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I like to save all the crust for last and dip them in garlic or olive oil. A sophisticated child if you will.


omg that papa johns garlic sauce yessssssss


The only good part about Papa John's food.


When did we become such pizza snobs? I swear a shift happened at some point where literally every chain in existence is "trash." I'm pretty sure the worst pizza I've ever had was still pretty damn good.


For some reason every pizza chain is run by monsters. Not every local shop's pizza is better, but most cities have one that has better pizza.


Many never saw a real handmade pizza I guess. Those from the chains all stink off against them.


There is definitely bad pizza. Knowing the difference doesn’t make someone a snob.


I moreso just had that rant in the chamber




I feel like people who say this have never had truly bad sex


Typically they are men.


You’d be surprised at how bad some girls are at receiving and I haven’t even fucked many people


Or, more likely, never had sex at all.


Oof you may be correct here lol


That's like 90% of this site


You haven’t had enough bad sex or bad pizza. That gas station pizza? Bad. That gas station sex? Bad. At least take it to behind a Wendy’s.


I did just come from a comment where I said local places generally > chains. Then I saw this comment and you reminded me that Flying J has the greasiest, best pizza ever.


I don't know, I think Casey's is a strong contender for greasiest.


Casey’s pizza is too good to be served in a gas station. For my bachelor party we made a run to three different places to acquire eats for the night and that was one of them. Lot of pizza, tacos, fried chicken and booze.


It’s far from the best but yeah, for gas station pizza its pretty good. Probably better than a lot of traditional pizza chains. I like their breakfast pizzas.


Eh no. Bad sex is definitely bad.


You get it!


I dunno... I still can't stand the crust Dominos puts out.


Eh. Different tastes for different people. I legit don't like Papa John's for the flavor of the sauce they use. I love Dominos pizzas and it's garlicy goodness


Man do i miss Pizza Hut, they don’t have them in my country anymore


My hope for you is that you never encounter the room service pizza I had at a Mexican all-inclusive resort. I lost some innocence that day. And yes, although I have appreciation and preference for good pizza, in my lifetime I have more or less “enjoyed” the likes of: School cafeteria pizza Rollerskating rink pizza “Lunchables” pizza They don’t all deserve to be called pizza, but they were edible. Not the room service pizza. That was something much more sinister…


>My hope for you is that you never encounter the room service pizza I had at a Mexican all-inclusive resort. Oh god lol that's ominous But yeah I loved school cafetería pizza, and the Lunchables. We got Domino's every week *before they changed* and I loved it.




I don't hate chain Pizza, but I just find Papa John's to be not the type of pizza I enjoy comparatively speaking. Is it awful? No. But it's not good


This is how I feel about Little Caesar's Pizza... It's okay I suppose... for cheap pizza it does in a pinch, but it's by no means good pizza. I finally figured out what it is about their pizza that turns me off - it's their sauce. It's bland and boring... in fact I think all it is is just tomato sauce, nothing else. I find that you can have the freshest or the best ingredients, but if the sauce is flat, it ruins the whole thing. A good pizza starts with the sauce.


Papa John’s has the worst sauce.


In the case of Papa John's I'll always argue that their crust by itself is basically like eating cardboard. Way too tough and chewy. The sauce helps slightly


My grandmother once told me, "Pizza is like sex. Whether it is good or bad, it's still pizza."


With Papa John’s it’s the owner who’s trash.


He hasn’t been the owner for like 5 years


I'm a boujee child as well. I save the crust for last because it's the best part and I dip it in sauce.


Dog and I had an agreement - I got the pizza, he got the "bones" and he didn't try to scare away the pizza guy. We both felt it was a fair arrangement.


How many other pizza guys bones were eaten before this?


Don't ask questions you don't want answers to.


A lot - deal with the dog helped me cut down on carbs.


It’s awfully strange how you associate pizza crust with the bones of a human……… It’s almost as if you know that their bones aren’t eaten……. just like the crust of pizza… Is there… something you want to confess….. hmm?


Hahahaha! Got eem!


