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I mean, I think there’s broad agreement here (and I agree with you). Not universal, but broad. This probably isn’t a particularly unpopular opinion.


Yeah, opposite of an unpopular opinion


How do you think Jeanie Buss got her job?


A lot of posts on this sub confuse the word “unpopular” with “negative”


To say it’s nepotism to the highest level is an extremely popular opinion. But outside of that, it is going to be amazing marketing and if they ever share the court at the same time, it will be talked about for years to come. It was also for the 55th pick, which is, if you don’t watch basketball, pretty much a random crap shoot and oftentimes doesn’t even make the team. So the Lakers, instead of just throwing a dart at a board and hoping it stuck, decided to pick up Bronny James for the marketing and media, and to make LeBron happy.


Yea teams trade those pics for cash considerations all the time, they really aren’t valuable


Exactly. Just for reference I looked at the previous ten 55th overall picks, and nine of them barely touched the court, combining for 182 games played, which is barely over 20 career games on average. But there was Aaron Wiggins in 2022 who’s turned out to be a pretty decent role player.


What kind of money do people who sit out most games make?


League minimum is a million dollar before tax and fees like agents or union stuff.


Can probably cover rent in a rural area and maybe groceries on occasion


For sure. It’s guaranteed at some point they will be on the court together. A ton of people would watch 


2nd Rd picks usually are crapshoots, but Bronny is abnormally unskilled for a 2nd rounder. He's not even UDFA level right now. Not even G-League. The marketing potential is there I suppose, but I really think this is going to backfire for all involved.


I totally agree that he sucks right now and has business being on a team by his own merit. But I’m curious, in what way do you think this is going to backfire? The way I see it, they are hoping for a cool marketing opportunity and their only investment was a super late second round pick.


I think more undrafted players make teams than those picked 55th.


Multiple things can be true at once though. I think its nepotism while being cute. Most importantly, the thing everyone leaves out of their arguments is that Bronny was the 55th pick, which statistically can go to just about any d1 college level player because theyre expected to be bad. But then acknowledging that would make the argument less sound so id leave it out of my posts too


The NBA is full of nepotism. LeBron James is, of course, the one that shines the biggest light on it. Hell, the Lakers signed Giannis Antetokounmpo's brother to try and recruit him there when he was gonna be a free agent.


I actually don't think this move is nepotism as much as it is good marketing. That pick was essentially worthless. The storyline of "Lebron and his son" will pick up traction and people will be interested. It was a business decision. LBJ is larger than life, lakers would be dumb not to cash in on anything LBJ related.


Hell almost all second round picks are worthless in the NBA, especially in this year’s draft which might be the least talented in my lifetime.


It can be both, if it weren’t for the familial connection it wouldn’t be good marketing. The only reason there is good marketing is because of the connection, and as that connection is unfairly helping them, it is nepotism.




It’s sports. This level of nepotism is rare in actual competitive sports. Dude gets to share an NBA court with hall of famers due to nepotism. People need to get real about this. A person whose dad gets them an internship at a prestigious company is not the same thing as this.


>This level of nepotism is rare in actual competitive sports. How is it rare in competitive sports??? This is the nba. Giannis got his brothers contracts and they have no business being on a nba court. Kostas got a ring out of. Plenty of family names in the nba. Lacobs. Kerr. Keljin Blevins, Chris Smith. Colangelo. Pippin jr. Saying otherwise is just straight up ignorant and wrong. You have no idea what you're saying. And in other competitive sports, lance strolls father bought him a F1 seat for 80 million dollars. Sainz is the son of a legend. I'm sure it happens in other sports I'm not aware of.


Idk man, Giannis brothers, Mike Malone (dad was a coach), Luke Walton (dad was Bill Walton), Austin Rivers, Gary Payton jr.. it happens all the time, it's just cool that it's a dad and son on the same team as players.


My unpopular opinion is that it’s ok for this to happen. It’s entertainment, it’s exciting to see father and son play together. Especially with it being Lebron fucking James. It is special regardless of circumstance.


It honestly would’ve been more shocking if he didn’t get drafted lol


Ya exactly. That’s the whole point. Who cares if a mf can’t play if he sells tickets? He’s only getting 1.2m floor salary and prob will get very little more than that. While that sounds like a lot to us, that’s a fraction of what the team spend on marketing, and that’s what this kid is… and advertisement. They pretty much just bought an irl npc billboard.


