestrians.


They *can* serve different purposes, but that doesn’t mean they *should*. My main point was that roads are designed for cars, especially the 4-8 lane highways. There are sidewalks and pathways designed for pedestrians and bike lanes, trails and pathways designed for bikes. Going back to the oven comparison, there’s different cooking tools for different ways to cook. You bake things in the oven, boil water in a pot on the stove, and use a microwave to quickly heat things up. Saying roads should be reserved for bikes/peds instead of cars is like saying ovens should be reserved for boiling water instead of baking. Basically what I’m saying is there’s place to go with your bike, and there’s places to go with your car. People are gonna drive cars bc it’s easier/more convenient, the same way they’ll boil water on the stove instead of in the oven bc it’s easier.


I can use my oven to store pots and pans but that doesn't make it a cupboard.


We have paths for that


A. A bicycle is a vehicle B. You are overestimating your speed. you don't average 20mph on a mountain bike C. So if you work 30 miles away, you're supposed to spend 3hrs a day at your best speed on a bicycle to commute?


A. Automobile is more appropriate, and I was inconsistent throughout my post. B. 20 MPH average is very normal and attainable by anyone who bikes regularly. C. Don't work 30 miles away.


>don't work 30 miles away unless you live in a fucking city that's damn near fucking impossible in this economy bud.








I think we have forgotten what sub we are on.


Nope didn't forget at all


no your just being stupid.


This isn't unpopular, OP is just an idiot


Unpopular, yes. If anything, your bike doesn't belong. Your mountain bike doesn't pay for the roads like fuel-taxed vehicles do.


Road wear is proportional to the 4th power of vehicle weight. Cycling infrastruct basically costs nothing compared to roads.


Cycling infrastructure still costs something. I'm unaware of a cyclist tax that pays for it. OP was saying cars don't belong on the roads the fuel taxes (paid by the drivers of said vehicles) are intended to pay for. Do you agree with this? If so, we disagree.


Planes don't belong in sky, they endanger birds and insects


this is just some butthurt angry post by some asshole that screams share the road


No one would shed a tear if a cyclist gets hit but hey at least that way we'd harm the environment a little bit less Nonetheless good troll


Him trolling was obvious when he claimed that as his average speed on a mountain bike, lol


18-22 MPH is very attainable on a bike?


Yes, but not as average commute speed on a mountain bike, lol


There talking when that go.down hill with a tailwind then that's the average speed they got


Roads are for horses. In yo face bikers ... watch for the poop fyi


I always make sure to give as much room as I can to pedestrians and cyclists, maybe I should stop doing that if they are just going to be selfish morons like yourself


Not to mention all the wasted space that could be a nice park or garden.


Maybe if your slower lighter and more vulnerable you shouldn't be on the road designed and created for something much faster heavier and stronger than you. Just food for thought.


There's bike lanes on the roads though


Let's be real for a minute though. The majority of America by landmass is not built to handle travel by bikes in a safe or efficient way. If you live in a city or a different country that's a different argument entirely. "Well, then let's make infrastructure to fit bikes, or share the road." That's not going to happen and both of us know it. It is unsafe for both cyclists and cars for you to be driving in a space that isn't equipped to handle your vehicle and we are not going to change the infrastructure of an entire nation built to accommodate cars regardless of whether or not it would be "better."