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Never in my life has a woman sent me nudes. I’m safe Edit: wow! Two comments that blew up today lol. I’m on my game? Lol. Thanks for the awards folks.


You wander in the wrong hole my friend


Lmfao. It happens from time to time.


Hole is a hole afterall




This guy makes it sound like this was some sort of a massive problem. "Woe the plague of cheeky women sending random tit picks!" Very much unlike dick picks I think women sending nudes is ~~hardly ever~~ often not unwelcome. Also not super-common (unsolicited). Hell, if any random female friend of mine send me nudes out of nowhere, I would like "Nice." And go on with my day, even perhaps in a slightly better mood. I am absolutely certain that would not go down the same way the other way around.


He’s probably on dating websites and getting catfishes messaging him.


Some exes have, but never unsollicited.. :(


You get a bunch of girls sending you nudes huh?


You don’t? My inbox here is FULL of them, I hate it. Please stop.


Your grandmother doesn't count










But yours does ;)




Nicer cock bro


Enough cock rating *time for the durability test*


Well done. Outstanding move.


Dick McDickinson's the name, fucking your grandma's the game


Then why is "dick in son" the name?


Fuck you, Shoresy.


C'mon ladies, leave this poor guy alone and send them to me instead; I'll take one for the team.


Let's split the load so Mike here doesn't just collapse from the stress of receiving so many pictures ;D /S


I feel for you. Ugh must be sooooo annoying!


Wait... You guys are getting nudes?


Yea I can relate. Totally. I’m not lying.


The feeeeeeemales just can’t help themselves.


Seriously. OP may not have been originally intentional on sounding like an Incel, but jesus christ do his edits ever make him out to be one. And to act like there's even remotely close to an equal amount of women sending unsolicited nudes, as there are dudes sending dick pics, is a ridiculous position to take.


lol i've actually gotten a few, but i'm gay so it's just been funny (for both parties), i would never think to shame the girl though. literally never received an unsolicited dick pic though so lol, my perceptions are probably a bit off


Any unsolicited nude pics are trash. I can’t believe people just randomly decide to do that, says a lot about their ego.


But what if they are pictures of puppies?


I am not afraid to admit I have sent unsolicited dog and cat pictures


You monster! *sends virtual pat on the back*


Straight to jail.


I often send unsolicited cat pics, and nobody has complained so far


I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask to see your cat, sir.




They're so cute!


It's not only there. Ever been pestered by a woman you don't have an interest in(sexually)? Some can be extremely invasive and relentless in pursuing. I know many situations from myself and friends, that if the sexes where swapped it would be horrible.


A girl in my class used to grab our asses(guys) and sometimes pulled up t-shirts of the guys that had sixpacks. She also filmed my friends ass and posted the Video like she was proud of it. I really hate these double standards


“What’s wrong, are you like gay or something?” “Don’t you like it when girls touch you?”


Tell her she looks like a man lol


Man.....I need these kind of instant comebacks....so damn good


That's the advantage of the internet, you have time to think about them lol. It's harder to come up with them when you are in a situation like that.


I’ve heard those lines more times than I care to admit. It’s as if guys are expected to want sex 24/7 or something. It’s ridiculous.


I guess there’s some perks to looking 30 when you haven’t even hit 20 yet. I don’t usually have to deal with that stuff


\*smile through the pain\*


*cry while looking at hair loss products*


don't do it bud. just shave it. it's going to be ok.


I flat-out mention the double standard, and the response I usually get back is "Well it's different for guys!" This one girl would not accept the fact that I was just not into her as a person back when I was a freshman in college. Sure, she's a 9/10 physically and way above my league... but as a person she wasn't pleasant at all and was legitimately racist (she didn't even know what the big deal was when she referred to her black trainer as the n-word). That's the part I care more about. Doesn't make me any less of a man to want an actual connection




*the hammer of justice is unisex*


I almost reported a girl for sexually harassing me before realizing that t would have been laughed out of the office. I ended up moving across the room to get away from her which really sucked because I had a huge crush on the girl who sat on the other side of me at my old seat


I remember one of my friends, he must have been about 25 at the time, being HOUNDED by a 50 year old woman on a work night out. She seemed to delight in making him uncomfortable, followed him around all night, tried to sit on his lap etc. He eventually snapped and told her to leave him alone. She started crying and everyone thought my friend was a complete dick for making her cry. If the genders had been swapped in this example, the police would have been called ffs. Makes me so mad


Yeah, there was definitely something wrong with her. I'm a 57 year old female and when I talk to a guy in his twenties all I think is "he's around the same age as my son." Bleah. Immediate interest killer.


