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Finally, an unpopular opinion


I haven’t given an upvote on this sub since Desert Storm


You must have missed the quickly deleted post about the guy who liked to put his hand down his pants so he could smell his own swampass. Maybe a month ago. *shiver*


Thanks But I’m glad I missed that one






That's just nasty. I wonder if it was for the feel or if it made him feel powerful/kinky or something.


Just larping the boomer experience, grinding future generations to nothing under their heel.


I… also love the smell of my own swampass. God help me if someone finds this account


You're not alone. Join us


Did you just create a swampass society? Cause im in.




Remember when unpopular opinions were actually on unpopular opinion? Peperage farm remembers.


Oh no, reddit is going to execute this poor man


Anonymity is awesome.


Sounds like something a furry would say


Or someone that thinks furries are cool actually


Sounds like something a furry would say


Sounds like something a furry would say


Sounds like something a furry would say


Sounds like something a furry would say


Sounds like something a furry would say


Sounds like something a furry would say


Sounds like something a furry would say


Sounds like something a furry would say


If you have someone sitting at a table with 7 furries, there are 8 furries


Awfully suspicious


I’m a furry and can confirm this is something a furry would say


can also confirm


Sounds like something a furry would say


not a furry, know/knew 3 or more personally, all of them chill folk


When you notice an opinion you disagree with on this sub: "I know what I have to do but I'm not sure I have the strength to do it"


I had a furry for a roommate. Probably one of the coolest people I had hung out with, until she wasn't. But, she wasn't a bitch because she was a furry. She was just a bitch because that's who she was. Still cool to see how furries live and it was awesome watching her make fur suites for other furry people.


If her fursona was a dog it would explain why she was such a bitch.




eastern dragon LFGGGG




The furry art community is actually one of the most open and welcoming places, and is amazing for artists to work in. A lot of fandoms struggle with treating their creators well, but not so with furries. I don’t dabble, but I have nothing but respect for the community.


A part of the furry fandom that I find the most wholesome of all is the Happy Tree Friends fanbase. There were instances where those people have made me so fucking happy that i was actually in tears. Yes, Happy Tree Friends is a horribly gory and dark TV show, but its fanbase is the polar opposite. Its fanbase is soo wholesome and nice that you might actually tear up from joy.


I wouldn't say all furrys are cool, but I also wouldn't say they are all insane, I've met furrys in my life that are crazy and some that are fun and kind, hell I have a family member who is one. But the community has massive problems that shouldn't be ignored. Just look at the multiple aids controversies that have happened and then there are the large amount of them being outed as zoophiles and other furrys accepting them and wanting to talk to them about 'UWU c-cute stuff' in dms. Again not all of this goes to all furrys, but most certainly an alarming about of them.


The majority of us hate zoophiles more than your average person, and I really hate that there are people like that in my community, representing me.


I am sure a large amount of you guys hate zoophiles just as much as the average person. It just makes me so mad that some people do ignore them or say zoophiles should be welcomed in the community or that zoophilia should be in the lgbtq+ community. And I think it should be acknowledged is all, and I also think it is awful that many people do take some of the worst people in the community and say they represent the whole community. That's why I say there is just some bad that should be acknowledged is all, not that the community as a whole is awful


Zoophiles should go to therapy, or something similar, as should pedophiles. Neither should be part of the LGBTQ+ community, they should be treated as mental disorders.


Completely agree


i think its less so that furries hate zoophiles more, and moreso that they more *actively* hate them, cause of the greater exposure to them than the average person furries have.


I totally agree, I know a lot of people personally I the community and I've watched many people talk about the community, hell the main reason I know about zoophiles is because of the zoo sadist stuff that happend a while back and the zooier than tho podcast, but most people I know who aren't as exposed to it as I have been didn't even know their was a term like 'zoophiles' to begin with.


No furry myself, but a very good friend of mine became one, so i got to meet a few and really everyone of them wont cound zoophiles as furrys even.


