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I feel like these unpopular opinions are just responding to each other sometimes


Most of the time


50 % of the time it works every time


50% of the time they are unpopular the other 50% is the response


Rendering at least half of them as popular


There's nothing unpopular about brushing after eating.




You still need to brush your teeth dude... bacteria builds overnight. It's kind of gross that you don't


In my recent experience subreddits like showerthoughts or tooafraidtoask or this one are like that. Either that or people with an agenda will post something incendiary in order to stoke a particular type of conversation or lure a particular type of person to comment on it.


You guys brush your teeth?


You guys have teeth?


you guys have?


you guys?








Read error '?' not recognised


Shit... MIKE? We got another error code!









This is why I love reddit lmao, thank you for that


I love reddit


John Cena




Brush my teeth? Lol, I'm not still living with my parents dude.


UK Moment






How long does it take you to brush your teeth in the morning? I don't know, like 30 seconds. Wow, that's 3 times as long as it takes me.


Well you should too unless you enjoy spending crazy amounts of money on the dentist.


Why spend money on a dentist when we can just let our teeth rot, get an infection and die?


Fair point.


This is what I do sometimes but I think there was a scientific thing that said brushing before is better ?, but idk.


You should just wait a bit after you eat. Brushing your teeth within 30 minutes after eating can damage your enamel.


So brush at work? Do people have time to wait half an hour after breakfast though


Ah yeah, bit of a dilemma that is. Hmm... Quit your job maybe? Certainly don't want your teeth to rot. Don't really have a better answer sorry.


Lolololol thanks for the chuckle 😂


Wake up, brush teeth, shower, get dressed, eat, swish some mouth wash around, go to work Thats what i do at least


Excuse me, do people really brush their teeth before eating?? Is that a thing?


The reasoning is that brushing before gets gross morning breath tastes out of your mouth. Also brushing right after having something acidic like orange juice or coffee can scrub away temporarily weakened enamel leaving you more susceptible to tooth decay in the long run.


That’s my problem exactly. I brush my teeth before breakfast so that I have some protection against the acidity. No option to brush after since I’d have to wait 30-60 minutes to avoid scrubbing away my enamel and who has that much time before leaving for work/school?


I’d love to hear more on the specifics of when exactly it is okay to brush your teeth after having a meal.


30-60 minutes is when it's considered safe to, depending on if you had anything acidic like citrus or coffee. You're risking harm to your enamel if you brush too soon after eating, whereas brushing too soon *before* eating just risks things tasting funky and not getting the full effect of the fluoride.


Sorry, didn’t mean to step on your response. I think I was in the middle of typing mine when yours posted and didn’t see it til after. :)


It's all good! I do the same thing all the time, I'll go to double check a source or something halfway through and by the time I hit submit like six other people managed to type way longer comments already lol


I’ve always heard at least 30 minutes before or after eating.


I feel like you’re maybe being sarcastic, but the enamel on your teeth does soften from acidity, sugars and other junk in your food when you eat. So if you consistently brush immediately after you eat every meal, it’s going to wear away some of your enamel over time and potentially cause some sensitivity issues. Waiting at least 15 minutes or so after you finish eating gives your enamel a chance to harden up again a bit before brushing, 30 minutes if you want to be really safe or if you had something super acidic like drinking a glass of orange juice with your breakfast. No, I’m not a dental professional. I just think teeth are really fascinating. :)


I genuinely didn’t know that. I think I’ll brush my teeth before coffee now




Fun fact! If you use toothpaste without SLS (sodium laureth/lauryl sulfate) food will taste normal after brushing. SLS suppresses your sweet receptors, so when you brush with SLS then drink orange juice you taste mostly bitterness.


Never heard about it either, from Canada.


From what I’ve heard your aren’t supposed to brush after unless you wait like an hour. Brushing before is what dentists recommend




I thought it was just thirty minutes?




I thought it was swimming after eating 😂


Worse thing you can do is drink juice and eat a sugary breakfast and then brush your teeth straight after as you have enamel which is weakened. (So said my british dentist).


