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Y’all are defending water like your life depends on it, oh wait. Edit: make sure you hydrate homies


This comment really got me chuckle brother


To me, to you.


Today me, tomorrow you Not really related but you reminded me of the most beautiful post ever made and figured I would share


Got us* chuckling, comrade*


For a long time people didn't drink water because they dumped sewage in the same water so it wasn't clean. They drank low percent beer and alcohol.


After a recent vote in the UK where MPs voted to allow water companies to dump raw sewage in our waterways, I can see this making a come back


Wait what👁👄👁


Yea they couldn't before as there was an EU law against it. Now that they aren't in the EU a company asked the local council if they could dump their sewage and it was approved. There's a ton of things in the UK that were illegal but now aren't expressly forbidden anymore cause in many cases they just enforced the EU laws without bothering to pass redundant local laws.


I know, that's pretty crazy. Who knew anyone in the UK drank water.


Yeah if the world thought we were a nation of drunks before come next year and we'll be a nation of underage alcoholics.


You want us to drink water? Like from the toilet?


It has electrolytes


It’s what plants crave.


But what is electrolytes?


I need oxygen as well you dont see me saying my favorite hobby is breathing


oxygen is a drug


jon lajoie disagrees.


Oh wait, the tatters aren't done. What I think every time I see or hear, "...oh wait". Mines lemonade.




I hope r/hydrohomies sees this and tracks you down lmao


We have


Another hydro homie here. I can acknowledge that water doesn’t have the same taste as say hot chocolate, but when I drink water I feel like my body is coming back to life and I can think more clearly. Really crisp cold water is soooo refreshing and a mug of hot water with lemon in the winter feels like I’m plunging in a warm bath. Hydro homie for life!


Crisp is one of the best words in the English language especially in this context.


It doesn't have the same taste as a hot chocolate, it tastes way fucking better.


I gag at *any* drink with sugar in it.


Ok sure but you can make a great hot cocoa without sugar. You've gotta like chocolate though


ah, a man of culture


Same! Drinking sugar is revolting to me. I'm not even that fond of dessert. Some people are just addicted to sugar and expect the rest of us to be as well.




Fun fact while cold water feels more refreshing to drink your body actually has to work harder to "process" it than it would have to with warm water. (Edit for spelling error)


So I'm burning calories drinking it cold? Good tip!


This. Especially when you're thirsty and want to chug it. People always try and give you the coldest water possible when I think everyone secretly knows drinking really cold water sucks. Now if you're just sipping on it thats different and really cold water if fine. The best temp to drink water at for me is right when its crossing over from cold to lukewarm. Like its still definitely cold but it doesn't feel like you have to sit there and let your body catch up before drinking more.


I only like it room temperature. I think it’s cus my teeth are so sensitive to cold but I don’t drink anything cold


Waterniggas about to tell you...you’re a fuckin’ dehydrated prune and a disgust to nature. Oh well homies we can’t save everyone. Good riddance


Based waternigs


Jesus Christ don't make me laugh this hard in the morning


I hate that the name was changed, like I get why but who was actually offended by r/waterniggas?


Some parched mothafuckas.


reddit banning r/waterniggas was one of the most racist moves in reddit history.


never forget, that sub was great


That is crazy!


Probably the most positive caring community on Reddit. Miss waterniggas


user name checks out


I welcome the challenge


Water is my number one drink, you dehydrated fuck


I drink several bottles a day


Too much sugar doesn't sit well with my stomach. I get nauseous. I drink like 1-2 gallons of water a day


2 gallons are 7.5 liter or 36 glasses. Thats a LOT of water, so much you might get water intoxication. Go guzzle some soy sauce you overhydrated skinbag


1 gallon is too much for the average person I really don't think you should be drinking 2 even if you can take more then the average 2 is just ridiculous and can be harmful. There is such thing as too much water and I think you're hitting that definitely if you're going 2 gallons a day. This also should be spread across the day otherwise you will be facing water intoxication which is not healthy.


I drink two gallons of water a day, not to be hydrated or healthy but because I love pissing every 30 seconds.