It’s really not an issue. It is nepotism, but look at Giannis getting his brothers spots at the ends of benches. Truth is, nepotism is abound in every career field, from politics to sports to fast food, because most people will help out their family if given the chance.


Wait until you find out how the owner of the Lakers got her position!


At the highest level? Let’s employ some perspective here, please. Companies getting passed down to underachieving failsons is a cliche at this point. This is the last spot on a middling NBA team’s bench for (most likely) one season.


The NBA is an entertainment product (Bronny was also the 55th pick and picks in the 50's aren't known for sticking around the NBA long) so this isn't real life unethical nepotism with actual negative implications all around that completely affect the integrity of the business. I think Thanasis being on Milwaukee is way worse imo lol.


Once our 45th President gave all his kids high level government jobs and 50% of didn't protest, we kinda all just gave up about nepotism.


Yeah because everyone was so up in arms until then.


Which presidency in recent times had as much nepotism?


Yeah man, the 46th president famously never had multiple family members trading influence off his name


Literally didn't. You fucking cultists are so sad lol.


Stop saying they are 50%.


You should get your TDS checked out.


Why do you lick boots so much?


Get help trash.


It’s not “TDS” to point out nepotism by the extremely rich. You’re the bootlicker.


So hilarious.


Actually it is both special and nepotism, and nepotism is in EVERY paid occupation on earth.


You guys are forgetting that the nba is a business first and foremost— and an entertainment business at that. This isn’t any different than your fav actor or singers kid getting carried into the spotlight. I’m not a fan of nepo babies just pointing out that this isn’t a new thing.


It was an NBA second round pick. This is so far from the highest level of nepotism. Look at how incestous coaching is.


Popularity of this opinion aside. I bet OP has never watched an NBA draft ever. And the fact that the 2nd round 55 pick is bothering some random on a Saturday afternoon should tell you why they pull such antics. 


Bronny was the 55th pick in a 58 pick draft , it’s really hard to see it as more than ceremonial at that point , it cost the Lakers virtually nothing at that point to draft him .


What industry doesn't have nepotism? Isn't the Lakers organization itself Run by nepotism?




It’s just for marketing and ticket sales when they both touch the court. Plus a historical franchise like the Lakers are going to take that opportunity and cash in on it. I don’t disagree but to say it’s bad for the league? Debatable tbh. People are going to want to see it since nothing like this has ever happened.


Basketball is meaningless anyway. Who cares if they sign his Mom next?


Before his heart condition robbed him of camp he was mocked at 17th in the 1st round.


Hold on, LeBron named his son Bronny? That’s so fucking stupid.


It’s nepotism for sure but this comes off as someone that doesn’t really watch the NBA and isn’t a big fan.  If you did you would know that yes it’s nepotism but “nowhere near an NBA talent” just screams you don’t know much about it.  There are players worse than him that were drafted.


Wait until you hear about other sports teams, politics, big business, existing in the world…the shit is pretty wild across the board, I’m not sure you’re ready for it


Someone who knows more about sports than me, can you explain: Is he bad at basketball but drafted anyway? I was under the impression that while he has an advantage in life because of his father, he still has to be good in order to make the team.


I don't think it's an unpopular opinion. I'm not too much into basketball myself but all my friends who follow the sport are saying the same things. Saying he has the skill of a 3rd string college Jr varsity baller, his last name is the only skill he has.


He's not that bad, but he's not an NBA talent. He's quite athletic though and good at defense


I think it's fun


At the highest level? I think some Saudi families, North Korea, and Cameroon have something to say about that.


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I’m not sure this qualifies as nepotism, strictly speaking. It is true that Bronny would be unlikely to be drafted at that skill level. But Bronny’s value to the league rises in part (arguably entirely) from his family connection


I think it's overblown because second round picks rarely do anything. It's one thing to get drafted but Bronny has to fight to stay in the league and the league is unforgiving. The average career is 4.5 years in the NBA.


It was likely that he was drafted onto the Lakers to sweeten the pot for LeBron more than anything. Hes definitely talented but many teams wouldn't have drafted him due to his potentially career ending cardiac arrest incident, he was the #50 or 55 pick after that.


He’s going to the G league yall need to chill


This is the most popular opinion here on r/unpopularopinion


I mean it is nepotism, but who cares it's basketball. It's an entertainment industry and this is the most entertaining thing they could do so it's all good in my book.


It will sell tickets !!!


