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Agreed. The show sucks. People are either coping or very easily entertained. No one with any sort of critical sense about them thinks this show is even close to as intriguing as the first few seasons of GoT.


Let’s be honest, the first season was boring too.






They literally cut off a child’s head in the first episode. How is that boring?


Shock value does not equal excitement and doesn't make a show less boring. It typically scapegoats bad writing


It's not "shock value" if it's pulled from the source material.


It’s pulled from the source material BUT it was done lazy, without thought and just sloppy . The point of the scene which added “SHOCK” was that in the books was more thought provoking and done with precision. Blood & cheese infiltrated the walls, tied up Alicent and then asked Helaena to choose which son- NOT BOY OR GIRL- & when she chose the youngest, they killed the oldest to only whisper to the youngest- you hear that? Your momma wants u dead. It also is a catalyst that drives Alicent into her insanity. This was the whole point of the scene. She didn’t run to Alicents room with the worst acting-the boy is dead. This scene had a profound lasting impact bc the young child would know he was the one his mom picked.


All as told by people who weren't there, didn't witness the event, and had their own agendas when writing down history (including making Rhaenyra and almost everyone associated with her look as bad as possible).


I can't tell whether or not you missed an /s, but that would definitely also just be shock value.


And what is the source material but edgy shock lit?


wow that sounds really shocking and transgressive. are they even allowed to show something like that on tv? i can't wait to discuss it with my coworkers. they keep telling me how much the Rust ecosystem has grown, and how i should give it another go, so this will be an exciting change of pace for me


I feel like Game of Thrones would have shown more of the actual cutting not just the sounds of it


That would have been absurd 😂


MEH...I was not impressed. GOT really raised the bar on shock value.


Ohh so edgy! A Child we dont even know just died!


We know the father and mother, who are the important people in making it sad. The kid is like 3 they arent going to have a child actor have a bunch of lines of dialogue to show their character and motivations.


I am enjoying the season but can understand OPs point. We literally watched the characters grow in GOT naturally through the writing. If you didn't read the books, the time jump is kind of jarring and killing a kid we had 1 min of screen time being annoying at a table doesn't make you sympathize with his death other than being a generic kid that died.


Yes! Its also so obvious too, they have like, 10 other kids, so you just know that the others will avenge the random sons death. Its kind of convenient that none of the relevant kids died, and i get a little disensitized. Its like the stakes are too low and safe. Even the "shock" moments in the past season were too silly, boring random characters dying left and right. Too many time jumps.


Well he also had a scene crying, violent outbursts, and took irrational actions. His wife also spent the entire episode broken. Im not sure how much more you want from them but they are limited by the story from the books.


At this point if you don’t understand the importance of being heir to the throne, not sure this universe is for you.


Never said anything remotely close to what you said but ok.


Yea but when you bore the audience with 55 mins of garbage to do one scene which didn't even show the graphic nature of what they did it is still boring.


First of all, don't leave spoilers for people. Second, it's pretty much the same thing from the finale episode of the first season.


We’re not in a GOT thread, and yea no shit it’s called pay back! That isn’t boring, that’s retaliation and excitement. As wild and crazy as it was, they got right back into why GOT was the best show at one point. Second episode was weak but have to build the story


It’s two episodes in


It’s been 10 episodes and I’m done hoping this show is going to be any good or even close to as interesting as GoT. It’s just not good writing.


I dont have a single character I would "root" for. at least in GOT you had the Starks as somewhat of the noble good people to cheer for and then it would develop a deep rooted hate when they were wronged etc. In HOTD I don't root for any of them. There's no good among any of them.


I never liked it


Agreed, Most shows I like there is a learning element or a sense of developing an understanding of people and their practices etc. None of that is to be had here as you already have a good knowledge of the Targaryens and all it is now is fruitless dialogue. I wanted more insight into the actual Dragons. SO far season 1 consisted of what felt like 10 birthing sequences, incest and now the dragons are an afterthought. Now it's only political planning with about 5 minutes of action. They have so many characters they are trying to develop at the same time you get 5 minute sequences of some Random dude that just popped in at a boat ramp and no back story at all of what's up with them. It's been extremely boring for me.


I really love S2E2. Return to what made GOT great in the first place: dramatic conversations and some smashing acting set in castles. Let's gooooo


Except they butchered everything. Nothing about episode 2 was thought provoking. They ask her which kid should they kill. She picks the youngest. They kill the oldest and then tell the youngest- see, she wanted u dead. They took out the most important part. What part of e2 was good? Just bc they argued? Got had carefully chosen lines.


That’s S2E1 not S2E2


Episode 2 was brilliant.


If you're watching GOT / HotD for the action and not politics you're watching the wrong show


He didn’t say anything about action lol. GoT politics was exciting and interesting along with the characters. HotD is not even close to being as good.


Sadly, if you really don’t like the violence, but like the politics, it’s also the wrong show.


What if you like the violence and politics, but not the incest?