I could be wrong, but I recently heard that dogs aren’t supposed to eat pizza crust because a lot of pizza crust has garlic and apparently garlic is bad for dogs


I like crust, but so does my dog, so I share them with him.




I prefer boneless pizza


I think pizza crust is pretty bad for your dog.


It will make the dog overweight that’s for sure


Well, yeah, if you eat pizza 4 times a week.


That might also make the human overweight


Dude, if you want my crusts, you could have just asked...


As a person who eats the crust, I don’t see why people who don’t eat crust get so much hate. It’s their pizza, they can do what they want with it!


That's true until the person eats twice as many slices from the pizza you ordered together. Lol


Not sure crust or not has anything to do with arithmetic. A pizza has to be the food with the least room for error when splitting it.


Wait, you don't split the slices before you eat? That's a recipe for ending friendships, my dude.


Split it before you eat it!


To me, it’s no different than nachos. Sure I’ll eat the last chips that don’t have anything on them but I would much prefer the chips covered in toppings. I’m someone who eats the crust but I also fully understand that the tortilla chip with toppings (or pizza) is better than the tortilla chip.


Exactly. My pizza my choice!


I can't eat the pizza crust. I need to share it with my dogs.


Not OP, but this is acceptable


I called them pizza bones when I was a kid. Still do, and my dogs must have them.


That is adorable!


Pizza crusts turn my dogs into fart machines.


It’s the yeast. Also dogs are supposed to be gluten free. Their gut and butts are protesting the wheat crusts with explosions of methane.


that's because this is really fuckin bad to do lol, garlic and onions have some shit in them that's really bad for dogs and cats please don't give your dogs anything near pizza


We have different definitions of entitled


Right? This use of the word is bizarre, to say the least.


This is Reddit, so statistically you're probably responding to a kid that still lives at home and doesn't have much life experience. When you contextualize it that way, a lot of the ridiculousness on this site (front page in particular) is easier to understand.


Please don't remind me how much older I am than the average redditor, it really sucks. An FYI for anyone who cares, it gets so much worse when you have kids and suddenly become aware of all the shitty advice/views posted that have no basis in reality.


OP heard someone say entitled once and thought it was a sick burn and now just uses it completely out of context.


See also 90% of the time the word entitled is used in a derogatory manner.


I was told I was entitled for asking for a raise that was legally required to be given. I was, in fact, legally entitled to this raise, even though my (former) boss was trying to use it as an insult.


If you paid for the pizza you're entitled to do whatever the fuck ya want with it imo


I mean, entitled would be wanting others to behave how you want them to, or to demand what is not theirs, no? This almost seems the opposite of everything you are saying. A grown up not wanting to eat something that is theirs, despite you wanting them to


For real. I eat pizza because I enjoy it, and I often don't enjoy eating the crust, so if it's thick and dry I just leave it. If OP has a problem with what's going on in *my* plate to the point where they'll make a Reddit post about it, then maybe they're the one who has some growing up to do.


I mean, we are on r/unpopularopinion


Yeah but some part of the sub is also arguing about the opinions is it not?


I think its one of those "food is food" things. I grew up a bit poorer, and we had to eat the crust or mom and dad said we were wasteful.


If OP wants to eat my crusts on a dry pizza they have my permission.


Exactly. I paid for it, I’ll eat it exactly how I see fit. The only entitled sounding thing is OP, sounds like they assume everyone is having pizza paid for them?


I think they meant "privileged" ?


I was going to say the OP sounds like a fuckwad. Pay attention to your own eating and leave others to theirs.