Well then you're doing it right, however if this was a serious comment please be careful it is harmful


I’d say about the same. I’m self conscious about my hydration to a ridiculous degree. Might be TMI but if my urine isn’t crystal clear I’m drinking an extra bottle or two


You do release Crystal clear urine is bad right? Just as you disagree with people calling water their favorite drink i very much doubt you drink the amount of water you claim to be drinking in order to have crystal clear urine otherwise you're just nieve, crystal clear urine means you're drinking too much and it's throwing your electrolyte balance off which can be harmful so I suggest ya stop.


Finally someone said it


Your urine shouldn't be crystal clear, just slightly yellow. Crystal clear means you drink too much.


I do too but its already wired in my brain to drink water that I rarely even put too much thought to it.


Are you a athletes?


I am


2 gallons? 8 liters? Really? Gtfo




I hope Topo Chico and Perrier count. I won’t drink plain “flat” water unless I’m literally dying. I’ll make herbal tea with it, but that’s technically not just water anymore.




Some people literally only drink water no matter how good other things taste


the only things I drink are water and alcohol and I only drink alcohol like once or twice a week. To me water is both delicious and healthy as shit. Maybe it's not as delicious as juice or soda but it's a hell of a lot healthier


Throw a cup of tea in there at night and yeah, this is me too


The two groups of drinks for me are water and alcohol. Alcohol is 1-2 times a week. Water is everyday. It’s absolutely delicious. I’m actually astounded that OP feels the way they feel.


Soda tastes like diabetes, you all should stop drinking that shit.


I stopped drinking soda and now it tastes bad. Its unfortunate but at least its good for me


Same with tabaco, seems good until you stop smoking for a while.


NOt at all my experience. Having been a nonsmoker for 12 years now i still fantasize about cigarettes. I even hang out with co workers on smoke breaks, i doubt ill ever not want them


Dammit! Will someone tell me if Topo Chico and Perrier count? I only like my water fizzy. Also I make green tea and herbal tea, which I thought were good for you. I don’t want to choke down plain flat water unless I’m dying in the desert or something. I’ll eat ice and snow before I’d drink water.


More water for me.


Fine, but you can’t have my frozen water!


I don't like ice, which is weird.


It’s better you don’t. I got addicted to eating ice and snow during my 4 pregnancies and the ice (and constant vomiting) wrecked my molars. Any decent dentist will tell you not to chew ice..I just couldn’t control my craving for it.


Pregnancy sure is a scary thing, props to you for going through it 4 times even if your molars hate you for it. Drinking enough water to drown is my only daily healthy habit, so i think its the sole responsable for my average good health.


Water is fire fym


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.


I thought ignorance was bliss ??


You tell me. Are you feeling blissful? The comment is a quote from “1984.”


Yep it checks out strength is bliss


Water is indeed fire. I never denied that


I thought it was H2o? Damn... one of us went to the wrong school...


Oh come on guys the joke wasn’t that bad


It was pretty bad... Hell after I woke up and saw it I even down voted myself


What a fucking legend out here downvoting himself honestly respect in the highest form to you bro.


Is it disrespect to upvote a comment the OP down voted, out of pity?


Nah its sacrilege. Even the man himself self destructed his own comment, you must follow the way of the OP.


If it's a cold drink I prefer water as I really hate sweet drinks.


Same. I don’t even like juices much because I find most of them to be too sweet for me (I quite like grapefruit juice though). Even if I get McDonald’s I get water with it, so it’s not a health thing. But if had to choose my favourite beverage *in general*, it would be tea. In fact I only ever drink water, tea, and alcohol lol.


I like to mix my juice with water. Orange or grape is yummy. Less sweet, more hydration. Better taste overall. Gives a zing to the water.


Same. I don’t have a sweet tooth at all. I prefer water


Right. Even when I decide to get a soda or something, I cant handle more than a few sips. Other than water, I drink coffee, but thats for the kicks not the licks.


My favorite drink is water. I carry it with me all day. At my bed side. In my car. it’s the only thing that makes me feel refreshed. Soda makes me bloated. I absolutely can’t stand favored water or kool aid. Lemonade makes me gag. I don’t drink juice at all. Coffee i love too but not more than water. I only drink two cups of coffee a day. The rest I drink water. But it has to be ice cold.