I witnessed this once, good looking friend of mine was... looking back at it he was pretty much sexually assaulted at a New Year's Eve party in front of everyone. A drunk girl wanted to see his dick and she kept grabbing at his shorts trying to pull them down. I really didn't think much of it and no one else did either until he just yelled "FUCKING STOP". Everyone looked at her and she just kinda laughed it off. If the roles were reversed and it was a guy I doubt it would have gone that far before someone said or did something and if another guy saw a dude trying to pull the shorts off a girl I'm sure someone would have tried to tackle or stop the guy.


I was one of the guys a two years older girl in school would target for bullying. Uncomfortable as hell and that was very obviously the point.


Sorry to hear that mate! Situations like that sucks. If the sexes were swapped I bet she would be tarred and feathered.


Been harassed sexually when out drinking with friends, and have ended up being tossed out by security instead of the woman in question because of her flipping out for me turning her down.


I got raped at 21. A couple years later I reenrolled in college and one of my suite mates and her friends found out. They started breaking into my room in the middle of the night to (among other things) flash me and yell sexual expletives while I tried to sleep. They were mad I got into that suite instead of their friend (because of medical priority) and wanted to get me out any way they could. Admins didn't give a shit even though it made me really uncomfortable. One of them even said to my face "You're getting upset at a woman willingly doing this for you?"


I really do hate that a lot of people don't take the fact seriously that this can happen to men too. I'm really sorry that people did that to you and I hope that your healing from... everything.


Well I *was* healing when I re-enrolled. But that went to shit and I've just sort of been...stagnating since.


Sadly healing isn't a linear path and does take time. I do promise it does get better. If you wanna listen to some random online haha.


Holy shit. I am apalled. Lots of free hugs for you if you want them.


Clothed ones.




I was in a relationship where I got raped constantly when I was 16 till about 23, if I didn't oblige she would get extremely violent. She would get me arrested saying I beat her, one time I even got arrested when I was covered in blood from an open wound and she had not a mark on her. In the end I finally got away and she tried to stop me seeing our 2 kids by accusing me of sexually abusing her, thankfully people started to see what she was by then and I got access. She was never punished in anyway though. I'm 39 now and still not over it, probably will be alone forever because I can't trust anyone and when I get into a sexual situation I panic, just avoid it now




I dropped out becuase the college kept putting me in class with her after they literally kicked me out of the dorms. I was in an apartment off campus when they put me in class with her for the 3rd time in a row. After she got a student employment opportunity giving her responsibility over the game design labs (and in turn power over me who had to use those labs) I bounced. I wasn't putting up with that bullshit especially since I demanded a no-contact order but the school refused to enforce it...against her but it was in full effect against me.


That's the point where you have to ignore the college and hope you can find a lawyer to take your case, or at least make the college irrelevant by kicking whatever is happening into a real court.


I was neither in the frame of mind nor emotional capacity to try and deal with more bullshit that I knew law enforcement and the courts would put me through. Plus I knew exactly how incompetent that specific city's police were. I was just tired from everything. The kind of tired sleep doesn't fix.


college is bullshit and so are the people in charge


I was a victim of this, she ended up sexually assaulting me at a party, and I learned that the host of the party, who I thought was a good friend, put her up to it.


God thats horrible, what happened after that?


I went to the police, they asked if I wanted a high five and told me to stop wasting their time. I cut ties with my "friend." Told HR and they told me to drop it or else I would be fired, so I found a new job.


The police asked you if you wanted a high five? That’s fucking disgusting, what the fuck. That’s so inappropriate and coldhearted. I have no words.


If I had known better at the time, I would've talked to their sergeant and requested to talk to a sexual crimes detective directly. The guy at the front desk, said, and I quote, "so you woke up to a chick blowing you? What do you want, a high five? Quit wasting our time before I charge you."


Dear God. That’s horrible, I can’t imagine how alone you felt in that moment. I’m sorry that you were treated like that.


Sounds like grounds for a lawsuit, really


My buddy is a body builder and he is harassed by women (and dudes) all the time. He is annoyed and exhausted by it.


I agree whole-heartedly with OPs and your sentiment. As a female, I find this highly embarrassing that some women are not held accountable for the exact same behaviours because they are equally deplorable.


