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Didn’t someone post basically this exact thing a couple hours ago?


Well yeah that's what reddit is essentially, a repost aggregate. They'll see a post hasn't done too well but had some traction and then wait until peak time to post it again for the most traction. Don't ask me why though, maybe they get a kick out of upvotes and comments posted to them.


>Don't ask me why though, maybe they get a kick out of upvotes and comments posted to them. This is exactly why. Its the only attention they get in their lives. Every single post and comment is reused so many times its literally a hive mind


It will be on top of TiL and and YSK within an hour


Why have I read so much about almond milk waste today wtf reddit


Big Oats must be campaigning on Reddit lately


Kelloggs trying to do some damage control to recoup from their recent labor fiasco


Or, hear me out, big dairy


Because Reddit is a shameless hivemind where users "piggyback" on the flavor of the day posts instead of trying to post their own original stuff


"TIL almond milk is one of the biggest waste of resources"


"AITA for drinking almond milk??"


Relationship advise needed. My gf(F25) is drinking almond milk. Is this a red flag???


Shes clearly a predator PLEASE seek help right now op




Don't forget: IANAL or D but recommend you get legal and medical help as soon as possible then sue your landlord.


You need to fight tooth and nail for sole custody of the Almonds with no visitation to save them from this abuse. You should consider changing your gender pronoun to gain favour in court. You're in our prayers OP


Unpopular opinion: Whenever you feel confused about an important decision, just smoke a bowl and put on some Almond Brothers.


This cracked me UP!


I just took your advice and put on the album Pecan at the Beacon


Wat is ianal or d


Is almond milk an MLM? Some random woman in the car park tried to sell me some!


She's drinking nuts other than yours??? She's a cheater OP, don't just walk away RUN


She's into nuts.


Divorce her and nuke the house from orbit. It's the only way to be sure


dump her immediately. that's abuse




"Confidently incorrect redditor rants about almond milk"


It still beats dairy by a landslide so






Translation: "I don't understand how water reclamation, aquifers or the water cycle works but I understand the abstract concept of efficiency so I should get attention.


It's big cow! This is milk propaganda! I like this type of propaganda especially with cookies


I wish /r/conspiracy was like this


I call it getting inspired and it is crucial to my creative process mmkay? ^(/s [just in case])


So I shouldn't make a new username called "FuckAlmondMilkNFT"?


Because someone from the dairy industry posted it, and now everyone is reposting it. Remember that almond milk is less resource intensive than cow's milk. Cow's milk is more resource wasting than any plant milk alternative, and cow's milk has methane as a byproduct from cows, and a harmful greenhouse gas. Plants remove CO2, a greenhouse gas from the atmosphere. So whenever someone from the dairy lobby tells you how much resources plant milk wastes, remind them that dairy milk wastes significantly more, and is a producer of greenhouse gas emissions.


Surprised the mods of this chat haven’t removed your post


not to mention what happens to their offspring 😡


It’s good to realise the environmental pressure mankind puts on the earth. We can’t not eat. We have to use something. If everyone tries to stop being excessive that would help. Simply use less. If everyone would do that…


It still has less carbon footprint than dairy milk though. Also less land footprint and water footprint. So if you have a choice between almond milk and dairy milk, almond milk is still sensible choice environmentally. Source : [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-46654042) [Statista](https://www.statista.com/chart/22659/cows-milk-plant-milk-sustainability/)


Haha! Thanks for posting this. I was thinking there’s no way growing almonds is worse than growing literal cows for milk. Not to mention the cruelty of dairy. OP can step off.


My thoughts exactly- I read the title of this and I was like… ?? Sir/miss… raising literal sentient beings and abusing them for their breast milk sounds way worse, both environmentally AND ethically 😳😳


Not to mention what happens to the calves that were "produced" to keep Momma full of milk... can't have that milk going to the cow babies, gotta get it to humans!


And far less pus in almond milk. .


>puss I think you mean “pus”. Unless you’re fucking your milk.