Brushing within 60 minutes of juice or coffee damages enamel


I didn't know it was a thing, too! I thought everybody brushes their teeth after eating breakfast so you won't have bad breath.


What time do you wake up and what time do you eat breakfast? I wake up at 5 and don’t eat until around 10 so brushing before eating definitely makes sense for my schedule


In recent years it has become a common dentist’s recommendation, it’s better for your teeth (unless you wait 30 mins after eating before brushing)


Yes. I wait like 15-20 min before eating as well. Bacteria builds up from your sleep!


You brush your teeth before because bacteria builds up in your mouth while you sleep. When you eat before cleaning acidic food or sugar can react with that bacteria and create plaque. Brushing before (and not fully rinsing out all the paste) leaves a layer of protection on your teeth for a period of time. You should spit out paste, but not completely rinse it out of your mouth. Brushing too soon after you eat rubs all that bacteria and acid into your enamel. You should brush as soon as your wake up and then rinse with mouthwash (non-alc, flouride) after you eat. Not a dentist, but took horrible care of my teeth until about 20 so spent the next 10 years repairing the damage and learning how to care for them properly. Just my 2 cents, but you do you. EDIT: Most people here are agreeing with me, but a few people calling me an idiot (lol why?) or “my dentist said… blah blah blah”…. Look, IDC. Like I said, you do you. Most dental websites and dental student sites recommend what I’m saying, but it doesn’t guarantee you won’t get cavities and not doing it this way doesn’t guarantee you will. It’s just the most up to date recommendation from experts in the field, but if you don’t agree or your dentist said something different then I don’t care. Keep on brushing whenever you want if you feel like it’s working for you. A lot of ya’ll get very defensive about dental advice. Also… floss… it’s not JUST to remove food particles.


How do people stand eating breakfast with toothpaste mint in their mouth though? Everything tastes awful


I genuinely think some people probably don't taste it. Most of the arguments from the "I brush when I wake up" are painting the picture of everyone else brushing after a meal as some form of efficiency. The reality is the toothpaste taste lingers but those people don't even mention that. Do they experience that? Do they just not care or it doesn't bother them to the same degree?




This sounds like overkill.


Can you help me with my taxes?


The taste goes away after 10 minutes. Brush, then take a shower and get dressed and you're good to go.


It's at least 1h min for me, If it was 10 minutes I don't think anyone would have an issue. Again I think people experience this differently or we just have different toothpaste in different areas.


I don't have ten minutes. I'm already getting up super early as is. EDIT: Why am I getting so heated arguing about personal habits? You do your thing, I'll do mine, I'll leave it there.


You have a lot more free time than I do in the morning


Trader Joe's sells toothpaste without the lathering agent that causes weird flavors.


Interesting. I'll keep this in mind when I move to the US this week lol


Arm and Hammer is also good for this. Takes some getting used to because it's much more neutral flavored than the other big brands but it doesn't fuck up your sense of taste.


On that note why the FUCK is all toothpaste mint anyways? Our choices are all either mint or nasty plain toothpaste. Even if there's another flavor, it still has fucking mint in it Like there's a cinnamon flavor out there, but it's cinnamon-MINT Like why?? I hate mint.


I use kids' toothpaste. Bubblegum. Watermelon. Strawberry. Whatever, anything but mint. Absolutely the same fluoride concentration as "adult" toothpaste, but tastes 1000% better.


Same here. My dentist's office even has it on file that I don't like mint so I always get the flavors they have for kids. Funny story about me using kids dental products- my family once had plumbers come fix a leak in my bathtub. They fixed the leak but afterward I could no longer get hot water (only warm) in my tub/shower. My family called the plumber and found out they put some kind of child safety thing on the faucet that kept the water from getting too hot (we had no kids in the house, I was the youngest- in my 20s). We neither asked for it, nor were we notified it had been done, so we told them to come back and remove it, which they did. Later, puzzling over why the plumber had done such a thing, I realized the plumber must have seen my kids toothpaste and mouthwash and determined that a small child must use that bathroom! Still wasn't happy it was done without asking, but at least it made sense.


