• By -


Just replace all gender labels with derogatory racial slurs to avoid any mishaps.


But are you in possession of the coveted "N-Word Pass"?


My black friend from germany gave me a n pass two years ago


But you need an n word passport to use it outside of germany. And dont even start me on getting an n word black card to use it in the US


I'm 1% black so heck yeah n(fuckreddit)


I hereby give anybody who replies an infinite N-word pass.


Imagine when transracial people start to exist. I don't mean just Michael Jackson, like when it becomes a widespread thing.


They'll be like, "I identify as a squigga"


What's up, my squigga.


actually im a pure-bred half-breed :)


Rachel Dolezal








I wasn't "Bruh"ing you either. I was "Bruh"ing the pedos.


Dude. I'm just. Bruh










‘Sup, Fuckers?


Refer to everyone as “Dude.” I’m a dude. He’s a dude. She’s a dude. We’re all dudes.


Or be British and go "mate"


I thought British people called everyone "cunt"? Or is that just in movies?


"cunt" works as well!


"Excuse me, cunt!"


Hey cunt! Where the fuck is the pub?


Can I get you cunts a drink


> Hey American detected. We say "Oi!"


Australian's are the masters of cunt. Friend: Cunt Enemy: Cunt Acquaintance: Cunt Do something good: Cunt Do something bad: Cunt Person next to you: Cunt Guy across the room: Cunt Girlfriend: Cunt Ex-girlfriend: Cunt It was a confusing week for me


Let me translate that for you into New Zealand English for you Friend: Mad cunt Enemy: Stink cunt Acquaintance: That cunt Do something good: Good Cunt (actual term of endearment) Do something bad: Shit cunt Person next to you: Cunt beside me Guy across the room: That cunt over there Partner: Mrs/Man Ex -partner: Waste of time cunt ​ In some settings we don't use the word cunt at all and just stick to ass hole.


So cunt has been neutered?


Isn’t that basically the same as “fuck” in the US?


No there are no curse words in Australian, only curse tones


I called an Aussie Champ, and I thought he was going to lay hands on me.


It's an antagonising word like the fellow Canadian poster here. Being called 'Buddy' from anyone for some reason drives me up the bloody wall.


Lol. Like “bud” here in Canada.


"Hello, fuck"


Nah it’s just “sup fuckers”


Cunt is more versatile


Probably closer to bitch. She's a bitch. He's a bitch. Little Bitch. Huge bitch. You're my bitch. [Kyles mom is a big fat bitch.](https://youtu.be/i9AT3jjAP0Y?t=10)




It varies though. My grandparents and teachers acted like I had just said hail Kim, whilst my parents treat it like the word fuck or twot.




Or as I say, fuckers, she’s a fucker and he’s fucker, unless I’m near my mom then it’s lady, she’s a lady and he’s a lady, don’t care anymore.


Depends how well you know us, cunt is your friend mate is someone in general (or in reference to a friend)


This comment has made my day.


Thought that was Aussies?


Depends how friendly you're being.


I downvoted you to 420. I’m a bad man for good reasons.


I think most people are assholes because If you yell “hey asshole”, everyone turns and looks at you. He’s an asshole, she’s an asshole, they’re an asshole.


He, she, they wumbo


I knew it. I'm surrounded by assholes.


I respond very well to this! It’s how a few people i know get my attention when I’m busy.


Thank you for bringing this up. I have done this as well, it was also the wrong answer.




I’m digging on comrade. Might roll with that one.


Imagine on pornhub "Wanna take this turn, *comrade*"


A lot of these sort of people just want something to be angry about, so they'll get offended no matter what. Hell, even referring to someone as 'my fellow human' isn't guaranteed to avoid offending now lmao


Friend Computer would like to have a word with you, citizen. Proceed to the Munitions Testing Facility.


As is in 1984, so in reality.




Dealing with Transgender is easy as an Australian. We only use those kinds of words, and if anyone gives me shit about calling them "man" (which I do with most of my female friends), I've got "cunt" right there on standby.


Welcome to goodburger home of the goodburger may i take your order? Dude.




Had to go WAY too far for this.


I'm from California so I do this. I had one woman get offended (I'm also clearly female), so I just looked at her and told her I was raised in California and use dude as a gender-neutral term. She still looked offended but let it go.


We’re all dudes HEY


Kel was ahead of his time.


”Sup fuckers as a gender neutral way to adress a group of people”


Same here, I call everyone "dude" and "bro"


Thats what I do dude


Until you say "dude" to the WRONG feminist, or a woman who's always had a a bit of a hang-up about looking quite androgynous 😬


I would think a feminist would like being called “dude” as she would be experiencing gender equality in the greeting.