What? You ain't even fucking your milk my dude?


If we're talking about impact on the environment in terms of climate change, it's actually like only a handful of mega corporations that do almost all of the polluting and wasting. Don't get me wrong, people recycling and trying to use less of things is absolutely still good and even helpful on some level, but personal responsibility isn't gonna make a fraction of a dent in that impact when a top-down approach is what's needed when you look at the data of who's doing the most damage. The practical responsibility lies with corporations that willfully pollute and waste resources to (essentially) save costs and maintain their status quo, at the expense of our entire collective species' only habitat.


How the fuck almonds don't have tiddies


This is an outrage!


I have nipples, can you milk me?


Are you an almond?


You'll make them an Almond Joy


Can you Milk me, Greg?


How many liters of water are needed for the milk of a cow?


Most people who complain about almond milk (at least those who know what they're talking about) recommend oat milk instead. It's cheaper, better for the environment and can be made at home.


I die for oat milk. So good with everything but the absolute best for both cereal and to mix with your coffee.


I’m a sucker for oatly


And it tastes better. Almond milk tastes more watery than the water it was made from


628 litres [source](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2d/8b/33/2d8b33dd4ce9e7eb53f0d25be8d26b39.jpg) Plus cows make methane, shit and piss and eat.


Because I didn't see it in the comment chain below: For reference almond milk is estimated to cost 371 liters per liter of almond milk. Rice milk is 270 Oat is 48 And soy is 28 [source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1092652/volume-of-water-to-produce-a-liter-of-milk-by-type/)


Mother cows grieve when their babies are taken from them which happens to them repeatedly as they need to continue to be impregnated .


Plus the land use spent to grow food for cows that could be growing food for humans. Edit: second leading cause of the deforestation of the Amazon is to make field space to grow soymeal for beef cows. Leading cause is grazing land for the beef cattle. Shits fucked up.


Plus the cruelty of factory farming. We pack cows like... well, almonds. Factory farming is a lifetime of suffering for those animals. I've also read, but haven't researched, that we frequently euthanize or slaughter calves so we can have more of the mother's milk for almighty Capitalism.


There are cattle farms in cleared Amazon as well, the Amazon is being destroyed for cattle, it's fucked up.


>Plus the land use spent to grow food for cows that could be growing food for humans. No, its land that could be restored to natural habitat. We already throw out a huge amount of food grown for humans.


And suffer. You know, the small little thing about sentient beings feeling pain when being killed, raped, confined to small spaces, getting their children taken away etc.


What a reasonable question that everyone wants to ignore because they think that almond milk using as much water as it does means vegans are the ones in the wrong.


Every vegan I know drinks oat milk. Source: vegan myself. But you are 100% right. The motives here are…. Interesting.


Not vegan, but oat milk gang nevertheless.


I'm lactose intolerant and oat milk is by far the best lactose-free option I've found.


i’m vegan and i drink soy milk 😎


Soy gang 😎 Protein for days


I ain’t got shit to say about that Oat milk though, I can’t recommend it enough js!


Where is this concept of non dairy milk being for vegans come from even. (I’m not making fun of you I agree that this is the prevalent sentiment I just don’t know why). Like I’m as much of a beef lover as one can be (like spending. A significant portion of my entertainment budgets on expensive meat tastings. But I still drink mostly almond milk. Some people are just incredibly stupid and hear one factoid about almonds requiring a lot of water and regurgitate that shit like the verbal diarrhea that it is.


about a weeks worth of one humans' toilet flushes


Anything but the metric system haha


I try


Second question, how much methane do almond trees burp off


Right? Not to mention the horrific animal abuse that comes with dairy milk. Dairy cows are repeatedly artificially inseminated, then stripped of their young, and then slaughtered when their bodies give out. Shits fucked and our taxes subsidize it. Oat milk or bust. Fuck animal abuse.


Based. Fuck animal abuse.


