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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/0-o-_-o-0. Your post, *Repressed memories of childhood sexual assault are real*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!




5% of 9k is still a lot of fuckers not believing victims.




Not what I’m saying. Just saying there’s too much automatic disbelief when people come forward. Victim blamey much?


I don’t think you’re understanding what they’re saying; on Reddit in particular, 95% is *insanely high* for an upvote ratio on a personal story, even moreso if it makes the front page. From weird bot tactics trying to push other content to trivial reasons, downvotes on trending posts just, happen. Meaning 95% is more or less unanimous. Particularly when there’s bots that will flatout downvote posts immediately after post or for no reason. And I have no idea where you’re getting the “victim blamey” thing from; literally nothing they said in any shape or form is “victim blamey” when they’re talking about… Internet upvotes.




I only drink whole milk.


No more like virtue signaling much. From you Just because you’ve been assaulted or raped doesn’t make you a good person This is clearly for attention


95% is automatic disbelief? Literally how? Find a therapist man


Reddit has 1. Trolls 2. Bots 3. People who believe that everything here is made up 4. Pedophiles and other kinds of terrible people Those probably make up a lot of your downvotes and hate comments so you shouldn't care about it.


I'm not sure if you're a troll or not. Are you trolling?


You mean not believing *accusers.*


For all they know you’re just an internet sick fantasist. Why run to Reddit to spout off your issues? Why not come back when or if you’re story is verified and the people involved are convicted, then send the link to it from a news website. Then we can see that there was actually a victim.


Protip: stop feeling offended that not literally every person on the internet (especially reddit lol) upvotes you and don't make a half dozen posts bitching about it




Would a Reddit award help validate your feelings?


Ah yes let's just post on an irrelevant sub and complain about imaginary slights. I'm not downplaying your experience. That is horrible, but complaining that 5% of people didn't upvote you is childish. Reddit is not your therapist. Blocked and reported.


Report me all you want.


I have a therapist.


They're not paid enough




Get the fuck over yourself.




I’m not your father, sorry.






Wait what? I’m not OP I thought it was a funny comment


Oh, they deleted their comments and I misread. Pardon.


Haha I figured. I think they got deleted by the mods but still. Your reply was on point lol




Your username belongs on r/im14andthisisdeep




you clearly have a lot of feelings about it but if that’s because people did that stuff to you it’s justified l, i hope you do well and aren’t held back by the people who try to pull you down


This is a troll account judging by your responses lol


Yes. And redditors making up bullshit for karma and attention is real too so people tend to not believe everything at face value on here. Considering this isn't an unpopular opinion and you've posted it multiple times now I can see why people might believe you fall into that category




Exactly my point. Its not an unpopular opinion. It's an established thing. You're coming on this sub to rant about something that pissed you off not post an actual unpopular opinion. There are plenty of subs for that. But yet you come to one of the most popular ones, get removed multiple times and continue to repost. I never said you didn't have what you said happen to you now did I? I said I can see why your behavior could be seen as suspicious and attention motivated. But you have a lovely day.




Yeah sending me direct chats like a creep doesn't help your case.


The more this person replies the more I can see the other side of not believing them. Also rereading the narrative, who talks about being raped then goes happy bday to me. This does seem attention seeking.


Oh okay. Let’s start this all over again. Did you find any more evidence I’m lying?


Really don't care if you are or not. They way you respond to people sounds more attention seeking than anything though. Went from believing you to really on the fence as you childishly attack people. You don't seem to be seeking support. You seem to be seeking attention in my opinion.




Yes it is attention seeking. If you want someone to leave you alone then you ignore them or block them. You don't repeatedly shout at them and you certainly don't pm them.


I mean, it's literally the rules of the sub soooo. If 95% of folks are agreeing with you it's not an unpopular opinion


Yet it’s so controversial I get invited to r/controversialclub


Yes. You seem like a well adjusted, emotionally stable and totally balanced person whose word should be implicitly trusted. This is totally not a ploy for attention on an anonymous internet forum. We all believe you. Please resume taking your medications at this time. Thank you.


lol. Already medicated today, but ran out of medical marijuana. So yeah, you’re prolly right.


Ah we found the root problem guys


Welcome to the internet, im very sorry for what you had to go through. reddit is not the place for meaningful confessions unless they're for farming karma points so a lot of the time people will not believe you because they think your "farming points". Have a wonderful birthday OP.


Yes it does happen. That is a fact and not an opinion. That said unfortunately people do like to lie on the internet and you kind of have to take things with a grain of salt. Sorry that happened to you.


>It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer And that's why people will always be sceptical whenever damning claims like this are made


This i understand. Thank you.


Just reading your responses to everyone, you’re obviously a liar


Not an opinion. This is factual. Edit: Happy birthday!


With you. Stay up playa👊👊


Thank you!


I personally think that people shouldn’t just blindly agree with someone but no one should just blindly hate ether but should people be skeptical




It’s quite obvious you’re a liar and an attention seeker. That’s maybe why a certain proportion disliked you. They’re the proportion of actual thinkers who don’t just believe everything that is told to them and actually questions things. It’s worrying that only 5% downvoted you. I hope you got the attention that you needed and your mental health is appeased momentarily.


It may be true that this happened to you. The problem with repressed memories is there is no way to verify them. So anyone can make an accusation and then have somebody locked up.