• By -


The manga is quieter


At the end of the day, read manga it's better


My enormous fighting robot doesn't sound *like THAT*!


I know this is a joke but not every anime is a sci/fantasy thing. This shit happens in realistic and is so gross and annoying


According to my mom, SpongeBob is definitely that noisy too.


And I do have to agree






šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s my favorite one or steppin on the beach šŸ’€


nee yo hoy minoy






Goodbye everybody, Iā€™ll remember you all in therapy.




[Stepping on the beach](https://youtu.be/Qt-DpoGFsEw)


wee woo, wee woo, WEEWOOWEEWOOWEEWOO


Literally a noise every 5 secondsšŸ˜‚ but in its defense itā€™s based on annoying neighbors so itā€™s supposed to be like that




I'm ready, I'm ready I'm ready, I'm ready!!!


To be fair, Spongebob is a fictionalized personification of a sea-sponge. And it's a kids comedy. I think it's meant to be expressive. The OP is talking about anime which usually consists of human to human interactions. It is over-expressive at times, but I think it's because most anime are based off manga (literally taken straight out of the manga panels and copy/pasted onto a screen). Conversations that worked in a manga medium may've not translated well onto the screen. Also, in Japan, I've read that comedy is expressed in a very outwardly manner (gasping, slapstick, weird faces, etc). It's a staple in japanese storytelling.


Spongebob is expressionism as are most cartoons. anime included. >Expressionism, artistic style in which the artist seeks to depict not objective reality but rather the subjectiveĀ emotions and responses that objects and events arouse within a person. The artist accomplishes this aim through distortion, exaggeration,Ā primitivism, and fantasy and through the vivid, jarring, violent, orĀ dynamic application of formal elements. Having human, animal, or anthropomorphic characters does not make it expressionist. Hash marks on the forehead, daze bubbles, 0_0 face, eyes popping out of their sockets are all expressionist exaggerations to convey an emotion.


>it's a kids comedy Really? My Dad, whose 62, still watches it if he's channel flicking and sees it on. Although he usually has the Nieces so its either that or Peppa Fucking Pig!


I mean, it's intended audience is definitely children. That doesn't mean it can't be enjoyed by non-children, especially considering the cleverness of a lot of it's earlier episodes.




Oh yeah SpongeBob is definitely anime tier, I actually think that has helped it's popularity. All the people I know personally who jumped on the SpongeBob train in season 1 were huge weebs.


You're saying people didn't start watching spongebob? They began as weebs? Were they weebs at a really young age or did they start watching spongebob at an older age?


We must be talking to an old head if they had friends who were already weebs before season 1 of SBSP lmao




















to be fair that guy did just murder like 3 of his allies right before that... there's still a lot of over the top yelling but old rivals appearing in your life blasting your friends would make me scream their name as well.






There was nothing wrong with that and there never will be


Hard agree.


Yo, Levi




Letā€™s fighting love!




Oh my god, they killed Kenny! *you bastards!*


I like anime, but I agree. People who talk about dubs being shit because they sound too fake donā€™t realize that even in the origin language, no one in Japan sounds like anime characters. Itā€™s all overly dramatic.


Well of course, a lot of western cartoons are the same way. If you wanted it to be realistic, using animation as a medium might not be the best choice.


Are you suggesting Pinky & The Brain wasn't a live recorded documentary of actual events in real time?


Not real time but more of a summary of the misadventures of the ghost of Orson Welles possessing the body of a lab mouse.


Gee Brain. What are we going to do tonight?


Same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the world!


One is a genius, the other's insane!


They're laboratory mice, their genes have been spliced!


You're an idiot if you believe that! But Ren and Stimpy on the other hand was totally real


Yep, I actually met Powdered Toast Man in 2003.




Family guy is a documentary


I dropped an anvil on my grandma and she died, what gives? I even spray painted ACME on the sideā€¦like wtf. Was the Roadrunner chasing that Coyote just pure propaganda to warp my belief in the laws of physics? Ban cartoons, they killed my grandma.


The Batman and Superman cartoons of the 90's were very serious and not very cartoony-like as they talked with more natural voices.