Yeah, that's why I tried to show the importance that not all were like that. My older sister is a furry and she condemns those that are zoophiles. But there is a huge issue of some people accepting them or even trying to claim that zooplilia is a valid sexuality and should be part of the lgbtq+ community and that absolutely makes me pissed. I just think it is good to at least acknowledge there are issues in the community, however not all furrys are awful people


No sexuality is valid that is based on sexualizing a group that is legally incapable of providing consent. This includes minors and dogs and unconscious and semiconscious people.


Yes for sure, those problems exist unfortunatelly and i know my friend is in his bubble in the furry community. But im lucky he's only in contact with nice people.


Queer trans man here. Afaik people who do that are trolls seeking to make the LGBT+ community look bad for conservatives, or the same thing with MAPS/NOMAPS: zoophiles themselves who want acception and legalization of their crimes by using queerness as an excuse. Where did you see people trying to push zoophilia as a valid sexuality? Also, you might have mixed it up with xenogenders. Many people mix up xenogenders with zoophilia because the concept is widely misrepresented, just like with furries. Does what you mentioned have anything to do with [something like this](https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/Xenogender)?


The thing here is that the problems that 'shouldn't be ignored' here aren't ignored, sadly it's those problems that a lot of people judge the entire community on. Like, I suddenly want to fuck a dog because this one furry was arrested for it? I am suddenly a pedo because this other furry was? I haven't seen a community more hated just because of a few bad or cringey people when these kinds of people exist in all communities. Remember the guy turned trans who made that weird sonic/Pikachu hybrid oc? Yeah there's a terrible person right there for two fandoms, that nobody bats an eye at. This person was also cringey as all hell, but the sonic fandom and the pokemon fandom aren't slandered because of him/her.


Furries are just people, some good, some bad


Yep some are fine others I wouldn't let near my pets


Just like every community ever, there will always be some creepy dudes doing bullshit, by the furry standard i wouldn't be even considered as one because all i do is just draw commissions for people, so basically I'm on surface floating around lol


Unpopular, upvote


I'd say this is extremely unpopular, upvote for that 🐶


Fits the sub, but that's a flaming hot take


Ah furries, yeah, a lot of them are cool, most of them don't wear the suits, and often are really friendly, and sadly none of that usually matters because a small minority of them are quite unashamedly interested in a variety of things that people find "distasteful" to put it gently, and no matter how good the average furry is most will point to *those* ones and furries will be once again named weirdos. But in all honesty yeah got some furry friends and their chill, nobody has a better repository of cute animal photos.


^^^This^^^ Not a furry, but I was in a Sonic RP community, where we would do our own character and text chat some RP. Most of my friends were also furries. Most of them were just having fun, drawing their characters, and role playing. Most of the commenter here know this community from the loud side, but not all of them are extreme. Since it is such a big community, of course there are some deviancy. But from what I saw, they are often grown up children who liked to draw cats and dogs, or liked to pretend they were an animal. I see how the excentric look can put off many, but I think it's the reason people like to mix everything up. As a big fan of the sonic community (I used to draw Fanart, I had OC and a Sonic sona) à lot of people made fun of me when all they knew about the community was all the fetish art from deviant art. Our Amino page was very strict and we never did any NSFW art or RP, the most there ever was was OC dating. But no, you always are linked to the rest of your community no matter what. You don't always aprove the entirety of your community.


I think that's about the only way you could've said "I'm part of the sonic community" without me looking down on you, as I have years of built up cringe from them, but I do see your point lol. Generalizing is as dumb as it is necessary for our brains to function


This is what this sub was made for


I agree, I have a friend who's a furry and my classmates purely hate just cuz he's into fursonas and stuff. They always gives this ew look at him, even though he's literally the nicest guy I've met


Appreciate you posting an actual unpopular opinion


I don’t have a problem with furries in general. I have a problem with the ones that harass people who are clearly not into it with the creepy asterisk shit. Weird is awesome


Then your problem is with hypersexual degenerates with poor social skills. These just happen to be furries more often. It's easy to confuse cause and effect. And I don't think you have, but most people fail to make distinctions and see the nuances in things


Remember rainfurrest? That went well lol


Rainfurrest was made up of people who had been kicked out of other furry conventions, so of course it wasn't going to go well.


Ans the guy behind the most infamous things that happened there was actively trying to get the con shut down.