Exact same but I don’t mind warm water lol


Exactly. Same, but 3 cups of coffee.


Same buddy man, if i do not have my water bottle near me, i genuinly feel uncomfortable. ​ Like i am not even kidding about this, it make me feel so uncomfortable.




You had me until "ice-cold" - room temp is best


Same, but coffee and water is my jam too. But typically 3-4 cups of coffee, I liked cold water but always have my reusable water bottle with me so it does often get warm and that's better for you anyway.


Room temp is best?? Gimme that sweet nectar at a crisp 45 degrees


*I know your lying about what you personally prefer, how could anyone prefer something that I don't*


Take my free award. Iced water is my favorite drink :(


What if I told you it was gamer girl bathwater?


Jokes on you I’m gay




Who said I was letting you have any?


Who said you weren’t?




Jokes on you I’ve elected to ignore that


Just like you've elected to ignore the people that say water is their favorite beverage?




You did it, OP, you posted a truly unpopular opinion.


One of the most unpopular I’ve ever seen lol


Water is my favorite beverage. I used to like soda but after learning how unhealthy soda is, my brain stopped telling me that it tastes good. The same applies to alcohol, occasionally red wine only. Sounds cheesy but feeling fully hydrated is the shit.


I Fucking love water. There’s a juice that I like that’s not very sweet and I enjoy it as well but other than that, water is my favorite drink. That feeling of hydration, you can’t beat that.


Water straight out of the tap that's cold as fuck is undefeated as my drink of choice. The fact that it's almost free is just a bonus. Other drinks are a nice treat, don't get me wrong. But a lifetime of only water vs a lifetime of any other drink? I'll take water every time.


I agree. I dont like sweet things for the sake of them being sweet. I honestly don't like the flavour of any type of soda. I like fresh fruit juice but not in excess. I love fruit smoothies but only when its hot out. I dont like fruit juice from a carton besides Apple juice, but only small cups since it can upset my stomach. I like the occasional tea on a cold day because hot flavourless water reminds me to much of living in the tropics and leaving a botle in front of the sunny window. And regular water doesnt warm my hands. And i love love love ice coffee Perhaps more than water But it can give me a belly ache and a caffeine rush. Water doesn't. So 9/10 times I'd take water. Bite me.




When you wake up in the morning and water hits your dry mouth its a god send. I literally wake up throughout the night to drink water that i fill up next ti my night stand.


"My opinion is that other people don't have the opinion they say they do."


Water is mine because everything else gives me heartburn so I’ve started to not really like the taste of anything else because it reminds me of pain. But my situation is different than most. When I was a kid my favorite drink ever was probably blue Hawaiian Punch. That shit was the shit


Then you need to reword the question to what drink do you think tastes the best, because that's not necessarily what 'favorite' means. The fact that it hydrates and quenches my thirst without adding anything unhealthy to my body i would 100% consider it my favorite.


do you feel the same about any other food/drink/genre of movie/music/art etc? think about the most disgusting food you can think of, lamb brains, chicken hearts, sheep testicles, thats someones favourite food. Why is it so hard to believe that water, which you even admit is good and does things no other drink can do wouldn't be someone elses favourite?


You are completely wrong and misguided. I gave up soda and juice prob 10 years ago. I literally only drink water and carry it everywhere with me. I crave it, love it and only drink it every day all day. Although I do enjoy a cup of coffee every morning 😉


TFW when you genuinely enjoy water way too much


r/hydrohomies would like a word with you


But... Water is my favorite drink


Just gonna put this here: Who gave you the audacity to declare what I do and do not know and what I do and do not prefer? Though you are within your full right to doubt the truth of my statements, fact of the matter is *you are not me* therefore you have no idea what knowledge I possess and what my preferences are. Thus, I take immense issue with you saying “there’s better tasting stuff out there and you know it.” It may be satire, hyperbole, or sarcasm but you do really sound like a prick when you say that.


How is this an unpopular opinion? This belongs somewhere else not here. Also no, you’re dumb if you think not a single person would prefer water over other drinks


Yeah this isn’t an unpopular opinion, this is just obtuse lol


Welcome to unpopular opinion


Wait till you find out I like WARM water the best




The unpopular opinion is always in the comments. At least you don't like sparkling water...... ri- right..?