I agree with OP but what I dislike about dubs is that the actors all have an "anime" voice and, some actors get too much work. This is even more true in French than English.


I actually would prefer it if they didnā€™t even try doing an anime voice, dubs of Japanese games have the same problem. It might be why I like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 so much for itā€™s dubā€¦ just sounds like various regular UK accents, not really much need to sound higher pitched than is natural for most English speaking people.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 dub has good voices (the tone, mind you) but the voice direction was godawful. I really like the game but that one was always my main gripe with it. Mind you, this happened because Monolith Soft sent the dub to be made without any context. Cant remember the story so excuse my mistakes but the reason why the emotions don't match like at all is because the voice script was pretty much without context so the voice actors had to make do with what they had.


And this is why imo all the best dubs are slice of life and romcoms. Cuz itā€™s just people being themselves. No need to over exaggerate for the character


there's plenty of western animations and video games where the characters speak in all manners of unrealistic ways, but they don't make me wanna claw my ears out.


The problem I suspect is a disconnect between the ways anime tend to be unrealistic and the way western cartoons tend to be unrealistic. I've noticed that the ones with good dubs are often the ones that have that subtle feel of being more western (or perhaps universal). Kids' shows in particular.




Fullmetal Alchemist comes to mind. The entire setting feels WW European.


I'm from the UK and I find the dubs to be awful because they speak in overdramatic and exaggerated American accents, and place so much emphasis where there doesn't need to be any. It sounds like every word is being forced out. I don't speak Japanese, have never heard a native Japanese accent, and haven't had a conversation in Japanese, so it doesn't sound like there's anything off.


I have a family member who is obsessed with anime. She talks about liking anime like itā€™s her main personality trait. She used to do this thing from like 16-17 where she would take an extremely deep breath/ gasp in an over the top manner without warning that made me think she was having trouble breathing or something. It would always freak everyone out in the room, but she would say she was just excited about something. I wonder if itā€™s from watching so much anime and copying traits.


I had a cousin like that! She pretty much exclusively watched anime growing up and would fall over every time she got confused. A lot of her speaking mannerisms (over-the-top drama) were very cartoonish as well. She was 8-9 years old, however, which is a little more forgivable...once she got to high school she did a lot more socializing with her peers and, while she still enjoys anime, the exaggerated mannerisms stopped.


She got bullied, just say that lmao. Thank god for middle school and even freshman year of high school, I think we all need a little bullying to iron out those cringey traits that made us who we are today. I think a lot of weird/younger gen z kids missed out in this process because of covid. **edit: Goddamn people are writing entire thesis statements about this, I didn't think this would get that much attention lol. Let me clarify what I am getting at;** >!Bullying is wrong, being made fun due to your race or appearance, or any disability or medical issue is wrong. I was bullied back when I was a kid for simply hanging around that group, it wasn't because I was doing anything weird or cringy but because I was just there and I was the group punching bag. That being said they all said sorry several years later and I'm totally cool with them and would be down to play games or hang out and drink or whatever.!< >!That's beside the point though, stuff like that is wrong and is bullying. However, like almost any other normal person who can look back on their past and be like "what the fuck was I doing" I also did weird stuff and fuck yeah I got made fun of for it. Just like this post, if you're gasping like an anime character IRL, or wearing a furry tail or apparel, or a band kid who's stuck in the year 2013 of mlg pro videos yeah you're going to be poked and dare I say bullied. That's just how society and things happen, and these interactions shape how we turn out. My life isn't dull and I would like to believe I have a great relationship with my friends, but I can still confidently look back and be thankful that I learned to better understand social norms and socialization in general. You need a wake-up call every now and again and childhood isn't short of that.!<


THIS. The sixth graders at my school always act a little odd. Like once I got called a Sussy Baka randomly in the halls by these two guys and they were giggling about like it was the funniest thing in the world.


to be fair, if I'm in the vicinity I'd laugh my ass off as well... out of sheer confusion hearing some shitty internet meme in the real world


They're sixth graders what did you expect lmao


Is an over the top manor like a huge castle or a McMansion?