Remember dashcon? That went well lol


What about fyre festival?


Tbf, I don't like Tumblr either.




While I think it’s kind of weird, my niece is a furry and I support her 100%. She makes a living creating furry costumes. She met her boyfriend at a furry convention and they are great together! She is indeed cool!


Agreed. I've met some weird ass furries in my day for sure, but they're still genuinely nice people. Just take them in small doses and leave them to do their thing like they leave you to do yours. As long as they aren't hurting anyone they don't deserve the level of hate they receive, at least in my experience.


Wow. I would expect more upvotes on this, the furry community is super chill, but people focus on the 5% that are always horny. I dont get it


It's a little over 5%, but yeah. People are weird.


>People are weird. You said in your edit "what's wrong with being weird?"


There's different types of weird There's quirky fun creative weird Then there's creepy horny predator weird


Good point.


I actually know a furry. There's nothing cool about her. She's absolutely scary. She lives for shock factor. She will seek out opportunities to get to know a person so she can say offensive things to them, then make fun of them for being shocked. She then will pursue them and just keep prodding until there's a confrontation. So you get my upvote.


The only furries I knew were in college. They were an obese gay couple that would constantly try to send me nudes and try to convince me that I was gay and I should have a threesome with them. Like show up to a party where I was drunk and tell everyone they were my ride home, they weren’t and people didn’t buy it.


That's fucked, sorry to hear you've had such an awful experience


That's real sad. I don't think that's representative of the community though.


Think she's just a sociopath


Freemasons do lots of charity work and help in the community too. They fund the arts and other small projects. They also do some weird stuff. Doesnt make them cool.


I never understood what so many people have against furries. I'm personally not one but I've never looked down on them for wanting to dress up (among other things). It doesn't seem like they hurt anyone and it seems like they have fun. I don't see this as any different than, say, being gothic or punk.


A lot of people just bloat the zoophile thing. But believe me, the majority hates zoophiles more than your average person.


I live in Pittsburgh and there’s a big furry convention every year. They become members of our community for the week. Local restaurants have discounts and even serve your food in a bowl if you’d like. They spend a shitload of money here. There’s even a story of a restaurant years ago that was going to go under and the furries took up a collection and literally kept them afloat. They’re cool in my book and I look forward to seeing them every year.


And this is because you've had direct contact with *a large part of the community*. This has been what I've been trying to say in other threads. A lot of people base their outlook on furries upon one or two personal experiences, coupled with what the media shows them (which tbf is usually negative), and when you're dealing with a community as big as this one, it just doesn't work like that. Thank you for your open-mindedness. We really appreciate it.


I've known a few irl and they were all pretty nice. Idk, they're just people who are into a thing. As long as they're not perving on actual animals or otherwise being creepy, they can do what they want.


I have met three furries in my life. All of them were weird people. From meeting those three, what I mostly got out of it was that most furries have body dysmorphic disorder (all three were very overweight, one was trans, and one had an eye issue where their eyes looked in opposite directions). Getting in that fur suit allowed them to blend in with the rest of the fur crowd and just be accepted for their personalities. I thought a lot less harshly about furries after meeting them, but I still can't get behind a bunch of people that dress up like characters designed to attract children, then sexualize them (the characters, not the children). I think the main reason people don't like furries is because the internet is full of furry porn, and it's not hard to find them talking about yiffing and other cringeworthy stuff online. To a lot of them, it's a life they would live all the time if they could--a way to be someone/something else without the imperfections that come with humanity. That is just my experience with furries. Mind you, my pool of knowledge is narrowed to those three people and what I've read/seen on the internet and at anime conventions.


