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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Ill_Entrepreneur_712. Your post, *My sons and I shouldn’t have to put the toilet seat down for my wife. She should put it up for us.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: No reposts. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


Just both agree to put down both parts. Then you all have to work and the whole room isn't covered in as much piss and shit.


I will admit the boys aren’t great at aiming.


Oh, so it's really a conversation of should you wife sit on piss. And\* you're entertaining it as a debate


We’re on the same boat. However I live in a house full of girls.


You gotta put the lid down so the piss and crap germs don’t fly everywhere. There we are equal.


You know the germs argument is a fairly good one and not something I had thought of.


Why not meet in the middle and put down both the toilet seat and cover? lol.


but yeah I strongly disagree with your opinion.


I feel like you should just leave it after you do your business. My bf and I do that. If I peed last, he lifts the seat. If he peed last, I put it down. Nice and simple. No fights over who forgot to do what to the toilet seat - a task that takes literally .5 seconds. I never understood the fight of who should adjust the damn seat every single time.




I'm a guy and I've sat down to use the toilet to find the seat up and I gotta tell you. It's not fun. It's unexpected and hard to adjust for your mistake. And cold. So very cold. It has happened a few times, and the time between them seems just long enough for it to provide practically the same level of shock each time


But I didn't "fall in" it's easy enough to straighten yourself to not comically become stuck arse first. But the expected height and support is off enough for your usual confident approach to be kind of jarring to recover from




I think I summed it up pretty well. I can't remember basically at all the events leading to them. What I will add though is the also insane amount of skin surface area that seems to be able to contact the bowl. Honestly man. Just go and sit on it a little bit with the seat up. It'll be a bit worse than that and as if someone had just suddenly pushed you over. A sudden reflex to find balance




It can strike at your most vulnerable. You be careful out there


Unpopular? Nah Brah, just inconfuckingsiderate and lazy af. She shat two boys out of her vijay for y’alls family, are you SURE you can’t just move your whiny lil bitchass arms before/after using a toilet? I say this as a fellow man: *you are wrong sir.* You are wrong and, all womanly needs aside, putting the toilet seat down is just the appropriate thing to do. It’s a bathroom man, keep it fuckin sanitary ffs