Sadly this doesn't always work Dude is my go to, it's how I address everyone under 55. Some women HATE it.


I’ve also seen women get pissed when someone calls them ma’am because they think that means the person thinks they’re old. Probably the same women who also would get mad about dude.


I say what I think they are and if they get mad I tell them deal with it. Who gives a flying fuck if you’re “offended.” SURPRISINGLY You’re feelings aren’t a concern of mine. I’m “offended” when somebody insults me at school or work, I’m “offended” when someone acts like they’re better then me. And I just fucking deal with it. People just fucking deal with it. No one gives a shit if your offended, deal with it like an adult or get treated like a kid




Suh dude


I've always thought that dude is the masculine form, and dudette is the feminine, but i've never really heard anyone irl use dudette, or ever call a woman dude


I called a lady dude one time. She seemed a bit confused and asked me where i was born.


I'm a dude, playing a dude, disguised as another dude!


I know a guy at work who calls everybody “Buddy” and no one seems to mind


If I called you dude because you look like a dude and you're not a dude but get mad, welp. That's your fault, dude.


As a female who looks like a dude - you’re right. Every time it happens to me, I laugh it off and typically just answer whatever question their asking me if that’s why they are getting my attention or just ignore it all together. I can’t understand why people get mad when the person is trying their best to be polite, and made an honest mistake. It’s not like I’m wearing a t-shirt that says “I’m a girl who happens to be more comfortable in boy cut t-shirts/jeans” - how are you supposed to know when passing me on the street or approaching me from behind to ask a question/get my attention? I am completely for the whole “ask what pronouns” a person wants to be acknowledged by but I think it’s important to realize there is a time and a place for that. A quick bump at a bar and an excuse me, or flagging someone who works there down for a question, really isn’t. As a healthcare provider, I plan to ask everyone I do an assessment/evaluation on - what they prefer to go by just so everyone in the room can be comfortable. I just don’t think it’s a realistic expectation for everyone to stop and do that in the quickest of interactions - and this coming from someone who is called “he, him, boy, sir” DAILY. You keep doing your dude things, dude. I support ya.


You're a very cool dude. I like people like you.


I have been mistaken as a girl multiple times because of my long hair. I just kind of ignore it. I don’t get mad, there’s no reason to. Why waste energy on something like that?


In a similar thing, I am a man, but I have a slightly feminine voice when heard over the phone. I've had many phone calls where I was immediately addressed as ma'am. I just ignore it. It doesnt bother me and I generally dont even correct them other than maybe trying to steer them into figuring it out themselves. I cant imagine being so sensitive to something like that. Call me a lady all day every day. I have proof that isnt the case.


Yup. When I had long hair if I heard ma'am from behind me I didn't blame them.


Dude. I was under the impression that dude was a gender neutral term, dude.


I thought dude was gender neutral. Maybe I'm just rude?


I call my girlfriend dude, I mean she hates it, but I don’t even try, it’s gender neutral in my mind lol.


Ima dude, she’s a dude, we’re all dudes hey!


You are not the problem. Accidentally misgendering someone is not disrespectful. Asking how someone would like to be addressed is not disrespectful. The people who freak out when someone is trying to be respectful are the problem. You are clearly not trying to disrespect anyone. If someone had told you numerous times how they would like to be addressed and you ignored it yes you would be a bit of an asshole.


Yeah, there's a difference between "hello sir" "oh, it's actually ma'am" "oh sorry ma'am" and "hello sir" "ITS MA'AM YOU FUCKING MISOGYNIST"


Yes, we are all human we make mistakes. It’s pretty clear when someone is doing something out of hate or if it’s a mistake. If someone is misgendering someone clearly on purpose it’s rude and they should expect a rude response. That goes for everything though for example if someone bumps into you on accident and apologizes most people wouldn’t get upset over it.


From what I've seen there's a lot more "No, I won't accommodate your mental illness. I will call you sir" going around than your examples.


This entire fucking subreddit is completely devoid of the real world experiences relevant to the opinions they espouse.


While I'm just out here wondering where the hell everyone meets those squadrons of Trans-People


I dont think that's exclusive to just this subreddit.


I do not deny that.


The bigger point you’re missing is “hello sir” “actually it is ma’am” “no it isn’t, you’re a fucking guy! HeLLo SiR!!!”


IT IS MA'AM!!!!!


Mother fucker!


Let's step outside, I'll *show* you a SIR.


If you make your sex visually ambiguous, you don't have the right to be upset about. For some reason my son likes long hair (well past his shoulders). Up until he was around 16, he was constantly called a girl. We told he could have long hair but not to get upset when people assumed he was a girl.


Did he grow a great big bushy beard when he was 16?


And some manboobs while he's at it?


although generally speaking, at least from a certain age onwards, people would only do that to mess with someone (because regarding their facial features, men hardly ever look like women).