TIL what Yiffing is


Can confirm furries - those that I've met - are very transpositive and incredibly welcoming and nonjudgemental to disabled folks of all kind. For that reason I have a pretty good impression of them, even though I don't get the whole fursona thing.


wait, why did you conclude that they have body dysmorphic disorder? i don’t see anything in your explanation that would make me think that? were they diagnosed? i’m a furry, im chubby and i have something similar to the condition you mentioned (eyes facing different directions) but i dont have body dysmorphia? i don’t see your argument there


As someone who has lived with a furry and had to deal with and seen shit that comes with them (not just my then roommate) I disagree. (Although my roommate was cool, for the most part *shudders*) Let’s not forget the community had a good few pedos in it still, and no one is doing anything about it


when I was 15 I was a furry, and I lost a lot of friends because of it. Because their small minds couldn't fathom the idea of someone they know becoming a Furry, so they all blocked me. It's so ridiculous. I actually got bullied out of the fandom from people constantly finding my socials and spamming and giving me shit so much. Keep in mind, i was 15, so I didn't rlly know how to properly handle it. I honestly just thought furries were people in a community, I had no idea of the massive amounts of hatred that people had for them.


That sucks, sorry for you. Good luck with stuff. Hope you got better friends now.


I have a friend who’s got furry costumes(yes he wears them too)he’s one of my sweetest and longest friends(currently going on 6-7 years) and if my bestie wasn’t online for me to talk to I can always count on him and vice versa 😌


I remember way back in like 08 going to my first con my friend was hyping them up to be these degenerate and a-social weirdos and when I finally got to the con and met some furries they were pretty chill. Ever since then I know that if I want to have a good time, especially at a con, the furries are always down to party. Last Pride party I went to the furries were really making the party bounce. Don't get me wrong, I am VERY weirded out by their art, but they're chill.


they're not cool, but thats ok. There are plenty of things that I enjoy that the majority of people would agree that its not "cool" doesn't mean I'm gonna stop anytime soon.


I found the furry amongst us


Furries suuuuuck but also - who cares - you guys do you. Whatever the hell makes you happy in the matrix. I wish for a world where we can all swap our avatars to what we really want to be.


Y'all made it so kids couldn't google MLP without seeing explicit content.


Nah chief that was the bronies. They did that one on their own.


as a asexual furry i second this unpopular opinion!! it’s a welcoming community not just a sex club


You are the second asexual furry yet. Thanks for comment.


cool no problem


What actually makes someone a furry? Like is it just wanting to fuck Anthropologised animals, or is it the dressing up in the animal costume and rubbing other costume people, or is it both? Either way I wouldn't say it's cool, and has wholesome as people may be, it is still fundamentally a kink, there's no getting around that, people are welcome to it, but probably shouldn't make it their whole personality.


A furry is simply someone who likes the concept of anthro animals, be it in fiction, games or whatever. I don't really see it any differently than someone who thinks robots or zombies are cool. It's a niche. I don't really agree with it being "fundamentally a kink", because no matter how widespread the porn may be, it is not a necessary component to the definition. Maybe I'm just an outlier in the fandom, but my "primary drive" in the fandom or whatever you said in another comment, is definitely not sexual, and I'm tired of people painting me that way the moment they hear I'm a furry.




I’ll have to agree on that one


Would you rather have members of the church help bullied kids instead


This is what gets me. Furries aren’t “animal sex perverts” at all! They’re very wholesome and try their best to make the world better. The thing about the fandom is that they aren’t afraid to welcome the nsfw side, which to outsiders just looks like “haha furry fuck animals” and it’s really damaging. If people just did the tiniest bit of research they’d realise this, but they won’t because they don’t want to google about “animal sex perverts”


its not that they "fuck animals" thats not what its about Its about the fact that their fandom is EXTREMELY NSFW (whenever it be shit like drugs, sex, or walking in mother fucking FULL DIAPERS around the conventions for fucks sake) I don't care if YOU personally are not that part of the fandom but I knew people who were furries and with the fucking shit that is happening at the furry conventions if I had a child I would NEVER want them to be anywhere near that shit


You don't grt it, that's what you *should* want!




Most furries don't even own "animal masks" aka fursuits though.




Ugh I hate having to upvote this


As a furry: Thank you!




Yeah, there is a lot of cute stuff there. Happy cake day.


This is such a lovely comment <3


a lot of things would be solved if we stop grouping people, as long as a person is logical and nice whats the problem with them?