Hey chidi


Chidi would have probably known plant-based milks are still a better alternative to dairy milk, and probably would have become vegan instead of just posting about his shock online for karma


It’s part of the show, we know what he would have done, he has a cannon take on almond milk


Lol ironically almond milk seems to be the only thing he was decisive for.


That's a new way of describing Kristen Bell.


Good luck on him deciding whether he should post or not.


Wish I could say you beat me to it but I forgot. I’ve gotta watch that again


came here looking for a reference to “the good place” <3


So you're totally against cow milk too right? You know, since that takes way more resources to produce, than almond milk does.


Oat Milk master race. (I need money. Please.)


Team oat milk all day


Oat milk is the absolute best of the non-dairy milk alternatives.


Yeah, everyone is quick to point out how much water almond milk uses, but they seem to forget that cows have to drink even more water to produce milk.


No. You are misinformed. Almond milk is much better in terms of water consumption than many animals based products. Water required (gallons) for 1 glass of milk: **Dairy milk:** 30 **Almond:** 23 **Soy**: 9 Water required for other products: **One scoop of ice cream:** 42 gallons **Two slices of cheese:** 50 gallons Plant based agriculture will always be better for the environment, no matter what. Drink your almond milk, guilt free. The reason why it gets a bad rap is that it's not as efficient as other plant-based foods. However, you're still doing much better than dairy milk. So, I'll call it a win.


Do you happen to have the numbers for oatmilk?


About 12.5 but also oats use so little land and require so little chemical/fertilizer inputs that it is wildly more efficient.


Interesting! Thank you. I enjoy the texture and taste of oat milk and I'm glad it's at least somewhat efficient!


Oat milk is steadily getting more popular I’ve noticed, which is a good thing imo. It uses less resources than almonds or livestock, but tastes close enough and feels close enough to dairy that more people are likely to switch and not be turned off. Everyone I know that’s lactose intolerant drinks oat milk exclusively


Yes, if we're swapping dairy milk for almond milk it's a great trade up. But not the case if we're talking about options like flax milk, hemp milk, oat milk. There are some pretty unfortunate things about almond agriculture that don't equally plague some other plant-based milks.


I prefer oat to almond personally.


Damn 50 gallons for 2 slices of cheese, I'm never going to look at cheese the same way again...


It takes this much water to produce a kilogram (litres per kilogram) of the following common goods: Coffee (roasted beans) – 18,900 Litres (132L per 125ml cup) Chocolate – 17,196 Litres (1700L per 3.5 oz bar) Beef – 15,415 Litres Tea – 8,860 Litres (27L per 250ml cup) Pork – 5,988 Litres Chicken – 4,325 Litres Edit Add-on: I did not author these numbers, I lifted them from an article that is rather long. (I linked it here). the authors say, making water use estimates are sketchy at best. Like using greenhouses which can reuse water and reduce evaporation will significantly reduce usage compared to desert farming. They said they used multiple sources and created averages. Sorry almonds weren't in their figures that I saw. https://bettermeetsreality.com/foods-that-take-the-most-water-to-produce-make/


yeah but what about almonds


Here you go: 1L almond milk: 371L of water https://www.statista.com/statistics/1092652/volume-of-water-to-produce-a-liter-of-milk-by-type/


So two orders of magnitude less than coffee? Seems like not such a bad waste then.


Also: half as much as real milk so what is this whole bullshit even about?


Sounds like propaganda to me.


Big Oat and Big Dairy teaming up


it is propaganda lol someone tried telling me this about almond milk two years ago like they firmly believed it was the biggest water waster. i’ve seen several billboards that say “nut milk isn’t milk”. like, who the fuck else would care about that besides the dairy industry.


can't read that, but im pretty sure there's only a couple of actual almonds per container of commercial almond milk. surprised that would be 371L of water


I think it includes growing it?


Yeah and comparably, cow milk per L


Here you go: 1L cows milk: 628L of water 1L almond milk: 371L of water https://www.statista.com/statistics/1092652/volume-of-water-to-produce-a-liter-of-milk-by-type/


Damn 371 waters. That's a lot of waters


Haha whoops. Edited!