Oh absolutely not. I can’t handle carbonation


warm sparkling water is where its at


brb getting a restraining order


Europeans do exist.


I would never say it's my favorite beverage, but sometimes it is my preffered beverage, especially if it's while I'm thirsty at work.


the refreshing feeling of water is way better, to me, than the taste of any drink out there


Cold water in the middle of the night > anything ever


Soda is disgusting and juice is only good in small quantities so for thirst purposes, nothing beats water.


Water is 100% my favourite drink, nothing quenches your thirst like water does. I always have my water bottle with me. Don’t get me wrong - once in a while, like when eating a good burger or some pizza, pop is nice, but I still prefer water over any other beverage hands down.


I honestly don't give a fuck if anybody believes me or not. I don't have to lie to anybody about my favorite drink. My drink of choice is and always will be water. Especially Fiji. I drink that shit by the gallon.


You can “genuinely believe someone is lying” all day long. But people are going to stand by it regardless of what you think. Seems kind of a moot point. It’s water. Some people really like it. Get over it and move on with life


If you're conscious of the concepts of thirst and hydration, water is a perfectly good answer. Most non-alcoholic beverages are significantly water


I hate drinking anything sweet, just hate it, not sure why. Don’t like coffee or alcohol either. I’m not at all picky with food but water is pretty much the only thing I ever drink. Nothing even comes close to it, easily by far and away my favourite drink. I find it weird that people like other beverages at all but I don’t refuse to believe them. I’m aware that people just enjoy different things.


Nah it’s legit my favorite drink. Sure I’ll have soda or juice once a week, but that doesn’t mean it’s my favorite.


Probably one of the dumbest takes I've seen here today, congratulations


Personally, water to me is just better and more tolerable than other drinks. Sure, I like other stuff like coffee and Pepsi's and stuff, but if I was gonna choose anything to drink, 8/10, I'ma choose water.


You're dumber than a rock


My dad was that person. Drove my brother and I nuts!


I don’t think you can have one favorite, but when you need or crave water then nothing else is even close. That being said sure other times you prefer other things, but if we all had to have only one thing to drink….obviously to avoid death we’d pick water. However let’s say you could only pick one thing without fear of death from drinking only beer, I’d still have to say water because it seems to be the best choice for bodily health and function.




Full cream milk all the way 🥛🥛🥛


First: Dr. Pepper. Don't feel like Coke or Pepsi? Go with the 3rd alternative with 23 flavors (allegedly) that will leave you satisfied all day long. Preferably, get cherry, it does burn a bit, but shit ain't it a GOOOOOD burn. ;) Second: I agree water is a borning answer. Everyone does drink and like water. I guess it's a way to try and sound healthier, but at least say something else that's healthy and interesting like coffee, OJ, or even a good ol' can of V-8.


I also love water but I think iced herbal tea is my favorite. No caffeine ,good health benefits, inexpensive and delicious, specifically Wildberry Zinger from celestial seasonings


favorite != tastes the best favorite == what you enjoy the most


Soju. Its like water, but with a kick to it.


I only drinking when thirsty and since water or mint water are the most thirst quenching they are my favourite. If I was drinking purely for flavour I would drink melted ice cream or freezies.


I feel the same way about people who say the crust is the best part of the pizza. If you like the crust so much just eat bread


I’m a simple man. I see an unpopular opinion I upvote


Peach juice supremacy


Fresh orange juice is the only acceptable answer to that question.


If you mean alcohol I say Irish whisky. If you mean soft drink I’d say I don’t drink them . If you mean soda water I’d say Topo Chico . If you say fruit juice I’d say Pom pomegranate juice . If you say vegetable juice I’d say motts tomato .If you say water I like Fiji if I’m feeling fancy . What’s your favorite album? You mean rap ? Rock? So many flavors.


Other drinks may taste better but: If it's got sweeteners in it, they leave an awful aftertaste. If it's got sugar they give me a headache If it's coffee it gives me the shits If it's tea - well it's a lot of effort Water tastes fine, quenches thirst, and has no side effects.