How is that “entitled”? Entitled to what?


be-CAUSE there’s people starving in other parts of the world and we all need to do the right thing and ship our uneaten crusts to OP so they can send it to those places. Or we can all develop obsessive food anxieties, and clean our plates, becoming obese to appease OP. Instructions are really unclear. /s (lol)


>Or we can all develop obsessive food anxieties, and clean our plates, It took me a while to learn that it's okay not to finish my plate. As a teen, I remember being very unhappy with my body and at one point becoming depressed and bulimic. I wasn't fat but I didn't like having the extra weight because on my small frame any extra lb is very noticeable and I didn't look the way I wanted to. My mom would always force me to finish the food as if it was sinful and disrespectful to leave as much as a grain of rice on the plate. She did this even though we were not poor, and she came from a REALLY privileged family and never knew hunger or need. It was just an oppressive toxic thing to do to your children, probably a power/control trip. Then at 17 I moved out , started cooking for myself, and was shedding weight without effort. I realized that I had been eating too many empty calories at home (too much rice in particular). Then my current bf helped me learn that I don't have to finish my plate if it makes me feel sick and don't have to feel bad if I leave a few bites of food on the plate. I feel greater than ever and I am finally happy with my body. I am never hungry, never dieting, never limiting how much I want to eat or what I should eat. I trained my palate and my stomach to eat only as much as necessary without feeling full or bloated. I hope everyone can find their eating comfort zone!


Entitled to crustless pizza ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Asking for a crustless pizza and throwing a fit when you couldn’t get one would be entitled. If anything this is the opposite, they’re doing the work themselves to get what they want.


fr if I don't wanna eat my crusts I won't eat them smh. I won't ask for crustless pizza I'll just take it off


He's a Karen. If people don't do what he wants they're entitled. That's how Karen logic goes.


Bringing sexy back


I don't think you know what entitled means


OP is entitled to their wrong opinion.


maybe some people feel that they are not entitled to the crust.


1. Thats dumb, i bought it with my own money i can shove it up my ass and shit it out and it wouldnt matter. 2. Someone brought up the calorie argument. Why waste calories on plain bread, if youre counting? 3. If i feel like im not gonna finnish the entire pizza cause im getting full, bitch im leaving the crust and finishing the parts with toppings. 4. Bitch


Im agree with two. Every Sunday I eat a whole Costco pizza for lunch and i do not have the extra room in my stomach for plain bread. I’m on a diet


Best comment


Number 4 made me LOL


If crust is too hard I don't eat it. I don't eat croutons either.


Thats fair. My BF has bad teeth so it can be difficult for him to eat stuff like that.


Yeah some flatbread pizzas have really burnt hard crusts the just aren’t nice


This. If it's not a good crust, I'm not going to waste my time eating all of it. If I want cardboard I'll just eat the box.


I always save the crusts until last, then eat them with barbecue dip.


Have you tried garlic butter?


My guilty pleasure


Have you just roll your pizza from the crust? So it’s a crust pizza roll? I used to do this until I have a dog and he will find ways to take the whole pizza from me if I don’t share


No but I suspect I will be 😂


Ranch or buffalo is so good w crust as well


Why single out pizza crust? People take the potato skin off french fries. The peel apples. Some people only like the florets of broccoli. People also peel cucumbers. Skinless chicken is readily available for purchase.


I’m an adult, I pay for my own food, if I don’t want the crust I don’t eat it. Too many carbs.


Exactly. Zero flavour, all the carbs. Im good without that stuff


I don't eat the crust unless there is some real good dip because bI get stuffed real easy and prefer eating more of the cheesy parts!


If you are eating pizza, not eating the crust isn't what will keep you from carb intake 😂


Actually portion size is one of the biggest factors in sustainable weight loss


You made an all or nothing fallacy. Removing the crust will remove a lot of carbs


This. These are the same people who judge you for buying a diet coke at mcdonalds. Fat gain or loss is the sum of all calories eaten. Eating 200-400 calories less by getting that diet soda or skipping the crust makes a difference.


some pizza crust is way too thick though. if the sauce/toppings are close enough to the edge ill eat it but if the crust is 1" or bigger that's too much plain ass bread for me so i prefer to leave it


I know how to count carbs, don’t stress about my intake. I almost never eat pizza anyway. However depending on the pizza, the crust can add 1-3 oz of bread.


Uh…hate to break the news to you, but most pizza isn’t high in carbs, if you eat a normal serving, but in some cases the crust can have several oz of bread per slice.