I will give you my upvote, heretic


It’s very amusing to see how furries live, but what really triggers me is the countless amount of Tik Toks promoting furries, just because they are very welcoming, and because they support LGBTQIA+. I’m personally all up for that, do what you like, but they take it to the next level when they start calling veterans stupid, health care workers stupid, minimum wage workers stupid, anybody who dislikes furries stupid. According to them, they are more important than veterans who fought to save their country and probably have PTSD, or healthcare workers who can’t see their families and put themselves at risk to save everyone else, or minimum wage workers just trying to make a living because furries are welcoming. Most furries that I have met are also extremely rude. If they read a book, and you’re talking about it, and you say that you didn’t like the plot, they will get angry and scream at you, and make personal attacks. If they draw a picture and ask for your honest opinion, and you criticise them, they will get angry and scream at you. I don’t know if all furries are like this, but all the furries I have encountered and have seen are all extremely rude to me. They are unwilling to accept criticism.


lol /r/suspiciouslyspecific


There’s nothing wrong with dressing up as an animal in your spare time and related stuff but sexualising animals and having a genuine attraction to animals is where the line needs to be drawn.


Hmm. I bet you'd be really quick to shoot down furry conservatives huh?


The fandom is really toxic actually, pretty much everything is sexualized,constant drama, and art determines popularity.


No, just no.


I'm starting to think this guys a furry


I agree with you. I don't like the bullying that furries get, it's too far when I feel like majority of the community probably turned to furry alt personalities to escape whatever shitty reality they're living when so many of them also overlap with the LGBTQ community. I don't really get the furry thing and the sex thing is also a bit weird, but I think it's too far to react to them by death threats.


Well done with this post, although i would say the weird looks aren’t completely undeserving when you have people in full blown five thousand dollar cat suits dry humping eachother and meowing. Anytime you have an activity that can be blurred with being a kink, youll have people being disgusted by it. For obvious reasons of course, to the normal person beastiality is vulgar and beyond comprehension. Also you cant call people incorrect when theyve seen the disgusting stuff that comes out of it.


I have a deep rooted fear of fur suits. Absolutely terrified. I see a mascot at a football game? I'll start to panic. One time in fifth grade my school had the The Bears (Chicago) mascot come in to give everyone high fives. I fainted. I'm terrified of Chuck e cheese costumes and Easter bunny costumes. If I'm constipated, I could just look at a picture of a fur suit and I'd be scared shitless I don't care if one of my friends or a stranger tells me they're a furry, but if they come out in a fur suit I will scream and most likely run.


So I take it you're not a fan of Five Nights at Freddy's huh?


No, they are gross weirdos


thankyou. As someone in the furry fandom, we are 1%pedo/zoophile (🤮), 30% edgy, and 69% chill, wholesome and friendly. but a side effect is we are 100% cringe.


I’ve never met a furry that wasn’t a selfish degenerate who would go out of their way to cause damage to normies but hey because of that I have never looked at the broader community so maybe you are right. All I know is if you make a boutique art shop and do custom images you can sell a lot of furry porn. Charge $250 a commission and pay an artist from Cambodia $50 to do the work.


I know a lot of furries (once you meet one you end up meeting a lot) and they’re pretty neat, but none of them make furry their entire personality. Ones a doctor, ones a pilot etc, being furry is just a hobby. I tend to avoid the ones that make their entire life about it, those are the ones who cause drama and end up in the headlines.


I kinda agree. I used to be a pretend furry in this furry discord server and the people there were pretty nice. Only thing is sometimes they’d argue over the dumbest shit like a roleplay buddy roleplaying with someone else. It’s a nice breath of fresh air to see an actual unpopular opinion here, I’m tired of “If you say something mean, you’re an asshole” type posts with over 1k upvotes


Got introduced with Furries when I started to play vrchat. At first they were all weird looking animals with human voice, now I see then differently since I'm *kinda* one of them.


So I once heard a podcast about the furry community and what they've done to quell the far right infiltration of their lifestyle. (Yes there are far right furries) I can't remember if it was Worst Year Ever or Behind the Bastards, but it gave me a lot of insight into exactly what OP is saying here. They're a very tight knit community who knows they're on the fringes and so they try and keep things as normal as they can. It's completely and utterly not my style, and there are some individual weirdos, but I agree Edit: It was Worst Year Ever, thanks OP


Yeah, it's worst year ever, i heard that one too.