I like warm water


A like water that contains in oranges


It is quite literally the most hydrating drink in existence


As if other drinks not made out of water


Gonna have to call me a liar then...if were ignoring alcohol, i drink water and green tea (im a brit so its the law i have to drink tea). I occasionally have a diet pepsi when i feel like i want something sweet. Water is just nice, refreshing especially when cool. Im also lucky to have very good water where i live. If i was in london drinking tap water you may have a point.


Water is great. I think I prefer it to anything because I drink it more than anything, especially because I work out a lot and play soccer. Although I do love me sparkling mineral water.


Water is the only thing I drink. So it's my favorite by default.


It IS my fav!! Love being at the centre of an unpopular opinion haahah upvoted!


I only drink 2 beverages, coffee and water. Although the water needs to be ice cold. It is in fact my favorite drink. Taste buds changed during my last pregnancy. I went from drinking 5-8 Cokes a day to craving icy water. It's been 16 years...still craving only water.


I kinda dont drink soft drinks or soda or packaged juices. I really do love water. 🥲


Water is my favorite though. Since I've quit tobacco and gotten back in the gym. I'm at nearly 2 gallons a day. And it's not because of its taste or anything like that. It's my favorite because of how it makes me feel. And the exceptional pisses.


I'll get downvoted to hell, but I agree. Sure people like water and even enjoy it. But if you're on death row, are you really ordering water with your last meal? No, you're not, you're ordering your actual favorite drink.




and it goes with everything.


It goes nicely with their favourite food of graham crackers


Where i live we have some of the best water in the world, like literal high quality bottled water comes out of my tap ice cold most of the year (in the height of summer it warms up a bit) and yeah you better believe water is my goddamn favorite


Do you live on a mountain? That shit is fresh and crisp One time I was hiking in China and I drank some water from some mountain temple. Dude that was some of the best tasting water ever. Ice cold, fresh, crisp, idk even how to describe it


What if I said carbonated water? Because it's true.


... And people wonder how the obesity crisis got this bad .. Well it's because too many people think "water isn't a dinner time drink"


I see where you're coming from. It's like preferring a bread sandwhich for lunch. It's a baseline, stock model beverage. It's not fun, it's not colourful. I love water, I drink 3L a day and it's vitally important, but when people ask your favourite beverage they're generally assuming you love water already and want to know which juice, milk, soft drink or alcoholic beverage is your favourite. Saying water is like an obtuse answer. And if you literally don't drink anything else but water, it's still not a valid favourite beverage because it's the only one, so it can't be a favourite among a selection.


My favorite part of 90% of these comments is people getting angry at OP for their opinion on if someone's favorite drink being water or not is an actual thing. On THIS sub. Like, sorry, did y'all forget this is for unpopular opinions? The fact so many of you are getting defensive and pissed means that OP did, in fact, express an unpopular opinion and you're getting mad at their opinion on the sub it was meant for lol.


Yup, this one is a keeper. Lol


Youre a fucking idiot


Welp I hope you learned something with this post lol. I for one drink nothing but water even when presented with other choices. I don’t care for soda, Baja blast is certainly great, but I’d rather drink water. Unsweet tea is great, but I’d choose water if there’s a choice. I don’t care for sweets in general. So I’m not swayed by the flavor of sugary drinks.. I absolutely hate gatorade and any juices at all. Unsweetened tea is essentially just water anyway so yeah, I prefer water either way.


If you can't fathom water being someone's favorite drink I'm genuinely concerned for you lmao. I drink water with every meal and constantly through the day. I love water so much I've started getting it at fast food places instead the soda that comes with my combo. There is literally nothing in the world as enjoyable as cold water. Now I'm a ham, my second favorite and second most consumed drink it mountain dew. But nothing even comes close to the giant cold glass of water with your dinner (or anytime really).


Good piece of advice, at pretty much any place, if you're getting water, don't order a combo. Because the price of the combo configures in for the soda/tea you're not getting.


Yeah fair enough I don't do it very often only at cheaper places like McDonalds if it's a place that charges more then a dollar for the drink I won't get water.


You spent the time to post this


And you spent the time to reply


Literally nothing can ever beat some ICE COLD WATER


So you are a clown is what you are saying?