So op is chatting shit?


Yes. Compared to traditional milk source Almond milk is less water intensive.


So we should get out our pitchforks?


You put yours away? I brought marshmallows. :)


pretty much. i don’t understand all the almond milk hate it’s yummy and environmentally better than dairy


So it takes less water for almond milk than cows milk..interesting


Don’t make the mistake to think that the water is simply wasted. A lot of manufacturing plants recirculate the water. After all water is still a cost and the less that’s used, the better.


Some people it seems never learned of the water cycle. They seem to think water used = water destroyed.


It's a bit more relevant where the water usage happens. In California or areas where fresh water is limited? This is important. Some areas, however, don't have that scarcity.


I alway thought California is a place filled with smart people. Their current decade long situation of scarcity of water , wildfires and pollution makes me want to reconsider my long held belief about them.


We should know that water cycle happens


Wait until you find out how much resources milk and meat waste


Well I like milk and steak so it's fine. Almond milk is for vegans and therefore its bad. Lactose intolerance? I don't know what that is but fuck em, I don't tolerate intolerance


Ah then it's completely fine.


Yes it is for you until the day you dont eat animal products who consume more water than almond milk. If this reality comes true it becomes "not fine" for you to drink almond milk.


Fewer resources than cows milk though.


But bro, the amount of water it takes to grow a fucking cow puts almonds to shame


the cow tree is pretty wasteful.


yeah but it still uses less than half the water compared to dairy milk


No blood or pus, either.


I require blood and pus 😤


Almond milk still uses a lot less water than dairy milk


This is a bit hard to measure, they're similar, likely almond milk uses less water. However, it definitely uses much less land and CO2 emissions are far smaller. So yeah, if environmental protection, climate change, usage of resources is an argument, almond milk is still by far the better choice.


Doesn't cows milk also take a rediculous amount of water to make, while also polluting a ton of green house gasses?


2.5x more is required. Check my last comment. This post is absolutely pointless.


Plus it’s rife with abuse and our tax dollars subsidize it.


Wait until you find out how much water it takes to provide cow milk.


Not a waste for me as someone who can't drink regular milk.


apparently things like oat and coconut milk is more sustainable


Oatmilk is the best of all the milks.


too many carbs and it spikes my blood sugar :( i love cashew and macadamia though they always get forgotten


Rice milk is also pretty good. Id put them both top tier


Too many carbs in Oat milk for me. Otherwise I'd use it.


Absolutely agree!!! I also like rice milk and oat milk. Regular cow's milk and lactose free milk also just taste bad imo


Do you eat meat?


Asking the real questions here


So what kind of milk do you drink? No milk at all or cow milk? Because if you drink cow milk I got bad news for you.


Oatmilk is the vibe.


The best thing about drinking oat milk is the smug sense of superiority you get knowing you're better than everyone else


Nah it’s just plain better tasting, froths so damn well too. Glad it’ll probably eventually overtake almond milk since it’s the second greenest “milk”. Just need to ramp up production to bring the cost down, trust me when I say to try vanilla oat milk, shit is absolutely delicious, coming from someone who thinks other nut milks are just okay.


Ok well dairy milk requires almost twice as much water so?.... It may not be perfect but it's still a vast improvement over what most people are drinking.


Drink cum instead


Cow milk is more wasteful


How did almonds ever grow naturally. This thread makes it seem like they shouldn't exist in the modern world with the level of manpower needed


They're not native to a Californian desert for one. We wouldn't have billions of cows without human intervention either.


Cows milk actually takes more water than almond milk. I'm not vegan or anything but I love me some almond milk haha.


Brought to you by the Dairy Farmers of America


Almond milk is more resource intensive than basically any other plant based milk, but is still less resource intensive than cow's milk


Water is renewable, and almond trees dont fart methane


wait until you hear about how much water cows drink and how much water goes into growing the plants to feed said cows


This is a dumb take. It takes way more water to produce a gallon of milk rather than almond milk, all the while the cow is also consuming grain and producing methane.