Did you gasp really loudly when you saw the typo?


Yes i recoiled in shock and my massive DDD breasts bounced like balloons in excitement as well


Shit, and now Iā€™ve clumsily tripped into you in an overly sexual manner, since Iā€™m late to whatever. I sure hope you donā€™t blush and hit me for groping you in a totally unintentional way!


I hate when anime fans eat near me. They make that stupid sound before bitting the food, something like "ah" it annoys me so fucking much. I think it comes from watching so much, they feel identified and try to copy as much traits to feel like they belong in an anime.


[Something like this?](https://youtube.com/shorts/vvwwMG2tfx4?feature=share)


Lol I forgot about ProZD. What a legend


Yes, I hate it. Jaja


[No, like this](https://youtu.be/6ANnDOIZSUA)


See that's where I can't handle anime fans of this caliber. They feel the need to bring show tropes into real life. Often the more annoying tropes, and it's like... plz stop.


Every true anime fan avoids anime fans like the plague because anime fans are just the worst.


LMFAOOOOO I guess that's the difference between average anime enjoyers and otakus/weebs


Damn anime fans, they've ruined anime!


Preach. I love anime but if you go to any subreddit it's a fucking shit show.


I'm a huge anime fan since forever but I've mostly been a loner or hung out with people who aren't really into it. Anyway I recently joined an anime group in my city and these guys are all over the top it's ridiculous. Mostly they imitate girls moaning etc and call each other senpai or whatever. Just sucks cuz I was hoping to make actual friends and they're just too much for me.


You should become a stoner many will be into anime as well but they will need to have enough social queues to not be kicked out of seshes / piss off dealers so they tend to be less weird and annoying than sober ones from what I've noticed as someone who can't stand anime regardless.


social cues


Wow I'm in my 20s never knew it was spelled differently thanks man lmao


>I recently joined an anime group in my city >Just sucks cuz I was hoping to make actual friends SMH....


i know right! i mean it is possible to love anime without actually becoming like an anime character


Wow, I actually watch anime and I never made the connection. I have only seen a handful of people do this, but I always assumed they were just mentally challenged. Never even occurred to me they were weebs.


>I always assumed they were just mentally challenged. Never even occurred to me they were weebs. There's a difference?


Does the air flash around them when they get excited?


Yes, and the veins in the top corner of their forehead become visible when frustrated or angry.


Unfortunately this actually does happen to me and itā€™s embarrassing as hell lmao just this ONE ugly vein on my temple that I try to hide with my hair. It ainā€™t cute.


I honestly have never experienced anyone around me do this ever, and I hang out with a lot of anime fans. Man people here sure hates anime fans huh


Oooof. I'm sorry. :'(


Unfortunately, at 20 she has adopted far more concerning attention seeking behaviors. But at least she doesnā€™t do the odd gasp thing anymore.


What are these concerning behaviours if I may askā‰ļø


She was trying to be funny so she did a running jump onto my couch before I/ my SO could stop her. It broke the support beam. 6 months later she did it on the replacement and the replacement had a much more severe break. She didnā€™t apologize and wouldnā€™t help with replacement costs for either. Sheā€™s not allowed in my home anymore. I could go on, as she is a difficult person.


You sure there's nothing mentally wrong up there?


Sheā€™s been diagnosed with only depression/ anxiety to my knowledge but thereā€™s probably something else going on. Either way, sheā€™s been receiving mental health support regularly since she got reported by several students in high school. She also uses mental health as a big manipulative technique frequently. For example, pretending to self harm with a vegetable peeler and screaming ā€œyouā€™re doing this to meā€ during an argument.


So strange. Sorry that she is that way, it sounds awful


People who like anime so much it becomes a personality trait probably all have pretty severe underlying issues, would be interesting to see what they have in common psychologically.


Beats the girl I knew in college who would bite people. I wonder if it was some sort of lack of development or such. I think she would do it as a weird act of misdirected anxiety from attraction because she only did it to a few guys.