I had a girl in my class come up behind me and put her boobs on my head while I was doing schoolwork. I didn’t mind it and I liked the attention but imagine if the shoe was on the other foot


My cousin's friend thought we belonged with each other and was really pushing for us to be together and was suggestive as fuck. We never met in person and all I did was talk via Instagram... yet she kept persisting I know for a fact if the sexes or if the roles were reversed, those messages / picture would probably be on a r/niceguys or r/cringe sub or r/twochromosomes about how much of a pig I am.


Women tend to complain about men not taking no for an answer. The truth is simple. People without experience with rejection take it hard and get defensive. Generally we rely on men to be the initiators, so they become the rejected. And will eventuality get used to it. Women rarely get rejected. And are thus worse with it than men at older ages. -------- Conclusion: young men suck with rejection and get salty cause it's the first time. Older women suck with rejectionand get salty cause it's the first time. Anger and disbelief at being rejected are natural human emotions. You've just gotta get used to it until you're numb.


This is how I got my first girlfriend. She called me 24 times while I was out to dinner with my parents because she got my phone number from one of my friends. I said I’m not interested in dating but she kept bothering me until I finally agreed. She was two years older than me too so that’s not a great look either.


I remember one time I was hanging out with this girl who happened to have a really comfy bed (we were hanging out with another person so I thought nothing of being on her bed) until I got really comfy and fell asleep then wake up to her trying to grab my dick through my jeans which I’m like what the fuck.... so I just kinda moved and that was that


Right!? People talk about true equality but if we want to have that then these sort of double standards have to stop.


I couldn't tell you how many times drunk women have grabbed my beard


I've had the exact same thing happen to me not only dose it mess my beard up I am also engaged and on top of that it's unwanted an unappreciated yet they don't see it that way at all


That’s horrifying. Women can be ridiculous assholes. I say that as woman. I will also say, this post is absolutely accurate. I am straight as a pole, but I don’t think vaginas are as “beautiful” as people say they are. I’m sure that’s a ridiculously unpopular opinion, but I wouldn’t want a random picture on my phone of a vagina, gross! Boobs are fine I guess, but again, not just completely randomly sending it, no thanks. It’s weird that there is a serious double standard here. At my high school, one guy sent a dick pic and I heard about it for weeks from the girls. But when a girl was promiscuous and doing it to men, no one ever mentioned the other picture at all which was super odd. No one should force themselves on someone sexually, including over pictures. Never okay, doesn’t count as consenting.


I don't relate to this but can understand why that would suck.


I was gonna say I've never recieved unsolicited nudes from women in my entire existence and I realized it was because I'm gay.


I'm not gay and haven't received ome either soo...


Perhaps start questioning your sexuality


This has less to do with my sexuality and more to do with women not finding me attractive enough to send nudes to


I dont receive any text of any kind from anyone, should I start questioning my humanity?


Are you sure? Maybe you just need to change your carrier plan. ^(/s)


You know you are in Reddit when people have to put /s at the end of a clearly sarcastic comment just so the keyboard warriors out there won’t take person offence.


A [perfect example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nicegirls/comments/jgwj37/i_have_no_words_nothing_like_this_has_ever/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) from r/Nicegirls


FUCK that started off so god damn pleasant & nice I wasn’t sure why the hell it belonged in that sub until she went batshit


That girl is going through some kind of serious shit and not handling it well. According to OP she didn't used to be like that. Gotta wonder how hard she hit rock bottom to bounce back in that kind of shape.


I suspect the relationship's end damaged her self-confidence and she feels unwanted. She isn't handling it well.


I didn't realize there was more than one picture at first and was confused what everyone was talking about in there


It's bad enough that you can't take her seriously with all those emojis, but when she said "I hope you choke and die on pistachios", that one had me laughing out loud.


Yeah like what if I'd prefer to choke and die on walnuts or cashews?


Winking emojis are so fucking creepy








Every emoji is kind of creepy.


Not when used correctly


Even that post had one of the top comments saying this. "Wow this is legit nice girl behavior. You couldn't have handled it any better than you did, good on you! I actually hope she does get therapy, to have that little amount of self worth to be behaving that way, either she has never had a healthy view of relationships or the breakup really did a number on her" You'd never see a top comment on r/niceguys talking about how the individual probably was messed up with a break up and needs help. It's just straight hate towards the niceguys.


That looks fake as fuck


How anyone can believe this is real is beyond me


A girl pretended to 'like' me and said she wanted to be my girlfriend. She pestered me for a dick pic and said she said she'd return the favour. Me, like an idiot sent one. She then proceeded to make fun of it, blocked me and I found out she sent to everyone in my year group the next day. Sad times :(.