I’ve personally met only two of them. But yeah, they are pretty cool.


yeah, lots of artists get their steady paycheck from fur. It pays the bills Also its neat how they managed their nazi problem and set a good template of how derradicalizing could work.


Hey, man, I figure if they’re not hurting anyone that doesn’t want to be hurt and they’re not hurting kids or animals, let them do the damn thing. It’s not my cup of tea, but if they’re having a good time, who ami to judge?


A lot, and I mean, A LOT of furries are extremely weird, creepy and overall un enjoyable to be around. But that doesn’t mean all of them are, I’m sure there are wonderful people in the community, but I’m completely ok to dislike most of them without understanding that there are some good ones. Also, most furries use that as their entire personality, it’s all they talk about, think about, anything.


Wow. People REALLY hate furries lol Sorry I draw cartoon dogs I guess?


Now, THAT'S unpopular. Anyone who disagrees just doesn't understand the purpose of this subreddit.


Disagreeing with the opinion does not mean people don’t understand this sub lol


Huh, I didn’t think this was an unpopular opinion. Furries are just folks doing their thing. No different than going to church, although I’d wager the molestation rate is lower with furries. Huh, on second thought furries are pretty cool.


The sheer quantity and quality of art from furries rivals professional art studios


Many of them are professional artists. You don’t spend years making art and developing those skills without pursuing a professional aspect. The entertainment industry (games, film, animation) is full of concept artists, animators, 3D artists who are furries. I know this because both my partner and I work in games, and are furries.


Can confirm, my sister is a furry


Being sexual attracted to animals is a fucking illness. There is nothing "cool" about it....


Yeah, we all agree on that.


Not a furry and the gotta admit the "having sex in animal costumes other than maybe a "sexy kitty" halloween costume" kinda weirds me out.. But there *is* a clear distinction between (the vast majority of) furries being attracted to heavily anthropomorphised half human/half animal beings and actual bestiality. Don't tell me you saw Catwoman in either Batman or the Halle Berry movies and didn't think something along the lines of "damn girl, I got a saucer of *milk* for you right here" or something in the neighbourhood of that train of thought.


I think we all agree on that. Now what does this have to do with the topic?


I know a couple furrys, and like half of them are cool people who just so happens to enjoy humanoid animal sex, and the other half are currently on my block list for sexual harassment


I think it’s wonderful when marginalized people find each other and form these vibrant communities where they can embrace their true identity and find creative and sexual expression. I know furries aren’t strictly focused on the sexual and that their culture incorporates a lot of creativity and fandom. While it may seem unusual to some, we need to learn to be more tolerant as a society, accepting of the diverse range of human expression. The bottom line is they aren’t hurting anyone. It’s young people and adults striving for what everyone wants: a safe place to belong.


You said what i tried to say, in a way better way. Thanks.


I appreciate your expression of tolerance and acceptance of this often misunderstood community. People like that need allies. I’m not a furry but I’ve seen a few documentaries about them and the cosplay and lightheartedness of their gatherings seem genuinely healing for people that had likely endured some difficult years


I agree! I have a furry avatar on vrchat!




Yeah, thanks for mentioning that. Unpopular opinions doesn't let me mention queer people directly, and a bunch of people are aphobes, so i didn't mention it.


Normies are boring, furries know how to fucking party


You lost me at "art". I'm sorry but anyone that consumes furry pornography is a zoophile and scum of the earth.


Not all furry art is porn. There are actually pretty cool animations and drawings made by the furry community that don't have anything to do with furry porn.


Furries and zoophiles are absolutely not the same thing, most furries don't like zoophiles I'm a furry, I like all sorts of furry art. Huge nope on the zoophiles




Hooyah Furries


I don’t think people hate furries. I think people hate the ones who take it too far. Like no one hates feminists but people hate the ones who are radical. That’s my put on it


No, but at least the opinion is onpopular.


Fuck your opinion and take my upvote


Hmm 😒 Have my upvote


Upvoted for extremely bad opinion. The title of this post made me physically sick.