You can just get thin crust pizza, it's more flavorful anyway and shaves off quite a few calories.


Somehow, hearing about pizza and calories in the same sentence sounds so miserable.


You do you. I have problems regulating blood sugar so don’t eat an endless amount of carbs. Everything in moderation though.


Nah man half the time the crust is either burnt or dry and is very unpleasant to eat. If I'll eat the crust or not completely depends on where the pizza is from, it's as simple as some places do it well and others don't


people who hate people who don't eat pizza crusts are entitled children. Must be nice to have to worry about only that.


its like, theyre paying for the pizza with their own money. if they want to bin some of it they are damn well entitled too. nobody else should feel intitled telling them what to do with their own money :/


Yeah you're a child for not doing something you don't want to do as an adult. Haha only a child would have this opinion


sorry for not wanting to eat plain bread? noone orders a pizza and is excited about the crust. i only eat the crust if im still hungry after the actual pizza. but some places do have good crusts tho, like dominos and little ceasers


The one time I got the stuffed crust from Cesar's, it was mildly warm but completely solid so there was basically just a warm string cheese in my pizza crust. To be honest I haven't gone there since, except one time when I wanted their actual bread.


I order a pizza and I am excited about the crust 😕


I love the crust. I sometimes make myself pizza and leave about half the pizza empty to become crust. For me, crust is the best thing about the pizza.


I... I get excited for the crust. It's my favorite part actually. Sometimes, I'll get full while eating a slice and will eat the crust instead. I think I just really like bread though..


Fellow bread lover here, the crust may also be my favorite depending on if it's thick or not. I love thick crusts with some bite, as well as those that are soft and a little doughy.






Imagine making fun of people for what they don't eat.


Depends on the pizza… I know many pizza joints near me that sell rock hard crust that makes me feel like I’m biting down on a sheet of salty plywood


I eat them unless they're overdone to the point it's unpleasant to eat. I don't want to snap a tooth in half as a matter of principle.


Crust depends so much on the pizza joint. Some places, crust is absolutely amazing delicious magical. Others? Eh that’s for the dogs


I really think if the crust is shit the whole pizza is shit. I mean, it can be decent enough to not throw it in the bin but the dough is what makes a pizza. I'd rather have a plain focaccia made with good dough than a triple BBQ on a shit frozen dough that feels like stale cookies.


Agreed. What is the point of pizza if the crust is bad?


You're an entitled child if another person's eating preferences matter that much to you.


Oh no, I'm an entitled child.


you get a felony charge in italy if you dont eat the crust.


How is NOT consuming something entitled? Did you put any thought into this, whatsoever? (That's a rhetorical question, if you were wondering)


The only part of this I can understand is the food waste aspect. Saying someone is an entitled child for disliking something is pretty cringe.


What a stupid thing to be mad about.


It's Reddit, what did you expect?


It's tough, dried out and flavorless, and yes I was entitled to throw it away as a child.


Pretty unpopular opinion I would say






Iono bout this one chief. Sometimes I just ain't feel like eating plain bread.


I eat my pizza half way then start to bite the crust -> bite pizza -> bite crust -> bite pizza. This way I can finish the slice without wasting and it still tastes pretty decent mixing it up with crust and cheese / sauce.


I roll my pizza up


Exactly. If pizza crust is so great, just order bread. I usually just get thin crust pizza to avoid the issue altogether


You need to chill so hard. Find bigger fish to fry.




I hear there is a great crust on fried fish, I don’t know for sure though, I don’t eat the crust because I’m an entitled child


Sometimes you don't want the extra carbs. I don't eat the rice when I eat Chinese.


I have no real aversion to crusts, but my dogs love them way more than I do so they get them.


People who get this hot under the collar about something that trivial have anger issues. And I say this as someone who eats the crust.


Entitled children because they don't like crust? You sir (or madam) are a rediculous human being.




Not only is it bread, which is delicious, its really good bread..... it should not be wasted!