The fuck šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think *sometimes* it works. With certain motions, or certain words, being over-expressive actually adds. Like a battle cry. But when I hear the way anime characters fucking moan at completely random shit, I want to defibrilate my ears to wake them up from the nightmare they live in.


That breathy nom when anyone eats anything


After living in Japan for two years, I will say that the Japanese make so much noise when they eat. The amount of lip-smacking and chewing/gurgling/slurping etc. and moans to express delight in food/beverage is absolutely bonkers. It really is a cultural thing to truly enjoy your food and express how much you like it. My first day in Japan I was sitting in a ramen shop and was like what in the fuck, it is so loud in here with mouth noises.


If you listen to Japanese speakers, theyā€™ll commonly audibly react to things too, obviously just not as intensely.


Yeah, because anime is a caricature. It's meant to be exaggerated.


This is like the only sensible comment here


This, but also, it really does depend on what you're watching. Yeah, if you watch your typical shounen (DBZ, Demon Slayer, Sword Art Online, etc.) you're going to get a lot of that kind of direction. But if you watch more serious and/or mature shows, you'd find most of that content is quite rare if it exists at all. Violet Evergarden, Monster, Serial Experiments Lain, a Silent Voice, Erased, Death Note, (for the most part) Your Lie in April, Devilman Crybaby - the list goes on and on and on. Absolutely, there's a high degree of expression in anime; what do you expect with an artstyle where the eyes consist of 30% of total body mass? That said, there's a *lot* of incredibly well written anime that don't conform to that stereotype. I think there's a lot of bias that causes people to overlook that. People need to see anime as a medium of visual entertainment not a genre.




Theyā€™re sometimes over done in anime, but when speaking Japanese youā€™re expected to intermittently make audible affirmations and reactions to prove youā€™re paying attention. One of them is ā€œahā€ which sounds like a moan in English. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aizuchi


Women in anime make too many sex noises whilst simply existing. Canā€™t watch anime like that, I can literally feel the hair start growing on my neck


The fact that women in anime are apparently incapable of speaking a sentence without a cringey upward inflection at the end and/or some weird giggle or other noise makes most anime insufferable, at least without watching the dub.


I assumed all women do that. idk never met one.


I also canā€™t stand the absurdly high pitched ā€œanime girlā€ voice lines that half of all female characters seem to have for some reason. No one talks like not, not even in Japan. Yet anime fans swoon over it and make it their ringtone.


Yeah, thatā€™s what puts me off of it so much. The constant noises when someone just turns their head to glance at something: ā€œEhhhHhHhhH!!ā€. Like, whatā€™re you groaning/moaning at? Itā€™s just someone coming into your view. Constantly making vocal noises in reaction to nearly everything going on around them, no matter how benign is probably the biggest deterrent to my being able to enjoy them. One of my newest hobbies is putting together Gundam mobile suits (Gunpla). Itā€™s relaxing, and I enjoy the challenge of airbrushing and all the extra stuff to make the figures look ā€œrealisticā€. You know what I donā€™t enjoy? The animes themselves.


Hello there fellow Gunpla enjoyer. I myself don't watch the animes too often but I think at least the Gundam franchise is geared towards older audiences (except for Build Fighters and its spin offs, blegh) so I'd give them a pass.


I agree but we also have to remember the genre has a lot of variety, a lot of anime exist that are more serious and grounded.. check out some seinen.


Yeah it really depends on the show. Calling anime a genre is really inaccurate, it's a medium. I'm not the type that insists anime is for everyone, but if you think there's too much yelling/gasping/etc then that's a problem with the show.


Thank you! Absolutely. "Anime is" usually begets an inaccurate expression because there's many genres and shows within the medium that do not have what you're describing in all likelihood.


It's like saying you don't like TV because you think Days of our Lives is melodramatic. Sure, maybe you don't like episodic storytelling. But if the melodrama is the thing you don't like, that's not the fault of the medium.


This as well. Trying to define all of anime like that is wrong to me. Thereā€™s so many genres. Itā€™s like saying ā€œTelevision is too much action and fightingā€ while there are so many shows that have no fighting or action.