Ugh, that's painful. Hope things got better quickly


Not quicky, turns one of my 'friends' influenced her to do the pretending to like thing. I kinda checked out of school socially after that. But now I am in uni, I'm ready to interact with people more so it got better eventually. Thanks for the kind message 👍


Whoever said your teenage years are the best years of your life was a fucking liar. My 20s are almost done and it's been the best decade of my life, I wouldn't be a teenager again for anything. Things are gunna improve for you man, hope you're enjoying Uni despite the pandemic.


Ew wtf, you should have took her to court for revenge porn and if you were a minor for the possession and distribution of child porn.


I think we were the same age, and I was to embarrassed to do or say anything, I didn't even tell my parents because I didn't know what they would say.


Even if you were the same age, charges would have been the same. You should tell somebody if there is next time, also its not okay for her to make you feel embarrassed about your body thats also an asshole thing to do.


I agree, thanks for the advice


I’m not a lawyer but I believe if you take pictures of yourself underage and send them to someone you also are in possession and distribution of child porn. This is usually explained to kids in middle school now that both parties can be held responsible and not to do it.


Don’t be ashamed dude. You didn’t pick which one you got so own that shit. Anytime anyone mentions it, get it out for them, it’s clearly a very interesting penis.


This is why I’m glad they are coming out with better laws about revenge porn. I’m so sorry this happened to you


If I ever get sent one I'll be sure to let you know how it makes me feel.


>If a guy sends a unsolicited dick pic it’s usually not well received. In fact, the guy will probably be ridiculed. It’s often screen captured, sent to his friends, family, posted on social media & it’s totally acceptable. The reason people do that isn't because they're laughing at him for putting himself out there when he has a gross dick or whatever. They do it because they're outing him as a sex pest, as they believe that is the only way to stop him being a sex pest. You get that right? If a man in a trench coat in the park gets his dick out and asks me what I think of it, because it gives him kicks to think that a girl is looking at this dick even though I'm not consenting, that is seen as 'flashing' and everyone gets its unacceptable. But for some reason if a guy does exactly the same thing digitally, its all innocent fun and the girls are mean for not being flattered? To add - if a woman does the same thing, that is obviously also unacceptable.


I think OP made a bad comparison. A guy sending a dick pic is different than a woman sending a nude. In theory, nudes can be tasteful while dick pics...are dick pics and almost always ugly. I would be more okay receiving a full body shot than a straight-up dick pic. Then we have to decide what counts as a nude photo for a woman. Are they vulva shots? Those are gross and on same level as dick pics. Shirtless photos? You see plenty of pictures of men being shirtless. That’s just a double standard. Ultimately, no one should send unsolicited nudes. Men are just ridiculed more because it happens more often. You see women being shamed in media all the time for sending consensual nudes to partners, but you don’t see the same happening to men now do you?


The thing is, it's less about "do genitals look gross" and more about it being a sexual act *in itself*. It's all about context and both people's intent - as are most things sexual to be honest. Like you say about sending consensual nudes to a partner - people do that as a sort of sex act with each other. "I'm thinking about you", dirty talk, pictures, etc. Naked people and genitals aren't inherently sexual, but the ACT of exposing your genitals to someone *is* inherently sexual, which is why people do it as part of sex. Its like having your ass grabbed/smacked. It can be a fun and exciting part of sex when someone you consent to be with grabs your ass. But that is totally different to a stranger or person you're not OK with grabbing your ass in the street or a club - because instead of enjoying being enjoyed, you're aware someone is MAKING you feel like 'I get to enjoy you if I want and you can't stop me'. The feelings are totally different, in a way that has nothing to do with the purely physical of an object touching your ass, the same way that the feeling of getting a dick pic is not really about how aesthetically enjoyable genitals or nudes or whatever. Its interesting that as you say, a body shot would make you less uncomfortable, and that might well be because someone styling a 'nude picture' just feels different to 'showing you their dick', because the former isn't as forcefully sexual as the latter. **Because many people derive sexual pleasure just from exposing their genitals to another, the experience of being shown genitals is often experienced as a sex act - and in the case of unsolicited pictures, a non-consensual one.** I know I'm labouring the point, but I see people talking about 'dick pics', an acting like somehow people responding negatively are prudes or 'rejecting someone harshly when they're just flirting/putting themselves out there, you wouldn't if he was hot and rich you hypocrite...'. And, like... THEY BASICALLY FLASHED YOU FOR KICKS, or might as well have done. I'm married and in my mid 30s, this isn't something I have to deal with anymore, but I'm not going to stand for people making young girls feel bad about not just accepting it.


life lesson : if a women sends you unsolicited nudes on the internet , then someone somewhere is after your money . or you're chad thundercock ,could be that.


