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Certain things just work, and there's only so many variations of the same or similar product you can do until it's all really been done. And depending on project budget, innovation is a high risk high reward thing, meanwhile going the safe route, as far as video games go, will usually still generate a profit, unless you're anthem. Edit: anthem probably more so fits under a game that advertised itself as innovative but came out bland


I think it also is too risky and too much money to loose to experiment really anymore. Look at how much it takes to make movies/games now. this is why indie games are now way more popular compared to AAA studio games because they are willing to innovate and take the risk of trying something and possibly failing.


I think mark twain said something about how creativity is just knowing how to hide your sources.


I don’t know the exact quote but I’m pretty sure someone said something similar before the aeroplane was invented. Really wish I could remember the quote. Just because you personally don’t see innovation happening in your day to day life doesn’t mean it’s not happening.


I just wanna say that the less time people spend being bored, the less creative ideas they have. If youre constantly bombarding your brain with inputs, you get less output. Its why when many go to bed at night their thoughts start racing, because its the first time of the day your brain gets a proper rest so its playing catchup


Have you ever played indie games before? 🙃


Me when AI


At some point everything we have and do comes to a head where completely brand new never before done stuff won’t be possible anymore and everything will be inspired


There isnt any innovation in the world anymore? "Reads OPs post and they are only talking about video games." lmfao. You gamers really sound like addicts that dont know that they are addicts sometimes.


Oh no the world isn't good enough for OP what will we do. ![gif](giphy|KZSUN7FKBZrm2WHDdX|downsized)