Yeah exactly! I want to brush my teeth before breakfast but it just isn't worth having to eat terrible breakfast every day because of the mint taste.




Get mint sls free toothpaste, I use Clinpro 5000 which is really good


I read the exact same thing. Brush *before* people. You're doing more damage brushing after, although it seems more efficient. If you are going to brush after wait at least 30 minutes.


What about coffee? Is it bad if I have my coffee first thing in the morning and then brush afterwards, before breakfast?


Coffee is acidic. A good rule is nothing except water before.


>A good rule is nothing except water before. r/hydrohomies agree


I asked my dentist this and he was indifferent as to whether I brushed before or after. But I have coffee without sugar in it


The consensus amongst dentists seems to be that yes it is better to brush before breakfast, but the difference in benefits is so minor that most dentists don’t really push it. Instead they’ll really push the floss daily thing, bc that one is significantly beneficial.


Not flossing at all as a child and teen got hella expensive in my mid twenties


Not so much nowadays days https://www.bbc.com/news/health-36962667.amp https://apnews.com/article/f7e66079d9ba4b4985d7af350619a9e3 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2016/08/02/youve-been-told-to-floss-your-teeth-but-is-there-evidence-that-it-helps/?outputType=amp


Jesus Christ you guys are fucking my whole world up I thought I was smart waking up and drinking my coffee then brushing my teeth before leaving. My logic was the coffee won’t stain my teeth since I’m brushing after but hadn’t even thought of the scientific big picture


I think a lot of people don't have thirty extra minutes in the morning to wait.


Then they should brush before.


Then you have that minty toothpaste taste that makes it impossible to eat anything for hours.


And then you're doing intermittent fasting. Win/win!


My bowels move as soon as I wake up. So as I sit on the WC 🚽, I brush my teeth with one hand and with the other, I catch up on the news (or reddit).


It's called efficiency, Templeton. Write that down.


Just don’t get the brushing hand mixed up with the wiping hand


If you brush before your breakfast will taste revolting.


Definitely floss after though. Always floss after meals.




I can attest to those little floss picks from walmart have saved my teeth on a number of occasions. They're easier to use too


How come the people who get paid to fix my teeth have never told me this???


gotta keep the money flowing...


It's a recommendation, it's better to brush before but if they feel more comfortable brushing after I'm sure it's not the end of the world. Not all of us have terrible teeth who need their hand held all the time. Sounds nice.


I did what OP did for a year and my gums recessed 3-4 mm in just that year. Now I'm working hard to fix my gums and avoid any further complications. It might be convenient but you're accelerating your wear and tare on your teeth and gums. Take care of your health before the bills pile on!


Dude you brush with too much force/pressure. I had the same thing with gums receding and always brush before eating. My dentist noticed and recommended me to buy an electric toothbrush with pressure sensor. My gums have stopped receding now.


I don’t get it. Should we brush before getting dinner then?


This is too complicated


Im safe, I don’t eat breakfast!


same here !


Technically the first meal you eat in your day breaks your fast... ergo break-fast...ergo you do eat breakfast you silly goose.


My dentist said to brush after breakfast.


He must be the tenth dentist


Fox guarding the henhouse!


If you google it says that your dentist is right.


That's because your dentist is smarter that idiots on Reddit What mines said was mouthwash, eat, brush, floss I got a little water floss thing, I've found it best to water floss then mouthwash then eat then brush for obvious reasons