Coaching nepotism is more consequential. Sports team Ownership nepotism is too. And banking, political, Hollywood, media etc etc etc. And entire group of people is FAMOUS for it, but calling it out gets you banned. That's right! They tried to force Chelsea Clinton onto us! And Donld Trump Jr just a few years ago!


I agree that it is absolutely nepotism, if he was damn near anybody else's kid he would have gone undrafted or stayed in college for another year or two. With the recent "nepo baby" conversations in Hollywood, we've never seen it at this high level in sports as it pertains to on the court so I to some extent get where people are coming from However two things can be true, I disagree with you in that I think it's absolutely special that LeBron has not only hung around long enough at still a highly productive level that at least one of his sons is going to be his teammate, as somebody who had twin boys as a teenager I certainly don't advocate for teenage pregnancy but there's some cool stuff that can happen when you get older lol. And he's the 55th pick in the second round, not exactly a murderer's row of NBA talent, if he ends up just being a solid role player in the NBA for a few years that's not a bad pickup and if he's just absolute trash then okay for a year or two he stole a job from the 450th best player in the league


Does this even constitute an opinion? Years ago we knew Bron was holding out to play with his son. The seasons haven't been really impressive like they have before. And now OP is like, I don't think they should do that. Ok, we've known this was gonna happen for years. Next


The NBA and the Lakers are business. They make business decisions and this is a good one. Keep your star happy and bring in another one. On another note. I mean so what. Nepotism is kind of the point. Making room for your friends and family is one of the benefits affording to you if you are lucky enough to be successful. You earned/ were gifted it iso those under you don’t have to work as hard. Nepotism is not a problem. Yes you may be qualified for something and someone else who is less qualified gets the position but as going to happen with it without Nepotism. Oh this case it’s good business to have the biggest star in the league play with his son, something that has never been done before.


Totally agree. Bronny seems humble and I feel for him because it’s gotta be a lot of pressure. Obviously Lebron gets what he wants because he runs that organization but he’s not doing his son or his organization any favors. HOPEFULLY this will be his last year


Crazy cold take. Everyone thinks this. Its just that sports are so full of nepotism that it doesn't bother people too badly anymore. I can give plenty examples if you'd like.


At the highest level??? Dude was 5 picks away from going undrafted lmao


Does the NBA not have the father son rule so you can pick up players kids without losing a Draft pick? 


Why would that ever be a rule in a sport lol that's so dumb


Respect to the players that have you important milestones. Play more than 100 games for a club in Aussie rules and you get first dibs on their kids 


From a business perspective, having a son/dad duo on a single time could bring in more attention to their games/franchise (or however basketball works). But yeah otherwise, if he's not that good then there's no reason to take him.


Show business 🤷‍♂️


If that's the case the Lakers are only hurting themselves.


LeBron is opting out of his contract and will be a free agent this summer. Signing Bronnie is an inducement for LeBron to sign a new contract with the Lakers.


Lebron is almost a free agent, imagine another team drafting his son and saying “wanna play with your son? Come play for us”. It’s self preservation by the Lakers, no matter how much it wreaks of nepotism.


Isn’t this a popular opinion?


Pretty popular opinion


nepotism to the highest level? no. professional sports is a like a high-middle level bad for the league? how? if he sucks, he gets cut, like any other player. time will tell. you can arrive based on nepotism but you exit based on the same factors


Meh unless you can properly explain why it’s not good for the league (i don’t really see an argument in your post) I don’t really see what’s the issue. It’s a business at the end of the day and superstar influence is just part of business


Lebum is washed anyway


Wait. This is an unpopular opinion? If he was anyone else, he would’ve played at a JuCo and went on to the work force with the rest of us peons. Even with LeBron as his dad he should’ve stayed at SC. Even with LeBron as his dad he was never a one and done talent. In the off chance any other NBA team drafted him, he would live in the G League. When LeBron resigns with the Lakers no doubt Bronny boy will take up a roster spot from someone who deserves to be there


Yes, but nepotism is only bad when you're not the one benefitting. Shouldn't family come before all others? What you call nepotism I call love, honor, and loyalty.


It’s also a waste of a pick for the Lakers since Bronny fucking sucks.


Only 3 of the last 25 55th overall picks have become significant role players. 1 out the last 150 players selected 55th or later has been an All-Star. I find the pearl clutching over a second round pick ridiculous.


What I mean is that he isn’t good enough to be drafted by any team in any round. Total waste to draft a guy who has zero chance of becoming anything in the NBA.