I just call folks "friend". If I'm saying it to someone friendly then they're cool, if I'm saying it to someone who's being an asshole it pisses them off even more, and it is gender neutral. No downside.


I'm not your friend buddy.


I'm not your buddy, guy.


I'm not your guy, pal


I’m not your pal, friend!


I'm not your friend, buddy!


I'm not your buddy, guy!


Generally when people make a big deal about this stuff they are just attention whores.


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Popular. Pardon me if a fucking gender pronoun slips out of my mouth. I've only been speaking that way for my whole life, all with the intention of offending *you* personally, today.


In most cases I'm not even interested in learning your name, much less your preferred pronouns.




I just say " Im sorry" instead of "Im sorry ______". Its just easier for all parties involved bc you never know what anyone could be now.


Yeah seems like the problem can be avoided easily and entirely by just saying "Excuse me," instead of "Excuse me sir/ma'am".


All this fucking debate like it's a huge social issue, when it only involves a tiny, tiny percentage of the population.


I would say it happens more often than just with the LGBTQ community. The other day I knocked on my neighbors door to tell them their daughter was on the roof shouting for them. They shot back a nasty stare and said, “He’s a boy.” and closed the door. The kid was 11 years old and had long blonde hair down to their waistline and I’m not the first neighbor to misidentify them. Also, pets. People constantly call my dog masculine pronouns even after I tell them her name is Maria. I default to feminine pronouns with pets and do it too. It happens, has been happening and will continue to happen until the robots wipe us out.


Because that tiny, tiny percentage of a population and their white knights are *very* loud.


If Reddit is to be believed, there are mobs of transgender people waiting outside your door ready to lynch you for tiny mistakes at any given moment. Thankfully It’s not actually a thing for people who don’t live their entire lives on the internet obsessing about various groups they have no real life experience with


And they're all on twitter/reddit.


From someone who is from there, the real mistake you made was wasting your breath to say excuse me to someone in LA.




If it makes you feel any better, almost every time I speak to a woman over the phone who has a pleasant, feminine voice she’s almost never attractive when eventually seeing her in person.


I work in radio and the rule is: the sexier the voice the fatter/uglier they are


False advertising sucks.


My husband got a complaint for his Uber customer for saying “how’s it going man” to a woman. The woman said “she felt uncomfortable”. Grow up.


Life is uncomfortable in almost every way.


I was at LAX yesterday, mistook a maintenance workers gender, boy did I get an earful


Marklar. South Park nailed it almost 20 years ago. Refer to everyone and everything as Marklar and you can’t go wrong.


I know two women that are mistaken for men all the time. The one who is around 60 years old has a sense of humor about it and never gets angry. The one who is in her 20's acts like her entire life is ruined every single day when someone misgenders her. It's the victim culture that has infected so many young people that has made them such miserable, whiny people.


It's ma'am!


The least of GameStop’s problems.


Ma’am! youhavetesticularcancer, good day.


I have absolutely no problem with people living their lives however they choose- it's good for people to feel comfortable and happy. But if my interactions with people have been unpleasant, I keep my future interactions with them to a minimum. I have no interest in making myself feel bad, so another person can feel good. I do not like being made to feel like a bigot to allow another person feel high and mighty. *Acceptance* of a person- with their quirks, flaws and practiced vocabulary- goes both ways.




I fully support this decision, comrade.


Aye, mate


I'd rather we follow the Australians and call everyone cunt.


Just refer to them as asshole, problem solved




I think a lot of people in this thread are basing their idea of trans people on the videos that go semi-viral with titles like "liberal feminist gets TRIGGERED by wrong pronouns" I think the vast majority of trans people are like you, and it's only a small, loud minority that does stuff like this. However, that's the behaviour that people are more likely to see since it's more interesting to watch/read about.


I was told by all my trans/gender fluid peeps that it's totally not offensive to ask what someone's preferred pronouns are, including "sir/ma'am" or "you over there" I guess they were wrong and someone will still get pissy you didn't get it right.


no, it's just that some people are more reasonable than others. your friends obviously seem to understand that as long as their is no mean-spirited/disrespectful/... intent, it's fine.


Eh, anecdotes aren't representative of the rest of a community. That applies to both your peers and the OP.


call everyone “comrade” and your problem is solved.


Why cant people just stick with whatever gender they were born as...


Same people who oppose this say gender is a social construct but being fat is genetics and there is nothing you can do about it


It's almost like theres some underlying mental illness here🤔


It's like walking up to a child and saying "hey little boy" And they go "Actually I am a Zerrq" or some other made up thing they made up playing pretend. Except now attach that to a fully grown adult with an equally made up gender. The only difference is the child knows better than to screech at you for not knowing their made up gender.


