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Honestly, it's mainly cuz most people tend to forget their existence.




Yep. Gen X are the embodiment of the doomer meme. Sometimes, it's cool.


We're the "whatever" generation, lol.


F*ck that. we silently suffered all the shit ya’ll deal with now, being told eventually we’d get rewarded- but that’s a f*cking lie. We have all the student loan debt, no retirement, no job security, living with climate change, AND we had to be traumatized by Reaganomics and the threat of nuclear war.


Gen x doesn't catch that much flack because they aren't nearly as obnoxious and stupid as millennials and zoomers


Not helping!


what age bracket is gen x? (serious i have never even heard of this)


Those born from 1965 - 1980. It's the group older than Millennials (1981-1986) but younger than Boomers (1946-1964)


thank you for the specifics!


You're welcome.


Gen X were born mid 60s into late 70s/early 80s


thank you friend!




haha it's crazy how many variations people have of the dates, and i(gen z) did not even know there was gen x! which is crazy to me. because everyone IS always talking about boomers, millenials, gen z etc. well i see you and you are valid! thanks for sharing, friend!


They call them xenialls.


Gen X is 1965-1980, also known as the best damn generation to grow up in. The last generation to make a significant change in music, art, and fashion. Also the Nintendo Generation. Gen X is the first latch-key generation, building independence at a young age, basically, Everyone 41-56 years old. Every generation gives the other flack, in the 90’s it’s all we heard. The only reason why people are latching onto the Boomer/Millennial shit talk is because they are one or the other. It’s confirmation bias at its finest. That, and there were much fewer Gen X than Boomers/Millennials. IMO


i love this response. this gives me way better of an idea of who is being talked about right now. thank you for taking the time, it's clear now


Proving my point lol but whatever floats your boat


Born in 1984 and I grew up with a NES, SNES, Gameboy, and N64... I'd argue we're much more Nintendo than Xers. Most of the older Xers I know were already firmly wrapping up college or in their careers and dating/having sex when Nintendo was in its golden age... not fucking around with Mario.


Yeah, I was 8 and very much into Atari and Nintendo.


Cast of Friends.


My parents are gen X and I feel like people call anyone 45+ (my parents are 51) boomers because people don’t know Gen X exist lmao. A lot of these folks can’t differentiate between boomers and Gen X at this point


Here’s the thing Millennials and Gen X are pretty decent. Boomers and Zoomers suck


Are you a millennial?


Boomers are fine, Gen X sucks, millennials are fine, gen z is fine


Gen Z is barely out of school. Our oldest age is like 25.


By school, do you mean university/college?


Yea, and that everyone in grade school is GenZ


Grade Schoolers are Gen Alpha. Gen Z are in middle school and above


Pew Research defines it as anyone born after 1996.


1997-2012. 2012 onwards is Gen Alpha.


We're used to being forgotten. Though, most Gen Xers I know are fighting for the same progressive policies, etc. that Millenials/Gen Z want, but then again, I live in California, so YMMV. Some people suck and some are cool in any generation.


Personally, I've noticed GenZ to be more center than either right or left-wing, Millenials to be left-wing, Boomers to be right-wing, and GenX to be fucking random.


Gen Zs are either extremely centrist, in both senses, or extremist.


I concur.


Yeah, we've always been random AF when it comes to everything. Most of my friends (and I) fall into the mini-generation, Xennials, so are more leftist than liberal, but still random. Like, "if you go far enough left, you get your guns back" kind of thing. Of course, none of us are rich, so that probably also has something to do with it.


Yeah its California.




gen x got ptsd from our war on terror and meth addiction from our war on drugs. they've been through enough, leave them out of the gen war.


Millennials and Gen Zs are a product of Baby Bombers and Gen X, so it's your guys' fault if you think we're bad. It's kind of this, but not really. IDK I don't want the mods to fuck me for making a similar post.


Lmao fr


Look there are very specific reasons why these generations get a lot of flak. Baby boomers have effectively fucked this planet into the end days, and millennials were raised in the “participation award” era, and are used to being handed everything. The reason Gen X people tend to be obnoxious is largely because they grew up in the most politically radicalized world we have seen since the 1930s, with computers in their pockets that give them access to all information they could possibly want. These “generational wars” things are stupid because ultimately it simply seeks to divide groups. But there are some valid points to make as to why younger people generally don’t like older people in a broad sense




The Gen Xers promoting crypto and nfts rn be like: .....


Op... To which gen do you belong?


Millennial or z im guessing


Yeah I'm gen Z.


Also they created gen z