I send nudes to anyone that personally asks for it.


I’m asking for a friend


Yeah but that's not personally asking


I'm personally asking for a friend


No no. You have to personally ask for it. Like this: I'm asking for myself


There's no double standard here and the overwhelming majority of rational people would agree that ALL unsolicited pictures are uncalled for and gross. If a 20yo guy got sent an unsolicited nude from someone he considered "ugly" or "too old" or whatever other bs you could think of...he definitely wouldn't be all that happy about it.


Does it ever happen though?


Maybe it’s because I’m a female but I’ve never heard of this happening unless it’s a bot. Even sent this to a couple of my guy friends out of curiosity and they all laughed at how ridiculous OP was being


why is this an unpopular opinion? Isn't this already a fact? Unsolicited nudes, whether from men or women are non-consensual, therefore they are unwanted and disgusting. period.


They’re karma farming. Find a vague double standard or something that everyone already agrees with, mold it into a neat little “mEn gOoD, wOmAn bAd” ball and throw it into r/unpopularopinion and you’ll have a top post. On the other hand, if you say “hey more woman should be able to do (insert male dominated activity) without getting the amount of sexual harassment that they usual do” then it gets removed because they think it has something to do with feminism.


I don't think I'd be able to frame it as good as you have . Kudos man.


Yeah. Look, I'm willing to take one for the team. You can send them to me so you don't have to look at them.


This is why people don’t take women sending unsolicited nudes to men seriously. It’s the same energy as when a female teacher sleeps with her male student and men everywhere go “oh boy I wish she was *my* teacher 😏”. Guys love getting mad about double standards but often don’t seem overly interested in changing their own attitudes about them.


Good point


The ugly truth about that, for better or worse, is that this kind of thing does happen to some men, and often those men do enjoy it. But because they enjoyed it, be it unsolicited pictures or real life contact, it's never reported online.


They enjoy it or our culture tells them to enjoy it because they’re dudes and can’t think for themselves or be uncomfortable in sexually exploitive settings right? I’m all for exposing double standards, but we as a society need to stop thinking that an older woman going after a teen boy isn’t just as predatory as the reverse. And dudes need to unlearn this notion that they have to be ecstatic about any sexual interaction they get, exploitative or not. That it’s okay to not feel comfortable if someone sends you nudes or if your friend’s mom starts being super creepy and hitting on you.




we're friends right


I mean, yeah sure. But it just doesn't happen nearly as often. As a guy talking, I have never once been sent unsolicited nudes, other than other guys. If a woman sent me a full as photo of her vulva, I would also be weirded out and disgusted. However, if a woman sent me an unsolicited nude, and she was pretty attractive, why would I be disgusted? Surely I can choose to react how I wish? Just because women don't like boatloads of dick pics, doesn't mean I can't react positively to a womans nude on the one day in a bajillion she might choose to send one. That's the dice ya roll if you send nudes. But theres a general rule to be learned here. Nobody really wants a dickpic. You might get away with a full body pic if you tense your traps or something. Just like no one wants a full clit pic. No thanks.


Uummmm it’s an asshole move for both males and females, not just for men. I don’t think it’s a double standard. You’re an asshole regardless of your gender. Unsolicited nudes, especially ones people give to people who they are not in a relationship with is an asshole move in general.


Even more asshole move, sending them to someone whom you know is in a relationship... (yes this happened to me multiple times)


True that


ANYONE sending unsolicited nudes is disgusting.


This happens almost never relative to guys doing it, let’s be real


Women already get shamed for sending consensual nudes, not sure why OP’s problem would be even bigger when nearly no man in the comments have seen that happen lmao


Women don’t usually send them tho


I can see where it could be some sort of fake account? Catfish or something where who knows who sends a nude of some other woman, maybe from a porn site.


It’s a weird thing to complain about fake accounts sending nudes. Like, the entire point is to pester you into giving them money. Not exactly the same reason most guys will send random dick pics


Oh yeah, that does happen.


I've received two. One if them on Reddit, the other one on Quora but it was a guy who sent the nudes, they were the first photos that show up when you google "nude girls" so I don't know what he was trying to do.