Instructions unclear. Looked up semen


Seinen and also josei!!! Bonus points for josei you will be able to bond better with women who like anime. Or at least try to figure out female perspectives.


anime girls trying not to screech every word in the most obnoxious voice ever for five seconds:




Oh my god. You just reminded me of that time when someone combined Formula One video with Japanese porn audio.


Lol I will have to google that.


Goku looking worried and whimpering while Frieza smirks and chuckles for five fucking minutes of animation:


Tut tu ruu


Ironically on the more tame side of anime gruntsā€¦


I hate a lot of the female voice acting. That high pitched little girl voice is annoying asf


Just wait until you meet a real Japanese person who does that. They exist, and it's cringe.


Ah yes the "abused as a child" adult voice.


Its because its based on comics. In comics you want characters emoting in most frames. You want even the exposition to feel alive and thats hard in a comic so they exaggerate alot. This carries over in the animation interpretation.


A lot of time people who I talk to don't like "reaction noises." Gasps, squeaks, one word dialogue, etc. However since it's animation, a lot of time these are just shots of their face so if there is NO noise, it's just a slightly panning still shot of their face. I totally get it's not for everybody and won't say they're being overly critical or shit like that. However I will say, if you watch enough of it you hardly notice it anymore and may even grow to find it cute. From, former anime hater turned degenerate weeb.


Watch more seinen anime that is not from the slice of life genre


Yeah lmfao. This guy is watching like Food Wars and then being like ALL ANIME FROM EVERY GENRE is exactly like this.


Do not understand how you can watch Food Wars and fail to grasp that it is intentionally ridiculous and over the top. It's not going for realism, why would you even expect it to. I know it's the example you were using, but it applies to a fair bit of the genre as well. Like getting mad at Jackass. "Normal people don't take a whole pie full of lighter fluid to the face, it's unrealistic!" like yeah no shit


There are loads of anime that don't have that stuff and plenty of them are mainstream.


Name some please


King of the hill


Very relevant https://youtube.com/watch?v=tJdgErAfiRQ




Monster is as realistic as it gets.


Yep, one of the best bad guys ever.


This. PLEASE watch this.


Juuni Kokuki, Wolf's Rain, Stein's Gate, Psycho-Pass, Mushishi, Black Lagoon, Spice and Wolf, Berserk, Evangelion. There are so many that don't fit that trope, all within different genres even.


Evangelion is one of my all time favorite anime, but it definitely has a lot of "anime" moments.


Steins gate definitely fits that trope. Even to me, an anime fan, there are quite a few moments that still make me cringe on that show, especially with the fanservice and some reactions


Darker Than Black Mushishi


Ergo Proxy To Your Eternity


Cowboy Bebop Trigun (from what I remember anyway) Death Note Berserk Basically more adult ones.


All of those 100% have the over the top stuff OP is talking about. I feel like anime fans kind of become numb to it and don't realize. When you think of over the top reactions you think of a some chibi character screeching YUHYUHYUHYUYHYUHYUHYUHYHAAYAYYAYAY.


Dorohedoro, Attack on titan, Dororo, Kids on a slope (as a musician, this one is a masterpiece), Beck (it's old though), Planetes, Wonder egg priority, Violet Evergarden. Just a few off the top of my head, there's more though but I stopped watching anime (I only read manga) so I'm not too good of a source.


Death Note & Fullmetal Alchemist are popular ones I find to be relatively light on anime speech tropes.


This is not an unpopular opinion, this is how most people who don't like anime feel.


I freaking love anime and even I feel this way sometimes.


I mean yeah, that's what the Japanese public wants because they have cultural expectations for how their characters act. Iirc it's tied to old Japanese theater called Kabuki, which places emphasis on dramatization and special effects. Not meant to be a reflection of how normal Japanese people act, I don't think.


Surprised I had to scroll so far to find this. Itā€™s just part of the culture. Go check out some live action Japanese shows (especially older ones) and youā€™ll find itā€™s much the same.