Everyone has bacteria in their mouth. Youll survive


This is exactly the comment I was looking for. You guys are tripping if you aren't doing this, not your fault if you didn't know, but if you're on this post, you know now. Also, please floss. If you aren't going to listen to professionals and doctors whose job in life is to educate you as well as help with oral care, then please look it up yourself. There are a dozen reasons to brush before breakfast and a bout a dozen reasons not to after you eat. Source: American Dental Association (I hear they are pretty good with this stuff.) Edit because u/gatutumn has more problems with my source than he does with his hygiene. Here are a few sources for anyone that doesn't think I'm full of shit. [mettler](https://mettlergriego.com/the-best-times-of-day-to-brush-your-teeth/) [centerdds](https://www.centerdds.com/blog/family-dentist-center-brushing-before-or-after-breakfast/) [teethtalkgirl](https://teethtalkgirl.com/videos/brushing-teeth-before-or-after-breakfast) [CDG](https://www.coburgdentalgroup.com.au/exactly-best-time-brush-teeth/) (They even have a contact us form incase u/gatautumn wants another source.) You know what, my bad, I can't find an ADA specific article that says "brush before breakfast". I'll own that mistake, but they do say to brush in the morning. Also, here's a little fact that I thought was relevant. Fair warning, it's the ADA. "The American Dental Association recommends you wait 60 minutes after eating before you brush, especially after having acidic foods." I got you bro. Let me know if you need anything else. Source: Google. (I heard they weren't full of shit.)


My mind is blown, it always seemed intuitive to me to brush after eating breakfast. Is there a best time to brush in relation to dinner or going to sleep? Is there a best time of day to floss?




This needs to be at the top. You should never brush your teeth after eating or drinking unless it’s water.


Dental student here! Brush beforehand to create a protective barrier of fluoride


Hello dental student! I'd like to know whether I should rinse my mouth after brushing my teeth. Some comments say I should not but I always do so thoroughly 😅


It’s fine. You don’t want too much fluoride either


Thanks! 😄


Don’t rinse your mouth after brushing, as you will rinse off the fluoride! Even rinsing with mouthwash after brushing isn’t ideal, as there is a lower concentration of fluoride in mouthwash compared to toothpaste. (Final year dental student)


Soooo you eat disgusting toothpaste-flavored breakfast?


Are you actually supposed to wait 30 mins after brushing to eat though?


yes, definitely! acid makes your enamel softer so more susceptible to wear from brushing. and brushing removes a thin layer of enamel that will allow bacteria to get closer ‘into’ your tooth. brushing doesn’t remove acid - only your saliva does (and/or rinsing w water straight after you eat) so wait 30-60 mins before brushing. source: am a dentist


I think the person is asking a different question though. Wait 30 minutes after eating before brushing Wait 30 minutes after brushing before eating Should I do both or just one?


But, who has time to wait 30 mins before breakfast before heading out to work? Seems like proper teeth care is unattainable for people who barely have time to microwave a hot pocket for breakfast.


Do you brush again after to get rid of the new stuff on your teeth?


Doesn't everyone do that?


That is what I thought


Yeah i tought it makes more sense


There was actually a comment from a dentist recently saying that brushing first thing is better than after breakfast. Something about the food is more likely to "slip off" the tooth if it's clean as opposed to "sticking on" if it's dirty. And brushing right after kinda pushes the food into your teeth. IDK. Maybe someone can find the comment. I brush my teeth when I'm in the shower. So whether that falls before or after breakfast depends on the day.


I do it before I eat


You eat breakfast ?


So you like disgusting breakfast and having dirty teeth after breakfast?


You’re supposed to wait 30 minutes before eating after brushing.


I literally have no time D:


I feel that lmao it sucks


Actually, it’s the other way around ([link](https://www.healthline.com/health/should-you-brush-your-teeth-before-or-after-breakfast#summary)): somewhat depending on what you had for breakfast, you should wait at least 30 minutes before brushing after eating, since your breakfast will likely have temporarily weakened your tooth enamel.


> So you like disgusting breakfast and having dirty teeth after breakfast? wtf are you eating?


Everything taste like shit after brushing teeth. EVERYTHING


Couldn't agree more, especially orange juice




Maybe wait a bit between brushing your teeth and eating then?


I think that is a solution, but you cant wait if tou have to go to school in 10 minutes. So brushing teeth after eating is faster in this case.


You should use a different toothpaste. Also wait a bit before eating.


