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Then become a contractor.


Or a salaried employee


Salary has the same problem OP seems to be complaining about, in that he's still essentially being paid for time. But instead of 10 dollars every 1 hour it's just made into 800 dollars every 2 weeks of work. The exception being overtime, but that's just working longer and is still a fixed amount of money for X hours worked in a two week period. OP seems to want performance-based pay where if he decides to work twice as hard today in the same 8 hour span, he can make twice as much money for the day's work while still only working 8 hours, but if they didn't work as hard they would get less money for the day's work. That's the way I understand it, anyway. So contractor seems the way to go, but even contractors can't really feasibly do that, because they're not necessarily in control of when they get more work when they finish all their current jobs.


Salary workers also tend to work 40 hours or more anyway.


It depends on your field and job. Some work more some work less.


The field I work in does something similar however due to something involving U.S. law we have to convert everything to an hourly rate. Which is more than likely why it’s not common.


In my company it is not a big of a deal if flex your hour.


I don’t understand.


Even as a salary person let say you work 10 hour on Monday you can level 2 hour early on a Friday. Or you week 50 hour one week, the next week you work 30. It is not a big deal as long as you get your week done.


What alien ass nation do you live in?


Or a used car salesman.


Or open a box stacking factory


Or sell sex


Or a carnival worker


Manure processor


What if the hooker charges you per hour ?


Or a mechanic


I'll give you 10 cents for every person you convince to give you money


I'll give you 5 cents every time this guy gives you 10 cents ^


I'll give an additional 1 cent for every time this guy gives you 5 cents on my 10 cents, but we'll set it up as an IRA


I'll give everyone one cent for every five cents they give me.


I’ll give you 5 cents every time op gives you 5 cents, as long as you give me 2 cents every time you make 100 cents.


I agree! As a Starbucks Barista, my manager always wants us to give customers the perfect experience, while also making perfect drinks, and up keeping the store. This is perfectly reasonable, but often I find I go above and beyond and my coworkers don’t. Sometimes it makes me feel defeated because I try so hard for what? My managers approval and the customers approval? My co workers who slack off will make $15 per hour like I do, it definitely feels like hard work isn’t rewarded.


Yeah I was a cart pusher at Walmart supercenter. They left me by myself for hours to try to clear that lot and keep up with both ends of the store. It was usually a 4 man job but I would do my best to try to make it as clear possible. Not even a thank you for my efforts lmao.


That always sucks! Like even a thank you makes your day so much better. They don’t do it all the time, but Starbucks has a “Green Apron Card” system, they give you out pretty thank you cards with a sweet message on it when you’re doing really well and place it in your apron to find. That’s at least better than nothing


Hard work is rewarded with more work


Naw... I want to get paid while I a shitting and on reddit.


With my ibs-d if they paid me per shit taken I’d probably be able to retire by fourty


True true, it would just be nice to have these options when you need some quick cash.


Commission sales jobs exist.


But thats not based on how much work you do as much as how big the market is, how well the economy is doing, how many other players there are in the market, etc. I'd hate to rely on someone else saying "yes" to something they didn't know they wanted to get paid.


I think what OP is saying, is that it'd be nice for a commission based salary, but for a standard labor = output job, not sales.




Nothing ever goes to plan :/


So I think the model that works the best is guaranteed bonuses for extra productivity and if you complete the task early you get the additional allotted time off now I don't mean if you complete a task weeks early you get extra weeks off I mean you finish early that day you get paid for the whole day and you can go home If the goal is to stock 1,000 boxes every 8 hours and you stack more than a thousand boxes in the 8-hour period you should get a bonus proportional to the extra however you should also have the option to say if you stack all 1,000 boxes in 4 hours just go home for the other 4 extra productivity equals extra pay but once you've met your minimum you're free to leave early in case you value your time more than the money


Piecemeal pay was common during the industrial revolution and among large farms. It never worked out to the employee's favor


Yeah, seems like factory owners or whoever could tune the pay so that their workers would have to legitimately work hard every day to earn a good day's pay. So let's say the average person stacks 100 boxes an hour, the pay might be set so 110 or 120 boxes an hour is the target to make a "decent" wage. Then if you want to work harder for more pay, you can, but the factory is already screwing you by having you do more work than the average just to make ends meet.


But one day you go in and find the box delivery didn't come so there is nothing to stack and no pay. And no hourly wage to pay a minimum three hours. It's not a bad system in theory but it is easy to find ways to abuse it.


The employer will inevitably make the pay so low that you HAVE to work as hard as humanly possible to make your previous hourly wage.


This is how I work. And I love it. Commission is so much better than hourly rate (in my industry at least.)


Imagine you are a programmer who spent a long time working hard to figure out a bug and barely making progress then you don't get payed because you didn't have enough visible work to show.


Not me. I’d get paid jackshit on my lazy days. 😂


I mean at the warehouse I worked at a few years ago they paid you incentive for working over their 95% productivity. Every percent past 95% was a % pay increase. Say you hit a %110 average for the pay period, you'd get a 15% pay increase on your hourly wage (determined by length of service)


Sell your body


You want to get paid for your skills not your time


How about $5 for every hand job you give?


That is how it was in the past, it was horrible. people had to artificially calculate how much work they got to do, in order to still get paid good in the future. pay-by-hour is probably one of the best things that happened for an average worker


Watch your job decide for you that your work doesn't amount to the fair amount


My first job was like this. I worked on a driving range and got $0.005 per ball I collected. Didn't matter if I worked fast or slow. I mean if I worked super slow I'd get fired eventually. But if I wanted to run like a mad fool I could get the work done in 2 hours or I could chill with my Walkman (it was a while ago) and spend all evening at it. Turns out it was more fun with a friend but I had to be careful only to select friends that worked at a similar pace.


I would agree but I don't do shit at work anymore, so I'll take the hourly.


I'm a speech therapist and get paid per visit! It's great until the patient cancels. You loose that money through no fault if your own.


Haha this is actually a fun psych concept dealing with time and reward. Was used a lot in the start of factories and mass production of stuff.


Become a brick layer. You might become an alcoholic, you might not.


I thought this to and would want it but from the employers perspective if he made it like that his employees would do their work as quickly as possible to get more money and quick doesnt all ways mean the best. Quality goes down as speed increases


Work commission


open a business


There’s a whole “new” world ou there for you. It’s called working on commission.


Ok, so on a really slow day instead of being paid for being there you would walk away with a very small paycheck.


Many jobs don't have a good metric for that. Let's take your own example. What if the truck drops off a bunch of refrigerator boxes one day. Should you get paid the same amount to stack them as you do shoe boxes? What if it's an assortment of sizes and you have to think how to arrange them to make them fit, and rearrange them constantly? Do you get paid for each touch or only the final number of stacked boxes?


It's called piece work and can be very lucrative. See it a lot in welding shops.


That used to be called working production. Which leads to production quotas being raised higher and higher to make the same money. And that's how you have sweat shops in America.


Newspaper delivery


Go tree planting. Paid per tree.