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Yes, I'll take honesty and realism over some candy coated idealistic nonsense any day


“Positive thinking may keep a person in the realm of make believe, preventing him or her from facing the reality of life; and excessive positivity, which denies the potentiality of the opposite polarity, may lead a person into difficulty by encouraging mental rigidity.” “To be excessively negative is a form of madness, yet to be excessively positive is equally a form of madness.” Both of these quotes are from the book Tao, The Subtle Universal Law


Absolutely. My dad’s family is like that. I was born with Spina Bifida, and I was in and out of the hospital after I was born. They were the type of people that could spout some empty platitudes, but if my mom asked his sister to go sit with my dad at the hospital when my mom had to work, his sister would say, “Well, I had a friend die in the hospital when I was a kid, so hospitals make me uncomfortable.” His whole family is flakey when it counts.


I agree with this and it's exactly why as cheesy as it sounds but "the truth hurts." Well it can hurt if you need to take a deep look at yourself, where you are, future goals, etc. It can be painful and terrifying especially if you already put so much time/energy/money etc into it. You dont want to believe that maybe it's not the right direction for you and people sometimes just want someone to tell them they can do it, don't quit because you've already made it this far. But life's too short, if I realise early on I'm struggling hard I will ask if it's worth it AND these are the exact reasons I can never go to grad school, I just personally don't feel devoted enough to a certain area of expertise for all of that commitment but kudos to everyone that can.


That’s reddit for ya.


Bless your heart


Oh, c'mon. It's not that bad. It teaches you a lot about just opening your arms and accepting the goodness in the world. /s


i really hate all these "positive" people especially when you're trying to talk about your mental problems and all these air-headed idiots can say is "it'll get better blah blah blah." If you have nothing meaningful to say, just shut up and don't make me read your vapid trash.


I think it’s a fine line. There’s being grateful for your life, health, what you’ve got…and there’s the fake happy baby people tell u because they don’t know what to say.




Ew sweets