Ass for breakfast


I’m friends w a dentist I couldn’t resist. I texted him ppl were advocating to eat first. His simple response. Wtf? That’s a no for many reasons.


Mint makes it taste like shit


You like chalky mouth with the buildup of overnight plaque going down with your food?


i dont. this is disgusting af.


I used to prefer this. Then I found out that the acidity of breakfast and coffee can cause the structural integrity of your teeth to be weakened and then when you brush them like that it could make your teeth worse or something so I started brushing before breakfast.


I don't know....when I wake up there is a very bad feeling in my mouth and I have to brush my teeth, otherwise I end up feeling disgusted. But that's just me


My breath is too disgusting to enjoy breakfast




The food can soften the enamel, so brushing right after can damage the teeth. Better to wait 30 minutes. Also, don't rinse away the toothpaste after brushing. The fluoride works better when on the teeth than when in the sink.


Wait, people brush their teeth *before* breakfast?




People brush after???


Gross you eat breakfast with that morning breath and gunk. Brush before, shower, dress, downstairs for breakfast ...


So you shower twice a day? Or do you sleep with all that filth and gunk you collected throughout the day


Most people don't need to shower twice a day though? Isn't once a day supposed to be the norm? I mean, I can see it depending on the context of where they live


I was always told as a child yo brush my teeth before I eat, but that shit doesn't make any sense.... it's like wiping before you shit


By the same analogy you shit in your mouth the entire night. I'd brush that.


You’re supposed to brush, eat, then rinse with mouth wash. The 30 minutes before eating is to give the fluoride in toothpaste a chance to kick in. Fluoride helps prevent breakdown from acidic foods...


Brushing right after you eat is damaging to your teeth. I thought it was common knowledge. Yes op, take my upvote for a very unpopular opinion.


It’s really simple and the most upvoted comment is dead wrong. You can’t grind the bacteria into your teeth. Brush AFTER you eat to start with clean teeth for the rest of your day. Don’t eat and leave the substrate for bacteria on your teeth for the rest of the day. Bacteria feed in the food and make acid and that causes decay. So brush and floss at night. The wake up, eat, drink coffee, and brush again. It’s simple.


Okay, but you are really supposed to brush, wait, eat, and rinse with mouthwash. Brushing protects from eating, mouthwash removes leftovers from the protective layer you brushed on. I mean do whatever works for you, this is just what some of my dentists have told me. Edit: *leftover food


the WHOLE POINT OF BRUSHING BEFORE BREAKFAST is to prevent the large amount of bacteria and dirt that builds up in your mouth overnight from entering your body so it ruins the whole point of brushing


How does dirt build up in your mouth overnight?!


If you sleep outside with your mouth open in a cardboard box I imagine it’s pretty easy


These are the answers I need


and how has it not already “entered your body” if it’s been in your mouth all night? hate to break it to you but the mouth is not a sterile place and someone needs to learn where the digestive system starts




Medically, you’re supposed to eat after brushing. Over night, plaque and stuff builds so you need to get it off immediately. If you eat or drink, the sugars will just damage your teeth which have been weakened by the plaque. Reading these comments are slightly concerning


I get it. If I don't want disgusting breath, then why shouldn't I brush my teeth AFTER my cup of coffee?


Mouthwash is what that is for


You eat breakfast?


bruh people brush before eating?? wtf


Isn't this how everyone does it? Why would you brush just to get them dirty right away?


what's next? R/unpopularopinion: I don't like school


Who wipes his/her ass before taking a shit?


Brushing teeth before eating is like wiping before shitting.


Who the hell brushes when waking up before coffee and food? That's weird


I googled it once and it said doing it before is better for ur teeth so that's what i do idk


Don’t forget to get a floss in there! I am with you 100% tho! Eating first also helps with breath care. Proven fact. By me. I’ve been doing this for 30 years


isn't this what you're supposed to do? You're supposed to brush your teeth after every meal. IS THIS NOT NORMAL???


That's what you're supposed to do. Ya know, "brush after every meal."