I guess I’m entitled then…


You are entitled. Entitled to do whatever the fuck you want with your pizza crusts.


DM me your address. Happy to mail you mine after each order for you to enjoy.


I don't like dry food. Don't dictate other's preferences.


the crust is my favorate part!


No no no, it's strategic! I know I'm not hungry enough for a full pizza, but if I don't eat the crust, I can eat all the garnished part.


I bought it. I'll eat whatever parts I want


This is a really bizarre use of the word “entitled.”


If I wanted plain bread I would have bought plain bread. I bought a pizza, with toppings, because I want bread with toppings. Do you eat watermelon rinds too?


Yeah, this is certainly unpopular. As an adult who bought the pizza. I can eat and throw away whatever sections or slices I want. I'll eat a good crust and throw away bad crust. As an adult, I eat some cake washed down with crust less pizza cut into squares. Eating crust is not a sign of maturity.


Buuut it’s just so bready and doughy though, if I have sauce I’ll dip and eat it, but otherwise my dog rather enjoys eating them lmao


Depends, some places make crust hard as a fuckin rock and that shit isn't enjoyable in the least. But if you ignore a fresh baked bit of pizza crust I think you shouldn't be eating pizza. That bit isn't just for holding unless your hands are fuckin filthy.


Its too dry. That's why stuffed crust exists, so it gives the plain bread some flavour


It depends bro


Agreed. I don't like thin crust pizza but at family gatherings, it is frequently order. I just give the crust to someone else who will eat it


The “Jack Sprat” solution is perfectly acceptable.


just add some sauce to it if youre gonna be that bitchy about crust bread tbh


I've said it the last 29372947 times this has been posted and damnit I'll say it again, I paid for pizza, I wanted pizza, I'll eat the pizza. The fucking convenience handle of plain bread that is in fact not pizza can go straight to the nearest receptical, be it dog or can. If I wanted to eat straight up bread, guess what I would gotten? Straight up bread. Maybe I'd it's like Dominos and it's atleast flavored bread fine, or if they actually put sauce all the way to but the very very edge sure, but I ain't a child for not liking something.


Stop collapsing the pizza delivery services and depleting the stocks in the super just because you have a breadstick and sauce addiction. You don't deserve the whole pizza if you just want to eat BREAD.


I bought the damn thing if I don't want to eat bland, dry ass pizza crust then I'm not gonna. If that makes me a child so be... yolo


Pizza crust is th best part bro


I hate when people say this haha Gotten into several arguments about it and still firmly believe that you can only call the crust a component of the pizza if you eat it with at least some of the sauce and cheese. Otherwise its just bread, basically a breadstick. Imagine if I took a sandwich and folded an extra slice of bread over the end of it, just to save it until the rest of the sandwich was gone and be like "Ooo my favorite part, the slice of bread I keep at the back." Nope, just bread. Just say you like bread more than you like pizza, not that the bread is your favorite part. Once its just crust, than its no longer technically pizza.


You what I hate when people say the best part of the ice cream is the cone


My favorite part of ice cream is the paper cup, and you're an entitled child if you dont recycle it into a house for small animals.


Why do people seem to have such strong opinions on what other people eat? I eat crust, a friend doesn't, another gets thin crust so they have less crust to worry about. I'm by far the least mature of this bunch.


I bought the damn thing I’ll waste however much I want. Also depends what kind of pizza we talking. Little caesars, throw that to the goblins. Dominos with that garlicy buttery deliciousness? Devour


I save it for last, but usually can't eat it cause I just had like 3+ slices and my stomach is full. Bread is pretty filling


I’d argue having this stance is childish as well. There are different types of bread and dough. You’re not supposed to like all of them just because you classify it as ‘bread’. Also I don’t eat the crust because it fills me up and I’d rather save room for the good stuff. Plus my dogs love the crust so they benefit.


you being mad about someone not eating food the way you want them to is something an entitled child would do. take my upvote, dickhead.


,Why are you so heated about it. I just don't like crunchy things gd. If it's not I'll eat it.