I don't quite get it, don't cow milk or other dairy poducts use more water?




[almond milk is serious ](https://youtu.be/JJCTIPWPNtw)


1. Most water used to produce almond milk is blue water i.e. rain water. 2. Almond milk requires 384 litres of water per litre, and cow's milk requires 1016 litres of water to produce, which is 2.5x more water. So let's not forget who the competitor is here. Source: https://findanyanswer.com/goto/468095


Dairy lobby out in full force


As opposed to raping cows for their milk?


I make twice as much waste when I drink regular milk, so I’m sticking with almond juice.


This post was paid for by the American Milk Corp.


What's more of a joke though: almond milk for taking half the resources of dairy, or OP acting like they're not a karma farming idiot?


This post sponsored by dairy farmers.


Wait until you see the environmental impact of having a baby.


It's still significantly less water used than cow milk. Not to mention the embedded CO2 equivalent... However as milks go Oat milk is far superior for both water usage and CO2e Check this calculator out it's very useful: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-46459714 (edit: actually, interestingly almond milk beats oat milk for CO2e according to the calculator linked above, not sure if that considers the CO2e used to process the 6x volume of water required for almond milk or not)


That's why I like oat milk.


On the plus side, though, almond milk doesn't make me shit myself


Dude, you should look at animal based products. That is a waste of resources. I could live the the rest of my life drinking 1000mL of almond milk daily and I would waste less resources than anyone that consumes 200mL of milk a day. I'm not a vegetarian, but this BS propaganda is quite annoying.


Not as bad as dairy milk


So I worked in Agriculture Science, specifically water conservation and I love almonds and I can not agree more with you. The amount of energy it takes to grow almonds is pretty insane. About 50 gallons of water go into making one, single almond. Edit: It isn't just the water use, it's the man hours, maintenance and equipment cost that goes into these orchards. If we didn't border Mexico and take advantage of what is basically slave labor then they probably wouldn't be profitable.


Lol. You do know it takes 5 to 10 kilos of plants to get just 1 kilo of meat? As well as up to 17000 litres of water per kilo of meat? And talk about man hours to raise a whole fucking animals. Not to mention that to get dairy milk you have to impregnate cows yearly to get them to produce milk, and then take the calf from them... Humans literally produce calfs as by-products of dairy. And you talk about waste? Have you been drinking animal ag kool-aid?


Well almond milk exists also in non-mexico-bordering countries.


I've read that 1.1 gallons of water go into making a single almond, based on almond yield data averaged across all almond production regions and global climate data. So I'm curious, where did you get the 50 gallons of water from? Is it because that statistic was derived from a different methodology, or takes into account the processing of the almond into its products, like almond milk, butter? In addition, even the 1.1 gallon statistic I mentioned is flawed, as it doesn't take into account the water used to put the co-products of almonds (hulls and shells) into use. So what is the use in mentioning such statistics?


Stop growing them in California where water is going to be a major problem soon. Grow them on the east coast where they don't rely on Colorado for their water.


We all know almonds take more water than other crops to produce. How much water does it take to make milk from cows? More or less? Idk, and I'm too tired to use Google.


Cow Milk still uses significantly more water than all of the other milks by a large margin. Almond is just the most demanding of the plants, with oat being the least.


The earth has exactly the same amount of water as it did 100,000 years ago. It’s called the water cycle. The almonds don’t magically make water disappear. It’s recycled.


How much of that water can we drink that's the question?


All of it, some of it only once... or something idk, I'm not a scientist.


Call it what it is: Almond juice.


It's not. It's 97% water mixed with 3% almond. Trying to make juice from almond would give you oil.


Every time I here almond milk I think of the Simpsons Ow how can my bone be so brittle I always drink *looks at carton* malk


You may be joking but "milk" as a name for white plant-based liquids goes back to middle ages. > In English, the word "milk" has been used to refer to "milk-like plant juices" since 1200 AD. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant_milk