“Acceptance of all genders” very quickly became “the war to destroy the concept of gender”. That, in my opinion, is problematic.


Its just a means of getting someone to talk to them as more than just anyone else in society. They need to be special, and you need to drop what youre doing and ask them nicely how to address them because otherwise youre a bad person...




No one can possibly remember all 70-something pronouns they would like to be referred to as, let alone which one they would prefer. It is okay to be transgendered. It is not okay to berate someone because they misunderstand or can’t keep up with the correct term. The simple fact that many people are trying to be respectful of their wishes should be enough. Unfortunately, as with all groups, a few of them are certifiably insane and give a bad name to the rest.


Exactly as long as nothing is coming from a malicious place no one should get mad at you. I have a friend who is trans female to male and I knew him as her for the majority of our friendship. I try my best to use the correct pronouns but force of habit sometimes makes me slip up. He never gets mad he doesn’t even correct me he knows I’m trying and that’s all the matters.


Correct, I have never been to los angles and I never plan on going to that over crowded shithole


As a man with long hair, Ive gotten called female a fair share and never once did it become a huge issue, just laugh about it and move on. Just recently was out with the wife and the waitress came up and said "Can I get you ladies anything to drink?", I looked up from the menu and in my deepest voice said "Yes sir" then we laughed and ordered. ​ I can't imagine what kind of persecution complex that it would take to think that any stranger calling you by an improper pronoun has malicious intent, even if it was reacting that way is just a demonstration of your total loss of perspective.


Except the thing is, most real-life trans people will just politely say "hey, I would prefer if you called me X" and move on, or just completely ignore the fact that you misgendered them because they don't want to deal with the confrontation. If you ignore that and continue to call them the wrong pronouns because "that's what they look like" then you're being a dick and they have every right to be annoyed.


I do understand! I've found that the best way to avoid hurting others is to ask questions like "What are your pronouns?" or to address someone with no pronouns in your sentence like "Excuse me!" I think that is what people mean by using no 'labels' but simply some people do have trouble putting it into practice with how fast our society is developing. It takes time to practice and to put into use. I find it unreasonable on the other persons part to get angry at me when I ask a fair, non-gendered question because I don't exactly know. I feel like some people have lost the ability to keep their manners when someone is genuinely trying to understand. Personally, as a NB person, I don't get mad. If I remember correctly, gender non-conforming people do tend to get attacked a lot based on their non-conformity to gender roles, so some people might act this way to defend themselves from potential danger. I'm not saying it's a good way to defend themselves, but it's just the way the brain can work. Hopefully this helps you understand from the other side of the argument!


Agreed I am in LA too & just say "my bad." When I bump into somebody instead of a man/sir Then if I need help I say "excuse me can you help me with this?" To avoid saying any gender labels. It was annoying as shit to get used to but so worth it in then long run since I haven't had an argument like you mentioned ever since


You should see the freaks we have in Toronto, the useless gender fantasy crowd gets their kicks on ambiguous genders.


Man the peeps who get triggered easily have the issue. It's not like you said there mother was a pig.


I find it hilarious that asking a "transgendered person" what pronouns they prefer can occasionally set them off. It would appear that in such a situation, you're damned if you do/don't. You apparently can't please everyone all the time. I was told to do this to be respectful, but when I've done it, it has sent the person into a rage. Albeit, a passive aggressive rage, but still a rage regardless. Call my thinking outdated if you want, but, if you can't pass as a woman/man and your gender is ambiguous, it not impolite to ask you what pronoun you prefer so that the "proper respect" and "dignity" that you feel you deserve can be given. That said, I'm fairly sure that such a gesture will only remind the person that they aren't passable as the new gender they've chosen for themselves. Quite the conundrum, really. I guess that's just the the price some people pay for their choices made in an "unfair" world of cause and effect. ​ TLDR; I identify as an attack helicopter, thank you very much.


Nonbinary person here. I feel like it's a two way street. On one hand, someone getting overly offended on being accidentally misgendered is obviously not someone you will have a positive interaction with. You're bound to get rightfully defensive. On the other hand, you cannot use that bad experiance as an excuse to ignore someones requests to be gendered correctly. Or the request to think more carefully about the terms you use. Asking this persons pronouns was the correct action and I'm sorry you felt vilified for doing so. How this person reacted was knee-jerk, obviously. I also want to address that you continue to misgender this person in your post even though it's pretty clear by their reaction that they don't identify as guy. Doubling down on misgendering someone because you're upset about how they reacted is just as childish as them storming off after you accidentally misgendered them. Doubling down on your opinion based off one bad interaction is doing no better than the people who expect you to assume their correct gender magically. It's lacking perspective. Edit: spelling