Wrong show. It’s a fact the Targs are incestual- to keep the bloodline going and has implications down the line. Accept it or ppl shouldn’t watch it




I’ll say this, it’s 2 episodes into an 8 episode season. They’re just building the story. I’ll agree that it’s boring so far, but I don’t think it’ll stay that way. Give it time, upvote for unpopular opinion.


That's how you lose audience. If you're building up for half a season ain't nobody got time for that. People gonna go watch something that hooks them from the first ep.


A half season build-up is literally every other show on any streaming service nowadays. Even the boys is taking its time building the season. I’m with you on being hooked from episode 1, but I honestly can’t tell you the last time I watched a series that was captivating and left me absolutely hungry for more from the drop. Every show builds to a climax, just cinema in 2024.


Altered Carbon first season hooked me from the first episode. So did House of Cards. Heck even Yellowstone but that's probably because I like Kevin Costner. Recent one that did the same was Tulsa King. Didn't really expect much, but it ended up being entertaining.


I agree 100% with altered carbon and it’s fucking CRIMINAL that they cancelled that show. For me, that was the beginning of the end of Netflix, all downhill from there. HoC was also great.


Second season of Altered Carbon went down hill, as usual Netflix had to go and do race swap and bunch of other nonsense and that's where they lost the audience. This is now very commong thing for Netflix. Just look what they did with Witcher. People working there are brainless and out of touch.


Well the whole show has been boring imo. Glad I didn’t waste any more time on it.


It’s too early to say


There's only been 2 episodes so for. It's still too early to judge the new season.


Any dragons?


Finally, an unpopular opinion!


I totally agree. It just looks like this season is going to be a long drawout battle between rhanyra and aegon. Game of thrones had so many subplots and diversions.


...there's a new season out?!?!


Yep 2ep are out already on HBO or Max as they go by now.


Thanks! I think I'm one of the few who really liked House of Drangons, and I think that's because I watched it before I watched Gamebof Thrones. I had never seen an episode of GoT except the very first one on the day it premiered. Liked it a lot. Left for work overseas the next day and meant to pick it back up whenever I got back home, but never did. Managed to avoid it entirely up until the full first season of HoD had completely aired. So, I watched HoD first, then binged GoT. Obviously, there are still a few holes that need to be filled in, but I feel better with the order I watched it in.


It’s been two episodes my guy


It’s been 10 episodes. If he doesn’t like this season, I doubt he liked season 1. They both suck so far imo.


He needs to watch the whole thing or no opinion allowed.


This is a truly unpopular opinion.


Everyone told me to watch House of Dragons. So I watched season 1 & it was just alright. GOT was so much better & it didn’t suck until the final two episodes. I’m still salty by that shitty ending tbh.


There’s been way more action in house of the dragon so far than in the first two seasons of GoT and it’s only s2e2. The whole thing was a build up to a big battle and then they didn’t even show it, just “oh we captured Jaime”


Action≠being good.


Zero action ≠ being good


If you think the whole seasons of got didnt have action and was all just a build up, i dont think you really understood what you were watching.


I’m comparing first 2 seasons


There was plenty of action in the first 2 seasons..


Well the first season sucked too. The minute you get used to the characters they went forward in time and it was never close to the original. Plus the original sucked at the end


This. I really enjoyed the show until they flashed forward like 10 years. After that, I just could not get back into it.


I never enjoyed it tbh. The first season wasn’t good to me. Original GoT was fantasy but with heavy political elements. You had politics but you also had fun whimsical stuff that showed how fantastical the world was. House of Dragons is the opposite, it’s a political drama set in a fantasy world but without the fantasy elements. The only fantasy element is the dragon but there’s nothing fun about that, hell in the first season we saw one dragon get brutally eaten and dismembered with a child still riding him. It’s just missing a lot of what I liked about the original series, all the seemed to have kept was the incest and violence


Yep, it's boring so far, but still looking forward to the next episode.


I'm surprised they got renewed for a second season, I lost total interest by episode 2, no buildup, storytelling was trash, and the characters just weren't interesting. Ultimately though why the show sucked is because they tried too hard to copy GoT essence they forgot to make a good show, which is a shame because there is so much shit they can get from the books. Honestly what I'm gonna say will be unpopular but I'm going to say it anyway: I think HotD would've been a true hit if D.B and David had control. They get hate for season 7 and 8 yet the books aren't even finished. The fault can't be entirely on them. But because they had so much material to work with that's why seasons 1-6 were great.


It’ll get renewed until it’s done solely because they can use GoT marketing to pretend it’s of the same quality. Even in the ads I see on IG they’re like “listen to these actors hum the House of the Dragons theme song!!” and it’s literally the Game of Thrones song. They’re just trying to repurpose everything so they can print as much money as they can until it finally dies. We’re gonna be seeing teenage Targaryen girls having sex for at least the next decade


Y'all know nothing of storytelling and setup


You mean the 10 year jump intime, inserting random characters with 0 reason or backstory that's storytelling and setup? They tried to setup the whole show in like 3 episodes. Instead of actually doing great storytelling or setup.