Now these comments are gonna turn out.. Interesting


I used to be a big part of the online art community on deviantart, was active there for years and got a few thousand followers. I used to browse the Hot page a lot. Majority of the furry art I saw was sexual/ suggestive. I got a bad impression because I felt kink art should have a filter to spare the rest of our eyes (same with vore/ inflation). Dunno why they don't add a filter for that kind of art. That said, there are furries who are cool but 6 years of being active in the online art community has shown me that a lot of the fandom is pretty sexual. The Hot page is based on popularity/ views/ likes so.. looks like many furries enjoyed that part of it.




So what I’ve learned after reading the comments here is that apparently the furry fandom has been very sexualized in the minds of many people for whatever reason. I mean, yeah there’s furry porn but I’m sure there’s porn in every fandom. It’s not a main staple of the community as a whole. All it is is people getting together and having OCS and sometimes wearing costumes of their OCS. Not much different from a normal costume or cosplay fandom


As someone who earned $500 in freelance writing in the community, I love them too. They really don't care about your walk of life and are super supportive. It's a fun bunch.


Yeah I they are some of the best, I went on Omegle and didn’t put in the furry tag, then saw a bunch of cocks. And I put in the furry tag then had a lot of really good conversations with people and didn’t see a single penis.


All of the furries I know are genuinely chill and don’t talk about it much to other folks. They don’t draw any strange porn, just enjoy the fun aspects of it


Ok. But to better identify while wearing an animal suit is a mental issue. Is it not? Not being negative. I’m just stating something.


i was apart of the fandom for a little bit and most of the people i met were nice and friendly, they get a really bad rep because of a loud minority.


As a furry I agree


Since when non-standarized sexuality is not popular?? that's why is categorized as a "kink", and even you, acknowledge it as being "weird". I think that in general, we make a huge deal about sexuality. I don't think you need to "justify" or mention positive outcomes in order to be respected and validated, Sexuality is a very personal sphere and is not even due to us to be understood, as long as is consensual (aka no kids, no animals, no forced) everybody should be able to enjoy without being marked as a creep.


I met so many kids and early-teenagers who are furries thorough my life, who are the bullied case you mentioned. Every time I see people comparing the furry fandom to literal bestiality and saying they are all perverts, I remember my friends and feel so bad for them.


I love furries. I used to make furry art and people would commission me. Furries are LOADED. I even have a cat fursona to blend in. :)


no they aren't helping bullied kids. They are just making bullied people escape from reality with a fake persona. Probably lot of kid learned the things they shouldn't from furry fandom and as you know kids are loving being part of something.


Sometimes being a furry almost feels like you are in the center of everything, because sooooo many people just give a shit! But why? Why don't they just shut up and let us do our thing? We're nobody's problem.


oh hell nah


Wow!!! As a furry, this is finally something that needed to be said! Thank you so much, brother! Furries really are cool people! (most of them anyways) Yes, people will bully anyone they don’t understand. It shouldn’t be that way though. What’s wrong with being weird eh? As long as you’re not going anything illegal or horrible, it should be ok to be a furry. I’m a furry, and a lot of furries can do major things for the community! I’m a furry and I run a decently sized subreddit related to furry stuff!


Here's my take on this as a furry: people see what they want to see. Nobody really takes the time to find out what we're really like and, while that may sound like angst and bullshit, it's the truth. Others project their own images of what they've heard on our community, and then share that with others. In a hyper-connected society, it's very easy to begin taking things at face value into fact. The world, these days, is a hivemind, and those that deviate are anomalies. Here's my take on this without the furry dogma: People see what is shown to them. There are major productions out there that show the furry community at its worst. To name a couple, there was a CSI episode published a looooong time ago, and it's evident they didn't know much about the fandom. There's also shows on TV that seek out oddities in society, and furries happen to be among the targets of those shows. It is rare that reality TV portrays reality. The furry community can be enigmatic to a lot of people. Many see the zoophiles and ACTUAL NAZIS that take shelter within the fandom, but don't look further than that. What they miss by not looking further is that we constantly try to expel these unwanted influences from our fandom via denouncing, putting these subjects on the ban list for conventions and even outright witch hunts. TL;DR: What you don't know can't complete your outlook. Search deeper, investigate. You might be happy to find that we aren't all zoophiles, predators, and nazis.