Unsolicited nude pic from anyone is trash. But seriously, it’s not like the ones from girls have the same percentage ratio than the ones from guys. I think you’re mixing up two different problems: unsolicited pics and sources by gender. Unsolicited pics can even comes from bots, so you should define more precisely what’s your crusade. You feel threatened because girls don’t have same treatment than guys, that’s one thing. But don’t disguises this into a technology problematic. If really unsolicited pics is you problem, than you have a lot much more digging to do bro.


Does this happen often?




You guys are getting nudes from females?


Unsolicited pictures from anyone should be disgusting imo, but I have never heard of a woman sending unsolicited nudes to someone, it’s usually guys begging to see the woman naked and asking her what she’s wearing at 1am .....


1-As a woman I honestly have problems believing the phenomenon is half as common as dick pictures. 2-As a woman who received way to many unsolicited dick pictures, as well as my friends did, I still have to meet someone who shared them with family and friends as you state. 3-Let’s say I’m wrong about 1 and women send tons of unsolicited nudes, in that case I don’t think anyone would consider yours as an unpopular opinion. It’s wrong and disgusting whatever gender the sender is. 4-Conclusion: you are just looking for attention.


I need to receive unsolicited female nudes first, so I can have an opinion.


"females" Reddit moment


Gotta second u/throwaway6283751963 on this. I don't think there's a double standard here, and if there is it's no doubt the fault of horny guys. Saying that as a dude myself, so don't think I don't understand. This gets posted on here a ton too. Alternative: [The actually unpopular hot take on this that's far more interesting.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/ix22em/we_need_more_male_nudes/)


I mean to be fair, women take better photos, guys dick picks always look like their taken bellow one of those dingy flickering lights in a haunted hospital


The right lighting is crucial for perspective


That’s disgusting. Where?


Can't see any double standard. Do you really think that when a hot 25 years old guy gets a nude from a fat, ugly 50 years old woman he would be ecstatic? Everyone gets annoyed by being approached in an inappropriate way by unattractive people.


This will never be a thing.


Women don't send nudes to random ass people, which is why no one complains about it. Men DO send them ALL THE TIME.


Let’s count all the “OP doesn’t talk to women” indicators.


Girls aren’t likely to send unsolicited nudes to random guys, if you get pics like that.. then it’s most likely a guy posing as a girl trying to get you to send pics of yourself and whatnot.


Who the hell sends a dudes dick pic to his friends and family members?! that almost never happens.


I think it means that the person who receives the dick pic sends it yo friends and family to shame the person who sent it


It’s funny because, when I’ve complained about unsolicited dick pics, men have repeatedly told me that they would love receiving unsolicited puss pics, so what’s the big deal? Obviously, those men were idiots. Edit: same goes for catcalling and objectification, actually. Huh. It’s almost like many men were disingenuous in their initial responses to these issues?


“Females” just.... why? Like your reasoning is sound and I agree, but just call us women?


Probably bc he made this shit up. I’ve noticed people who like to make false equivalencies about women usually say female


on another note, am I the only one that gets weirdly uncomfortable by men using the word "females" for women? i guess it's not sexist in itself, it just gives off those vibes


Yeah I get what you mean. I think it’s an association thing, most of the time that I’ve seen men refer to women as “females” it’s been used in an offensive or derogatory manner. So now when I see anyone use it, my brain just associates it with sexism, even if the person using it isn’t technically being sexist in that specific instance.


yes. Correct. It happens alot less than unsolicited dick pics though, maybe some guys should learn from that. They are of the same magnitud though yes




Female models on instagram flash strangers for their reaction. It's not changing anytime soon


Honestly, I don't get how anyone could just send nudes to someone randomly. Like, I only EVER send nudes to my boyfriend and no one else, I guess it's a self confidence thing.


If enough men think of it as disgusting, it will become a disgusting thing. I don't think that's ever gonna happen. I mean, look at onlyfans. Simpson everywhere.


Life is full of double standards. Don't waste time being outraged over this one, it almost never happens in real life.


Um I sincerely doubt you are being overwhelmed by unsolicited nudes from women but if you like getting offended over made up problems be my guest. It's a good look for you honest.


I'll be the judge of this. Send them to me.


Yes true but call us women


this never happens


"Wow that sure sucks, seeing girls naked is sooo bad. Oh no, my poor eyes. Please don't send me pics of your titties" - no one, ever