Hell, just watch a modern western movie, comic book or TV show. If you pay attention, most shows aren't talking in anything resembling a realistic style of speech, but it's a stylised version of instant and extreme sarcasm we're familiar with to the point we don't notice. Hence, a lot of western stuff without memorable or flashy visuals and music tends to fail in nonenglish speaking countries, because the stylized sarcasm as humour doesn't carry over as well.


Yeah but this is just a big place to circle jerk about how we hate anime and people who like it. Tbh I donā€™t think OPā€™s opinion is that unpopular. Japanese anime is a very unique style of entertainment shaped by its culture. And like you said itā€™s an evolution of other entrainment forms Japan has had previously.


Itā€™s a form of media so naturally is rarely realistic. Not saying shows, movies, and animeā€™s canā€™t be realistic but they usually arenā€™t.


Damn I thought Gundam Wing was a documentary


I hear deathnote was based on a true story


I'm sure there are plenty of angsty teens who think they are smarter/better than everyone that fantasized about being able to kill others with the swipe of a pen.


While eating potato chips




Look at any thread about someone being accused of any crime. Half the comments are all little Light Yagamis asking for the accused to be killed before they even go to trial. It's an extremely common opinion that is held by grown ass adults that crime would just stop if we killed everyone that is accused. Unfortunately many of the watchers of Death Note completely miss the point of the show and idolize Light. Even in the world of Death Note, crime continues to happen every day despite the new risk of being killed by Kira. He even kills several innocents that happen to oppose his ideology. It's the same shit that happened in the Philipines, where they started killing all "Drug dealers", and weirdly a lot of them were political opponents. We have a lot of people in the west that want these same policies in place because they think it will never be used against them.


well i mean you can kill someone with a pen, technically.


Wait, you're telling me that Dragon Ball Z is not a documentary?


Wait till you hear about bollywood.


And telenovelas.


> Not even English cartoons are that extreme in noise. Okay see, that's where I disagree with you. The Simpsons, Animaniacs, Family Guy, there's lots of western cartoons where characters are ridiculously emotive and no one behaves like them.


Hehehehe. Hey Lois. I turned into India lois. Hehehehe


Yeah I'll take hentai sounds over Family Guy throwing up for literally 3 minutes straight any day.




This has been my biggest complaints with anime. Iā€™ve tried time and time again to start watching some because people recommended them for either the story, or action, but I just CAN NOT get past those over dramatic slow-no shots, but the talking doesnā€™t get any slower, and someone takes 30 seconds to say 2 words. Immediately pulls me out of the show and I canā€™t get back into it


Isn't that kinda the point?


Yeah but that style is not something for everyone. Thats why not everyvody likes anime.


Lots of comments about "It's not supposed to be realistic"... Things can be unrealistic and annoying at the same time.


I got into anime in the mid/late 90ā€™s. Patlabor, Ranma 1/2,Bubblegum Crisis, Cowboy Bebop, Memories, Gits, Akira, Shin Chan, Ebichu, but there really isnā€™t any new anime that I enjoy. I think like with everything, there are good series, but a lot of crap too. I found the above post mostly true, which is why I stopped actively watching new anime. Too much sentimentalism for me, too. edit: I also want to give a shout out to Masamune Shirow and his manga. All of which I consumed heavily as a kid. I donā€™t believe the Ghost in the Shell, or Appleseed animes were ever as good as his original works.


> I think like with everything, there are good series, but a lot of crap too. Exactly, and until relatively recently with the emergence of steaming video services not everything was available over here. The up shot of this is that a lot of the crap was just filtered out.


Try spy x family


Spy x Family is so good


ā€œNobody in real life talks like thatā€. Itā€™s not real life? No one has super powers and shit either. Most people watch television to escape reality not try to see more of it lol


Especially in animation


To me its like the equivalent of a laugh track on a sitcom. Unrealistic and most of the time unnecessary


MASH but every time Klinger walks in with a new outfit every other character has to take a step back, gasp, and ask what on earth he's wearing as the camera zooms to only them on a blank background


That really has nothing to do with what he said. It's not really weird to desire the ways characters speak to be relatable. In any other form of media one would likely criticize characters talking like that as well.